NNCC Newsletter 2009

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reetings! I would like to take you through

have greater access to primary care and well-

the highlights so we can all bask together

ness services by creating a $50 million grant

in the achievements and happenings of the past

program to support nurse-managed health

couple of years...

clinics (NMHCs). The new grant program would

The first joint conference that we conducted

be placed within the Public Health Service Act

with the Community Service and Development

and be administered by the Health Resources

Trust of New Zealand, the New Zealand Nursing

and Services Administration’s Bureau of Pri-

Centers Consortium, entitled Global Healthcare

mary Health Care. In another a major step for-

Solutions for Vulnerable Populations was a great

ward, language supporting our grant program

success. The conference was an outcome of a

was included in the historic health care reform

2005 Eisenhower Fellowship Tine had in New

legislation currently being proposed by the

Zealand, and was held in Auckland, NZ, with par-

Senate’s Committee on Health Education La-

ticipants from such far flung places as Australia,

bor and Pensions. The changes in Congress

Ireland, Pakistan, and the United States conduct-

have mage the passage of major health care

ed discussions to address access to health care

reform legislation very likely. The inclusion of

from a community action, global and healthcare

our bill language in the Senate’s reform pro-

professional perspective. Specifically, the confer-

posal may give us the vehicle we need to make

We have continued in our ongoing activities

ence’s emphasis was on population-based and

the grant program a reality. For the NNCC, this

to provide a venue for nurse managed centers

community-based healthcare along with health

represents the culmination of our years of hard

throughout the country to share information

promotion and preventive care through nurse-

work to obtain federal support for the fiscal

and resources, through formal and informal

managed and nurse-led primary care and public

sustainability of our member centers. Now we

ways. Our other committees have been very

health programs. Plenary speakers included Min-

must keep up the pressure on our legislators to

active and productive, and have contributed

istry of Pacific Island Affairs Chief Executive Colin

ensure that funding for nurse-managed health

greatly to the work of the Consortium. For ex-

Tukuitonga; Director-General of Health Stephen

centers remains a part of health care reform.

ample, the Education and Program Committee

McKernan; and Diane Robertson from the Auck-

Please stay connected to us for updates and

is working energetically on planning for our

land City Mission. The NNCC was very well rep-

alerts regarding progress of these bills.

2009 Annual Conference, which is scheduled to

resented by a delegation that included Drs. Ken

Under the direction of Dr. Nancy Rothman,

be held in November 5-7, 2009 in Philadelphia.

Miller, Mary Jo Baisch, Tom Mackey, JoAnne Pohl,

Chair of the Quality Assurance and Research

We will keep everyone updated on the details of

Kate Fiandt, Joanne Pohl, Susan Antol, and Rebec-

Committee, a two-day workshop was convened

this upcoming program as they develop.

ca Wiseman and staff from NNCC, including Tine

in Independence Foundation headquarters in

As we move along through the remainder of

Hansen-Turton, Laura Line and Molly Pebberidge.

Philadelphia, to begin the work of developing

this year, let us continually remember our goals

We continue to work hard in the policy ad-

standards for nurse managed health centers.

as an organization: provide national leadership in

vocacy arena. Through the tireless efforts of

This effort will attempt to define, set and recom-

identifying, tracking, and advising healthcare pol-

our Executive Director, Tine, and Brian Valdez,

mend quality standards for member centers,

icy development; position nurse-managed health

Health Policy Manager, The Nurse-Managed

which can be to measure outcomes related to

centers as a recognized cost-effective mainstream

Health Clinic Investment Act of 2009 (formerly

client care elements, cost of care and nurse-

health care model; and foster partnerships with

S. 2112) was successfully reintroduced in the

managed health centers’ impact on health sta-

people and groups who share common goals.

U.S. Senate on May 20, 2009. The new num-

tus, as well as other standard elements still to be

Having these goals front and center, we will ful-

bered S. 1104 also has a companion bill HR

defined. Work on these standards will continue

fill our mission as an organization, which is to

2754 introduced in the House of Representa-

in the near future, which will hopefully culmi-

strengthen the capacity, growth and development

tives on June 8th 2009. This legislation would

nate in a set of standards that can be used for

of nurse-managed health centers to provide qual-

strengthen the nation’s healthcare safety-net

a variety of quality assurance and continuous

ity care to vulnerable populations and to eliminate

and ensure that the medically underserved

quality improvement purposes.

health disparities in underserved communities.

www.NNCC.us p 4

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