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601. A Diamond and Pink Diamond Hairband 粉紅色鑽石配鑽石髮飾 • Florets decorated by circular-cut pink diamonds and variously-cut diamonds, totalling approximately 7.15 carats • 18 karat white and pink gold Estimate HK$ 110,000-130,000 US$ 14,000-16,500

As the Argyle mine, in remote Western Australia, nears the end of its life, in 2020, the pink diamonds that it yields, become ever rarer day by day, prized around the world as today’s ultimate possessions. The discovery of Argyle was to change the course of jewellery history, and transform the lives and fortunes of the indigenous peoples of East Kimberley. Rio Tinto opened the Argyle Diamond Mine in 1985, presenting the world with an unprecedented stream of exquisite pink diamonds of incomparable brilliance, tone and beauty. Through history, discoveries of pink diamonds, in India, Brazil, Africa, had been sporadic, unexpected and unpredictable. Never before had there been a single, sustained source of pink diamonds anywhere in the world. 作為全球粉紅鑽石的主要產地,位於澳洲西部偏僻地區的阿蓋爾礦源已經來到 壽命的倒數階段,估計將於2020年正式停止運作。由此可見,粉紅鑽的稀有 程度每天都在遞增中,世界各地的藏家及投資者近年對粉鑽趨之若䳱,這種 粉彩艷麗的寶石已成為極端奢侈品。阿蓋爾礦源的出現完全改變了珠寶的歷史, 並改寫了澳洲東金百利區原住民的命運。Rio Tinto於1985年正式進駐阿蓋爾 進行開採,為全球帶來前所未見的粉紅鑽石。 雖然實際供應量不多,甚至可以 說是十分稀少,但阿蓋爾是世界上唯一一個能持續供應一定份量粉鑽的礦場。 縱使世界其他地方,如印度、巴西、非洲等地都能開採到粉紅鑽,但供應 並不穩定,在發現阿蓋爾之前,世上並無任何固定的粉鑽礦源。

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