Performance - NR.47 DECEMBRIE 2015

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What are your expectations

but moreover because I got many good

from the Romanian-American

reviews about the Romanian-American


University. Actually, what I could find out since I am here regard either the good

Enrico: My expectations from RAU are

teaching methods of the professors, either

very high, since I am a very ambitious

the study method. What I noticed is that

person who tries to get the best from every

the professors try, in every way, to make

single thing. When I picked out this Univer-

us participants during the lectures. From

sity, I believed in its American soul, and I

my point of view, I think also that the semi-

am sure that the decision I took will give

nars are very important, because they give

me the right directives for my future career.

us the chance to going deeper in the con-

Federica: Among the goals to choose for

cepts we studied during the lectures. I

my Erasmus experience, I picked out Bu-

hope that this Erasmus experience will

charest because I was motivated from the

have a positive impact on the job field, so

fact that I could have improved my English,

that it will open me to new possibilities.

Ediția 47 | DECEMBRIE 2015 | Performance - Revista Studentului URA

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