Breed Specific Diet Guidelines 2012

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production of vitamin K. It is very important to match the fiber source in the dietary intake of a dog with sources found in the breed's native environment.

Fatty Acids There are three essential fatty acids a dog must have to produce arachidonic acids that its body requires. These three fatty acids are: Oleic Acid, Linolenic Acid, and Linoleic Acid. All three are found together in any natural source containing Alpha-Linolenate. The classic symptom of a fatty acid deficiency is a loss of pigment, black hair turning reddish dark brown, and/or a dry brittle coat. The breeds that produce skin oils also will require a different balance of this group than those breeds that do not produce skin oils. Do not be confused the fatty acid group with "fat." Fat is primarily a source of nutritional carbohydrates. But you will find some types of animal fats do contain both carbohydrates and small amounts of the fatty acids. Vegetables and grains such as wheat bran normally contain the highest concentrations of the Alpha-Linolenate family.

Carbohydrate Carbohydrate requirements change at very specific times in a dog's life cycle and in times of stress or work. Canines cannot store carbohydrates for energy as humans do. They turn carbohydrates from the dietary intake into instant energy. Puppies and geriatric dogs should receive much of their energy from high carbohydrate food rather than from high protein food. Puppies and older adults will need to be fed more often during the day to maintain proper energy levels. During times of lactation, the female dog will turn some carbohydrates into a very special form of milk sugars for her puppies' energy requirements. Producing energy from dietary carbohydrates can be much easier on the dog's body than the process of producing energy from protein. Protein must be stored in muscle tissue and then withdrawn for conversion into energy.

Bacteria Bacteria are a part of canine nutrition too often taken for granted. Recently we have had some kibble companies advertising the advantages of bacteria in the canine and feline diet. A wild carnivore

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