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wreck families. It makes millions for the lawyers, while the misplaced children roam the streets, without fathers to supervise them. Judges used to try to save families. Now that judges have realized there is no profit in it for their Club, the lawyers and Judges; they all belong to the same club, the bar association. They no longer try to save families any more; they realize, there is no profit in it for the lawyers, then.

A Judgment Day Is Coming There is an organization called “COURT WATCH” around the country, which is beginning to sit in on trials by different judges, and take notes, to be used as evidence against them later. Many of the Bankers, politicians and judges have their Swiss Bank accounts and their yachts or Lear jets, ready to leave the U.S.A. when the inevitable economic crash comes. I predict they will be hunted to the ends of the earth, and brought back to stand trial for treason, for what they have knowingly done to America. It will be like the Nazi war criminals, which were hunted after World War ll. Today, we are in the same position with Sarah Brady, Chairperson, Handgun Control, Inc., in her own words, said to liberal U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum, as she lobbied in support of a ban on semi automatic firearms, “OUR TASKS OF CREATING A SOCIALIST AMERICA CAN ONLY SUCCEED, WHEN THOSE WHO WOULD RESIST US, HAVE BEEN TOTALLY DISARMED.” How many liberal judges doing the Zionist Bankers dirty work, do we have out there, waiting to rule in her favor, to take our means of self defense from us?, Politicians and judges prefer unarmed peasants. Just as they have caused our present rising crisis of race relations, with the Zionist federal system demanding and forcing integration, upon a population that is so genetically different in many instances, that they can never reach peace without the total destruction of each race, and the creating of a mulatto peoples. Which means the death of our western culture, as each race of people, have their own particular lifestyle and culture! During the last 60 years our Zionist controlled governments, have defamed the people of the west, their hero’s, their history, their roots, denigrated our own traditions and culture. They have spewed hatred against our countries and betrayed their own race, while trying to build up and preserve all other cultures. Why? The judges ruined our schools, when they listened to one vicious anti-Christian woman complain, then took prayer out of the schools. There will always be some idiot out there asking for something wrong. It’s the judges that give into them, by taking away our rights. America lost its separation of powers, when they let the Zionist lawyers take over the nation. They (the Judges), ruined our neighborhoods, and thus our ethnic separateness and esprit-de-corps and morals, with their “bussing” decision some 50 years ago. Now, no neighborhood can be designed with a local school and park in the center, to give the convenience and safety of children walking to school with their neighbors, because judge made “law” forces them to be kidnapped by the government, and be bussed across town and back. They are also doing everything in their power, to destroy the American families, by supporting the unlawful Zionist (FRB), Federal Reserve Bank Act of 1913 which relinquished Congresses’ money control, to a privately owned bank, owned by eight (mostly foreign) banking families’ who collect about 10 % interest on every dollar in circulation, every year. By a special law they had passed, the U.S. Government has not been able to even audit their books till recently Ron Paul had a partial audit done and the Federal Reserve Corporation pays no income tax. WHY? They have usurped the power of congress to “coin money.” (Art. 1 Sec. 8 clause five of U. S. Constitution.) I listed these eight Zionist families, actual owners of the FED in the first part of this book. QUESTIONS: If a burglar breaks into your home or place of business and steals what you have bought and paid for with the sweat of our brow, is he not our enemy? If someone attempts to do the same think by use of threats, intimidation or coercion, using “laws” they have passed for their benefit, is this not extortion, and are they not our enemy? Every individual has certain inalienable rights, granted by God, not by man. Those who propose laws and those who pass laws that deprive us of those rights, are they not enemies to? Page 122 of 218

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