NO BORING WORKOUTS Five intense exercise classes for keeping the fun in fitness PAGE 45
Priests offer no real rules for fitting the two holidays together, but say devout romantics should celebrate both.
Sage Oaks is remodeling homes to serve as assisted living housing in North Dallas neighborhoods.
Family-run retailer offers bricks, mini-figures, and activities at Preston Valley Shopping Center.
2 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
y this time many of our New Year’s resolutions are waning or are all but forgotten. There’s a simple, (but not always easy) one that I’m trying to hold on to. It fits perfectly into this month of love and is a fitting setup for Lent, which by the way starts on Valentine’s Day (See story on Page 14). My resolution that I’m striving to keep is: Don’t judge – be kind. Mother Teresa said, “Let us all meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” I recently discovered the late Wayne Dyer’s PBS recordings on YouTube. Dyer was an American philosopher, self-help author, and a motivational speaker. In one of his programs he likened us to an orange: When you squeeze it; you get orange juice, because that’s what is inside. Duh! Right? But what is inside of us is what comes out. In other words, if you choose to be kind, happy, empathetic, then what “comes out” when you interact with others is kindness and love. If you are filled with frustration, anger, hate – that is what comes out. Simple, I agree. Most times the answers we seek are the simplest. Another nugget that I particularly liked that Dyer shared was that ego was an acronym for edging God out – E.G.O.
PAT M A R T I N It’s so easy for us to submit to our ego. It feels good when someone feeds our ego, but when it’s put in those terms – “edging God out” – it makes you stop and think. One of my favorite movie quotes is from Al Pacino playing the Devil in The Devil ’s Advocate. After coercing Keanu Reeves character to agree to do something by appealing to his ego, the Devil says, “Vanity, my favorite sin.” In this “month of love” won’t you join me in smiling more and being kind to others? Pat Martin, Publisher pat.martin@peoplenewspapers.com
Contents Crime ................................ 4 News .................................. 8 Community ..................... 14 Schools ............................ 18 Sports .............................. 20 Real Estate Quarterly ...... 23 Business ........................... 33 Society ............................. 35 Living Well....................... 45 Weddings ......................... 49 Obituary ........................... 50 Classifieds ........................ 51
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4 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Crime S KU L D U G G E RY of the MONTH
While posing outside of the Honor Bar in the Highland Park Village, a visitor in town for a wedding put down her purse to take a few selfies and sometime around 10:30 p.m. Dec. 30 her $350 black Gucci wallet was stolen. The culprit attempted to take the credit cards for a spin at Kroger and 7-Eleven, but both charges were rejected by the bank.
CRIME REPORT DEC. 11 - JAN. 7 DEC. 11 After hanging with friends in his detached garage in the 3400 block of Mockingbird Lane, the homeowner went inside, leaving the bay window of the garage open for about 10 minutes between 7:45 and 7:55 p.m. In that short time span, a black Quintaroo Triathlon bicycle, valued at $6,000, was stolen from the back wall it was handing on. Stolen between 8 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.: a black and silver Halo Rover hoverboard, valued at $900, from the front porch of a home in the 4500 block of Fairway Avenue. The homeowner upset that someone came on her porch, told officers that she planned to “inform the crime watch committee of how far people are willing to go to steal property.” DEC. 12 Taken before 3:10 p.m.: packages from the front porches of several homes in the 2700 through 3000 blocks of Milton and Rosedale avenues. Items stolen included $1,000 worth of apparel, an $800 cashmere cape, and baby burp cloths, valued at $30. A thief, likely looking for some hair therapy, stole several bottles of Chi Infra treatment, valued at $59.57, and $27.49 worth of Biosilk from the CVC Pharmacy in the 6700 block of Preston Road. The incident was reported to police around 7:20 p.m. DEC. 13 A Coca-Cola delivery went a little crazy around 10:45 a.m. Dec. 13 in the 4500 block of Fairway Avenue when the driver of a semi-tractor trailer missed a turn, got lost, and then drove his truck up on the west side parkway of Roland Avenue, causing about $5,000 in damage to an irrigation system. DEC. 14 Around noon, a thief drove off in an Ari-Tex Electric worker’s 2016 red Ram 2500, valued at $30,000. The pickup had been parked in the 3200 block of Went-
wood Drive, but didn’t get too far because another Ari-Tex Electric employee followed the truck and was able to recover it. DEC. 15 Around 8 p.m., two women leaving Charming Nail Spa in the 4800 block of Lemmon Avenue were assaulted in the parking lot by a man wearing a dark blue hooded sweatshirt. One of the women was pushed to the ground and had her white Michael Kors purse stolen. The other cut her finger trying to hold onto the purse during the robbery. About $400 in cash was in the purse. The man left in a black sedan, possibly a fourdoor Toyota Camry. DEC. 16 A 33-year-old woman reported to police around 10:40 a.m. that someone had been harassing her while at work in the 4300 block of Lovers Lane. DEC. 17 Stolen before 12:10 a.m.: condoms from a black 2014 Jeep SUV parked overnight in the 3800 block of Potomac Avenue. DEC. 18 A Highland Park woman, who’s never served in the military, was promoted to sergeant when her identity, including the new title, was used to open a checking account at Pentagon Federal Credit Union. The woman reported around 1:30 p.m. that she learned about the account when she received a letter attempting to collect payment on a $470 bounced check written at a Walmart. DEC. 19 A resident reported that around 2:45 p.m. Chamberlain Builder employees were sending some sort of chemical down an alley in the 3800 block of Normandy Avenue and into the storm sewer. Police noted the chemical appeared to be white paint, and that they informed the site supervisor that chemicals could not be disposed of down the storm sewer. Code enforcement was notified.
A thirsty thief used a Highland Park resident’s Bank of America credit card to purchase about $365 of merchandise from the website wine.com. The purchase was made Dec. 12 and reported to police around 6:05 p.m. Dec. 19. DEC. 20 Stolen between 10:36 a.m. and noon: a yellow 12-inch mitre saw, valued at $300, from a construction site in the 3500 block of Linwood Avenue. DEC. 21 Smashed around 10:50 a.m.: the front driver’s side window of a 2014 BMW 528i while the owner shopped at the Whole Foods in the 4100 block of Lomo Alto Drive. Stolen: $520 in cash. DEC. 26 Stolen before 11 a.m.: clothing, valued at $675, left overnight in a white 2016 Porsche Cayenne parked in the 2900 block of Westminster Avenue. DEC. 28 Broken into before 7:30 a.m.: a white GMC Yukon parked overnight in the 4300 block of Lorraine Avenue. Nothing was stolen from the vehicle, but it was clear the glove box and center console had been rummaged through. A Highland Park mom reported that her daughter’s friend, while living with them from Nov. 1 to Dec. 27, stole $4,200 worth of jewelry – a Rolex watch, a cocktail ring, and Tiffany’s necklace and ring – from their home in the 4500 block of Abbott Avenue. The items were pawned at East Grand Pawn Shop in the 5400 block of East Grand Avenue. DEC. 29 Found at 10 a.m.: A small bag of cocaine at the Crestpark Condos of Highland Park in the 4200 block of Lomo Alto Drive. DEC. 30 Two purses, $100 in cash, and a North Face jacket, $1,121 combined value, were stolen sometime between
9:30 and 11 p.m. from a 2015 white Honda Accord parked in the 4100 block of Greenbrier Drive. JAN. 1 Shot before 11:45 a.m.: The hood of a 2016 white Volvo SUV parked outside of a home in the 4500 block of Stanhope Drive. JAN. 2 The resident of a home in the 3600 block of Wentwood Drive reported to police around 2:26 p.m. that while out of town, someone stole a package from his front porch – a pair of Nike Air Jordans, valued at $153, were inside. JAN. 3 Stolen between noon and 5 p.m.: A white 2017 Ford Raptor from a home in the 3600 block of Beverly Drive. The vehicle was recovered when the owner was able to track its whereabouts to Irving with a phone app. JAN. 4 A man, with an Iowa driver’s license, was found sleeping in an abandoned maroon 1997 Ford Taurus around 5 a.m. in the 4700 block of Auburndale Avenue. He said he was homeless and had no idea where he was or how he got there after falling asleep in the car somewhere near Central Expressway. Officers dropped him off near Mockingbird Station and impounded the car. JAN. 5 Three women were caught on video surveillance stealing merchandise around 4:30 p.m. from Fendi in the Highland Park Village. Stolen: a black mini Back to School purse, valued at $1,750, and a white mini Back to School purse, valued at $3,250. JAN. 7 A resident in the 4300 block of Versailles Avenue reported to police that around 5:12 p.m. she witnessed a male (or possibly female) with long blonde hair walk up to her porch and steal a package, containing $120 worth of plastic ware and cosmetics.
8 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
URBAN TRASH OR TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION? More regulations coming, but many want bike vendors to stay By William Taylor
People Newspapers
Friends of the Katy Trail has complained about piles of bikes becoming an eyesore, damaging landscaping, and posing a safety hazard to users of the trail.
s neon-bright rental bicycles proliferate, spreading along transit routes to the suburbs, some see transportation progress while others see reasons to complain. Jared White, city of Dallas bicycle transportation manager, said the number of rental bikes has reached 15,000 to 20,000 since summer and the market may soon get its sixth bike-sharing company. “Dallas went from a nonbiking city to a biking city overnight,” he said. “People weren’t used to seeing bikes or people riding bikes all the time, so it was a fast change.” Customers use apps to locate and rent the bikes, which cost $1 per hour. The technology doesn’t require docking stations, so riders leave them behind wherever finished for other customers to find. The leaving behind part has sparked many complaints, prompting Highland Park to adopt the area’s first bike-sharing regulations in December. University Park and Dallas officials are expected to consider options in February.
Frequent concerns include broken or vandalized bikes as well as ones left blocking sidewalks, piled on landscaping, or heavily clustered in parks and along trails. Highland Park town administrator Bill Lindley theorized bikes left in his community are being ridden from downtown by tourists, many of whom find themselves tired out by the 300-foot elevation difference. “There’s a reason we are called Highland,” Lindley said. Highland Park’s ordinance prohibits placement of bikes for rent in the town and provides for impoundment of those left by a vendor or its customers. Vendors could face fees of up to $100 per bike, and bikes not picked up after 15 days could be auctioned off. “We are not opposed to the bikes at all,” Highland Park Mayor Joel Williams said. “We just don’t want them left all over the place like litter.” Town officials are holding off on assessing fees until February and, even then, are hopeful fees can be avoided. “What we are after is compliance, voluntary compliance,” said Lindley, adding so far vendors sound willing
to cooperate. Geotracking technology allows them to know where bikes have been left, and apps can be used to alert customers not to leave them in certain areas, he said. Options for Dallas could include limiting the number of vendors, bikes per vendor, and bikes per square mile and setting rules on where bikes can be parked and how long they can sit in one location, White said. And rules could vary by area. Dallas doesn’t want to overregulate the bike-sharing companies, White said. “We want them to be successful, because we are getting good comments as well.” White said he sees riders using the bikes to access Dallas Area Rapid Transit and residents benefiting their health and the environment by choosing an alternative to travel by car. Dallas looked at offering a bike-sharing program using docking stations, but such a system with 400 bikes would take $6 million over five years to launch and get self-sustaining, White said. “That’s a lot of money especially for not that many bikes.”
UP Master Plan Update Delayed
Council: Now not the time for community input By Bianca R. Montes People Newspapers
With several construction projects underway in University Park, city council members have decided to tap the brakes on a staff-recommended half-a-milliondollar update to the city’s outdated master plan. “As they say, ‘Our plate is loaded,’” Mayor Olin Lane said. It’s been nearly 30 years since the city’s master plan was penned, and City Manager Robbie Corder said most items on it have either been crossed off or proven unnecessary. Drawing up a new plan, he said, would help tie together other long-term planning tools the city uses such as the five-year capital improvement plan and the zoning ordinance, which is being reworked. “The idea is to paint the picture for the next 20 years of the city; what are going to be our priorities, what’s going to be important for us,” Corder said. “It’s good for staff to have that direction, not only from the council, but also from the community.” In 1989, the city spent around $100,000 on a year-long initiative to study citywide issues. The project blended the ideas of hundreds of residents with those of city staff and consultants.
BY THE NUMBERS 1989 MASTER PLAN: 206 tasks identified
More than 40 topics relating to the city’s future were identified and a series of recommendations were developed. Items such as preserving neighborhood character, improving Snider Plaza, and cleaning up Turtle Creek were hallmarks of the plan. A new planning process would mim-
ic what was done 30 years ago, but council members expressed concern that comments from construction-weary residents could lean negative. “Right now we aren’t going to get the right feedback,” Council member Gary Richard said. “I think we should wait.” Instead, the city will rely for the next sev-
67 75 64
Considered on-going
Not done/ not going to be done
eral months on input from advisory committees, a cost-saving idea put forth by the mayor. The council anticipates revisiting the matter within the next year. For more information visit uptexas.org/ About-UP/1989-City-Master-Plan
10 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
HP Library Gets Feedback
Patrons want better communication
Wylly Goodson wants Highland Park’s library to remain “an oasis of calm and quiet.”
By Taylor Crisler
Special Contributor With the Highland Park Library collecting public input for a 10-year master plan, town resident Wylly Goodson has expressed concern about technology. “To me, the library is like the sacred place you can still go to that isn’t inundated with technology,” Goodson said. “I love the fact that our library is an oasis of calm and quiet.” Goodson was among those speaking up during a public meeting on the library. Others have given input through focus groups and a survey conducted online at hplibrary.info and on paper with copies available at the library and town hall. Town librarian Kortney Nelson said the survey would close on or before Jan. 31. The Ivy Group, the town’s contractor for the endeavor, expects the extensive planning work to begin in February. At the public meeting, Elizabeth Jones, 75, also spoke about technogology, saying her town needed to reconcile concerns such as Goodson’s with the importance of community engagement. She recommended the library use technology like the Mango app for language learning as a draw to bring people together in groups to converse and read books in different languages. “We have to get people into the library,” Jones said, “and just by having books isn’t going to work.” The library offers the Mango app as well as streaming and downloadable audiobooks and ebooks through its Hoopla
and OverDrive services. “One thing I think that’s emerging from the strategic planning process is that communications are going to be a priority,” said Pam Fitzgerald, who founded the Charlottesville, Virginia, marketing firm The Ivy Group 28 years ago. Fitzgerald has worked on such plans for many public libraries, a few of which are in cities as varied as Brooklyn, Boston, San Antonio, Frisco, and Tulsa. The Ivy Group led several focus group sessions, including ones with Highland Park ISD sixth-through eighth-grade students. Fitzgerald said there were some particularly exciting ideas to come from those sessions, such as having graduates of specific colleges come to the library to talk to students, and the library purchasing the expensive Adobe suite of programs so that students can get experience with a range of tools professionals now use that may be cost-prohibitive. Mickey Wardlaw, a Highland Park resident who also is a member of the Friends of the University Park Library, is interested in seeing the town’s library become a “community meet and greet center” to strengthen community bonds and take on tasks such as cultural education. “The University Park library does a lot more of that than Highland Park,” Wardlaw said, attributing that in part to limited parking in Highland Park. Mayor Joel William agreed the town could do more. “We should be providing more services to our senior citizens,” he said. “We don’t do a very good job of that, and your council should take the blame.”
HPISD, Municipal Elections Set for May 5 Candidate filing period runs through Feb. 16
Those who want to serve on the Highland Park Town Council, the University Park City Council, or the Highland Park ISD Board of Trustees need to get their paperwork in order. The filing period for the May 5 ballot runs through Feb. 16. In Highland Park, all six seats on the town council are up for grabs, including the mayor’s. Mayor Joel Williams said he isn’t seeking reelection.
All seats are up also in University Park, where the city council has five members including the mayor. In HPISD, only two of the seven seats will be on the ballot – the ones held by Lee Michaels (Place 1) and Jim Hitzelberger (Place 2). Both have announced they will seek reelection. The deadline to file as a write-in candidate is Feb. 20. - Staff report
14 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Retired Marine braves cancer, serves others By Sarah Bays
Special Contributor
FROM LEFT: Mario, Quentin, Koa, and Elizabeth Alcala.
obin Kelleher, founder and CEO of Hope For The Warriors, a nonprofit serving military families, describes veteran Mario Alcala as one of the “faces of hope.” Park Cities Baptist Church members also know Alcala as a face of faith. “I was told that my testimony has led numerous people to Christ,” he said. The 37-year-old retired Marine has gone through war, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a brain tumor, and most recently terminal cancer. Alcala credits his faith and the love he and his wife, Elizabeth, and their sons Quentin, 9, and Koa, 6, and his parents have received from their church family with helping him face stage 4 thyroid cancer. “It won’t go away, but my faith’s not going away either,” he said in a
video produced by the church. “My life is not wasted.” As a college student in Oregon, Alcala had designs on a career in football until an injury ended that dream. Instead, he served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 13 years until medically discharged for the brain tumor in 2010. Less than a year later, he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, which eventually spread to his lungs. “The people at Park Cities [Baptist] have been amazing,” he said, “from allowing me to stay in guest houses while I underwent radiation treatments to providing cooked meals for my family.” Alcala has undergone radiation treatment three times and had three surgeries in the past five years. The cancer is not growing as fast as it once was, he said. Due to his health problems, Alcala suffered PTSD, but found help managing the condition through Hope For The Warriors
and participation in its golf tournaments for veterans. He has completed a bachelor’s and a master’s degree and now works for HealthTexas Provider Network. Alcala also continues to volunteer with Hope For The Warriors. The nonprofit honored him in the fall with the Vigiano Family Hope and Courage Award, which recognizes hope and courage displayed in the face of extraordinary circumstances. “These ‘Faces of Hope’ represent the service and sacrifices made every day by our service members and military families,” Kelleher said. Alcala said he doesn’t feel he’s done anything spectacular, but he plans to continue sharing his story, working with other veterans, and living in faith. “I have seen God at work throughout this process,” he said. “It still amazes me how God takes something that we see as bad and uses it for good.”
What Foolishness of the Calendar is This?
Ash Wednesday falls on Feb. 14, Easter on April 1 By Sarah Bays
Special Contributor Gifts of love might look like heartshaped boxes of chocolates or the delicate petals of a rose. But this Feb. 14 comes with another, more somber sign of devotion— a cross of ashes. This year, the sacred and secular will kiss on Valentine’s Day, which also kicks off the Lenten season, and on April 1, when Easter and April Fool’s Day play a perhaps impractical joke on Christians. Should devout romantics forgo decadent gifts and celebrations? Priests say there are no real rules for how to make both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday work. “It’s the tug of war between the sacred and the profane, the joyful and the sorrowful,” said Monsignor Donald Zimmerman of Christ the King Catholic Church. “We think this is about full engagement of both,” said the Rev. Lisa Musser, of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. “While we are fully engaged in celebrating the cultural heritage of St. Valentine’s Day with our loved ones, we are equally engaged in the meaning of Ash Wednesday.” W hen Christians obser ve Ash Wednesday, which takes place 46 days before Easter Sunday, they receive ashes in the shape of a cross on their foreheads,
“It’s the tug of war between the sacred and the profane, the joyful and the sorrowful.” Monsignor Donald Zimmerman an outward symbol of repentance, according to catholic.org. The day begins Lent, a season of penance, reflection, and fasting meant to prepare Christians for the Easter celebration of Christ Resurrection. While Valentine’s Day is typically an event of happiness and perhaps even indulgence of the romantic and often chocolate kind, it can nevertheless provide a poignant backdrop to the Christian form of love, Zimmerman said. “St. Valentine calls us to … love our neighbor and Ash
Wednesday calls us to mortification, to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.” Tradition holds that the roots of Valentine’s Day are found in the story of a Roman priest named Valentine. At a time when the marriage of military-age men was outlawed, Valentine, continued to perform weddings and so was imprisoned and eventually executed. Legend holds that his last written words were to the daughter of a man who would judge his fate, in a letter signed
“from your Valentine.” Hence the tradition of sending Valentine’s cards. Despite the dichotomy, Zimmerman said he wouldn’t interfere with the traditional celebrations of either Valentine’s Day or Ash Wednesday. “Nah, celebrate them both,” he said with a laugh. “We have a school here and the kids get all excited about giving out Valentine’s and candy. I wouldn’t dare take that away.”
February 2018 15
Hate January? Then TGIF
LEN BOURLAND Aaah January. The long, dark, post-holiday month is one to be endured. The W-2s are in the mail, the flu sidelines many, and the population is swathed in black and gray, adding to the funereal pall of drab brown yards and leafless trees. We’ve survived the artic blasts, listening to the endless tales of “bomb” cyclone blizzards, thunder snow, and the misery index of those poor souls who don’t live in Texas. We’ve had it with covering up our plants to survive hard freezes. Probably the dumbest thing everybody does in January is resolve to lose five pounds, immediately setting themselves up for failure in what is already a glum month. The gyms are as crowded in January as the shopping malls are in December. Come on, folks — in addition to spinning, running, and pumping iron, you’ve got to cut calories. But this is definitely not the time you want to eat tofu, tuna fish, and salad. When it’s chilly, you want stews and chili with crusty breads, hot chocolate, hot toddies, and steaming cobblers. It’s also a time for binging — binge watching that is. Cocoon around the fireplace and boob tube to binge watch all those shows you heard about but never had time for when the weather was nice or football was on. I admitted to friends I didn’t know what to do now that House of Cards had folded. Suggestions came pouring in. Adult soaps span the gamut of history but all have the underlying theme of love and loss in the sea of social change. Late 18th century: English hunk of a nobleman takes on jerk of a nobleman in Poldark. American Revolution: The Turn, about spies from that era. 1940s to present: The Crown, a docudrama of the current House of Windsor. 1950s: In A Place Called Home, an Australian woman seeks to return home after World War II The truly good news is that February is a short month with a chocolate fix midway through on Valentine’s Day. TGIF. Thank Goodness it’s February. And as the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley said, “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Soon, very soon, we can all go outside again.
16 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
A Roaring Good Time
Dallas Museum of Art brings back popular speakeasy event By Bianca R. Montes People Newspapers
The Dallas Museum of Art is spinning back to the days of Prohibition. Last year, the museum transformed into a Prohibition-style speakeasy in celebration of an exhibition of cocktail ware from the late 19th century through present day. The event was a hit, with more than 1,200 guys and dolls fox trotting the night away in roaring-1920s attire. The event will return Feb. 24. With décor by event designer Todd Fiscus, the main event will take place in the museum’s Hamon Atrium featuring craft cocktails, light bites, live entertainment from the 18-piece band, The Singapore Slingers, dance instructors, novelty gaming tables, photo booth, admission to galleries, and a scavenger hunt throughout the DMA’s collections to “Track Down the Bootleggers.” Instagram influencers, Kara and Lily of Dallasites201, will judge and present awards for the best-dressed dames and daddies. For cool cats and kittens, the exclusive VIP Bootleggers Den will include open bars, hors d’oeuvres, exclusive lounge seating, reserved wait staff, private novelty gaming tables, special photo ops, dedicated dance instructors, and live entertainment. VIP tickets include all access and are limited. Tickets are also available for chances to
Dancers from The Rhythm Room at the 2017 DMA Speakeasy. win prizes that are the Cat’s Pajamas, including The Joule Hotel and Midnight Rambler Package featuring a one night stay in deluxe accommodations with complimentary overnight valet parking and a $100 gift card for food and beverage at the premier craft cocktail bar the Midnight Rambler. Tickets for the event are $70 for DMA Members or $85 for the general public, which includes two drink tickets, live entertainment, dance instructors, gaming tables, and buffets. VIP Bootleggers Den tickets are $100 for members or $150 for the public. Admission tickets now at dmaspeakeasy.org.
18 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Research highlights ’57 team’s post-football success was unique with the success that the guys had [after graduation], or was it kind of a metaphor for all Highland Park athletes, and probably, all Highland Park graduates [and the successes they go on to acheive],” said Allday, now athletic director for the fledgling University of North Texas at Dallas program.
“Sports are so important to what we learn in high school, sometimes more than classes.” David Franklin The 1957 football team was Highland Park High School’s first outright state champion.
By Joshua Baethge
Special Contributor
year that brought Highland Park High School football its fifth — and first repeat — state championship also marked the 60th anniversary of the Scot’s first undisputed title in the sport. While the 1944 squad shared
a title with Waco, the 1957 Scots were the first ones to win it outright. To mark that anniversary, Jack Allday, a junior end on the team, worked with teammate Bill Kramer to chronicle the posthigh school lives of all living members of the team as well as its three surviving managers. The 1957 team had only 44 players.
With encouragement f rom David Franklin, a senior tackle on the ’57 team, Allday began his research. The team produced 15 military men, including three West Point graduates and five decorated Vietnam War vets. There were also nine lawyers, seven doctors, and a dentist. “I don’t know if that team
Tackle Laddie McGinnis became a rocket scientist and helped with the space shuttle program. Reed Johnson went on to work as an NFL scout and coach, while Mike Sorrels coached Highland Park’s swim team for 33 years. There were many other success stories, including several who made their mark in the business world. Among them was Franklin, who founded restaurants including On the Border and Texas
Land and Cattle. “Sports are so important to what we learn in high school, sometimes more than classes,” he said. “I can’t take the square root of a number, but I remember everything about playing Abilene.” That semifinal playoff game may be the Scots’ biggest win. Highland Park stood toe-to-toe with an Abilene squad that had won three state titles and 49 consecutive games. Other games players remembered fondly were the state championship game against Port Arthur, a hard-fought quarter-final versus Wichita Falls, and the playoff victory against Crozier Tech to avenge their only loss of the season. Allday’s research was compiled in book created so teammates could learn what had been going on with each other. It’s not for sale, but copies were given to the middle school and high school libraries, as well as the Highland Park Public Library. “Sports is where you learn teamwork and discipline, and you have to work for what you get,” Franklin said. “All of these guys on our team have done so well, and the lessons they learned have been really important later in life.”
New Campuses To Blend In Old Elements
Legacy committees work with school architects to preserve history By Bianca R. Montes People Newspapers
Flipping through pages of a thick black binder, Neely Thrash browsed hundreds of photographs representing decades of Hyer Elementary School history. There’s the pavers honoring families who gave money for a new playground; the memorials that pay homage to former students and teachers; and, of course, the traditional red brick and pitched roof that seamlessly blend the school into its residential neighborhood. Thrash and others don’t want to see such elements lost as elementary school buildings are torn down and rebuilt in Highland Park ISD. “We want to make sure that Hyer stays Hyer,” Thrash said . Formed by the district, legacy committees comprised of current and former teachers, faculty, PTA members, and students have spent months walking the halls of their respective campuses, chronicling items they’d like to see retained at the new campuses. Their overall goal is to make sure the architects embrace unique elements of each school.
Neely Thrash looks through a binder of Hyer Elementary monuments. For Bradfield Elementary, it’s the single entrance that parents and students gather in front of — the entrance where the principal stands every morning, giving each student a high-five on their way in. For University Park Elementary, it’s the facade of the building. Jon Dahlander, HPISD director of communications, said committee members were
selected because of their interest in preserving the spirit of the schools. “Not only have they been talking about which benches need to be kept, which trees need to be preserved, they’ve also been instrumental in providing feedback to the architects, saying, ‘Here are certain elements that we want to see carried forward with the next building,’” he said.
For example, architects were able to lift the stone from the front facade of UP Elementary and are incorporating it into the design of the new building. The Bradfield Elementary Legacy Committee is working with architects to emulate the feel of the front plaza in the new design. Claire Baker, Bradfield PTA president, described the space as a community builder. “It just means everyone is walking in through the same direction and relationships are being built,” she said. Rennee Lockey, a UP Elementary parent and committee member, said serving on the legacy committee has come with a lot of pressure because “this community is steeped in such wonderful, rich traditions.” When a former UP student walks the halls of the new school, they’ll see memories photographed and framed, display cases filled with trophies, and school colors joyfully painted on the walls, she said. However, what’s gained with the rebuild — space — makes it a little easier to pack away a few trinkets, Lockey said. After all, the trinkets aren’t what resonate, she added. “It’s the memories that you have, and those will never go away.”
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018  19
Scots Parade of Champions Park Cities residents celebrated the repeat state champion Highland Park High School football and tennis teams with a parade on Jan. 13. As the crowds cheered, athletes and their coaches rode from the west side of the high school on Douglas Avenue to Goar Park.
The award-winning Highlander Band, Highland Belles, cheerleaders, Scotsmen, Sparkling Scots, and members of the 1945, 1957, 2005, and 2016 State Championship football teams also participated. At the park, players spoke to supporters and signed autographs. -Staff Report
20 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Setbacks provided motivation in pursuit of varsity hoop dreams By Todd Jorgenson
People Newspapers
Jack Palms contributes valuable minutes off the bench for the Scots varsity basketball team.
ome players grow up destined for greatness, their places on the varsity team solidified long before they even set foot on campus. Then there’s Jack Palms. He wasn’t supposed to be playing varsity basketball as a senior at Highland Park High School. But the more he was told he couldn’t, the more determined he became. Palms spent his seventh- and eighth-grade seasons as a team manager after being cut from the school ’s A, B, and C teams both years. As a freshman, he made the B team. And a year later, he was on the sophomore squad, which is for those who didn’t make the junior varsity. None of those turns of events suggested that Palms would eventually wear a varsity uniform, or certainly that he would contribute valuable minutes for a defending district champion. “I was working hard, but I didn’t
have it,” said Palms, who attended youth camps at HP. “Basketball was my life. I wasn’t blessed with a lot of athletic ability. I had to learn to overcome that.” Palms became more optimistic when he earned a spot on the JV team last season and eventually became a starter, which put the 6-foot-3 forward in line for the varsity squad as a senior. “It was a long journey,” he said. “There were definitely some times of doubt, and long summers of hard work. It’s really paid off.” Palms can’t point to one period of sudden improvement or one instance of good fortune that resurrected his hopes of fulfilling his varsity dream. However, he began working out in earnest with a private trainer during the summer prior to his freshman year on skills and conditioning. Still, all that time and effort came with no guarantees. “I put in all those hours not knowing what the outcome was going to be,” said Palms, who admits he pondered other sports or extracurricular activi-
ties. His older brother, Madison, played lacrosse at Boston University. “It really becomes a battle.” Palms said it was “a special moment” when he made his varsity debut during the season opener against South Oak Cliff in November. Since then, he’s become more valuable off the bench on a roster thinned by early-season injuries. “When his number is called, he’s always ready,” HP head coach David Piehler said. “He’s been beneficial to our team with his work ethic, whether he plays or he doesn’t. He’s got a great attitude and great character.” There were 140 boys in Palms’ seventh-grade class at Highland Park Middle School who tried out with him. Today, there are eight seniors on the varsity team who are still standing. “I didn’t want to let all that work be put to waste. I kept going hard. This is an opportunity I’ve been given. It’s a privilege I’ve earned,” Palms said. “There were people who doubted me. That’s what kept me going. I wanted to prove everyone wrong.”
Lady Scots No Longer Rebuilding
Experience should lead to improved softball team By Todd Jorgenson
People Newspapers After a season marked by rookie mistakes and lopsided losses, the Highland Park softball team is eager for a do-over. The Lady Scots will open the 2018 season with last year’s rebuilding effort behind them, and with the experience to get back into postseason contention. “Last year we had some growing pains, but we looked to build upon the successes that we did have,” said second-year HP head coach Michael Pullen. CHRIS MCGATHEY “The girls are a little older now. Mov- The Highland Park softball roster will feature plenty of familiar faces this season. ing forward, we have girls who have Eight starters return for the Lady Scots. played a lot of softball.” That wasn’t the case a year ago, when last year’s struggles, such as catcher Dawson Lovejoy, Forney, North Forney, and MesHP’s starting lineup consisted mostly of Daboussi, pitcher Claire Walker, infield- quite Poteet. All four teams have pitchers freshmen after losing almost its entire 2016 er Ava Sims, and outfielders Katie Reenan that likely will play at the Division I colteam — which set a school record for wins and Grace Brown. lege level. — to graduation and transfers. “We believe that experience will add up However, Pullen said that he’s already The good news for the Lady Scots is to better results. We’re in a good spot for the noticed progress and chemistry among his that this year’s squad returns eight starters, next couple of years,” Pullen said. “We’ve returnees developed in part through sumincluding slugger Amanda Reenan, a senior got youth in key positions, which is a good mer conditioning sessions and fall league who already has three all-district selections thing to have.” games. under her belt. Reenan will play shortstop After a nondistrict schedule that fea“They’ve been pushed pretty hard and pitcher this spring. tures tournaments in Farmers Branch and and they’re pretty confident,” Pullen said. She will be surrounded by mostly Sugar Land, HP must navigate a stacked “They’re more prepared. They’ve put in the younger players who should benefit from District 15-5A with such powerhouses as time to get better. They’re ready to go.”
February 13 15 15 16 16 17 20 22 23 24 24 27
Garland Naaman Forest Haslet Eaton^ Frisco Reedy^ El Paso Eastwood^ Celina^ CFBISD tournament^ at Frisco Liberty Houston Dekaney% at Fort Bend Christian The Woodlands Cooper% Houston Kinkaid% at Argyle
March 2 6 9 10 12 20 23 27 29
Keller Central at Lovejoy* North Forney* West Mesquite* at Mesquite Poteet* Forney* at Royse City* Wylie East* Lovejoy*
7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Noon Noon 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m.
April 3 6 10 14 17 20
at North Forney* at West Mesquite* Mesquite Poteet* at Forney* Royse City* at Wylie East
7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Noon 7 p.m. 7 p.m.
7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 12:45 p.m. 4:30 p.m. TBA 7 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m.
* — District 15-5A game | ^ — at Farmers Branch | % — at Sugar Land
22 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Highland Park Lacrosse Begins New Era New coach looks to keep the ball rolling for the Scots
— among them Cade Saustad, Paxton Alexander, Scully Jenevein, and Cameron Reeves. Saustad has committed to play college lacrosse at Virginia, while Alexander will head to Utah. Other top returnees for the Scots will include Cooper Kneese, Will Stern,
Andrew Stanzel, Finn Jent, Pete Sitton, Elliot Nelson, Reese Glusing, and goalkeeper Doak Walker. Moses is the director of HEADstrong Lacrosse Club of Texas and one of the organizers of the annual Patriot Cup event, which brings together top college
By Todd Jorgenson
People Newspapers This season will launch a new era for the Highland Park lacrosse program, although the new man in charge is a familiar face. Rich Moses is the new Division I head coach after serving as an assistant coach at the Division II level for HP during the past few seasons. He replaces Derek Thomson, who retired following the Texas High School Lacrosse League state tournament last spring. Thomson won seven state titles during his 14year tenure that turned the Scots into a perennial powerhouse. Moses, who started with HP as a youth coach in 2008, takes over a D1 program that remains a perennial powerhouse. After winning the state championship in 2015, the Scots were the runner-up in 2016 and reached the state semifinals last May before falling to eventual state champion Jesuit. Moses will inherit a roster that includes several members of the HP football team that won its second consecutive Class 5A Division I state title in December
and high school teams for a daylong showcase that raises funds for the HEADstrong Foundation, earmarked for cancer research and treatment. As a player, the New York native was a standout at Hobart College during the 1980s. As a coach, he received the 2015 HEADstrong Relentless Spirit Award, the 2015 THSLL D2 North Assistant Coach of the Year award — after helping HP win a D2 state title — and the 2016 THSLL Person of the Year award. The Scots will open the season on Feb. 16 against IMG Academy from Florida as part of the Patriot Cup in Frisco. They also will head to southern California for three games during spring break before closing the schedule against some traditional local rivals.
2018 SCHEDULE February 16 IMG Academy* 23 at Coppell 27 Frisco
Highland Park will look to continue its momentum this season under new lacrosse head coach Rich Moses.
7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m.
March 2 10 12 13 23 24
at ESD 7:30 p.m. at Corona del Mar 2 p.m. at Poway (Calif.) 9 p.m. at Torrey Pines (Calif.) 9 p.m. at Allen 6:30 p.m. Mountain Vista (Colo.) 7 p.m.
April 3 7 8 13 17 20 26
at McKinney at The Woodlands at Kingwood Plano West Rockwall Jesuit at St. Mark’s
7:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 11 a.m. 7:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
* — at The Star in Frisco
Thornton Shines at American Open
Highland Park High School junior Alexandra Thornton set a personal record at the American Open Finals in Anaheim, California. The former Youth American weightlifting record holder was a perfect 6-for-6 in her lifts, which included 80 kilograms in the snatch and 100kg in the clean and jerk, for a total of 180. - Staff report
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 23
Real Estate Quarterly
Sage Oak offers boutique assisted living
The retirement homes operated by Sage Oak are intended to evoke the feel of a single-family home.
By Joshua Baethge
Special Contributor
nder renovation for the better part of the year, the old house at 7129 Aberdeen Avenue welcomes new occupants in early 2018. But don’t expect to see children running around the yard. The fifth Sage Oak Assisted Living facility to open in Dallas since 2016 will be home to eight seniors who are still going strong but need a little help. “Our company philosophy is we want to bring great quality care and do it in a home,” Sage Oak chief operating officer Loe Hornbuckle said. “You can do both.” Hornbuckle describes the concept as “boutique assisted living,” a more upscale twist on residential care and part of a na-
tional trend toward residential care homes and assisted living facilities. At Sage Oak homes, residents have private rooms but come together in common areas to share activities and meals together, he said. “Our goal is to be Thanksgiving every day,” Hornbuckle said. Large-scale assisted living facilities began springing up in the 1980s. Unlike skilled nursing facilities, or nursing homes, which can often feel like hospitals, assisted living communities offer residents a large degree of independence while still providing basic daily care. Such communities often resemble upscale apartment complexes, and while that has been a positive development for many seniors, it’s not a good fit for everyone, Hornbuckle said.
“The problem is that a huge segment of the population doesn’t do well in that setting at all,” he said. “They don’t want to see 40 or 50 people every day, or walk down a long hallway, or eat a cafeteria–style meal.” Sage Oak operates facilities on Forest Lane and Norway Road and continues to look for properties that would make good homes for seniors. Each house purchased requires massive renovations before residents can move in. Single-story homes with level floors are ideal starting points, he said. Attached garages are nice too, because they can be converted into resident rooms and bathrooms. “Some of the homes that we buy have been for sale for extended periods of time and don’t quite fit what a single family would need,” Hornbuckle said. “We can come and take a house that may be drag-
ging the prices down for the rest of the market, do these renovations, and make it a [a property that helps lift home prices in its area.]” When renovated, Sage Oak facilities typically feature eight bedrooms, and most of them have private bathrooms. Each property is a licensed facility with the necessary fire suppression requirements, security systems, and Americans With Disabilities Act-compliant features. Layout resembles a large single-family home with a spacious living room, dining area, and kitchen. But while the freshly remodeled homes are a good selling point, the quality of care and low staff-to-resident ration are even more important, Hornbuckle said. “A nice building is nice, but quality care is what drives everything.”
24 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Agents Predict Strong 2018 Real Estate Market
Spring shopping begins early in Preston Hollow, Park Cities By Bianca R. Montes Pe ople Newspapers
Whether it’s out-of-towners moving to the area, or locals looking to upgrade, Dallas real estate agents say people are ready to buy in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow neighborhoods. “The Dallas economy just feels good to everyone,” said Susie Swanson, a senior vice president with Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty. “The confidence is good with both the sellers and buyers.” The prediction for a strong 2018 comes after what Swanson calls a market correction. Last year, she said there was a period of inflation when a seller could say whatever they wanted when it came to price and there was not much negotiation.
“There are some areas you can get a good deal, but if it’s the right location, it is still a sellers’ market.” Shirley Cohn
“You’re going to see people sell [now], where some things just stayed on the market last year, because sellers didn’t want to take less and buyers didn’t want to pay more,” she said. However, part of that whole “it’s a sellers’ market” feeling still rings true when it comes to homes on large lots and in desirable locations, said Shirley Cohn, an executive VP with Allie Beth Allman & Associates. “There are some areas you can get a good deal, but if it’s the right location it is still a sellers’ market,” she said. Buyers, she added, also aren’t wavering much when it comes to lot size. “Land is valuable,” Cohn said. “It’s all about the lot size, so some people will not even look at a smaller lot.” The problem is that lots are scarce in
both Preston Hollow and the Park Cities. Swanson said the lack of inventory and steep price tags have some buyers looking to older homes they can renovate. In Highland Park, she said the dirt lots can be upwards of $2 million – a price tag that has buyers spending close to $6 million to build a home. “They can buy something older and update it for a lot less,” she said. Cohn said owners of older homes on small lots or in less desirable location can also update their homes to be more competitive. And while in years past, the spring market began mid-March, both agents agree the middle of February is the golden time to list and buy a home. “Start getting ready now,” Swanson advised.
PR E STO N H O LLOW Closed sales
Median price
Dec. 2016
March 2017
June 2017
Sept. 2017
Dec. 2017
Closed sales
Median price
Price per Sold to Active Days on Months’ sq. foot list price listings market supply
Dec. 2016
March 2017
June 2017
Sept. 2017
Dec. 2017
Price per Sold to Active Days on Months’ sq. foot list price listings market supply
Source: North Texas Real Estate Information Systems Inc.
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 29
Real Estate Briefs The Collective Becomes Compass Dallas Year-old The Collective Residential is becoming Compass Dallas as a result of a merger announced in January. The Collective, founded by Christy Berry and Jonathan Rosen, bills itself as a boutique residential real estate brokerage firm specializing in luxury properties. New York-based Compass identifies as a real estate technology company. “Compass’ focus on agent service, technology, and immaculate branding will allow us to best serve Dallas home buyers and sellers with the personal touch we pride our business on,” Berry said. Compass was founded in 2012 to provide technology to help real estate professionals run and grow their business. “We believe that we can make the experience of buying or selling a home better for everyone involved by building technology and providing support designed to make agents’ lives simpler,” said Robert Reffkin, co-founder and CEO of Compass. In the past five years, Compass grew to become a $2.2 billion company with more
Alair Homes Eyes Dallas Expansion
Construction management network Alair Homes is accelerating growth in Texas and elsewhere and company leaders expect the greater Dallas market to become home to many Alair offices. In 2017, Alair Homes signed JRH Design + Build as a regional partner, making JRH founder James Hammel the owner and operator of Alair’s Dallas office. Hammel has 19 years of experience in construction services.
Jonathan Rosen and Christy Berry. than 40 offices in 12 cities nationwide servicing 2,200 agents. With a recent $450 million investment from the Softbank Vision Fund, Compass plans to expand into every major U.S. city – nine in 2018, including Dallas. Compass plans for Dallas include opening two more offices.
Founded in 2007, Alair Homes began franchising in 2012 and has since grown to more than 90 offices across Canada and the United States. The company emphasizes a transparent, 100 percent client-funded process aimed at maximizing client participation in the home building or renovation process and minimizing time-consuming administrative tasks for builders. “Alair’s proven model allows me to do what I do best: build and remodel beautiful homes across the Dallas metroplex,” Hammel said.
New Allie Beth Allman Leadership Team
FROM LEFT: Keith Conlon, Allie Beth Allman, and Travis Mathews. Dallas-based Allie Beth Allman & Associates, a Berkshire Hathaway Affiliate, has named a new top management team, the first leadership change for the firm since startup in 2003. The firm promoted veteran agents Keith Conlon to general manager and Travis Mathews to chief operating officer The Allman company has more than 350 agents serving the Dallas metro
area including part of Tarrant County. Known for its high-profile clientele, the majority of the firm’s listings are in established neighborhoods, including the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. Berkshire Hathaway real estate company, HomeServices of America, the largest residential brokerage in the nation, acquired the Allman company two years ago. - Compiled by staff
30 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Act Now to Get Ahead of Spring Home Market
New on the Market in the Park Cities
3821 Shenandoah Street, represented by Ralph Randall and Kyle Baugh Here, just a few properties in Highland Park and University Park that are new on the market with Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s
Mary Frances Burleson
International Realty, the No. 1 firm in luxury residential sales in
What was once considered real estate wisdom – the ideal
the Park Cities in 2017 per North Texas Real Estate Information
time to list your home for sale is the traditional spring selling
season – is no longer true for North Texas homeowners.
3821 Shenandoah Street, Highland Park: This classic Greek
“Year-over-year home sales for December and the
Revival–style manse by Larry E. Boerder Architects boasts a
current low inventory of homes available to purchase
center-hall plan that opens to the formal rooms, family room,
indicate there is no reason to wait until spring to list your
library, kitchen and keeping room. It is represented by Ralph
home for sale,” says Mary Frances Burleson, president and
Randall and Kyle Baugh.
CEO of Ebby Halliday Realtors. “The latest numbers from
3009 Amherst Avenue, University Park: This four-bedroom
North Texas Real Estate Information Systems offer a very
Traditional is fit to entertain with open living spaces, a wet bar
compelling case for those sellers who would like to get a
with wine storage, two staircases and a large playroom. It is
head start on the competition.”
represented by Lucinda Buford and Tessa Mosteller. 4133 Hyer Street #3, University Park: This updated, four-
A few of the highlights from the NTREIS numbers for December 2017 vs. December 2016 include:
bedroom condominium offers a private back yard, elevator
• The average sales price for a North Texas home rose 8.7%.
and three-car garage, plus hardwoods, Ann Sacks tiles and
• The number of homes for sale was down 0.7%.
Caesarstone countertops. It is represented by Molly Hurt and Marcy Haggar. To see all the luxury homes, ranches and land offered by Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty — in North Texas and around the world — go to briggsfreeman.com.
• Finally, new listings were up 5.1%. “These numbers make it clear that the winter of 2018
offers an ideal climate in which to list a North Texas property for sale,” Burleson says. If you’re considering listing your home, contact an Ebby
Bailey offers renovated fivebedroom in University Park
This clean-lined Mediterranean-style residence was taken to the studs and effectively rebuilt in 2011. Shelly Bailey of Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate is offering the 3,673 squarefoot home (per tax rolls) at 4221 Amherst Ave. (4221amherst. daveperrymiller.com) for $1,575,000. The beautifully updated five-bedroom, five-bath home was designed to anticipate its owner’s every need. With its fresh, neutral color palette, rich hardwood flooring and designer finishes throughout, it is move-in ready. “It is rare to find a quality, newer construction five-bedroom home in the Park Cities in this price range,” Bailey says. An inviting front porch and lush landscape add to the attractive Santa Barbara-inspired exterior providing alluring curb appeal. Inside, this inviting home offers a well-designed open floor plan enhanced with hues of natural light. Anchored by an open-concept kitchen, outfitted with granite counters, a serving bar and stainless appliances, the living and dining spaces seamlessly transition for easy entertaining and comfortable everyday living. For more information or to schedule a private showing, contact Bailey at 214-673-4323 or shellybailey@ daveperrymiller.com. Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate (daveperrymiller.com) is a division of Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc., with five locations that specialize in Park Cities, Preston Hollow, North Dallas, Lakewood, East Dallas, Uptown, Kessler Park and Farm &
How to Apply for the Homestead Exemption
4647 South Versailles Avenue, represented by Gayle Johansen Now is the time for homeowners who’d like to save on property taxes. And if you purchased a home in Texas in 2017, it is important to utilize the advantages of your purchase and file for a residential homestead exemption — a legal exemption that removes part of your home’s value from taxation, which, depending on the value of your home, could potentially save you thousands each year. To qualify, you must have owned the property as your primary residence by January 1, 2018, and you may not claim a homestead exemption on any other property. The deadline to file is April 30, 2018. It’s easy to file. Dallas County residents may obtain the application online via the Dallas County Central Appraisal District website, dallascad.org. Residents can also visit the Appraisal District office at 2949 North Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, 75247. To contact the office, call 214-631-0910 or e-mail pre@dcad.org. For a list of appraisal-district offices in nearby counties, visit the Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty blog, updatethemetroplex.com. To see all the exceptional homes, ranches and land offered by Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty — in North Texas
Ranch properties.
and around the world — go to briggsfreeman.com.
Associate to learn what your home is worth in today’s
Allman Firm Number One in Sales
fast-paced market. To get started, visit the award-winning, mobile-friendly ebby.com.
Offers Elegant North Dallas Home
A year ago, the sales team for Allie Beth Allman & Associates set a goal of being number one in the sales and listings of homes in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. For 2017, the Allman firm not only achieved the goal of being the best real estate brokerage in those prestigious
This elegant residence in the North Dallas community of Cochran Chapel Circle presents a calm and serene oasis within the heart of an exciting and bustling City.
neighborhoods, it also ranked number one in Dallas County
A charming courtyard entrance leads into more than 2,500
in homes valued under $1 million, over $2 million and over
square feet of sunny space accentuated by high ceilings and
$5 million.
a natural palette of colors including updated wood and stained
“We are thrilled for the success our agents and the
and patterned concrete flooring.
firm have had this year,” said Allie Beth Allman, president
The main living area is centered upon a handsome floor-to-
and CEO of Allie Beth Allman & Associates. “When you see
ceiling fireplace and walls of windows. The open kitchen adjoins
the goal of being number one come to fruition, it is a great
to create an ideal flow for entertaining and offers the most de-
sired updates like stainless steel appliances and features Alder
The Allman firm, an affiliate of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, also opened offices in Lakewood and Southlake this year.
wood custom cabinetry, granite counters and a cheerful breakfast area. A flexible three-bedroom, three full-bath floor plan is ideal for
“Being number one in Preston Hollow is a huge
those needing two spacious masters plus an office. Enjoy the
accomplishment for the firm,” said general manager Keith
convenience of a washer and dryer on both levels, a two-car
Conlon. “We doubled our sales in that market this year.”
garage and abundant updates throughout.
Conlon believes the firm’s success of 2017 will continue
Boasting a quiet location in the back of the community at
next year. “We have the best agents in Dallas, and with the
4346 Cochran Chapel Circle, the home is offered at $500,000
Allie Beth Allman and Berkshire Hathaway brand behind us,
and is shown by appointment. Contact Jan Hayes Keenan at
we believe our numbers will continue to grow.”
214-683-9644, jkeenan@virginiacook.com.
Firm Touts International Affiliations Tax Reform
and Your Home
In recent years Dallas has become a go-to global cities. With dozens of international companies relocating and moving to North Texas, real estate has become international. Allie Beth Allman & Associates, the top brokerage firm in Dallas County, has a worldwide reach. It is affiliated with the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World and Luxury Portfolio International. “I hear almost every week about a new company coming from Asia or Europe because North Texas has such a strong economy” said Allie Beth Allman, president and CEO of Allie Beth Allman & Associates.” The Leading Real Estate Companies of the World is home to the world’s market-leading independent residential brokerages in more than 65 countries, with 565 firms producing over 1.1 million transactions valued at $368 billion annually. Luxury Portfolio was among the first to feature property listings in nine languages and 60 currencies. Allman was invited to join this global network based on its unparalleled performance and trusted relationships that result in exceptional client experiences. “Our international affiliates such as LRE and Luxury Portfolio put us in 68 countries on six continents,” said Allman General Manager Keith Conlon. “It gives our listings the international exposure to foreign buyers throughout the world.”
4320 Taos Road, represented by Kay Wood and Brian Davis Just as the expert agents of Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty have invaluable knowledge about homes, neighborhoods and market trends, trusted sources for how the new tax reform will affect home ownership include the National Association of Realtors and news organizations such as Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, the latter from which much of this information was adapted. Prior to the tax reform, homeowners could deduct the interest on their mortgage debt up to $1 million. The new law cuts the interest deduction on mortgage debt up to $750,000 for new mortgages. Current homeowners are not impacted by this change. The overhaul curbs how much homeowners can deduct for paying property taxes. The previous tax law allowed taxpayers to deduct state and local income or sales taxes and property taxes. Property, state and local income taxes face a combined $10,000 deduction limit. If you are considering buying or selling in 2018, a top ally is any of the expert agents with Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty. To see all the homes, ranches and land represented by the leaders in luxury — in Dallas, all of North Texas and around the world — go to briggsfreeman.com.
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 31
Record Setting Sale in University Park
This custom built extraordinary French estate on 6101 Saint Andrews was a record setting sale in 2017 in University Park. This extraordinary French estate nestled on .52-acre lot on coveted Saint Andrews was custom built and superbly crafted with timeless architecture by Richard Drummond Davis. Sold towards the end of 2017 by Laura Michelle and Ryan Streiff of The Perry-Miller Streiff Group at Dave PerryMiller Real Estate, this property at 6101 St. Andrews was one of only two sales in MLS in University Park north of $5 Million in 2017. Featuring gorgeous grounds with pristine gardens, meticulously landscaped lawn, sparkling lap pool and fountains, 6101 St. Andrews was a very special offering and truly a private oasis in the Park Cities. Stellar location near Dallas Country Club and Highland Park Village within Bradfield Elementary and HPISD. The Perry-Miller Streiff Group successfully sold over $105 Million in 2017, surpassing their total sales numbers in 2016. They work hard to create the unparalleled track record they have, where every transaction bears the
English Country home offers space, privacy
Tom Rhodes with The Rhodes Group of Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate has listed this 2011 Country French-style home in the heart of Highland Park. Custom built on a spacious corner lot surrounded by English-garden landscaping, 4301 Bordeaux Ave. (4301bordeaux.daveperrymiller.com) is offered for $5,500,000. “This perfectly sited home can simultaneously make you feel you’re on a secluded countryside estate, and yet also part of a close-knit community with many modern conveniences at hand,” says Rhodes. The gated motor court accesses the front entry and two two-car garages that flank either side of it. Inside, beautiful wide-planked hardwood floors extend throughout the first floor, as do 10-foot ceilings. Downstairs is a formal dining room, spacious family room, fully equipped chef’s kitchen and a morning room with fireplace. The spacious first floor master suite has dual baths, walkin closets, and French doors leading to a private screened-in porch. Upstairs are three secondary en-suite bedrooms, a game room and office. For more information, contact Rhodes at 214-520-4422 or tom@daveperrymiller.com. Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate (daveperrymiller.com) is a division of Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc., with five locations that specialize in Park Cities, Preston Hollow, North Dallas, Lakewood, East Dallas, Uptown, Kessler Park and Farm & Ranch properties.
hallmarks of true professionalism, commitment, and a deft touch. For more information on any of our other listings please contact Laura Michelle (laura@daveperrymiller. com) or Ryan Streiff (ryan@daveperrymiller.com) for more information or visit DPMFineHomes.com.
Residences At The Stoneleigh
Allman Firm Tops Luxury Home Sales
New Management Team for Allie Beth Allman
Allie Beth Allman & Associates ended 2017 as the top brokerage firm in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow and in all of Dallas County for the sale of homes valued at more than $1 million, more than $2 million and more than $5 million. Allman associates this year were involved in several significant sales, including an iconic Highland Park mansion that had not been on the market for a half century. Highlights include: The Wyly Estate at 3905 Beverly Drive in Highland Park. Built in 1924, the estate, available for the first time in 50 years, overlooks the Dallas Country Club golf course. The Allman firm brought the seller and buyer of 9400 Meadowbrook Drive, a four-bedroom gated estate with a private guest apartment. Anne Oliver represented the buyer of the 10,000-squarefoot home at 4835 N. Lindhurst Ave. in Preston Hollow. And Marianne Percy brought the buyer of the four-bedroom French-style estate at 5939 Deloache Ave. in the heart of Preston Hollow. At 3415 Lindenwood Ave. a newly built home within walking distance of fine dining, shops, parks and the popular Katy Trail was sold. To see all of the firm’s current listings, visit www. alliebeth.com.
in 2003. Keith Conlon, as General Manager, will be responsible for sales. Travis Mathews is Chief Operating Officer. Both are veteran agents with the Allman company. Allie Beth Allman & Associates is known as the premier firm for luxury homes in MLS data, leading Dallas County in the sale and listing of estates valued at $2 million or more. The NTREIS data also places the company as the leader for listings and sales in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. Allie Beth Allman & Associates was founded in 2003. More than 350 agents serve the Dallas metro area including part of Tarrant County. Regarded as the luxury leader, the majority of the firm’s listings are in established neighborhoods, but the company activity reflects the entire DFW area. Known for its high-profile clientele, the Dallas-based company is affiliated with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World. The company was acquired two years ago by the
Bright at Home
of America, the largest residential brokerage in the nation.
Briarwood Cottage with Pool
The 22-story Residences at the Stoneleigh offers
In the most desirable neighborhoods in North Texas, one brokerage continues to lead: Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty. Per recent data from North Texas Real Estate Information Systems (NTREIS), Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty sold more homes across Dallas and Fort Worth in 2017 than any other firm for properties priced more than $550,000 and more than $1 million. The Park Cities and Preston Hollow are unique in North Texas, with their elegance, ease and sense of continuity. They are premier American neighborhoods, home to leaders in society, business and politics, plus executives, pro athletes and generations of families. The homes range from quaint bungalows to large estates — all within blocks of local and global shopping and dining. These unique neighborhoods take a unique understanding of their real estate markets, plus expertise about the schools, architecture and lifestyles. As the numbers show, Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty continues to be the leader in luxury. The firm’s exceptional agents can help make the most of a life in a top neighborhood. To see all the homes, ranches and land represented by Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty — in Dallas, North Texas and around the world — go to briggsfreeman.com.
team, the first leadership change for the firm since startup
Berkshire Hathaway real estate company, HomeServices
The Brokerage That Leads in Luxury
3921 Wentwood Drive, represented by Michelle Wood
Dallas-based Allie Beth Allman & Associates, a Berkshire Hathaway Affiliate, has named a new top management
an opportunity to design the home of your dreams with customizable floor plans, large covered terraces and panoramic views from every floor, making each residence a custom home in the sky. “Elegant architecture, top-quality construction, stateof-the-art technology and the finest amenities combine to make Residences at the Stoneleigh a new landmark on the skyline,” said Kyle Crews, with Allie Beth Allman and Associates, listing agent for the remaining developer owned shell units. Homes at the Residences offer views of downtown, a large onsite dog park, covered balconies and numerous
Preston Hollow Village Residential is now open and movein ready, with three mid-rise apartment buildings able to suit your lifestyle and budget. With apartment homes ranging from 650-2700 SF, each building depicts its own unique identity and amenities. Whether you are looking at The Preston, The Douglas, or The Royal, you will feel bright at home in the upscale yet casual neighborhood. It’s the perfect place to get refreshed, get connected and get living. PHV is located at the Northwest corner of Walnut Hill and N Central Expressway. Anchored by Trader Joe’s, the six phase master-planned community encompasses upscale shopping and dining, and will have six upscale residential neighborhoods featuring over 1,300 homes. Preston Hollow Village complements the modern, on-the-move lifestyles of its residents. Here, everyone can walk to chic restaurants, a neighborhood grocery store, superior shopping and services, and a future three-acre park. Please visit: www.liveatphv.com.
amenities, including 24-hour concierge service, valet parking, a banquet room with a kitchen and bar, a 28-seat media room, a heated pool with a spa, an outdoor living area with a fireplace and a grill, conference rooms and a fitness center with dual steam rooms. “For finish-out, Residences at the Stoneleigh will work with you to create your dream home and deliver sophisticated finishes and remarkable interiors for each residence,” Crews said. Contact Donna Smith at 214-326-2575 for additional information about the Residences at the Stoneleigh.
Special Get your ad booked NOW!
Contact your account representative or call 214 • 523 • 5228
8507 Briarwood Lane - $699,900 Three-bedroom, three-bath home in desirable Briarwood is offered by Paige & Curt Elliott for $699,900. This charming cottage has three living areas, an updated kitchen with built-in wine refrigerator, stainless-steel appliances, a two-sided fireplace, and hardwoods throughout most of the home. Other amenities include a master suite with walkin closet, separate utility room with locker storage and sink, and a two-car attached garage. Contact the Elliott & Elliott Group at 214-478-9544.
32 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
HOUSE OF THE MONTH 4343 Beverly Drive
legant, entertaining, and luxurious living define this gorgeous estate, from the hand-crafted details to the generous spaces. The entrance to a formal living and dining rooms set a sophisticated tone. A cheerful open kitchen and den at the back of the house overlook the beautiful in-
finity pool. Upstairs, the master suite is truly a wing of its own, with a resort-like bath and roomy closets. Plenty of guests’ and children’s bedrooms form another wing on the second story. Below ground, find a theater for movie night and a gym, as well as a spacious six-car garage. This home also offers tons of storage, a stately office, and a separate bar area.
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 33
Bricks & Minifigs offers trade-in opportunities By Maria Adolphs
Special Contributor
allas native and U.S. Air Force veteran Jason Klima remembers his first Lego set. “I was kind of poor growing up, so most of my toys came from garage sales,” he said. “I can’t remember having a single toy that had all the parts, but with Lego, it didn’t matter – you could still build whatever you wanted.”
“Anything that gets the kids using their imagination, their hands, ... is fantastic.” Heather Dossett Klima discovered Bricks & Minifigs while stationed in Oahu, Hawaii. His son wanted a rare mini-figure normally sold only in a set, and a friend recommended the store. Klima fell in love with the franchise. “One gets blown away by the
endless sea of Lego,” he said. Customers can fill bags with their choice of Lego pieces or “bricks,” or shop from the showcase of mini-figures and used sets. “Not only is this a really cool concept, but cathartic, in that everyone came in the door happy,” Klima said. Klima and his wife, Andrea, decided to become franchisees. They opened their own store in Plano in 2015, followed in 2017 by a North Dallas store in the Preston Valley Shopping Center. Their third location opened late last year in Sachse, and they are thinking about expanding into McKinney. Preston Hollow resident Heather Dossett and her three boys enjoy visiting the North Dallas store. “What I really love is that they let the kids bring in minifigs and Legos that they used and enjoyed and trade them in,” she said. Dossett also is a fan of the store’s birthday parties, classes, and summer activities.
For the Klima family, Lego toys are for both fun and business. FROM LEFT: Andrea, Lilianna, Jason, and Noah.
“Anything that gets the kids using their imagination, their hands, and working as a team is fantastic,” she said. The entire Klima family are masters of their trade and play with Lego toys throughout the day. Whether assembling sets by
following plans or building freehand—what Klima calls MOC’s (my own creations) – having experience helps him connect with his customers. Klima said the North Dallas store is in an excellent location with a diverse customer
base, where not all shoppers are families and children. He estimates that half his customers are adults, or AFOL’s (adult fans of Lego). Klima said Lego often is therapeutic and brings back a sense of nostalgia for many customers.
Keep Tails Waggin’ While You’re Away
Park Cities Pet Sitter puts animal owners’ minds at ease By Brooke Kull
People Newspapers
FROM LEFT: Pet sitter Mike McLain and business owner Joette White.
Vacations are often exciting, but leaving furry family members behind can be stressful. Park Cities Pet Sitter Inc. strives to set minds at ease by offering experienced care for animals (furry or not), as well as training, walks, and house checks. Lucky pet owners may even receive a photo or two of their happy pets. “We literally have seen just about everything that can possibly happen when it comes to taking care of people’s pets and homes,” owner Joette White said. “That gives both our clients and staff a lot of comfort and peace of mind.” With a passion for animals, White began as a pet sitter for the company in 1996. In 2000, she purchased it with a goal to grow and improve services. “The business is much larger now than it was back in 2000, but the fundamental principles are exactly the
same as they were the day I bought it,” White said. “We take great care of our staff so they will take great care of our clients — it is a formula that works and will not change.” The company has been in business for 25 years, and several of its nearly 50 sitters have been with it from five to 20 years. “Some of my clients have been with me the whole time I’ve been with the company, and we have developed wonderful relationships,” said Mike McLain, a 15-year pet sitter. It’s important to the staff that families and pets see a familiar face, so the company prefers to assign a client the same sitter each time. If the usual employee is unavailable, the company can arrange for an in-person meeting for the client and pets to get to know the new sitter. Starlette Johnson, a client since 2002, said such practices create trust. “Their sitters are very well trained, and they are very responsible with not just my ‘kids,’ but with my home,” Johnson said.
34 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Comings and Goings COMING SOON The Hill 8401 Walnut Hill Lane A modern mixed-use development located in a historic shopping center at North Central Expressway and Walnut Hill Lane is bringing a variety of restaurants and shops to North Dallas. The Boardroom Salon for Men and onestop-beauty shop Mattison Avenue Salon Suites and Spa are the latest to sign lease agreements. Also, several restaurants will pop up there by summer, including specialty coffee shop Civil Pour, health-focused Mediterranean-inspired Luna Grill, and family-friendly Hat Creek Burger Company.
Cousin Earl 6025 Royal Lane Talk about a family affair, this brand new boutique features unique labels named after loved ones – there’s Aunt Wanda, Sister Mary, and of course Cousin Earl. The former pop-up shop is run by Frances Malik and daughter Ivy Jane Neumann, and features exclusive items, as well as shoes, accessories, jeans, tees, and jewelry carefully selected to complement their bohemian style.
HP Lingua 5600 W. Lovers Lane It’s been said that it is never too early – or late – to learn a new language. Now, it’s never been more convenient with in-home or on-sight language tutoring. This momrun company offers classes in French, Italian, Spanish, and Mandarin.
Turner McDowell 8080 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1300 Seasoned Park Cities and Preston Hollow lawyers Karen Blakely Turner and Ashley McDowell have joined forces to establish a new agency focused on complex divorce and family law issues, including premarital agreements and child custody arrangements.
DISH Preston Hollow 8611 Hillcrest Ave.
Before reaching three years in its Hillcrest Road and Northwest Highway location, the creators behind DISH Preston Hollow announced the closing of the trendy American cuisine eatery. COURTESY PHOTOS
TOP LEFT: Cousin Earl boutique. TOP RIGHT: Lawyers, Karen Blakely Turner and Ashley McDowell. BOTTOM: The Hill, a mixed development coming soon.
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 35
Karen and Michael Stroup with Brent and Laura Jorgeson
Melissa Rubenstein with Lindsay and Ray Ballotta Gable Shaikh, Mary C. Corrigan, Lindsay Jacaman, and Lisa Ogle
Jeff and Lianna Yarkin with Nancy and Mike Sawicki
Blanca Aguilar Chavez, Brandi TeGrootenhuis, Betsy Bogdovitz, and Heidi Buys
Bryce and Tanya Benbow
Banu and Haydar Bilhan Clayton and Shelly Huffstutter KRISTINA BOWMAN PHOTOGRAPHY
More than 425 guests gathered at The Ritz-Carlton, Dallas for the Armstrong Elementary School Auction. The Nov. 10 event was co-chaired by Mary C Corrigan, Lindsay Jacaman, Gable Shaikh and Lisa Ogle. Total funds raised by the “Give a Little, Grow a Lot” campaign brought in nearly $700,000 via the Auction and the Family Giving campaign.
Kimberly and Jeff Cohen
Ben Wilhite, Ross and Amanda Nobles, and Terra Najork
36 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Sandra Dean and Julie Rickey Meg Munson McGonigle, John Munson, Kathryn Munson Beach, Charlie Munson, David Munson Jr., Merry Munson Wyatt, and David Munson Sr.
Bob and Linda Appel
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Gary Ahr Cherrise Cederqvist, Abi Perpall, and Kristel Bethel
Joyce and Linus Wright
Shannon Parker, Amy Jacobs, and Betty Rajan
Sonia Manzano and E.F.S. Braswell students
Natalie Johnson, Rachel Trowbridge, Julie Rado, Lindsay Jacaman, and Meagan Sells
Rachel Goldberger and Susan Jones
Kaleta Johnson with Travis and Regina Munson
Sonia Manzano and Cynthia Izaguirre
Eleanor and Ellis Munson, Jana Dodson, Kelly Grindinger, and Emily Herndon
Educational First Steps, whose mission is to improve the availability of quality early childhood education for economically disadvantaged children, held its fifth annual One Childhood One Chance luncheon on Nov. 17. The keynote speaker was Sonia Manzano, who educated and delighted children and families as “Maria” on Sesame Street for many decades. Manzano encourage the attendees to pour into children at an early age and applauded the work that EFS does.
38 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Jen Welter
Women In The World Persisters
April Lesiuk
Joyce and Kara Goss
Tina Brown and Chief U. Renee Hall
Zainab Salbi
Iasia Sweeting
Maxeme Tuchman and Alisha Laventure
Cynthia Smoot, Alanna Sabria, and Jane McGarry
Cecile Richards
Lisa Materazzo and Sarah Evans
Women took center stage at the Dallas Museum of Art for the Women in the World live event series. Co-hosted by Toyota and journalist Tina Brown, the Dec. 4 event inspired guests with talks ranging from female empowerment to the popular hashtag #MeToo. The lineup of speakers included Dallas’ first female chief U. Renee Hall; Amy McGrath, the first female marine to fly in an F/A-18 on a combat mission, and candidate for Kentucky Congress; and Jen Welter, the first female to coach in the NFL. The event also honored Maxeme Tuchman as the newest recipient of Toyota’s Mother of Invention award grant. Tuchman is the CEO and co-creator of the groundbreaking educational app, Caribu, which allows parents and family members to read a book with their children or loved ones remotely through video chat.
40 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Kris Cumnock, Whitney Newell, and Matt Horinek
Bru Juracek and Erin Beckner
Rita Han and Amy Nerenberg
Grace Thomas and Jonathan Gallaway
Darren McGrady, “The Royal Chef”
Christina Gray, Claire Raggio, and Kara Adam
Chad and Amy Maggard, Jill Cumnock, and Dr. Dale Fuller and Jean Fuller
Dawna Richter, Patrick Staudt, and Cristie Escochea
Lisa Dillinger and Hilda Lopez
Janice and Jay Rutherford
George and Lindsay Billingsley with baby Gracie
Steve Phillips and Kay Huneman PHOTOS BY BRET REDMAN
Mike and Lauri Hainsfurther
Ronnie Holman, Cecilie Holman, and Sam Chantilis
Mike and Becky Palm
Ronald McDonald House of Dallas (RMHD) thanked the chairs and sponsors of this year’s The Trains at NorthPark, presented by Bank of Texas, at the Highland Park home of Lindsay Billingsley. Open now through Jan. 7, The Trains at NorthPark is a beloved holiday attraction that draws about 75,000 visitors each year and provides the largest source of funding for RMHD. This year’s Honorary Chairs are Dr. Dale Fuller and his wife Jean Fuller.
42 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Jennifer Bell Lisa Loy Laughlin and Sharon Ballew Sharon Ballew, Carmaleta Whiteley Felton, Lisa Loy Laughlin, Dyann Skelton, Carole Ann Brown, Venise Stuart, Yvonne Crum, Barbara Bigham, Linda Ivy, Jocelyn White, Linda Spina, and Sharon Adams
Venise Stuart and Melissa Lewis
Nerissa von Helpenstill and Dustin Holcomb
Kunthear Mam-Douglas and Regina Bruce
Kathy Fielder, Deve Sanford, and Carmaleta Whiteley Felton
Mad Hatter’s Tea 2018 chair Venise Stuart, along with Linda Burk and Melissa A. Lewis, welcomed committee members and supporters to TOOTSIES on Nov. 18 to reveal the theme of next spring’s Mad Hatter’s Tea. The big reveal came as covers were lifted from the posters and the logo by Lynn Townsend Dealey appeared. The theme is “A Garden by the Sea,” which will reflect a time of grace, elegance, style and sophistication. Mark your calendars for April 12 to celebrate spring in Dallas at the Mad Hatter’s Tea.
Bonner Allen and Wendy Messmann COURTESY DALLAS WOMEN’S F O U N D AT I O N
Schermisia Jones, Ashley Lindsay, and Shana Alegria
Shawn Wills and Katrina Watland
Kimberly Bader, Wendy Messmann, Roslyn Dawson Thompson, and Melanie Carroll
Kristyn Senters, Erica H. Anderson, and DeAndria Maddox
Marsha Beasley, Roslyn Dawson Thompson, and Maria-Cristina Esteves-Jaramillo
On Dec. 5 at Times Ten Cellars, Dallas Women’s Foundation’s XIX Society members gathered for their annual holiday party and to present a $30,000 check to Jonathan’s Place. The XIX Society is the Foundation’s annual giving society for women and men of all backgrounds who are passionate about the Foundation’s mission and want to support concrete solutions to improve the lives of women and girls.
44 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Andrea Alcorn, Sally Blanton, and Regina Bruce
Dan Pritchett, Kathy Fielder, Melissa Vullo Bell, Nestor Eduardo Estrada, and Antonia Hubert
Andrea Reich, Chad Collom, Ashley Berges, and Gary Rugoff
Rose and Michael Wise
Tricia Sims, Andrea Alcorn, and Karen Lukin
Mark Soto, Kristen Greenberg, and Brian Miller PHOTOS BY THOMAS GARZA PHOTOGRAPHY
Anna Bland “AB” Aston, Barbara Dianis, Giana dePaul, and Mindy Wood
Susie Swanson, Debra Burns, and Kevin Coffey
Steve Atkinson and Scott Greenberg
Guests gathered at the Ralph Lauren Boutique on Dec. 6 to celebrate Paws Cause, all to benefit the SPCA of Texas. Debra Burns toasted to newlyweds Susie Swanson and Kevin Coffey on their recent marriage and presented them with a framed photo of the couple from last year’s event, engraved with “Furever Friends.”
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 45
Living Well
Five super classes that make exercise so worth it
Heart Health Month Reminders
Doctor encourages daily walk breaks
Parag Joshi
By Sarah Bays
Special Contributor FLYWHEEL
Instructor Virginia Altick demonstrates ‘Warrior Pose’ at Core Power Yoga studio.
By Bianca R. Montes People Newspapers
et’s be honest; you, me, and most Americans have already eased up on the slew of New Year’s resolutions we hungrily vowed mere weeks ago. Don’t feel bad, research shows that close to 80 percent of resolutions made in the lull of holiday remorse fail – especially that list topper to go to the gym more. Why is that? Hitting the “dreadmill” alone and listening to some robot-toned instructor yodel commands over that same old Selena Gomez song loses its charm over time. And while hectic schedules and drained motivation are a few common excuses for forgoing that 5 a.m. class, stale workouts are one of the main reasons people don’t return to the gym. To counter that, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most fun – not to mention result driven – workouts south of Interstate 635.
Bye Bye Inner Thighs
Pure Barre, Preston/Royal Perfect for a midday workout, a barre class is one of the least intimidating ways to burn hundreds of calories (600+ for us) without breaking
much of a sweat. This specialty ballet-inspired class is 75 minutes of intense pliés, squats, and stretches designed to target the inner thigh, and, if that wasn’t enough, it also gives the abs a killer workout. Pro Tip: Bring your socks. This is a shoe-free zone.
gives riders an option to see how they stack up to their classmates, and measure their improvement over time. Did we mention that shoes, lockers, towels, and water are included? Pro Tip: Invest in a pair of gel padded biking shorts.
BURN Fitness, Preston/Forest Village Led by ex-footballer David Thompson, this 45-minute full-body high-intensity interval training will keep you burning calories more than 24 hours after leaving the gym. And while that sounds intense, the short intervals make it easy to push through any squat, mountain climber, or heavy rope battle. Pro Tip: Make sure to stretch before and after – you’re going to be sore.
CorePower Yoga, Mockingbird Station This calorie-torching, high-intensity, high-energy workout isn’t for the faint of heart. With the heater pumping at 90 degrees, expect to be exhausted and dripping in sweat as you fall into downward dog, plank, run in place, and yes, lift weights. This full-body workout will leave you plenty sore the next day, but an added bonus to the hundreds of calories burned, you’ll also flush out a few toxins along the way. Pro Tip: Bring an extra-large water bottle.
Method 45
Flywheel Sports, Highland Park Positive energy, fun playlists, and well thought out routines make the time pass by quickly in this 45-minute low impact, high intensity interval training ride. What’s really cool about the class is that it uses technology to measure resistance, cadence, and current, which
Equinox Preston Hollow Maybe you don’t live close enough to the mountains for a good hike, but you can fake it with this treadmill mountain routine. In minute intervals, walkers climb up and down the incline – maxing out the machines at a 15. Aside from a toned tush and inner thigh, this workout also targets belly fat. Pro Tip: Get a good pair of walking shoes.
February is the month of love, and the numbers show area residents could all do a lot better about loving their hearts. According to the local American Heart Association office, those living in Dallas and the Park Cities need to eat healthier, get quality preventative care, and move more. “We sit in cars on our way to desk jobs where we sit for most of the day,” Dr. Parag Joshi said. Joshi, a preventative cardiologist and assistant professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center, sees patients at the hospital’s Park Cities clinic on Hillcrest Avenue. “Unlike other parts of the country like the Northeast where walking everywhere is common or the West Coast where great weather encourages a lifestyle of outdoor activities, we have a lot of sedentary behaviors,” he said. Joshi is also concerned about area diets. “We have a lot of fast food options,” he said. His suggestions: • Take 5-to-10- minute walks during breaks at work, trying to hit 10,000 steps each day. • Keep a good balance between work, hobbies and home life. He encourages stress-relieving activities such as yoga and regular exercise. • Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and poultry, while limiting dairy, carbs, red meat, sodium, and sweets. “There is the obvious reason to improve your lifestyle, which is it helps prevent heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure by improving your blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, etc.,” he said. “The less obvious reason to improve your lifestyle is that if, God forbid, you do have a major event like a heart attack, you’re much more likely to come out OK if you’re in good shape going in.”
46 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Chocolate, Melting Hearts for Generations
INGREDIENTS: For the cake: • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened • 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed • 1/2 cup granulated sugar • 2 eggs • 1 teaspoon vanilla • 1 1/4 cups sifted cake flour • 1/2 cup cocoa • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda • 3/4 cup milk
HOME + KITCHEN A stroll through the seasonal aisle of any supermarket this time of year provides evidence of the enduring relationship between chocolate and Valentine’s Day. Milk chocolate hearts wrapped in red foil, heart-shaped velvet boxes filled with handcrafted dark chocolate truffles, and packages of chocolates tied with ribbon — these are but a few of the mouthwatering choices offered to shoppers searching for the perfect sweet gift. How did chocolate and a day dedicated to love become so entwined? Much like chocolate melts in the mouth, it’s been melting hearts for generations. Ancient Aztecs believed cacao, a gift from the god of wisdom, was an aphrodisiac. It was served as a bitter, frothy drink, and became so revered that cacao beans were used as a form of currency. It was only when cacao was introduced to Spanish court by
For the chocolate ganache: • 8 ounces semisweet chocolate • 3/4 cup heavy cream
Chocolate Valentine Cake with Chocolate Ganache friars returning from the Americas in the 1500s, and was mixed with sugar or honey, that chocolate gained popularity in Europe. Today, Belgian and Swiss chocolatiers are some of the best in the world. One of my favorite hearts comes from my oven as a dense, single-layer, dark chocolate cake wrapped in a decadent coating of deep chocolate ganache, made even more irresistible by its feathered white garnish. This Chocolate Valentine Cake is surprisingly easy to make, and the only special equipment needed is a single 9-inch heart-shaped cake pan. Set the stage for a romantic evening by orchestrating a can-
dlelight dinner à deux. For couples with young children, when going out isn’t worth dealing with crowded restaurants, make a family celebration, complete with red and white streamers, red placemats, Valentine napkins, heart-shaped confetti, and a small vase of red and white blossoms. Add brownies or a cake, and a kid-decorated “mailbox” to hold Valentine cards, and you have all the ingredients for a memorable evening the entire family will love. For more from Christy Rost, a cookbook author and public television chef, visit christyrost.com.
For the white sugar glaze: • 1/2 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar • 1 1/2 teaspoons milk DIRECTIONS: For the cake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In the large bowl of an electric mixer, cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy, about 8 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla, beat well, and set aside. In a medium bowl, stir together cake flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt, and baking soda until well blended. Gradually add flour mixture to creamed mixture, alternately with the milk, until the batter is thick and creamy.Grease and flour a 9-inch heart-shaped pan. Spoon the batter into pan and
bake 30 to 35 minutes, or until a cake tester comes out clean. Cool cake 30 minutes, remove from pan, and cool completely on a wire rack. For the chocolate ganache: Finely chop chocolate with a sharp knife and transfer to a medium bowl. Pour cream into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and whisk slowly and gently to melt the chocolate. When the ganache is smooth, place the cake on a wire rack over a tray covered with parchment paper. Spoon ganache onto cake and smooth it over the sides with an offset metal spatula until completely covered. For the white sugar glaze: In a small bowl, whisk together powdered sugar and milk until it is smooth. Pour the glaze into a decorator bag fitted with a small plain tube, or pour it into a small plastic zipper bag and snip a tiny hole in one corner. Pipe straight horizontal lines of glaze across the cake at 1-inch intervals. Drag a sharp knife through the glaze at ½-inch intervals from the top to the bottom of the cake to create a feathered pattern. Allow ganache to dry completely, and carefully transfer the cake to a serving platter with a wide metal spatula.
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 47
Luscious Lips, Even in Winter
Meet the Cos Bar owner and staff during the grand-opening celebration from 4–7 p.m. Feb. 8.
M O L LY N O L A N Whether glossy or matte, overlined, injected, luscious lips are the thing. What better month to discuss them than the month of amour. Getting lips in shape during a cold winter where dry and cracked is the norm is not hard with a few special products. I found many fabulous lip treatments at the new Cos Bar in The Plaza at Preston Center. The store is a beauty-product lover’s dream. Founded in 1976 in Aspen, and with locations now in 20 cities, Cos Bar carries some of the most luxurious skincare, hair care, makeup, candle, and fragrance lines. I’m not sure why it took the chain so long to come to Dallas, but, yay, it’s here now. Cos Bar has lots of great options for lips. KNC Beauty’s all-natural collagen-infused lip mask is perfect if injections aren’t your thing. LipSmart’s hydration technology “reserves and seals” moisture for
fuller-looking lips, especially those that are severely dry, while Natura Bissé’s lip serum, Diamond Lip Booster, will add elasticity and volume. New to me, the Zelens line includes a lip oil, lip balm, and two lip enhancers, coming in light pink and natural. When applied, the products work with your own body chemistry to produce a gorgeous color perfect for your skin tone. Lips become beautifully glossy, with volume and moisture, for an irresistibly sensual pucker. Clé de Peau Beauté’s anti-aging lip serum helps lips appear plump and youthful. Since it is the month to give gifts to your love, men, listen up: I have found the ultimate gift that will keep giving daily. Though it’s not for lips, it will win you lots of kisses. Clé de Peau Beauté has launched the ultimate foundation. It covers luminously with a light-as-air finish and beautifies skin over time by reducing roughness and the appearance of fine lines and improving complexion, giving skin a youthful radiant glow. Now, I say give it as a gift, because this little beauty rings in at $250. However it offers 27 milliliters and comes in a fabulous pot that will look like jewelry on her vanity. Clé de Peau Beauté has just arrived at Cos Bar and also can be found at Neiman Marcus in NorthPark Center. Staff at the Clé de Peau Beauté counter are incredibly helpful and knowledgeable about the line and will make sure you don’t feel awkward buying foundation. Grosses bisous à tous this Valentine’s Day! Clé de Peau Beauté Synactif Collection
48 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
Today’s The Day To Choose Better
STEPHANIE CASEY Did you make a New Year’s commitment to eat Whole30 or some other diet, to refrain from alcohol during “dry January,” or to go to the gym regularly, this year, starting now (really, this time, yes, for sure)? How is that going for you? If you are struggling, you’re not alone. Just look at the rush on juice bars and fitness businesses at the beginning of every new year and watch that customer graph line go doooooown as months continue. I’m a big believer in the unrestricted version of positive change – as in not setting up rigid guidelines or time parameters but rather making lifestyle changes, one choice at a time without long-term pressures. This method is what makes “being better” habits stick (for me and others). Otherwise, there may be anxiety surrounding the issue which can lead to negative association, cheating, or all together abandonment. We’re always thinking behind and/or ahead, which means we don’t focus on the present enough.
The present is where all the magic happens, friends. Now is when you take action. Now is when you commit. Each time, every day. Have you read any of Dale Carnegie’s books? Highly recommended. Written nearly a century ago, they have cheesy titles such as How to Stop Worrying and Start Living or How to Win Friends and Influence People. They are filled with basic, universal knowledge of human behavior: “The best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, on doing today’s work superbly, today.” All you have to do is make that one decision, right now. What am I going to eat? Am I going to work out or just go straight home and have a glass of wine? Should I finish this work project or mindlessly scroll social media for the next hour? Let yourself off the hook if you aren’t feeling it, but really “look yourself in the eye” when deciding. It’s you. It’s now. What’s it gonna be? Give yourself something today that tomorrow will have you thinking, “Thanks for that, self. Now I can rock today even better. Do it again, and again, and again. Then, oh my gosh! It’s the new you. The better you. Taking care of business, feeling good. Get it. Find Stephanie Casey and other Lovage notions on Instagram and Facebook @lovageinc.
r. and Mrs. John Stockton Early of University Park are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Emily Elizabeth Early, to David Ryan Rekieta, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Rekieta of Bremond, Texas. The bride is a graduate of The Cambridge School of Dallas. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Baylor University. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority and Sigma Theta Tau honor society of nursing. Emily is an operating room nurse at Texas Institute for Surgery in Dallas. The groom is a graduate of Bremond High School in Bremond, Texas. He graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in healthcare management from the University of Texas at Dallas. Ryan is the director
of recruiting at Afferent Provider Solutions in Dallas. The couple will exchange vows on April 28, 2018 at The Lone Star Mansion in Burleson, Texas.
parkcitiespeople.com | February 2018 49
lakeley Ann Cozby and Samuel Haden Payne were married September 23, 2017 at the Dallas Country Club. Reverend Paul Rasmussen, senior minister of Highland Park United Methodist Church, officiated their outdoor ceremony. Robert Chase Mooney was the scripture reader and the soloist was Nelson DeVega. A reception of dining and dancing followed at the Dallas Country Club, with music provided by the Pure Party Band. The couple chose “Into the Mystic,” by Van Morrison for their first dance. Vendors included Park Cities Events, wedding planner; Todd Events, florist; Panini Bakery, wedding cakes and confections; and Morgan Lynn Photography. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Irvin Sexton Jr. of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Clark Cozby of University Park. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alton Blakeley Jr. of University Park and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson Cozby Jr. of Austin, Texas and the
late Bettye Gleith Cobb of Tyler, Texas. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Richard Payne of Houston. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fitzpatrick Jr. of Dallas and the late Joseph Thomas Haden, also of Dallas. Blakeley was given in marriage by her parents and escorted down the aisle on the arm of her father. She chose a white taffeta ball gown with floral lace bodice with fleur sequin embroidered tulle overlay. In homage to her two grandmothers, Blakeley wore her maternal grandmother’s bracelet and her late paternal grandmother’s earrings. Her bridal bouquet was a mix of roses, white astilbe, lisianthus, café au lait dahlias, ruskus, and camellia foliage, creating an organic, natural look. Assisting the bride as maids of honor were her sister, Eva Bret Cozby, and cousin, Meredith Clark Cozby. Her bridesmaids included Elizabeth Blair Bailey, Paige Laycock Cline, Muriel Lee Forney, Georgia Gottsacker Gandino, Kend-
all Ann Nettle, and Anna Leigh Vazquez. Among the members of the house party were Brooke Elizabeth Baldridge, Roan Evelyn Blakeley, Merritt Elizabeth Cozby, Sarah Gleith Cozby, Emily Piper Greaves, Rebecca Lee Greaves, Kelcy Lea Mayell, Caroline Gleith Roberts, Mary Margaret Roberts, Chloe Laine Robertson, Kathryn Anne Ross-Sexton, and Amy McCalmont Smelko. Attending the groom as best man was the groom’s brother, Joseph Kelly Payne. His groomsmen included Charles Benton Burt, Christopher Clark Cozby Jr., Thomas Brian Glover, Nikolaos Kapetanakis, Jonathon Michael Sanfelippo, Jonathan Paul Strom, and Todd Charles Zdunkewicz. Serving as ushers were Joseph Ryan Anderson, Mark Andrew Genitempo Jr., T. Matthew Hughes, Charles Edward Newall, Thomas More Sheehy, and Robert Chase Mooney. Following their wedding trip to San Francisco and Napa Valley, the couple have made their home in Houston.
arlene Marie Smyrl and Jordan MacKay Sheehan were united in marriage on Saturday, December 2, 2017 at seven o’clock in the evening at Central Christian Church in Austin, Texas. The Reverend Charles Altman Scruggs IV of Dallas officiated. Organist Luke Mayernik, with Michael Bucalo on trumpet, provided the music for the wedding. David Harrison Alley of Dallas read scripture. Following the ceremony, guests enjoyed a celebration hosted by the bride’s parents at Westwood Country Club with music provided by Sean Alan. The evening before the wedding, the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert Sheehan III, hosted dinner at Parkside in downtown Austin. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mac Smyrl of Austin. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mac Smyrl of Horsehoe Bay, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. L Franklin Beard of Austin. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert Sheehan III of Dallas. He is the grandson of Mrs. Robert Gordon Rodgers and the late Mr. Robert Gor-
don Rodgers of Dallas and the late Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert Sheehan Jr. of Danville, Ky. The bride was given in marriage by her parents and escorted by her father. She wore a chapel-length gown designed by Robert Bullock and carried a bouquet of organic textural design. Caroline Michele Smyrl and Cara Lee Smyrl, Carly’s sisters and both of Austin, served as maids of honor. Her bridesmaids were Sarah Caroline Brown of Austin, Morgan Elizabeth Wenske of Austin, Jennifer Lynn Kreb of Lake Forest, Ill.; Claire Pond Gundlach of Houston; Courtney Lynn Jackson of Boerne, Texas; Caraline Adair Trecha of Columbia, Mo.; Catherine Anne Reese of Dallas; and her sister-in-law Susan Roxanne Sheehan of Dallas. The house party included Laura Renee Fish of Longview, Texas; Claire Christian Moody of Waco, Texas; and Callie Rebecca Shedd of Abilene, Texas Flower girls attending the couple were Lucy Marie Hendricks, Charlotte Townley Johnson, Claire Elling Johnson and Ridgely Jane Andrea Johnson, all of Dallas.
Jordan’s best man was David Simms Hamner of Dallas. Groomsmen were Andrew Neil Bishkin of Dallas, Thomas Riley Dewitt of Waco, Will Reabe Nystrom of Brainerd, Minn.; Ted Stohl Parrish of Waco; Brian Christopher Pennington of Waco; John Steven Shellenberger of Dallas; James Riley Sheehan of Dallas; James Gilbert Sheehan IV of Dallas; and Kyle Andrew Stringer of Dallas. Ushers were Tim James Doyle of Hinsdale, Ill. and Clark Addison Poole of Southlake, Texas. The bride is a 2012 graduate of Regents School of Austin and a 2016 graduate of Baylor University. She received a Bachelor of Science in interior design and is employed in Dallas by Marly+Co. as an interior designer. The groom is a 2011 graduate of Highland Park High School. He is a 2015 graduate of Baylor University where he received a degree in marketing from the Hankamer School of Business. Jordan works in sales at Inman Promotional Team. The happy couple will reside in Dallas following their honeymoon in Jamaica.
50 February 2018 | parkcitiespeople.com
3/20/1999 - 12/27/2017
ebecca loved a good story, and here is our attempt to tell the story of her too short but well-lived life. Rebecca was born in the late evening on March 20, 1999 in Dallas, Texas. She arrived on time and without complications or fanfare, just as we would learn to expect of her. She was the first grandchild on one side of the family and the first granddaughter on the other side, and she was absolutely adored and spoiled rotten. Despite having a whole platoon of adults catering to her every whim, she was the most even-tempered and well-behaved child. It is no exaggeration to say that we were stopped in the streets by strangers who complimented her manners and behavior. Rebecca attended elementary school at University Park Elementary School where she made many friends she would keep close for the rest of her life. She then attended Highland Park Intermediate and Middle Schools and subsequently graduated from Highland Park High School in 2017. Rebecca truly enjoyed and excelled at school. She had a passion for math and science and hoped to become a doctor—the first one in a family of lawyers. Rebecca was thrilled when she was accepted into Georgetown University and looked forward to living in D.C. and enjoying a bright future. Unfortunately, Rebecca’s future was cut short. She had been diagnosed with metastatic Ewing’s Sarcoma one week after her sixteenth birthday and had endured over six different chemotherapy regimens and clinical trials and copious amounts of radiation in an effort to be cured. Tragically, the cancer could not be stopped and she passed away at the age of 18 on December 27, 2017 at her home, surrounded by her loving family. That is the short story of Rebecca’s life. But, there was so much more to her and the 18 years she lived. Rebecca was the oldest of four
children and a wonderful big sister to Elizabeth (16), Trey (14), and Catherine (7). She enjoyed mentoring and advising them, even if they were not always willing recipients of her wisdom. When Rebecca’s health kept her confined to her room, the four of them would often hang out together, laying in her bed or on the floor, laughing and teasing, telling stories and singing songs, often while Catherine danced. Rebecca was the enforcer of our family traditions. She loved family time at the lake for Fourth of July, family fondue parties at Christmas, Sunday Brunch at our table at the Club, and the weeklong birthday celebrations every member of our family receives. She loved to pray with her littlest sister and taught her how to say the Lord’s Prayer. Rebecca was unbelievably curious. Long after the rest of us had moved on from a subject, she would circle back to get more details or information about whatever we were discussing. She loved to hear the smallest facts and details of our day and often asked questions that led us to appreciate more about what had happened than we originally noticed. She enjoyed meeting new people (aka fresh meat). During her endless hospital stays, she would spend hours examining the doctors, nurses, techs, and anyone else who happened in her room about their families, education, favorite restaurants, etc. But, Rebecca was so friendly and easy to talk with, people willingly answered all of her questions. She would have been a wonderful CIA operative. Rebecca loved the beach and was fortunate to have visited some of the most beautiful beaches in the world in Florida, Bahamas, California, Hawaii, Mexico, Tahiti, Greece, Montenegro, and Italy. For a pale, white girl, she could log some serious time on a lounge chair in the sun. She loved to travel and considered New York City her second home. While her father worked, Rebecca and her sister Elizabeth, armed with a subway map and credit card, would sightsee and shop all over the city, including at least one memorable trip to the back halls of Canal Street. Rebecca was very comfortable with herself and confident in who she was. She picked her friends wisely and had many circles of close friends who lifted her up and supported her. Many of Rebecca’s friends and their parents tell us that Rebecca was the voice of reason and they are grateful for Rebecca’s influence. Rebecca never had to be told to do her homework, get good grades, come home on time, or make good choices—she
was born with maturity and good judgment. But, Rebecca was not boring. She was a wonderful story teller, funny and insightful, and she loved to laugh. Even when she felt awful, she still smiled and remained positive. Because of her nature and attitude, people were drawn to her. People showed up, called, texted, made her feel included even when she could not be there, and loved her, even when the chemotherapy made her so sick she would throw up on them or in their cars. When she was in the hospital and couldn’t make it to the Senior prom where she was elected Queen, her friends brought the crown to her at the hospital. Rebecca was never isolated or alone in her illness, even as she hid the severity of her disease from others. Rebecca felt a calling to help others, whether serving on mission trips in Florida, Louisiana or Texas through her church or spending Saturday mornings volunteering with her sister at The Stewpot through her National Charity League work. Rebecca knew that she was incredibly fortunate and was very disturbed by the challenges many of the other cancer patients she met faced and was heartbroken that a family with a child facing cancer may also have to worry about feeding the rest of their family. Rebecca spoke at several fundraisers, including 1M4A and Make-A-Wish, to assist charitable organizations raise money for children in need. During the last month of her life, when she was so weak and sick, Rebecca still found the energy to use the resources she had accumulated during her life to provide food, clothing and toys to many of these families. Rebecca had many varied interests, but no single passion. Due to her insatiable curiosity, she was a dabbler. She was not a natural athlete, but she loved being part of a team and played soccer, basketball, volleyball, and ran cross country. She water and snow skied. She did not enjoy exercising or watching TV, but she spent countless hours watching exercise videos on her phone. She spoke fluent Spanish and adored Mexican culture and food. She loved spending time in the kitchen where she baked and decorated cakes, made sushi, experimented with juicing, and competed with her father to make the family’s best smoothie. She was a huge fan of any cooking demonstration or video and accumulated many kitchen gadgets that now clutter our pantry and the rest of us have no idea how to use. Rebecca lived in Texas where football rules, and she enjoyed watching the Dallas Cowboys, UT Longhorns, and the HP
Scots (even delaying a family trip to NYC last year to watch them win the state championship), but baseball was her sport. She closely followed the Texas Rangers and could easily discuss players, stats, and standings. Rebecca rarely missed opening day at The Ballpark and was in the stands to see the Rangers come so close to winning a World Series title. The Rangers organization treated Rebecca with extreme kindness, granting her special tours and meetings, even allowing her to deliver the game ball to the mound before a game. When Rebecca’s health prevented her from sitting in the hot Texas sun to watch games, they kept a table reserved for her in the air-conditioned lounge behind home plate. Rebecca rewarded the Rangers’ generosity with extreme loyalty. She went to Spring Training and traveled to ballparks all over the country to watch them play. Watching the Rangers, even during the last unfortunate season, distracted her from the constant pain she felt. She was very excited about the new ballpark and will surely be watching when they throw out the first pitch in 2020. Rebecca loved clean lines and structure. She spent hours meticulously organizing all of the space in her room and took great pride in her color-coordinated and well-maintained closet. It drove her crazy to live in our house of chaos where our preferred storage method is to leave everything out on the counters or floor just in case we may need it. Rebecca’s room was her peaceful oasis and it gave her great comfort and a wonderful place to study, watch videos on her phone, text with family and friends, or dream of better days. Rebecca was not perfect. We often asked her what color pot she was carrying (was it red and green during Christmas?) because she loved to stir up debate and turmoil. One of her favorite things to do was to throw out an extreme or controversial opinion and then watch the rest of us (ok, mostly her mother) over react to it. She was delighted by lively conversation and disagreement. During her sophomore year, Rebecca was diagnosed with metastatic Ewing’s Sarcoma. Up until the day she died, Rebecca believed she would be cured and did not believe the prognosis or statistics she was given. She lost her hair, weight, and her ability to leave Dallas to go to Georgetown University for college, but she never lost her desire to live. She continued to work hard every single day to make sure her future would be everything she wanted. She spent hours studying and was very troubled by the amount of
school she had to miss during her treatments. Her teachers moved mountains to accommodate her erratic schedule, and their flexibility, combined with Rebecca’s tenacity, enabled her to walk the stage at her high school graduation on time, with honors and to a standing ovation. Rebecca’s health and medical treatment prevented her from leaving Dallas for college, but she was welcomed with open arms at Southern Methodist University where she was able to attend a few classes before she had to withdraw in October for medical reasons. On the day she died, Rebecca told us that she was ready to go. She knew Jesus was waiting for her and she was ready for her suffering to end. Rebecca is survived by her parents, Marty and Amy Brimmage, her sisters Elizabeth and Catherine and her brother Trey, her maternal grandmother Marian Buchanan of Austin, Texas, her paternal grandparents Billie and Dale Brimmage of New Braunfels, Texas, her Aunt Christina and Uncle Richard Wright and cousins Ben and Will of Austin, Texas, her Uncle Jerome and Aunt Leslie Brimmage and cousins Jacob and Caleb of Lufkin, Texas, her Aunt Rene Brimmage of New Braunfels, Texas, her Aunt Laurie and Uncle Craig Leavers and cousins Sanden, Kacy and Ben of Mount Calm, Texas, and numerous other loving relatives and friends. We are so thankful for the wonderful and compassionate care Rebecca received at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. The doctors, nurses, technicians, staff, and valet treated her with such tenderness and kindness and did their best to make Rebecca feel like she was among friends during the hundreds of visits and overnight stays she had. We thank Dr. Laetsch for the numerous hours and unimaginable creativity and patience he showed while trying to cure Rebecca. We thank our wonderful families, countless friends and co-workers, and our entire community for their tireless support and prayers as they all Rallied for Rebecca. Childhood cancer is cruel and awful, and must be stopped. If you want to continue Rallying for Rebecca, please consider a donation to an organization that targets research dollars for pediatric cancer. Rebecca was particularly drawn to and supportive of 1 Million 4 Anna, an organization whose specific mission is to eradicate Ewing’s Sarcoma. A Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for Rebecca’s life was held on January 5, 2018 in the Sanctuary at Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas.
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