Normandy Catalogue 2014

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Normandy_Layout 1 09/05/2014 15:34 Page 31

viSit our weBSite to view what’S cominG in the next three monthS 9781781591758 144 pages 180 illustrations Paperback £14.99 £12.00

armoured warfare in northweSt euroPe 1944–1945 Anthony Tucker-Jones this latest volume in anthony tucker-Jones’s series of photographic histories of armoured warfare records in graphic detail the role played by tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and selfpropelled artillery during the decisive campaign in northwest europe in 1944-5. in a sequence of over 200 archive photographs he shows how american, British and canadian and Polish armoured divisions spearheaded the assault on the third reich, and how the wehrmacht mounted a desperate armoured defence.


9781848845008 128 pages over 150 photographs Paperback £12.99 £10.39

BritiSh tankS Pat Ware Perhaps the British did not produce the most successful tanks of the Second world war, but they certainly designed an extraordinary range of light, medium and heavy tanks along with many that were adapted for special purposes. this fascinating variety of military machinery is recorded in Pat ware’s photographic history. over 150 photographs of the wide range of tanks that saw wartime service.

9781848845176 144 pages 200 illustrations Paperback £14.99 £12.00

armoured warfare in the BattLe for normandy Anthony Tucker-Jones anthony tucker-Jones traces the entire course of the armoured campaign through the photographs – the d-day landings, the first clashes of the opposing tanks and anti-tank guns, then the allied operations – epsom, charnwood, Goodwood, cobra – that culminated in the allied breakthrough and the destruction of the German 5th Panzer army at falaise.


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