The Prodigals by Frank Burton

Page 134

have a family, family, FAMILY!!!!! No one ever seems to ask the question, the all-important, burning question of our times: What if your parents are wakners?


07/12/08 Mood: None

I didn’t tell my parents I was religius until after I moved out. I built it up so much, it was like telling them I was gay. In a way, they’d probably have preferred that. At least homosexauls don’t go around knokking on doors, trying to recriut newmembers. (Like, “Hello, Madam, is your husband in?”!!!!!!! ☺)

That was the killer for my dad. It wasn’t so much religion in general he was against. He was just bafled as to whyI’d picked that particluar faith. It’s the church peeple tell the most jokes about. He used to tell them himself:

HowmanyJehovah’s Witnesses does it take to change a light bulb? Three. One to change the bulb, and two to knock on the door and ask you if you’ve seen the light.

“Howdid this hapen?” he said.


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