Peoria Unified School District April 2016 PULSE Newsletter

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Peoria Unified Sch�l District APRIL 2016 | MONTHLY NEWSLETTER & MENUS PEORI


Calendar Highlights: April 2 | Peoria Arts & Cultural Fes�val, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Old Town Peoria April 4 | Superintendent Candidates Forum 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Centennial HS April 14 | Governing Board mee�ng, 5 p.m. April 21 | Full Day Staff Development, all schools are closed, district offices open April 22 | April Break All schools and district offices are closed April 27 | Na�onal Administra�ve Professionals Day April 28 | Governing Board mee�ng, 5 p.m. April 28 | Elementary Progress Report Distribu�on April 29 | High School Progress Report Distribu�on

Peoria Unified, one of Arizona’s largest unified school districts, prides itself on a 95 percent high school graduation rate, excelling schools, dedicated teachers, award-winning Arts and Career & Technical Educa�on programs, school and student safety and community engagement. WWW.PEORIAUD.K12.AZ.US



Students Compete in Patriotic Speech Contest Four students emerged as �irst place winners in the district’s 29th Annual Patriotic Speech Contest: Jordan Faux from Peoria Traditional, Christopher Rayes from Sunset Heights, Kenan Murtic from Marshall Ranch and Tara Wilson from Heritage. For the contest, students delivered a two-to-three minute persuasive speech, patriotic in nature, before a panel of distinguished judges, including: City of Peoria Mayor Cathy Carlat, Dr. Jim Reed, Dr. Melanie Lehman, Peoria Uni�ied Governing Board members

Matt Bullock and Kathy Knecht, and members of the U.S. Air Force. The contest can be viewed at

com/pusdof�icialchannel, and a list of all students who placed in the top �ive in each division, is on the second page.

As the May 17 special election for Prop. 123 approaches, many Arizona public school districts, just like us, are preparing two budgets: One if Prop. 123 passes and David Jonagan another if Governing Board it doesn’t. Prop. 123 is the result of a compromise Arizona state legislators and public school advocates agreed upon, and Gov. Doug Ducey signed, that

would settle the in�lation funding lawsuit �iled on behalf of all Arizona public schools for money they did not receive during the Great Recession. If Prop. 123 is approved by voters, our district will receive approximately $7.2 million in new funding. Arizona public K-12 schools will collectively receive $299 million of state aid this year and $3.5 billion over 10 years by increasing the percentage of funds public schools receive from the state land

trust fund, as well as additional dollars from the general fund, according to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s �iscal impact summary of Prop. 123 released on Feb. 23. If voters do not approve Prop. 123, then the state and the schools will go back to court to settle the in�lation funding lawsuit. Attorneys estimate this would take up to �ive years. To learn more about how this important election will impact education, visit

City of Peoria Mayor Cathy Carlat, Jordan Faux, Emily Sielewicki Aleah Silva, Delaney Fowler, Governing Board clerk Kathy Knect and Kristen Haverluck.

Prop. 123: An Important Election for Arizona Schools


Top Patriotic Speech Contest Winners Area 1, 5th/6th grade division: 1st Christopher Rayes, Sunset Heights 2nd Christopher Ipson, Zuni Hills 3rd Jacey Demaree, Coyote Hills 4th Colleen Corcoran, Frontier 5th Grace Deines, Apache

Area 1, 7th/8th grade division: 1st Jordan Faux, Peoria Traditional 2nd Emily Sielewicki, Paseo Verde 3rd Aleah Silva, Coyote Hills 4th Delaney Fowler, Foothills 5th Kristen Haverluck, Ira A. Murphy

Liberty High Student Sings National Anthem at Spring Training Emma Shores, a sophomore at Liberty High sang the Na�onal Anthem at a Spring Training held at the Peoria Sports Complex. She debuted her singing skills at the district’s Unified Sports basketball game last year, and has prac�ced at Special Olympics events and a Down Syndrome awareness event. Pictured: Emma Shores and Jessi Jones, Liberty High PE teacher and Unified Sports coach.


Area 2, 5th/6th grade division: 1st Kenan Murtic, Marshall Ranch 2nd L’Cole Williams, Country Meadows 3rd Erica Maglalang, Sahuaro Ranch 4th Izaak Kary, Santa Fe 5th Abigail Sandoval-Vidrio, Peoria Area 2, 7th/8th grade division: 1st Tara Wilson, Heritage 2nd Arshdeep Dhanoa, Cotton Boll 3rd Nicole Tresvalles, Marshall Ranch 4th Claire Maglalang, Sahuaro Ranch 5th Madison Welling, Sky View

Cactus High Robotics Team to Compete for World Title The Cactus High School robotics team won big at a regional Robotics Competition. The 15 member team, dubbed the Cobra Commanders, beat 52 teams for �irst place in the Northern Arizona Regional Robotics Competition. The win has earned them a spot at the World Championships to be held in St. Louis in April. The team put in long hours on their robot called “Little Shredder.” This is the �irst time in 16 years the Cactus High robotics team quali�ied for the world championships and they are excited to compete with over 800 teams from around the globe. Following graduation, former Cobra Adam Shroyer, an inaugural member of the robotics club, has

voluntarily coached the team for 16 years. Shroyer was recently selected as a top Volunteer of the Year by Peoria Uni�ied. Attending the World

Championship is an expensive venture which compells the team to reach out for community support. To �ind out how you can help the team cover costs of the

Superintendent Candidates Forum for Community, Employees, Parents & Students 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. | April 4 | Centennial High The search to �ill the Superintendent vacancy was narrowed to three candidates following initial interviews with the Governing Board during an executive session on March 29: Dr. Heather Cruz, Peoria Uni�ied Deputy Superintendent; Dr. Warren Shillingburg, Arizona Department of

Education Program Specialist; and Dr. Darwin Stif�ler, Yuma Elementary District #1 Superintendent. The public now has an opportunity to meet the �inalists at a Candidates Forum, hosted by the Arizona School Boards Association, 6 p.m.-8 p.m., Monday, April 4 at Centennial High, 14388 N. 79th Ave.

trip, call 623-412-500, or make a School Tax Credit donation online at www.

Peoria Unified Hosts Job Fairs Cer�fied (Teaching) 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. | April 5 Ironwood High School 6051 W. Sweetwater Ave. Classified (Support Staff) 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. | May 10 Board Room District Administra�on Center 6330 W. Thunderbird Road For more informa�on, contact Human Resources 623-486-6263 or 486-6015


AZ Cardinal is Guest Coach on Playground at Lake Pleasant Arizona Cardinal #68 Jared Veldheer visited Lake Pleasant Elementary and instructed second-graders in Rachel Michalak’s class in phyical ac�vi�es and the importance of teamwork.

Art Wall Commemorates Copperwood’s 35th Anniversary Peggy Oels, art teacher at Copperwood Elementary, with the help of instruc�onal aide Marcy Nixon and Principal Dr. Michael Crudder, posi�on pieces of a mosaic mural created to celebrate the school’s 35th anniversary. The mosaic �les were made by students, teachers and staff.

Peoria Elementary Student Nominates Teacher for Silver Apple Award Each year, just eight teachers in the state are honored with a 3TV Silver Apple Award for Excellence in Educa�on. One of them is Brent LoPresto, language arts teacher at Peoria Elementary, who was nominated by eighth-grade student Priscilla Aceves. LoPresto is a graduate of Peoria High and a�ended Peoria Unified schools since kindergarten. His hard work and determina�on inspires his students to overcome obstacles. Also pictured, Javier Soto.


Vistancia’s Iron Pans Steel Drum Group Plays for Community Madison Spence, Lia Delorenzo and Kamryn Doubet are three of 84 7/8th grade students in Vistancia Elementary’s Iron Pans steel drum group who, together with the 7/8th grade Band, performed at Westgate’s “Vistancia Performing Arts Night Out with the Coyotes” on the Plaza. The Iron Pans are scheduled to perform in Disneyland on April 22.

College Bound Peoria High Students Tour So. Cal Institutions Peoria High Na�onal Honor Society and AVID students went on a college campus trip to UCLA, Cal State Long Beach and Vanguard University. A tour of the three colleges included a visit to a dormitory and a gym. Pictured: Javon Freemon, Keith Campbell, Diego Coss, Humberto Rodriguez, Josue Valencia, Eduardo Muniz, Firdaus Ali, Firhat Ali, Amanda Hernandez, Haley Cressler Ruff, Andrea Hernandez, Kimberly Way, Alline Sandoval, Amayah Vaughn and Albani Moreno.

Cactus Student Paints Under-the-Sea Mural Sofia Garcia, a sophomore at Cactus High, painted an aqua�c-themed mural at the Old Town Litchfield Park. The mural was commissioned by the West Valley Art’s Council Mural Project. Last year, Garcia’s art was the winning entry of Valley Metro’s Wrap the Bus contest, and she took the grand prize in the Arizona Department of Educa�on’s Student Art compe��on Also pictured: mural project roster ar�st Tal Dvir.


Fourth-Graders Learn Water Conservation at Project WET Event Fourth graders from across the district took part in the Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) Water Festival at Pioneer Park. This event is a collaboration with the district and the City of Peoria where students learn about conservation, watersheds and take part in a variety of hands-on water related activities. Through the program, students get a deeper understanding of Arizona’s water resources and the

importance of preserving them. Project WET is a world-wide effort whose mission is to reach children with action-oriented education enabling every child understand and value water, ensuring a sustainable future.

The University of Arizona sponsors Project WET, a conserva�on and awareness program designed to engage fourth-graders with water-related ac�vi�es.

Liberty Band Program Earns Music Merit Award Liberty High Band Director Dan Jensen and the school’s music program was recognized as a Support Music Merit Award School by the Best Communi�es for Music Educa�on program. Just 118 schools across the na�on received the dis�nc�on from the Na�onal Associa�on of Music Merchants (NAMM).

Ironwood Coach Inducted to Hall of Fame Ironwood High head coach Tim Beck, will be the second Peoria Unified soccer coach inducted into the Arizona Coaches Hall of Fame this month. Beck, a Glendale na�ve, a�ended Cactus High and played soccer for Jack Altersitz, presently the only soccer coach in the Arizona Coaches Hall of Fame. The team has been coached by Beck for 22 years and have won four state �tles, were state runners-up twice and won 11 regional championships.


Cactus High Sophomore A�ends Honeywell Academy at Space Center Vincent Alejandro, a sophomore at Cactus High , attended the Honeywell Leadership Challenge Academy at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. The adventure of a life�me, he worked along side students from around the world, performing tasks as a NASA Astronaut and Engineer and experienced the Spin Stabilizer, a simulated launch to a Space Sta�on.

Pesticide Application Schedule

Peoria Unified is required to provide wri�en no�fica�on at least 48 hours prior to the applica�on of any pesticides at any school site. Pes�cides are applied in the late afternoon, after school is dismissed. Apr 1 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch Apr 4 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Apr 5 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe Apr 6 Sundance, Sun Valley Apr 7 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Apr 8 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde Apr 11 Cactus, Desert Valley, Foothills, Ironwood Apr 12 Centennial, Oasis Apr 13 Ira A. Murphy, Peoria High Apr 14 Alta Loma, Apache, Cheyenne, Sunset Heights Apr 15 Country Meadows, Desert Harbor, Raymond S. Kellis Apr 20 Support Services Complex Apr 22 Vistancia, District Admin. Center Apr 26 Coyote Hills, Lake Pleasant, Liberty Apr 27 Sky View, Cholla Annex, District Maintenance May 2 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch May 3 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe May 4 Sundance, Sun Valley May 5 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills May 6 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch

Peoria Police Chief Honored as a Visionary The Peoria Education Foundation honored local leaders and organizations at its 11th Annual Visionary Awards Dinner. The event, presented by McCarthy Building Companies, was held at the Arizona Broadway Theatre and individuals, businesses and corporate philanthropists from across the West Valley came together to honor

City of Peoria Police Chief Roy Minter as the recipient of the 2016 Visionary Award. In addition to the presentation of the Visionary Award to Chief Minter, the Foundation recognized the following honorees: Grand Canyon University, awarded the Community Partner Award; Sky Zone received the Business Part-

ner Award; and the Peoria Education Foundation‘s Non-Pro�it Collaboration Award Winner went to Vote 4 PUSD Kids. 12 News weekend anchor Emma Jade served as the event emcee. Event proceeds bene�it the programs that the Peoria Education Foundation supports in Peoria Uni�ied classrooms by awarding grants to teachers, and scholarships for individual students. For more information about the Foundation, and to view additional pictures of the event, visit

The Peoria Educa�on Founda�on honored City of Peoria Police Chief Roy Mintor as a Visionary recipient for his con�nued support of schools and the safety of students and staff. Pictured: Superintendent Dr. Denton Santarelli, Founda�on Board President Tamara Caraway and Governing Board President Ma� Bullock.


Peoria Unified School District


Numbers to the right of calendar date indicate the 6-day rota�on schedule.






Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits

French Toast Sticks Cereal Kits

Breakfast Bagel Pizza Cereal Kits

Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal or Yogurt Kits

Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits

Mini Cheeseburgers Fun Fish W/ Roll Build A Pizza V

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin An�pasto Salad W/ Roll Mac & Cheese W/ Roll V

Corn Dog Veggie Sandwich V Sweet Southern Brunch

Chicken Fe�uccini Alfredo Garden Salad W/ Muffin V Chicken Tenders

Pizza Squares V Gordita Taco Oriental Chicken Salad

Frozen Berries Coined Carrots Ranch Style Beans

Grapefruit Bell Peppers Jicama

Strawberries Cauliflower Mandarin Oranges

Apples Side Salad Carrots



Oranges Potato Cubes Cucumbers


W/ Crunch Bar



Chocolate Chip French Toast Cereal Kits

Muffin & Cheese Stick Cereal Kits

Mini Donuts Cereal Kits

Cinnamon Stuffed Bagel Cereal Kits

Strawberry Pancakes Cereal Kits

Oriental Bowl Cheeseburger Yogurt Lunch Box W/ Muffin V

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Pretzel Melt PB&J Pack* V

Grilled Cheese V Meatball Sub Sandwich Chicken Caesar Salad W/ Roll

Shrimp Bites W/Roll Garden Salad W/ Roll V Popcorn Chicken Bowl W/Roll

Personal Pan Pizza Bean & Cheese Burrito V Spicy Popcorn Chicken Salad

Grapefruit Celery Edamame

Strawberries Zucchini S�cks Cauliflower

Watermelon Carrots Mixed Fruit

Chilled Berries Mashed Potatoes Side Salad

Fruit Ice Cucumber Side Salad






UBR Bar & String Cheese Cereal Kits

Egg Croissant Sandwich Cereal Kits

Glazed Breakfast Bar Cereal Kits

Breakfast Pizza Cereal Kits

Cinnamon Rolls Cereal Kits

Mini Cheeseburgers Build A Pizza V Fun Fish W/ Roll

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Scoops W/ Beans & Cheese V Chicken Caesar Wrap

Mini Corn Dogs Cheese Quesadilla V Mediterranean Wrap W/ Bar V

Beefy Mac W/ Roll Chicken Tenders Garden Salad W/ Muffin V

Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Veggie Wrap V Fish Sandwich

Celery Coined Carrots Applesauce

Oranges Chilled Peaches Salad

Kiwi Fruit Kale Salad Mixed Fruit

Strawberries Broccoli Mandarin Oranges

Curly Fries 100% Fruit Juice Chilled Pears




Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits

Pancake on a Stick Cereal Kits

Yogurt & gripz Cereal Kits

Pizza Bites Stuffed Breads�cks W/ Sauce V California Turkey Sandwich

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Breakfast Lunch Box V Hot Dog on Bun

Celery Coined Carrots Applesauce

Chilled Mangos Zucchini S�cks Chilled Peaches

Bean & Cheese Burrito V Taco Salad Bowl Beef Tacos Churro Bananas Carrots Pinto Beans




Board Mee�ng 5:30


PUSD April Break 22



Strawberry Stuffed Bagel Cereal Kits

French Toast Sticks Cereal Kits

Breakfast Bagel Pizza Cereal Kits

Egg & Bacon Sandwich Cereal Kits

Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits

Nacho Bites V Chicken Pa�y Sandwich Italian Turkey Sub

Chicken Nuggets W/ Roll An�pasto Salad W/ Roll Mac & Cheese W/ Roll V

Corn Dog Veggie Sandwich V Sweet Southern Brunch

Chicken Fe�uccini Alfredo Garden Salad W/ Muffin V Chicken Tenders

Stuffed Crust V Gordita Taco Oriental Chicken Salad

Strawberries Cauliflower Mandarin Oranges

Apples Side Salad Carrots

Frozen Berries Coined Carrots Ranch Style Beans


Grapefruit Side Salad Cauliflower

Elementary Breakfast Includes: Choice of Hot Entrée or Breakfast Kit Fruit & 100% Fruit Juice White or Chocolate Milk

Meal Price, $1.50 Reduced Price, 30-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents


Oranges Potato Cubes Cucumbers


28/1 Board Mee�ng 5:30

*PB&J is not served at peanut-free schools. Subs�tu�ons will be made. The Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Na�onal Clearing House Associa�on requires the following nonsufficient funds disclaimer: if a child brings a check to school, the parent is giving authoriza�on to electronically debit his/her account for the returned check plus fees if the check should be returned. For more informa�on, contact CCM/Restaurant Fund. 1-888-423-8974.

W/ Crunch Bar


Elementary Lunch Includes:

Choice from 2 Hot & 1 Cold Entrée Fruit & Vegetable Bar (Minimum 5 choices) White, Strawberry or Chocolate Milk Meal Price, $2.50 Reduced Price, 40-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents

Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Peoria Unified School District

High School Menu 2016 Breakfast Prices

Breakfast Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit & Milk

Student Meal $1.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.30 Adult Meal $1.75

Breakfast Entrées Available Daily  Assorted Cereal, Cereal Bars & Granola Bars with choice of side item (Cheese, Yogurt or Graham Crackers)  Breakfast Pizza, Bagel with Cream Cheese, Mini Donuts, Bread Slices, Pop-Tarts, & Benefit Bars available daily



Super Bun 28


French Toast S�cks Mini Pancakes





Yogurt & Muffin

Chocolate Chip French Toast Blueberry Waffles French Toast S�cks


Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich



Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich



Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich



Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich


Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich




Fruit & Yogurt Parfait

Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Green Chili Egg & Cheese Burrito


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Burrito

Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Green Chili Egg & Cheese Burrito

Breakfast Pla�er


April Break No School


April Break No School


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Green Chili Egg & Cheese Burrito

Biscuits & Gravy

Breakfast Bowl

Lunch Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit, Vegetable & Beverage     

Garden Salad Chef Salad Bean & Cheese Burrito Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza

    


Lunch Prices Student Meal $2.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.40 Adult Lunch $3.75

Beverages Flavored & White Skim Milk 1% White Milk Bo�led Water Assorted Fountain Drinks Sides Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar Hot Vegetables (Varies Daily)

Grilled Chicken Sandwich Chicken Pa�y Sandwich PB&J Sandwich Chicken Nuggets or Strips Hamburger/Cheeseburger

Lunch Entrée Specials for April Chicken Caesar Salad Mandarin Orange Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Crunch Bar Lunch Box Yogurt, Granola, & Cheese Ham Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad Cheesy Fajita Chicken Sub

Glazed Breakfast Bar


Breakfast Bowl

(Omelet, Biscuit, Hash Brown)

Lunch Entrées Available Daily


Yogurt & Muffin





Raspberry Chicken Salad Chicken Caesar Salad Raspberry Chicken Salad Cobb Salad Southwest Chicken Salad Cobb Salad Bagel Lunch Box Popcorn Chicken Salad Bagel Lunch Box Protein Pack w/ Bread Slice Crunch Bar Lunch Box Protein Pack w/ Bread Slice Pastrami Sandwich Yogurt, Granola, & Cheese Italian Combo Sub Turkey Bacon Wrap California Turkey Sandwich Chicken Caesar Wrap Veggie Sub Veggie Wrap Veggie Sub Super Nachos So� Tacos Meatball Sub

Chicken Caesar Salad An�pasto Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Crunch Bar Lunch Box Yogurt, Granola, & Cheese Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap Cheesy Fish Sandwich


Chicken Parmesan Cheese Quesadilla


Green Enchiladas Sichuan Chicken Bowl


Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl


Cheese Quesadilla General Tso Bowl


Chicken Fajitas Fe�uccine Alfredo

6 Red Enchiladas Kung Pao Chicken Bowl


Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl


11 14

Gordita Taco Teriyaki Chicken Bowl


Chicken Quesadilla


Green Enchiladas General Tso Bowl





Churro Day


Green Enchiladas Kung Pao Chicken Bowl



Gordita Taco Kung Pao Chicken Bowl


Cheese Quesadilla Kung Pao Chicken Bowl


Gordita Taco General Tso Bowl

Beefy Mac & Breads�ck


Chicken Fajitas Chicken Parmesan Chicken Quesadilla

Mac & Cheese w/ Roll

Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Walking Beef Taco Sichuan Chicken Bowl 27

April Break No School

Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Clux Delux Sandwich Baked Potato & Muffin

Philly Cheesesteak Clux Delux Sandwich


Clux Delux Sandwich BBQ Turkey Sandwich



April Break No School Clux Delux Sandwich BBQ Riblet Sandwich

Menu items are subject to change without no�fica�on. If the first choice is not available, an alternate will be served. Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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