Piedmont Craftsmen presents an annual theme show - Tension of Opposites. Our artists are given the theme show in January and are asked to create a piece of art that fits the theme. The show is online and in our Gallery in Winston-Salem, NC. The 25 artists in this year's show are: O'Neal Jones, Douglas Bringle, Lucy Clark, Ann Harwell, Rob Herion, Mana Hewitt, Sharron Parker, Kathy King, Steven Summerville, Deborah Bryant, Jody Ochs, David Voorhees, Emerald Estock, Barbara McFadyen, Mary Gunyuzlu, Susan Webb Lee, Rob Helmkamp, Lori Warren, Penny Truitt, Ali Wieboldt, Betti Pettinati Longinotti, Lynne Sward, Glenna M. Fleiner, Marina Bosetti, and Ian Herdell.