Peoria Unified School District February 2016 PULSE Newsletter

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Peoria Unified Sch�l District FEB 2016 | MONTHLY NEWSLETTER & MENUS PEORI Calendar Highlights: Feb 5 | Progress Period Ends Feb 11-12 | Early Release, Elem. only for Parent/Teacher Conferences Feb 11 | Governing Board mee�ng, 5 p.m. Feb 15 | President’s Day All schools and district offices are closed Feb 16 | Full Day Staff Development | All schools are closed, district offices are open Feb 25 | Governing Board mee�ng, 5 p.m. Feb 29 | Purple Day March 2 | Read Across America, Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! March 3 | District Patrio�c Speech Contest

Peoria Unified, one of Arizona’s largest unified school districts, prides itself on a 95 percent high school graduation rate, excelling schools, award-winning teachers, high AIMS test scores, specialized signature programs and championship sports programs. WWW.PEORIAUD.K12.AZ.US





Oasis Student Spells Way to the Top The district’s annual Spelling Bee was held Jan. 22 and the top spellers from elementary schools across the district competed in front of peers and family members at the District Administration Center. The winner of the Spelling Bee is Ephraim Joel “EJ” Esmas, in �ifth-grade at Oasis Elementary, who won against Jessica Evans from Frontier Elementary in the 18 th round with the winning word “etymology.” This is not the only impressive achievement for EJ this year — he earned the highest possible scores on the English Language Arts and Mathematics portions of the AzMERIT tests. The Spelling Bee champ and runners-up will advance to compete in the Regional Spelling Bee on Feb. 19.

The seven runners-up are: Brandon Booze from Alta Loma; Grant Parmeter from Apache; Colten Hannappel from Copperwood; Jessica Evans from Frontier; Michael

Davey from Parkridge; Alexander Huguez from Peoria Traditional; and Kyle Helmich from Zuni Hills.

As a parent, you are your child’s �irst teacher and the most important champion as he or she progresses through school. Parent involvement is critical to your Beverly Pingerelli child’s acaGoverning Board demic success. Students with actively engaged parents are likely to miss fewer days of school, have better social skills, earn

higher grades, graduate from high school and pursue higher education or career training. Academic success is even greater when parents and teachers work together. Peoria Uni�ied invites parents to communicate with their child’s teacher throughout the school year, and twice a year offers opportunities for a one-on-one parent-teacher conference. A conference is a great opportunity to �ind out your child’s strengths and areas

for improvement, and to set goals for the rest of the school year. What should you talk about? Ask if your child is on track to succeed in this grade and prepared for the next. Conferences are meant to be a two-way conversation. By sharing your child’s skills, interests, needs and dreams, you will help the teacher to support your child and achieve your common goal — your child’s success in school and beyond.

Spelling Bee runners-up, back row: Michael Davey , Kyle Helmich , Alexander Huguez, Brandon Booze, Colten Hannappel. Middle row: Jessica Evans, Grant Parmenter. Front row: champion, EJ Esmas.

Student Academic Success Tied to Parent Involvement


Ironwood High IB Students Receive Certificates and Diplomas The Ironwood High Interna�onal Baccalaureate (IB) program presented 30 diplomas and 32 course certificates to students at it’s annual ceremony. Students are tested by the IB organiza�on in May, therefore, several recent graduates returned to the district office to receive their Diplomas. These students fulfilled all requirements, including: Crea�vity, Ac�vity and Service, a 3,000 word academic research paper and the Theory of Knowledge class. Ironwood was approved as an IB school in 2005 and had its first IB diploma recipients in 2007.

Coopers Live in Co�on Boll’s Colonial Town

It’s Rewarding to Try Something New at Sky View H a n n a h Yo nt z , i n kindergarten at Sky View Elementary, tried something new at lunch and is happy she did. In January, the district’s Food & Nutri�on staff challenged students to put something different on their lunch tray — those willing to try a new fruit or veggie were given an “I Tried It” s�cker.

During the Colonial Town event at Co�on Boll Elementary, fi�h-grade students Kylie Peterson, Gabriel Hubbard and Joshua Du�on chose to research and present the occupa�on of coopers — makers of casks and barrels — and presented their findings to their peers.

FEB 2016 PULSE | PG 2

History of Dr. King Frozen in Time at Desert Harbor Second-grade students in Amy Beck’s class at Desert Harbor Elementary depicted a scene from the life of Dr. Mar�n Luther King, Jr., or the civil rights movement which he led, in frozen tableau. Coached by gi�ed teacher Cheryl Mertz, these students recreated the bus scene; Maya Szentes represents Rosa Parks and is telling the bus driver, Jasmine Dergic, she won’t go to the back of the bus. Bus passengers are: Chris Flores, Ian Dodd, Manuel Fernandez and Nicholas Vasquez.

Lake Pleasant Artist is First Place Winner of Celebrate MLK Contest Lake Pleasant Elementary eighth-grader Kira Walton is a first-place winner of the Arizona State University 31st annual Dr. Mar�n Luther King Jr. Celebra�on Poster/ Bookmark contest, in the middle school division. Also pictured: Governing Board member Kathy Knecht.

Wear Purple and Leap In To Da-Feet Cancer on Feb. 29 Students and staff across the district will leap into their �inest purple gear to raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society Former Kachina Elementary students Zoe Sco�, Ashlye Begay, Megan Douglas and teacher Michelle S�egler dress to impress on Purple Day last year. The students are now in ninth-grade at Cactus High.

on Purple Day, which will be held on leap day, Feb. 29, hence, the theme, Leap into Da-Feet Cancer. Peoria Uni�ied has participated in Purple Day for seven consecutive years, raising thousands of dollars for the Peoria and Glendale chapters of the American Cancer Society.

FEB 2016 PULSE | PG 3

Students are 100 Days Smarter at Ira A. Murphy Ira A. Murphy Elementary kindergartener Allyson Besold, went to school on Jan. 26 in a shirt covered with 100 mul� colored stars. In classrooms across the district, state and na�on, the one-hundredth day of school is celebrated by collec�ng, coun�ng, building, sharing, running, reading...just about 100! Addi�onally, the state determines next year’s school funding from student a�endance on the one-hundredth day.

How Does Your Garden Grow, Alta Loma? With a STEM grant from APS and the Phoenix Suns, Alta Loma Elementary fourth-grade students Raymond Wilson’s class built five large garden beds for mor than 200 plants including broccoli, le�uce, tomatoes, beans, cilantro, mint, eggplant, jalapenos and onions. The students also established a compos�ng colony of 2,000 red wiggler worms. Students will provide daily care tending to the garden and worms and keep a scien�fic journal of soil temperature and acidity, measurements, biology, compos�ng and more.

Sky View Garden Benefits from Coffee Grounds Recycling Initiative Sky View Elementary Occupa�onal therapist Veronica Lopez collects coffee grounds from Melissa Garcia, manager at McDonald’s at 84th Ave. and Thunderbird. Sky View is one of a handful of district schools to sign up for McDonald’s new recycling ini�a�ve of providing coffee grounds — a nitrogen-rich compost — to schools for their gardens. Each restaurant collects nearly 30 lbs. of coffee grounds a day. The recycling effort is beneficial to the environment and a great lesson for students.

FEB 2016 PULSE | PG 4

Your Vacation Plans Support Peoria Schools If you are thinking about taking your family to the southern California coast during Spring Break, March 14-18, think about Get Away Today. In partnership with the Peoria Education Foundation, Get Away Todays offers quality, affordable vacation packages to Peoria Uni�ied families. A portion goes back to support students and teachers. Whether you are making plans for spring break, or looking ahead to a summer adventure, now is a good time to check out their deals; discounted tickets to attractions, customized c r u i s e s a n d va c a t i o n packages which include accomodations and tickets to popular destinations. For more information, visit www.GetAwayToday. com, or call 1-800-5236116. Ask about Layaway plans and use tracking code 63189.

Peoria Unified Nationally Recognized for Innovation Peoria Uni�ied was recognized as an Innovative District for 2016 by the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE). Peoria Uni�ied earned the distinction for it’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) program and a delivery system that

includes collaborative parnerships with business, municipalities, community members, parents, teachers and staff with a focus on innovation and leadership and teaching as a way to support instructional excellence. Peoria Uni�ied is one of six Innovative Districts

invited to present at the ICLE Model Schools summer conference. CTE Director Dr. Patti Beltram will share the successful strategies of the program and how Peoria Uni�ied prepares students for post-secondary success in life, college and career.

Peoria High Mural Draws Hall of Fame Pitcher Randy Johnson to Campus Students in Ma�hew Glover’s Advanced Art class at Peoria High painted a 18’ x 24’ mural of Randy Johnson, Ariz. Diamondbacks pitcher from 1999-2004, on the side of the Ag Building on campus. The class chose to paint Randy Johnson because of his recent induc�on into the MLB Hall of Fame and for his passion for photography. Johnson talked to the students about the importance of educa�on, especially Arts educa�on, and then autographed the mural.

Peoria Elementary Kindergarten Teacher Has Wish List Fulfilled Peoria Elementary Kindergarten teacher Be�y Varela (right) was recently recognized by Suntec Concrete Corp. as an outstanding teacher and received items on her wish list including reading materials and math ac�vi�es for her students and a new laminator for the school. Also pictured: Mary Reyes, Sam Jimenez, Becky Reyes, student Natalie Pina and Maggie Reyes.

FEB 2016 PULSE | PG 5

Join Us for the Spring Patron Tour to Cactus High & Canyon Elementary Schools Make plans to join us for Peoria Uni�ied’s Spring Patron Tour of Cactus High and Canyon Elementary. This exciting opportunity is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 19. The tour begins at Cactus High where Superin-

High to be greeted by Principal Kristi Hammer. After a tour of the high school, patrons will enjoy lunch served by the school’s culinary arts students. Peoria Uni�ied hosts Patron Tours twice during the school year to give an up-close and personal

Seventh-grade students Corey Perry, Jarom Coleman, Chase Mar�n-Cook and Madison Leff explain a lesson to Peoria City Vice Mayor Bridget Binsbacher during the Fall Patron Tour at Sun Valley Elementary.

tendent Dr. Denton Santarelli will welcome guests. Visitors will then board a school bus to Canyon Elementary to be greeted by school Principal Kristen Balthis who will share information about the school and specialty programs. Canyon is an of�icial Stephen Covey Leader in Me school and one of the district’s 12 Signature program. After a tour of the campus, guests will board the bus to return to Cactus

FEB 2016 PULSE | PG 6

look at the wide variety of exceptional programs offered as part of its ongoing commitment to the community. Patron Tours are nationally recognized by the National School Boards Association. If you are a parent, business leader, community member, retiree, elected of�icial or a member of the media, reserve your spot for the Feb. 19 Patron Tour,, or 623-486-6100.

Chief Roy Minter

Celebrate Education & Honor Police Chief Minter at Awards Event

The 11th annual Peoria Education Foundation Visionary Awards Dinner, presented by McCarthy Building Companies, will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 7 at the Arizona Broadway Theatre. Individuals, businesses and corporate philanthropists from across the West Valley will come together as the Peoria Education Foundation honors Peoria Police Chief Roy Minter as the recipient of the 2016 Visionary Award. In addition to the presentation of the Visionary Award, the Foundation will celebrate other local organizations for their past and continuing support of education in Peoria Uni�ied. This year’s honorees include: Sky Zone (title sponsor for the Peoria Arts & Cultural Festival) who will receive a Business Leader Award, Grand

Canyon University who will receive the Community Partner Award and Vote 4 PUSD Kids who will receive the Non-pro�it Collaboration Award. The event includes a silent auction and proceeds from the auction will bene�it programs that the Peoria Education Foundation supports – literacy, science and math, technology, special needs, character building, �ine arts and staff development. The Peoria Education Foundation places proceeds directly into the classrooms in the form of grants for teachers and scholarship programs for individual students. If you would like to attend the event, contact the Public Relations Department at 623-486-6100, or More information is available at

The Peoria Educa�on Founda�on seeks Silent Auc�on items for the Visionary Awards Dinner. Dona�ons may include gi� cards, products or services and are tax-deduc�ble. Items may be directed to Peoria Unified’s Public Rela�ons Department at 623-486-6100 or Thank you for your support!

Connect to Kindergarten Experience Coming to a School Near You

Pesticide Application Schedule

Peoria Unified is required to provide written notification at least 48 hours prior to the applica�on of any pes�cides at any school site. Pes�cides are applied in the late a�ernoon, a�er school is dismissed. Feb 1 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Feb 2 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe Feb 3 Sundance, Sun Valley Feb 4 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Feb 5 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch Feb 8 Cactus, Desert Valley, Foothills, Ironwood Feb 9 Centennial, Oasis Feb 10 Ira A. Murphy, Peoria High Feb 11 Alta Loma, Apache, Cheyenne, Sunset Heights Feb 12 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde Feb 19 Country Meadows, Desert Harbor, Raymond S. Kellis Feb 23 Coyote Hills, Lake Pleasant, Liberty Feb 24 Sky View Feb 26 Vistancia March 1 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe March 2 Sundance, Sun Valley March 3 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills March 4 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch

All elementary schools across the district are now registering for free full-day Kindergarten for the 201617 school year. Elementary schools have scheduled evening registration opportunities and Connect to Kindergarten events where parents, with their child, can meet the teachers and tour the school. Contact your local school for registration and Connect to Kindergarten event information or watch the school’s marquee or follow them on Facebook.

Kindergarten is so much more than A, B, C’s and 1, 2, 3’s - it is where creativity is encouraged and bright minds blossom in a fun, safe environment. Your child will learn social, emotional and listening skills that are important for school success. They will learn concepts in literacy, mathematics and social studies and be exposed to physical education, art and music. A Registration Packet, which includes an Enrollment Form, can be found in the Parents tab on the

district’s website at www. or obtain one at an elementary school of�ice. A child must be �iveyears old before Sept. 1 to enroll in kindergarten. The �irst day of school is Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016. How to Register Your Child for Kindergarten Parents will need the following documents when registering for Kindergarten: l the child’s original birth cer�ficate; l up-to-date immuniza�on records; l proof of residency in the district (a utility bill or lease agreement is an acceptable form of proof) Parents are encouraged to print a copy of the Registra�on Packet from the district’s website, www., and complete it at home before visi�ng the school office. Parents should bring personal iden�fica�on and legal guardianship papers, if applicable.

Peoria Unified Governing Board Updates At the �irst Governing Board meeting of the year, Board Members voted to retain Matt Bullock as Board President and Kathy Knecht will serve as Board Clerk through 2016. The meeting schedule is unchanged; meetings will take place at 5 p.m.

on the second and fourth Thursday each month, with a few exceptions. A schedule of meeting days, as well as agendas and a link to stream the Board meetings live, can be found on the district’s website, www. Additionally, the Board

accepted the resignation of Superintendent Dr. Denton Santarelli and will begin a systematic search for well quali�ied candidates. Serving the district for more than 35 years, Dr. Santarelli will retire on June 30.

FEB 2016 PULSE | PG 7

Peoria Unified School District

BREAKFAST & LUNCH MENUS Numbers to the right of calendar date indicate the 6-day rota�on schedule.






Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits

French Toast Sticks Cereal Kits

Breakfast Bagel Pizza Cereal Kits

Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal or Yogurt Kits

Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits

Mini Cheeseburgers Fun Fish W/ Roll Build A Pizza V

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin An�pasto Salad W/Roll Mac & Cheese W/ Roll V

Corn Dog Veggie Sandwich V Sweet Southern Brunch

Turkey Fe�uccini Alfredo Garden Salad W/ Muffin V Chicken Tenders Apple Crisp Pears Cauliflower Mandarin Oranges

Stuffed Crust Pizza V Gordita Taco Oriental Chicken Salad

Frozen Berries Coined Carrots Pork Beans


Oranges Bell Peppers Chilled Peaches


Bananas Potato Cubes Cucumbers



W/ Crunch Bar

Apples Side Salad Carrots


Chocolate Chip French Toast Cereal Kits

Biscuits & Gravy Cereal Kits

Mini Donuts Cereal Kits

Cinnamon Stuffed Bagel Cereal Kits

Strawberry Pancakes Cereal Kits

Orange Chicken Bowl Cheeseburger Yogurt Lunch Box W/ Muffin V

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Pretzel Melt PB&J Pack* V

Craisins Celery Edamame

Peach Cups Bell Peppers Broccoli

Grilled Cheese V Meatball Sub Sandwich Chicken Caesar Salad W/ Roll Valen�ne Treat Grapes Carrots 3 Chilled Mixed Fruit

EARLY DISMISSAL NO LUNCH Schools that start at 8:00 a.m. dismiss at 10 a.m. and schools that start at 8:40 a.m. dismiss at 10:40 a.m.

EARLY DISMISSAL NO LUNCH Schools that start at 8:00 a.m. dismiss at 10 a.m. and schools that start at 8:40 a.m. dismiss at 10:40 a.m.



Glazed Breakfast Bar Cereal Kits

Breakfast Pizza Cereal Kits

Cinnamon Roll Cereal Kits

Hot Dog Cheese Crisp V Mandarin Chicken Salad

Turkey Pot Pie Chicken Fajitas Garden Salad w/ Roll V

Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Fish Sandwich Veggie Wrap V

Banana Cucumber Black Beans

Side Salad Cauliflower Fresh Pears

Crinkle Fries Cucumbers Apples



President’s Day No School Teacher Work Day








Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits

Pancake on a Stick Cereal Kits

Combo (Omelet & Biscuit) Cereal Kits

Yogurt & Gripz Cereal Kits

Strawberry Stuffed Bagel Cereal Kits

Pizza Bites Stuffed Breads�cks W/ Sauce V California Turkey Sandwich

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Breakfast Lunch Box V Teriyaki Beef Dippers W/ Muffin

Mini Corn Dogs Popcorn Chicken Bowl Garden Salad W/ Roll V

French Bread Pizza V Cobb Salad w/Crunch Bar Shrimp Bites

Craisins Coined Carrots Applesauce

Chilled Peaches Bell Peppers Broccoli

Bean & Cheese Burrito V Taco Salad Bowl Beef Taco Churro Grapes Carrots Pinto Beans

Frozen Mangos Mashed Potatoes Side Salad

Fruit Ice Cucumbers Apples






Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits

Nacho Bites V Chicken Pa�y Sandwich Italian Turkey Sub

Chilled Berries Celery Applesauce


Elementary Breakfast Includes: Choice of Hot Entrée or Breakfast Kit Fruit & 100% Fruit Juice White or Chocolate Milk

Meal Price, $1.50 Reduced Price, 30-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents

*PB&J is not served at peanut-free schools. Subs�tu�ons will be made. The Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Na�onal Clearing House Associa�on requires the following nonsufficient funds disclaimer: if a child brings a check to school, the parent is giving authoriza�on to electronically debit his/her account for the returned check plus fees if the check should be returned. For more informa�on, contact CCM/Restaurant Fund.1-888423-8974.

V - Vegetarian op�on of the day.

Elementary Lunch Includes:

Choice from 2 Hot & 1 Cold Entrée Fruit & Vegetable Bar (Minimum 5 choices) White, Strawberry or Chocolate Milk Meal Price, $2.50 Reduced Price, 40-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents

Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Peoria Unified School District

High School Menu 2016 Breakfast Prices

Breakfast Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit & Milk

Student Meal $1.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.30 Adult Meal $1.75

Breakfast Entrées Available Daily  Assorted Cereal, Granola Bars with choice of side item (Cheese, Yogurt or Graham Crackers)  Breakfast Pizza, Bagel with Cream Cheese, Mini Donuts, Bread Slices, Pop-Tarts, & Benefit Bars available daily Monday


Super Bun 1

Mini Pancakes

Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich


Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich



Chocolate Chip French Toast



Presidents’ Day




French Toast S�cks

NO SCHOOL Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich


Fruit & Yogurt Parfait





Yogurt & Muffin

Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Burrito

Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Green Chili Egg & Cheese Burrito

Breakfast Pla�er


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Burrito


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Green Chili Egg & Cheese Burrito

(Omelet, Biscuit, Hash Brown)

Breakfast Bowl

Lunch Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit, Vegetable & Beverage Lunch Entrées Available Daily      

Garden Salad Chef Salad Co�age Cheese & Fruit Bean & Cheese Burrito Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza

    




Chicken Fajitas Beefy Mac w/ breads�ck

Gordita Taco Teriyaki Chicken Bowl






Presidents’ Day NO SCHOOL




Red Enchiladas Teriyaki Chicken Bowl


Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Student Meal $2.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.40 Adult Lunch $3.75


Chicken Caesar Salad An�pasto Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Crunch Bar Lunch Box Yogurt, Granola, & Cheese Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap Cheesy Fish Sandwich 5

Philly Cheesesteak Clux Delux Sandwich


Staff Professional Development Day







Chicken Parm Cheese Quesadilla

Sichuan Chicken Bowl

Enchilada Style Burrito Red Enchiladas Orange Chicken Bowl

Churro Day General Tso Bowl Enchilada Style Burrito


Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Ice Cream Sundaes


Cheese Quesadilla Fe�uccini Alfredo


Gordita Taco Orange Chicken Bowl


Raspberry Chicken Salad Chicken Caesar Salad Raspberry Chicken Salad Cobb Salad Southwest Chicken Salad Cobb Salad Bagel Lunch Box Popcorn Chicken Salad Bagel Lunch Box Protein Pack w/ Bread Slice Crunch Bar Lunch Box Protein Pack w/ Bread Slice Pastrami Sandwich Yogurt, Granola, & Cheese Italian Combo Sub Turkey Bacon Wrap California Turkey Sandwich Chicken Caesar Wrap Veggie Sub Veggie Wrap Veggie Sub Super Nachos So� Tacos Meatball Sub 2

Chicken Quesadilla General Tso Bowl

Lunch Prices

Beverages Flavored & White Skim Milk 1% White Milk Bo�led Water Assorted Fountain Drinks Sides Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar Hot Vegetables (Varies Daily)

Grilled Chicken Sandwich Chicken Pa�y Sandwich PB&J Sandwich Chicken Nuggets or Strips Hamburger/Cheeseburger

Lunch Entrée Specials for February Chicken Caesar Salad Mandarin Orange Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Crunch Bar Lunch Box Yogurt, Granola, & Cheese Ham Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad Cheesy Fajita Chicken Sub

Glazed Breakfast Bar


Biscuits & Gravy



Yogurt & Muffin

Clux Delux Sandwich

BBQ Turkey Sandwich Bacon Cheeseburger Clux Delux Sandwich

Clux Delux Sandwich Baked Potato w/ Muffin

Menu items are subject to change without no�fica�on. If the first choice is not available, an alternate will be served. Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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