
Page 64

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A^WgV! W^\ eaVch VgZ ^c eaVXZ! VcY ndj XVc WZ ZmX^iZY VWdji i]Z egdheZXi [dg hdbZ X]Vc\Z# BV`Z V [Zl VY_jhibZcih ZVX] YVn VcY i]Z igVch^i^dc l^aa \d hbddi]an#

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39. Strike with fear 41. Australian flightless bird 42. ET says, “_____ home” 44. Minerals 45. Personal backgrounds 47. Purplish red 49. Major division of geological time 50. Chapeauxs 51. Guitarist in 20 across 57. Ivanhoe author Sir Walter 59. New Rochelle college 60. Scoring area 61. Donate income regularly 62. Carthage queen 63. Beige 64. Cow emitted sound 65. Endymion, 1st King of 66. Japanese rice beverage

CLUES DOWN 1. Cowboy’s boot prod 2. River in Florence 3. Small liquid container 4. Triumphantly happy 5. Deeds, actions or events 6. Surrounds 7. Requests 8. Superlative of “good” 9. Tycoons 10. Start anew 11. Extinct ratites 12. OM 13. Patti Hearst’s captors 21. Method of birth control 22. Indebted to 25. Dulled by surfeit 26. l836 siege of U.S. 27. Gull genus 28. Imaginary perfect places

29. Czech & German River 30. 3rd largest Finland lake 31. Nostrils 32. Long necked birds 34. Norse god of thunder 37. Lively & energetic 40. Prom flowers 43. Degree of warmth 46. Boil over with anger 47. Chocolate trees 48. Israeli airport code 50. Official language of India 51. Japanese stringed instrument 52. Prevent from being seen 53. Churn up 54. Cape near Lisbon 55. Not light 56. Change direction abruptly 57. Immediate memory (abbr.) 58. AFL-___:labor organization

6cVano^c\ heZcY^c\ VcY di]Zg ÒcVcX^Va XdcXZgch h]djaY WZ Vi i]Z ide d[ ndjg eg^dg^in a^hi! <Zb^c^# >i ^h ValVnh V \ddY ^YZV id `ZZe dc ide d[ l]ZgZ ndjg bdcZn ^h \d^c\#

HV\^iiVg^jh! ndj VgZ gZVYn id ejaa dji Vaa d[ i]Z hideh ^c i]Z gdbVcXZ YZeVgibZci# L]Zi]Zg ndjÉgZ h^c\aZ dg ViiVX]ZY! [dXjh dc lVnh id bV`Z ndjg eVgicZg [ZZa kZgn heZX^Va#

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8VcXZg! Xdbbjc^XVi^dc ^h `Zn ^[ ndj lVci id bV`Z gZVa egd\gZhh# 6Xi^dch XVc WZ b^hXdchigjZY ^[ ndj YdcÉi VXXdbeVcn i]Zb l^i] hdbZ i]dgdj\] ZmeaVcVi^dch#

8Veg^Xdgc! V [Zl i]^c\h ]VkZ \dcZ lgdc\ aViZan! Wji i]Z \ddY i]^c\ ^h ndj ]VkZcÉi aZi i]Zb \Zi ndj Ydlc# <ddY i]^c\h XZgiV^can XdbZ id i]dhZ l]d VgZ eVi^Zci#

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Di]Zgh XdjaY ÒcY ndjg Zci]jh^Vhb ^c[ZXi^djh i]^h lZZ`! AZd# 9dcÉi WZ hjgeg^hZY ^[ ndj ]VkZ Xdldg`Zgh h^\c^c\ je id WZ dc ndjg iZVb# 6i ]dbZ ndjÉgZ bjX] bdgZ bZaadl#

6fjVg^jh! iV`Z ^ckZcidgn d[ ndjg WZadc\^c\h VcY YZiZgb^cZ ^[ i]ZgZÉh Vcni]^c\ ndj XVc YdcViZ# Ndj XVc XaZVg dji XajiiZg VcY Yd hdbZi]^c\ edh^i^kZ Vi i]Z hVbZ i^bZ#

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K^g\d! VX]^Zk^c\ ndjg idj\]Zhi \dVa ldcÉi WZ ZVhn# I]dhZ l]d hjgk^kZ i]Z X]VaaZc\Zh WZXdbZ higdc\Zg dkZgVaa# I]^h lZZ` ndj VgZ XZgiV^can eji id i]Z iZhi#

E^hXZh! i]^c\h hZZb dji d[ hdgih! Wji ndj ]VkZcÉi WZZc VWaZ id Ò\jgZ dji l]Vi ^h d[["`^aiZg# AZd bVn h]ZY a^\]i dc i]Z h^ijVi^dc#

I]^h lZZ`h ejooaZ VchlZgh ^c cZmi lZZ`h ^hhjZ

AVhi lZZ`Éh VchlZgh

;jc 7n I]Z CjbWZgh A^`Z ejooaZh4 I]Zc ndjÉaa adkZ hjYd`j# I]^h b^cY"WZcY^c\ ejooaZ l^aa ]VkZ ndj ]dd`ZY [gdb i]Z bdbZci ndj hfjVgZ d[[! hd h]VgeZc ndjg eZcX^a VcY eji ndjg hjYd`j hVkkn id i]Z iZhi =ZgZÉh =dl >i Ldg`h/ HjYd`j ejooaZh VgZ [dgbViiZY Vh V .m. \g^Y! Wgd`Zc Ydlc ^cid c^cZ (m( WdmZh# Id hdakZ V hjYd`j! i]Z cjbWZgh & i]gdj\] . bjhi Òaa ZVX] gdl! Xdajbc VcY Wdm# :VX] cjbWZg XVc VeeZVg dcan dcXZ ^c ZVX] gdl! Xdajbc VcY Wdm# Ndj XVc Ò\jgZ dji i]Z dgYZg ^c l]^X] i]Z cjbWZgh l^aa VeeZVg Wn jh^c\ i]Z cjbZg^X XajZh VagZVYn egdk^YZY ^c i]Z WdmZh# I]Z bdgZ cjbWZgh ndj cVbZ! i]Z ZVh^Zg ^i \Zih id hdakZ i]Z ejooaZ


CLUES ACROSS 1. Free from danger 5. Dull in appearance 9. Mothers 14. Grand __ racing 15. Department in France 16. Into a state of difficulty 17. Two-toed sloth 18. Printing liquids 19. Genus Bouteloua grasses 20. Jagger’s band 23. Pulls 24. No longer is 25. Waldorf and tossed 28. In constant agitation 33. Actor Ladd 34. Spanish diacritical mark 35. No (Scottish) 36. Fruit pastries 38. A male ferret

HXdge^d! YdcÉi aZi di]Zgh jcYZgZhi^bViZ ndjg VW^a^i^Zh# DcXZ ndj hZi ndjg b^cY id hdbZi]^c\! ^i ^h kZgn ]VgY id Y^gZXi ndj di]Zgl^hZ# 8Ve^iVa^oZ dc ndjg YZY^XVi^dc Vi ldg`#

Join us at Cedarhill for.... Starting Sunday, October 21st, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

$14.95 Your best drive is only minutes from downtown 64

Nepean-Barrhaven EMC - Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Taste of the Mediterranean Food & Wine Pairing Friday, November 2nd @ 6:00 p.m. Please call 613.825.2186 ext. 224 for details and reservations


56 Cedarhill Drive (near Barrhaven) Ottawa, Ontario, K2R 1C5



Breakfast Buffet

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