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Therefore, when hi s own fraternity laid •t s pl:tn s he turn ed loose his fund of factl'!, logic and per· s U:asi\'t powerA 1n fa vor of all-lumber con!ltruction :to such ~oOd effect that hi s idtas pre,•ai led . The ,res ult is that the Pi Kappa Ph i hoys :tre nQw housed in a large and substantia l three-s tory home in .whi~h WQQ<I~of mnny kind!! ,h:wc contributed' to the beauty, clis tiuction and durability of the struc· ture. Ten. different wOods hav"· been used in bui lding nud dccoratinJ:" this northern colonia l type fraternity home, a ll but l\\'0 o f which nrc grown and manufactured on the P11cific Coas t. These ten arc Douglas fir, wes tern hem lock, noble fir, big leaf rn:t.ple, StWar pine, sitk:t s pruce, blaek walnut, western reel

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IA !Iof l!:" 1". L \ 'W'Ctl raduata or lhfrphy H/Jh in tr.ll, 1m1d editor of tha Rammn J4m· ltr, humor publication of tha Unl· 4 ralty or Alabama, Ia tha aon ol r, Jamr. r. and lira. t 'annla c. )'nc:h. who /lvu at 3 South Scott f i l l. Lynch ,.. .. prumlnenlly tntlfled In varloua atud,nt I CUvl· u whlit at hllh aeh~M~ I hut. rank Allen, formerJ,r of Joloblle, ~ • .,rve u hualntu m•najlu. ~neb .,·aa an •nlllant editor th la a r Ia Allen Wll ahltllnt bual• N mln&~er. Lyndl Ia a mc~ruber Pi KtppaPhl fral tmllyand will ter th1 11nlor law ela,. t hla .ar. II• baa llrved •• humor edl· r Hltor or the Corolla, atuden l nu al,, a.nd on tha Crlm1on-Whtte . ~If a.t1d Glee clUb, 1141 auccud-

Detroit " Free Press" con'Vention publicity; Harper gets plenty of space in Richmond "Times-Dispatch"; Culbertson ( t.) rates Spartanburg " Journal"; Brinson's (II) honors mentioned by Augusta (Ga.) " Chronicle"; nice spread for Jackson (0) in Uni'Versity of Alabama " Crimson and White"; " West Coast Lumberman" and " Western Wood Worker" feature Alpha Zeta house; Hill (.AP) gets excellent write-up in Morgantown " Post" ; Paxton (P) honored according to Richmond " N ews-Leoder" ; Mutispaugh (.A E) Plant City (Fla.) " Courier"; L ynch ( 0 ) honored, Mobile " R egister."

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