Hildegard's Healing Plants

Page 148

Hildegard’s ealing l ants

. A Althaea [ ybischa] is hot and dry, and is good against fevers. Let a person who has fevers of any kind pound althaea in vinegar and then drink it, fasting in the morning and at night. The fever, of whatever nature it is, will end. Let a person who has a pain in the head take althaea, add a little less sage, and crush these together. Mix these with a little olive oil. Then let the person warm them in his or her hand, near a fire, and place them on the forehead, tying it with a piece of cloth. Do this while the person sleeps, and they will be better.

.  Valerian [denemarcha] is warm and moist. Let whoever suffers from pleurisy or from gout pulverize valerian and add a little less catnip powder. Let the person mix flour and water into a paste in a small dish with lard, and then blend in the previously mentioned powders. Let them eat this often, and the pleurisy and gout will end so that the person will be better.

. C Catnip [nebetta] is warm. Let a person who has scrofula that has not ruptured on the neck pulverize catnip and eat it often with


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