Pellau Magazine, November's Issue

Page 30

because letting go is never easy and acceptance is always hard. Denial is a killer but always remember you are only as brave as you allow yourself to be. The only barrier you have is yourself. If you dream it then so too you can make it a reality. And if you lose it, then try to get it back and if it is not attainable then make a new dream because the last one was not meant to be. In case you did not know you are your own army, you are the best cheerleader you can have in your own life so March to the beat of your own drum . Obsessing over the past would not change it, it won’t bring back. what you lost is gone already so living in despair is pointless because when you do decide to pull yourself up out of it and you have come to the realization that now is the time to move on because it is over, you will question yourself relentlessly over and over again: why did it take it take me so long for it to hit me? Do not misunderstand, Mourning is healthy but it is the obsession + depression that are not. Do not be cold hearted and live like you are made from stone, that is not the message, grieve for your lost it is only human that you do, but do not let you lost determine your future. Emotions and feelings are one thing but never forget that nothing and no one is worth missing out on life for. No matter how valuable or rear you think it is, know this, life is the most precious gift that you would have ever received in your entire existence, wasting it because of lost would be a fool’s decision and that is the true wisdom of it all.


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