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Churches to “incorporate,” are doing so simply to make money for themselves? It costs money to set up and maintain a “Corporation.” I have a problem with a Church, which should be only under the Sovereignty of God, asking a lesser sovereign [the State] for the right to exist, and then for a tax “exempt status,” when they are immune from taxes from the beginning in the IRS Code. This is begging the state for the right to exist. As you can see any law the state or the Federal Government were to pass, controlling Churches, is an unconstitutional law, and the law would be null, void and of no effect from the day it was passed. On the other hand, once a Church volunteers to “incorporate,” it becomes a “creation of the Government” “NOT GOD” and there are thousands of laws controlling Corporations already in existence. And if any of these laws are broken the Government can Padlock the Church, take the land and buildings and fine the Minister, or imprison him, all of which they are already doing! When we take into consideration all the other religious organizations in the United States, the rites of one religious body are considered in the courts, just as credible as any other. Today this is even interpreted by the courts to mean, even the God and Bible denying Satanist and witches in their Churches. Why can’t the county Tax Assessors recognize, a simple non denominational Bible believing Church?

“NO LAW”, is NO LAW AT ALL Where did this SO-Called Separation of Church and State “GARBACH” come from? No where in the U. S. Constitution, the Bill of rights or anywhere else in the papers the founding fathers gave this Country, can the lie about the so called “separation of Church and state” be found. In fact never in history, has the Bible been left out of Government until, this Zionist promulgated lie got started in the U. S. A. Now look at the trouble this country is in. This lie came from a misunderstood statement, by Thomas Jefferson who had no part in writing these documents. Yet for years I have heard Government officials and news commentators espouse the false Doctoring of “separation of Church and State,” while at the same time making tyrannical Edicts that a Church must be created by the State, thorough incorporation and licensing of Ministers. In England and other Countries the Governments taxed the people to Support only the State sponsored Churches. Even if you belonged to another Church of your choice, you were still taxed, to support the State Church. Our Foundling Fathers wanted none of this; they wanted everyone to support the Church or their choice, in other words freedom of religion. So when they formed our Constitution they deliberately put in the Concept “THEIR WOULD BE NO STATE RELIGION” by saying that; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ....etc. So this took away the chance that you could ever be taxed for a Church, you did not belong to or want to support. There could never be a State Church in America. First you may think this has nothing to do with the Zionist Bankers, but if the Churches were not incorporated the Ministers could speak, out against the tyranny and robbery of the Federal Reserve Bankers and the Politicians in Government who support it. The ones responsible for all the bad laws, and keeping them in control of America, and making Slaves of all Americans, to the Illegal, Immoral, unconstitutional Income Tax system, these Zionist FRB bankers brought on to the Country in 1913. The Churches could teach the people about the Constitution, Good Government, Good laws verses Bad Laws, as the Ministers did when this Country was founded, and won its independence from the Tyranny, of the Tyrannical Kings of England. It was the Ministers and the Bible teachings that led the fight against England, and their Tyrannical laws and taxation, and won our freedom from England. At the time we didn’t even have an army, but the Ministers first taught then organized the people to want freedom bad enough to fight for it. IT WAS THE MINISTERS WHO ORGANIZED THE PEOPLE TO FIGHT AGAINST TYRANNY AND FOR FREEDOM. Did you ever wonder why today the Churches are forbidden, by federal law from speaking out on major Biblical moral issues of our day, such as freedom of speech, who is best suited for public office, Page 86 of 218

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