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Interval House hosts first-ever online jewelry auction April 5 to 20 EMC Events – Join Lanark County Interval House for our first-ever online jewelry auction, Be Dazzled. This charity auction for LCIH will be available on our website at www.lcih. com. It begins on April 5 and will close on April 20 at 6 p.m. The public has the opportunity to bid on more than 40 unique pieces. Featuring all styles, the auction includes necklaces, pendants, rings, watches, bracelets, earrings and sets made of materials ranging from sterling, gold and other metals, to fused glass, crystal and stone.

Each piece of jewelry has been generously donated by talented jewelry artists and chic boutiques from across the region and each donor was asked to pick or create a piece that spoke to a theme of ‘Women’s Strengths and Struggles.’ All prizes can be picked up or delivered before Mother’s Day. This is a great way to support women and children affected by violence. Every dollar raised through the online auction will be used to directly fund agency programs. Lanark County Interval House provides extensive support for

children, youth and women who experience abuse. All the services are free and confidential and you do not need to be a resident of the shelter to access the services. Call 613-257-5960 or 1-800-267-7946, 24 hours a day for any of our services. Contact Heather at 613257-3469 ext. 27 for additional information. Visit the website at www. to see the Be Dazzled Jewelry Auction or find out other ways you can help. Happy shopping! Submitted by Lanark County Interval House.

EMC News – As warmer temperatures and some precipitation are being forecast for the next five days, flows are expected to increase in smaller creeks and ditches. No significant flooding is anticipated at this time, however, we encourage residents to continue to warn their children about the dangers of playing on or near ice covered surfaces or fast flowing water in ditches and smaller creeks. “The average water content in the snow pack across the watershed in mid-March was approximately 60 per cent above the historical norm which could lead to an above average risk of flooding. However, severe flooding in this watershed is largely dependent on rainfall combined with snowmelt.

So far, the weather has cooperated and the snow pack is slowly being depleted,“ says Gord Mountenay, the Mississippi Valley Conservation (MVC) water management supervisor. Ice conditions on area waterways will continue to deteriorate with the warmer weather and area residents are advised that no one should be venturing out onto ice covered waterways. “The potential for ice jams will increase as the flows increase so residents along the rivers should pay close attention to what is happening in the river over the next few weeks,� Mountenay cautions. Residents in low lying areas are advised to ensure their sump pumps are working and take the necessary steps

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to prevent damages to their property and belongings. The MVC flood forecasting and warning program monitors weather conditions and snowpack water content, estimates expected river flows and water levels and issues flood advisories or warnings as required. MVC provides early warning and continuous monitoring to municipal and provincial emergency response personnel through a flood event. Daily water levels and flows are available on the MVC website at www.mvc. Updates to the watershed conditions will be issued as required. Submitted by Mississippi Valley Conservation.

Protect Your Investment


MVC not expecting significant flooding this spring


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