Preparing the Grocery Store for the Digitally Empowered Consumer

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Section 2: Shopping | Interface options Shelf Interface Nourish provides customized viewing interfaces, to allow the consumer multiple viewing options. The grid in figure 9 provides the user with a view of the store shelves that mimics the shopping experience of a brick and mortar location. This type of interface enables the designed elements to disappear and allows the act of shopping to flow naturally, as if the customer were browsing the shelves of the physical store.

Fig. 9

As the network grows, the trend of online shopping will be much easier for retailers to offer. Nourish will offer various options for the consumer such as simple information viewing, online ordering with in-store pickup, or full service home delivery. When the shopper clicks on a product, the site will take them to the dedicated information window, which lists nutritional information, price comparisons, and origin information.

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