Special Edition
Contemporary Art
Peripheral ARTeries meets
Léon XLVII lives and works in US East Coast; especially in New York
He who seeks truth shall find beauty He who seeks beauty shall find vanity He who seeks order shall find gratification He who seeks gratification shall be disappointed He who considers himself the servant of his fellow beings shall find the joy of self-expression He who seeks self-expression shall fall into the pit of arrogance Arrogance is incompatible with nature Through nature, the nature of the universe and the nature of man, we shall seek truth If we seek truth, we shall find beauty. These are Moshe Safdie’s words: a great architect who wrote these sentences in his book: “Form and Purpose, Is the Emperor naked?” (1982). I always use this as my artist statement. For me it is an extremely complete statement about the philosophy of life and philosophy of art (as an abstraction of life). So, finding beauty via seeking truth that is based on nature would be the purpose of my life and my artwork. I do believe that history is the great instructor. I always look at it carefully finding my own way in order to make my nano-footprint in human history. Ideally after finishing any artwork my target is being a better person and microcosmically making a better world. An interview by Josh Ryder, curator and Melissa C. Hilborn, curator
impressive aspects of Leon 47's work is the way it accomplishes the difficult task of a walking the viewers to finding beauty via seeking truth that is based on nature: we are very pleased to introduce our readers to his stimulating and multifaceted artistic production.
Leon 47's artworks rejects any conventional classification and draws the viewers through a multilayered journey. In his body of works that we'll be discussing in the following pages, he successfully attempts to trigger the viewers' perceptual parameters walking them through the liminal area in which perceptual reality and the realm of imagination find a consistent point of convergence: one of the most
Hello Leon 47 and welcome to Peripheral ARTeries. We would start this interview with a couple of questions about your multifaceted background. Are there any experiences that did particularly influence the way you currently conceive and produce your works? And in particular, how does