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muggers rule the streets of our nation. The government thinks nothing of spending millions of dollars, to investigate and fight patriots or a religious group, who’s only crime is wanting to get the government off our backs. They just want to be left alone. With the millions of laws on the books they can always make a criminal of anyone they want to silence. Today they try to tell us that “IGNORANCE OF THE ‘LAW’ IS NO EXCUSE” for breaking a law. That “saying,” came from the days, when the Judge came in to the court room, with a Bible under his arm, and the Bible contained all the laws necessary for a civilized people, to live by. Now we have many thousands of law books, and millions of laws, rules and regulations. And lawyers specialize in small sections of law, because even Lawyers can’t begin to know, but a very small portion of these millions of laws. Israel’s Hebrew-language daily newspaper, ”ARIV, of September 2, 1994, and reprinted in “The Truth At Last” Newspaper P.O. Box 1211 Marietta Georgia 30061, issue #380, States that Clinton has appointed so many “Jews” to key positions, that the organized Zionist Jewish community is now in effective control over the entire U.S. government. Clinton must have a love affair with these people, who make up less than 3% of the American population, because, 60 % of the hundreds of people he has picked to run major government agencies like Cabinet members, the IRS, CIA, FRB, Director of the Mint, Director of State Department Policy, Labor Secretary, 7 0f the 11 top staffers of the National Security Council, Attorney General, Secretary of the Treasury, BATF, who is after gun confiscation in America, and many, many more government agencies are now totally controlled by “Zionist Jews.” They have not only taken control of the agencies, but they have fired the “gentiles” under them, replacing them with “Jews”, which make up at least 80 % of the administration. Other presidents are doing the same. The paper goes on to brag that; ... “The situation is not much different in the president’s office which is full of “warm” Jews... Rehm Emmanuel, President Clinton’s senior advisor in charge of coordinating special projects in the White House. His office is located next to the famous Oval Office...He has become an expert at communicating with Congress and has already had many successes, the most prominent of which was the ramification of NAFTA. Now he is immersed in passing of the Health Bill...which will help the Zionist Doctors make a lot more money. The enormous Jewish influence in Washington is not limited to the government. In the Washington media a very significant part of the most important personages and of the presenters of the most popular programs on the TV are “warm” Zionist Jews. A significant part of senior news media, correspondents, newspaper editors and annalists, are Jewish and many of them are warm Jews too...At the National Center of Medicine the percentage of Jewish researchers is very much higher, than their relative percentage in the population. In the field of security and science, in the film industry, in art and in literature, the Jewish influence can only be described as immense, with a corresponding enhancement of Zionist Jewish power.” It is no wonder the U. S. A. Sends so much money to Israel every year with the Zionist’s running the Government. We cannot have a rehabilitation of the U. S. A. Until the citizenry as a whole is made aware of the existence of the predatory element, in the body politic doing the will, of the Zionist Bankers which the evidence reveals, as well as by its own testimony, is proven responsible for the depressed times, upon which the America and the world has fallen. It both shocks and stirs the layman at first, to be told that America harbors a people who are not content with merely enjoying its hospitality, and its free institutions on a basis of sportsman-like competition with all other races, but cherish attaining rule over the entire earth, imposing with American help, their own peculiar brand of culture and slavery, on those countries weather those countries like it or not. Hundreds of Jewish writers admit that tolerances and gullibility in NON Jewish races are merely evidences of weaknesses, of which it is entirely fitting and proper for their race to take full advantage of. They also admit that they are a nation, within a nation, owing loyalty only to the Zionist super State, the State of Israel. They can only recognize one Fatherland, Palestine. The first world Zionist Page 93 of 218

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