PCCA Year in Review 2016

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2016 Year in Review


Table of Contents 3. 4. 5. 6 8. 9. 10. 12. 14. 16. 17. 18. 20. 22. 23. 24.

Leadership Message Governor’s and Mayor’s Messages Board of Directors SMG Diversity and Inclusion Art at the Conven on Center Economic Impact Great Space in Philadelphia Great Space in a Great Region Capital Improvements Making a Mee ng Filling Hotels, Driving Development Environmental Sustainability Selling the Center Social Media Book Your Event at the Center

January / February 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events MummersFest 2016

Mayor Kenney’s Inaugural

Philly Beer Fest

Family Feud Auditions

January 1, 2016

January 4, 2016

January 16-17, 2016

January 30-31, 2016

The Center hosted more than 5,000 spectators for the Mummers Fancy Brigade finale and other festivities.

Mayor Jim Kenney’s Block Party celebrated his inauguration as Philadelphia’s 99th Mayor.

Over 100 breweries and more than 300 craft beers from across the United States wowed visitors with their specialty brews.

Nearly 700 families auditioned at the Convention Center for the opportunity to earn a spot on the popular television show.


Leadership Message The Pennsylvania Conven on Center plays a vital role in the economy of the Commonwealth, par cularly in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Regionally, the Center is perhaps best known for hos ng major gate shows such as the PHS Philadelphia Flower Show and the Philadelphia Auto Show. However, events hosted by the Center are much more diverse, including na onal trade shows, conven ons, annual mee ngs, spor ng compe ons, and other events that a ract a endees from across the United States and around the globe. In 2016 alone, the Center hosted 221 events that a racted 1.1 million a endees to the Greater Philadelphia region. Last year, those a endees were responsible for $256 million in direct spending and the events delivered a more than $493 million economic impact. In addi on, each event on our show floor creates employment, such as set up and dismantling opportuni es for our trade labor, which may amount to thousands of work-hours per event.

Gregory J. Fox

Our a endees stayed in regional hotels, filling more than 365,000 hotel room nights in 2016. They also u lized our interna onal airport and regional train hub, shopped at local retailers, enjoyed our exci ng nightlife, visited regional cultural and historical a rac ons, and explored our region’s many culinary offerings . That is why the Center is a major driving factor in our region’s hospitality economy. Recent successes in booking future shows and events at the Center have created new demand for addi onal hotel room supply. In Center City alone, there are nearly 2,000 new hotel rooms that are currently under construc on on top of the city’s exis ng 11,000 rooms. The construc on will provide opportuni es for our trade builders and local businesses, as well as create new jobs in the hospitality sector.

Heather A. Steinmiller

In this yearly review, we showcase our 2016 impact on the region, highlight our successes with our hospitality partners, and demonstrate our ongoing commitment to improving our facility and the customer experience.

Gregory JJ. Fox o Chairman

Heather A. Steinmiller Vice Chair

John J. McNichol

John J. McNichol President & CEO

Philadelphia Auto Show

Tattoo Arts Convention

American Craft Retailers Expo

January 30 - February 7, 2016

February 12-14, 2016

February 18-20, 2016

The 8th annual event hosted by Villain Arts featured a marketplace of talented artists and vendors from around the world, tattoo judging contests, entertainment, and more.

ACRE is the premier wholesale craft expo in North America. The event connects wholesale makers of handmade products with national and international buyers from galleries, gift & home stores, and national & independent retailers. The event filled 2,700 hotel rooms and delivered a $5 million regional economic impact.

More than 250,000 car aficionados attended the 115th Auto Show which featured a 700,000sq. ft. display with preproduction, exotic, production line, concept, & classic vehicles. The show had a regional economic impact of more than $42 million.


Governor’s Message It is my pleasure to recognize the Pennsylvania Conven on Center (PCC) for its dedica on to providing an excep onal mee ng space to local, regional, na onal, and interna onal business communi es. With the largest ballroom in the northeastern United States, over two million square feet of space that spans four center-city blocks, and 82 mee ng rooms, the Pennsylvania Conven on Center’s diverse space is the bedrock of the hospitality and tourism community in southeastern Pennsylvania. I applaud the PCC for upholding its commitment to immersing visitors in the rich culture and history of Philadelphia, while focusing on sustainability and the future. This tremendous asset of the Commonwealth has been a leader in green technology, environmental stewardship, and keen infrastructure investments which have increased its compe veness in the world-wide conven on marketplace. I am certain that the PCC will con nue to represent Pennsylvania with great dis nc on for many years to come. As Governor, and on behalf of all the ci zens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I extend my gra tude to the Pennsylvania Conven on Center team for their excellent service to the Commonwealth. Please accept my best wishes for con nued success.

Tom Wolf, Governor,, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Mayor’s Message Philadelphia’s hospitality community has delivered in big ways for our City. In 2016, the Pennsylvania Conven on Center’s hos ng of major events like the American Associa on for Clinical Chemistry, the Democra c Na onal Conven on, and the African Methodist Episcopal Church Bicentennial, to name a few, helped to bring more than one million mee ng and conven on a endees to Philadelphia. These visitors stayed in our superb hotels, dined and socialized in our dis nc ve restaurants and bars, visited our breathtaking museums and galleries, and shopped in our outstanding retail stores. The Conven on Center is at the heart of a vibrant and diverse Philadelphia economy and most notably is a proud supporter of the 71,000 people employed in the city’s hospitality community. A strong Pennsylvania Conven on Center is key to the con nued growth of Philadelphia as a major hub for business, travel, and tourism. I am looking forward to another successful year for the Pennsylvania Conven on Center and welcoming all to our City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affec on.


Jim Philadelphia Jiim Kenney, Mayor, Cityy of o Phila

February / March 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events Philly Home Show

Pink Invitational

February 12-14 & February. 19-21, 2016

February 26-27, 2016

The Philly Home Show highlighted over 250 exhibitors showcasing the latest trends and services to help with various home projects.

Over 3,500 gymnasts united for a three-day competition that raised nearly $400,000 for “Unite for Her,” a nonprofit breast cancer support organization.

PHS Philadelphia Flower Show March 5-13, 2016

The PHS Philadelphia Flower Show’s 2016 theme was “Explore America: A Tribute to our National Parks.” The week-long event included live entertainment, lectures, large-scale gardens, landscapes, floral creations, and gardening workshops.


Board of Directors GREGORY J. FOX, ESQ. Chairman Partner, Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads, LLP

HEATHER A. STEINMILLER, ESQ. Vice Chair Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Connor Strong & Buckelew

#GreatSpacePHL for inspirational meetings



Business Manager, Laborers’ District Council of Philadelphia

Chairman, Bucks County Board of Commissioners



President & CEO, Brown’s Super Stores, Inc.

Partner, Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel, LLP



Director, State Government Rela ons, Verizon

Founder, Sobol & Sobol, P.C.



Chief of Staff & Counsel, Senate Pro-Tempore Joe Scarna

Philadelphia City Council



Shareholder, Stark & Stark

Philadelphia City Council (Re red)



President, VFIM Corpora on

Execu ve Director, Delaware County Regional Water Authority



Senior Advisor, Office of Government Affairs, Temple University

Ex Officio, Designee of the Governor of Pennsylvania

ASICS Northeast Volleyball

Travel & Adventure Show

Black History Showcase

March 18-20 & 25-26, 2016

March 19-20, 2016

March 26-27, 2016

470 national teams played on 68 courts in the Center as part of the ASICS Northeast National Volleyball Qualifier. Thousands of young women, ages 12-18, competed to qualify for the USA Volleyball National Championships. The event delivered an economic impact of more than $11 million and filled 21,000 hotel room nights.

Numerous travel experts, exhibitors, cultural performers, presentations, and chefs helped attendees experience the world in a day.

Various exhibitors and performances shared the richness of Black history and culture, including a tribute to the 1936 Olympic games with the screening of “The Renaissance Period of the African American in Sports”.


Facility Operator SMG SMG, the na on’s leading conven on center management firm, has supervised opera ons of the Pennsylvania Conven on Center since 2013. The West Conshohocken, Pa. based company brought a “gold standard” of customer service to the Center, crea ng a posi ve impact on the 259,000 individuals employed in the hospitality industry within the Philadelphia metropolitan area. SMG’s opera ons are designed to enable more than 1.1 million mee ng planners, a endees, and exhibitors who visit the Center to have excep onal experiences. “Suppor ng our customers, their partners, and guests is our highest priority,” said Lorenz Hassenstein, general manager for SMG at PCC. “We have produced a series of successful shows such as the World Mee ng of Families, major scien fic conven ons and last year’s Democra c Na onal Conven on that showcased PCC and drove customer a endance and revenues.” In just three short years, SMG is consistently exceeding the expecta ons of the hospitality industry. Shows are re-booking the Conven on Center for future years through SMG’s improved efforts with sales, events, and show services such as IT, housekeeping, set up, and billing transparency. “We will con nue to add innova ve approaches and team exper se as we partner with our customers. Their success spurs our regional economic impact,” Hassenstein said.

Lorenz Hassenstein General Manager for SMG at PCC

Innova ons Implemented by SMG Housekeeping and room setups are self managed Electrical services have been streamlined Added efficiencies have reduced Rigging Services costs $1.4 million investment in Contractor Services Department to work with customers to reduce costs

#GreatSpacePHL for innovation

April / May 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events Urban Land Institute Hero Conference

Philly Farm & Food Fest

Esthetics and Spa Expo

April 10, 2016

April 10-11, 2016

April 19-21, 2016

The festival featured demonstrations from a number of Philadelphia restaurants, a variety of pop-up shops, and homesteading & gardening workshops.

The International Congress of Esthetics & Spa featured presentations from experts in the skin care and spa industry, as well as conferences on marketing, wellness, and specific industry topics. The trade show delivered a $2 million economic impact.

This annual meeting brought together top decision makers and industry experts from every sector of real estate. The event attracted 3,200 attendees and delivered a $9.4 million economic impact.

April 25-27, 2016

The Hero Conference is an annual, national event for digital advertising professionals. The event filled 1,100 hotel rooms and delivered $2.3 million in economic impact.


Delivering Results Since 2013, the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Conven on Center Authority (PCCA) have made significant changes at the facility designed to improve the customer experience. These changes include hiring SMG to manage the day-to-day opera ons of the Center, enhancing exhibitor rights as part of a new Customer Sa sfac on Agreement, developing a new collabora ve working rela onship with show labor, and increasing billing transparency. Since these changes were implemented, the results speak for themselves: A scien fic city-wide conven on used 176 less workers and 882 less hourly work when compared to its prior show held at the Center. A spor ng tradeshow saved 17% across the en re event when compared to its previous show at the Center. A consumer event saved 28% laying carpet alone when compared to its prior show. Contractors responsible for installing and dismantling displays saved a combined 39% when comparing year over year. A general contractor saved 24% when compared to the same show the prior year.


Craft Brewers Conference

WCNR 2016

May 3-6, 2016

May 10-13, 2016

The Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America attracted 13,000 national and international brewing industry professionals from 4,000 breweries. The event had a $23.9 million economic impact and filled 18,500 hotel room nights.

This marked the first time the World Congress for Neuro-Rehabilitation has met in the U.S. The Congress gathered thousands of neuro-rehabilitation professionals and brought an economic impact of $4.4 million.

AIA National Convention May 19-21, 2016

The American Institute of Architects’ National Convention is one of the largest annual gatherings of architects and design professionals in the U.S. The event had a $30 million economic impact and filled 19,200 room nights.


Diversity & Inclusion The Pennsylvania Conven on Center is commi ed to ensuring equal opportunity to economic opportuni es available at the Center. Through its Diversity, Inclusion, & An -Discrimina on Policy, the Center seeks to promote contractor, subcontractor, vendor and supplier opportuni es for Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, as well as for other underu lized persons. The Center’s policy is intended to provide meaningful and substan al opportuni es for all businesses, and to prevent discriminatory business prac ces.



“The Center’s Board of Directors and our management team are commiƩed to diversity - it’s part of our culture and DNA. We are steadfast in our belief that a diverse environment, comprised of a diverse board, workforce, vendors, suppliers and consƟtuency, provides a beƩer value to our customers and will produce long-term benefits for all of our stakeholders.”

The Center has a long history of commitment to diversity and inclusion. In fact, during the $787 million expansion of the building -- the largest public works project in the history of the Commonwealth -- more than 29 percent of the professional services and construc on contract payments went to minority, women, and disadvantaged small business enterprises.

- Board Members Ryan Boyer and Marian Tasco Co-Chairs, PCCA Diversity and Inclusion Commi ee

Diverse Vendor Outreach Program On December 5, 2016, the Center hosted its first Diverse Vendor Outreach Day, aimed at educa ng minority, women, and disadvantaged business owners about economic opportuni es available at the Pennsylvania Conven on Center. The program consisted of a robust collec on of speakers, including members of the Center’s Board of Directors, senior staff, representa ves from the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development, and PIDC Philadelphia. Addi onally, par cipants were given the opportunity to hear from and engage in dialogue with representa ves from companies who have successfully been awarded and completed business at the Center.

Par cipants were briefed on upcoming opportuni es at the Center and were introduced to the Center’s new online vendor portal at www.paconven on.com. It can be accessed by clicking on the “About” tab on the home page and then selec ng the “Purchasing” tab.

May / June 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events Nutter Theatre Dedication

Wizard World Comic Con

MassMutual Academy

May 25, 2016

June 2-5, 2016

June 5-8 2016

The convention center dedicated its new, high-tech Michael A. Nutter Theatre. The Theatre holds 600 people and is a perfect venue for movie and film festivals, entertainment events, and speaking engagements.

Now in its 16th year, Philadelphia Wizard World celebrates pop culture, including movies, TV shows, comics, and books. A wide range of celebrities and fans attend this popular public event, which has a $4.1 million economic impact.

MassMutual Academy attracted about 1,000 financial service representatives for a four-day educational summit. The event filled more than 3,400 hotel rooms and had a $5.6 million economic impact.


The Art At the Convention Center In March 2011, the Pennsylvania Conven on Center expanded its building by 62 percent, becoming the 14th largest facility in the na on. The budget for this massive project included funding to enhance the Center’s exis ng art collec on in the expanded area. The Center’s robust art collec on in the original building has over 92 pieces that are displayed throughout including pain ngs, po ery, photography, sculpture, ceramics, weavings, contemporary cra s, and furniture. Over 50 ar sts are part of the potpourri of this one-of-a-kind collec on that has now grown exponen ally in value.

The Center’s support from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Arts, Culture and the Crea ve Economy were invaluable partners in this awe-inspiring crea ve enhancement of the Center.

#GreatSpacePHL for fostering creativity

In the Center’s Expansion, approximately $1.5 million was approved by the Commonwealth to be invested in the Fine Arts Program which consisted of an “open call” compe on available to all Pennsylvania ar sts. The call was wildly successful, receiving 1,550 submissions from ar sts across the en re Commonwealth.

McRae Morton, Sarah: “First Flight”

A two- er review process of the submissions was completed by a blind jury and then a separate Purchasing Commi ee to assist the Center in the selec on of artwork. Both groups were comprised of prominent art professionals from throughout the en re Commonwealth. The Jury completed the ini al review of all the submissions and made recommenda ons to the Commi ee who selected the finalists. More than 100 pieces of artwork from nearly 60 ar sts were selected for the expansion purchases. Johnson, Chuck: “Bulldog”

Velarde, Kukuli: “Mater Admirabilis” Photo Credit: Doug Herren

National Retail Federation

Special Libraries Association

Drug Information Association

June 14-16, 2016

June 12-14, 2016

June 26-30 2016

NRF Protect is North America’s largest retail and restaurant loss-prevention event with educational sessions & networking opportunities. Attended by more than 2,500 retail, chain restaurant, and law enforcement professionals, the event had an $8.1 million economic impact.

SLA 2016 Annual Conference & Info Expo is the largest meeting of special librarians and information professionals in North America. The event attracted 2,000 attendees, and had an $8.5 million economic impact.

Around 7,000 people from 51 different countries attended the 52nd DIA annual meeting that featured more than 175 sessions on topics such as clinical trial safety and 21st century cures. The event filled nearly 17,500 hotel rooms and brought a $21.6 million economic impact.


2016 Economic Impact Delivering a first-class mee ng experience for our customers has a far-reaching impact on our regional economy. The Center provides direct employment opportuni es for our trade labor partners se ng up and dismantling shows, as well as our in-house staff. In addi on, our 1.1 million a endees’ buying power helps support one of Pennsylvania’s top industries…tourism. In 2016, the Conven on Center hosted

Se ng up the show floor and mee ng space for these events required



conven ons, mee ngs, trade shows, and other events

man hours

The Conven on Center, SMG, and our food vendor, Aramark directly employ

408 

Suppor ng hospitality jobs in Philadelphia totaling

Delivering an economic impact of

The Conven on Center contracted with


$493 million


companies for ongoing opera ons of our facility

in our local economy

individuals at the facility

Direct spending by a endees of

Those a endees filled

Those events a racted

$256 million


1.1 million

in our local economy

Hotel Room Nights

a endees

July / AUGUST 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events AME Bicentennial Conference

American Podiatric

AVID Summer Institute

July 6-13, 2016

July 14-17, 2016

July 18-20, 2016

The African Methodist Episcopal Church marked its bicentennial with a conference of 20,000 church elders, bishops, and members. The conference filled nearly 28,500 rooms and had an economic impact of more than $21 million.

The American Podiatric Medical Association’s Annual Scientific Meeting is the premier foot and ankle conference. 4,200 podiatric medical professionals attended symposia; hands-on training at surgical workshops; and perused the vast exhibit hall. The event had an economic impact of more than $7.7 million.

AVID’s Summer institute helps train educators to prepare students for success in high school and college, especially students who are under-represented in higher education. The event fills 4,700 hotel nights and brings an $8.2 million economic impact.


The Impact of a Center-Hosted Event To understand the impact of the Conven on Center on the region’s hospitality industry, it is helpful to look at the economics behind a specific show. For example, in May 2017, the Center will host 2017 LIGHTFAIR® Interna onal, the world’s largest annual architectural and commercial ligh ng trade show and conference. It is one of many shows and events the Center hosts annually, each of which deliver their own economic impact.











#GreatSpacePHL for trade shows

DNC 2016 / PoliticalFest

American Association for Clinical Chemistry

July 22-27, 2016

July 31 - August 4, 2016

The DNC in Philadelphia brought delegates, elected officials, and stars from across the country. Like the 2015 visit by Pope Francis, DNC 2016 put the Philadelphia region on the national stage.

The AACC welcomed 20,000 medical professionals and healthcare leaders at the 68th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo. The meeting featured pioneering advances in medical testing research and technology that will help patients get accurate diagnoses and more effective treatment. The meeting delivered a $40.1 million economic impact and filled 27,000 hotel room nights.


#GreatSpacePHL for an Exceptional Experience









#GreatSpacePHL in a Great Region

4,577 retail shops

The Pennsylvania Convention Center is a leading economic driver for the Greater Philadelphia area, attracting more than 1.1 million event Participants who inFused new revenue into the regional economy. Credits: VisitPhilly, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, City of Philadelphia, U.S. Census Bureau, National Parks Service.



444 domestic and international departures daily

3,600 restaurants

3,936 hotel rooms within a 4-minute walk of PCC

22 theaters, music, sports and recreation venues

13 national historic sites within walking distance

of the u.S. population lives within a day’s drive of philadelphia

125 museums


Capital Improvements Each year, the Conven on Center invests significant resources in capital improvements for our facility that improve the experience of our customers, maintain and protect the taxpayer investment in our building, drive sustainability, and help to cut long-term expenses by reducing opera ng costs.

AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events Cognitive Science Society

American Chemical Society

American Political Science

August 10-13, 2016

August 21-25, 2016

August 31 - September 4, 2016

Over 1,000 members of the Society joined in Philadelphia to attend workshops, presentations, tutorials, symposia, and their Awards ceremony. The event filled 1,300 hotel room nights and brought a $1.9 million economic impact.

The ACS is the world’s largest scientific society and its 252nd National Meeting & Exposition attracted 12,000 chemistry professionals for presentations centered on new scientific discoveries. Attendees filled 24,800 hotel room night and brought a $29.4 million economic impact to Philadelphia.

The American Political Science Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition brought 7,000 attendees to address the latest scholarship in political science. The event filled 11,000 hotel room nights, and delivered a $17.5 million economic impact.


Making a Meeting




1,380 LIGHTS






15,723 HOURS




Team Revolution ACN

State Dam Safety Officials

Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon

September 8-10, 2016

September 10-14, 2016

September 16-17, 2016

ACN, the largest direct-selling telecommunications and essential services provider, hosted an international training event in Philadelphia. The event attracted 15,000 attendees, filled 11,900 hotel rooms, and delivered a $22.6 million economic impact.

Dam Safety 2016 is one of the leading conferences in the United States dedicated to dam and levee safety engineering and technology transfer. The event attracted 2,435 hotel rooms, delivered $3 million economic impact, and attracted 1,300 attendees.

As part of the annual Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon, the Center serves as the pick up location for race bibs and hosts a Health and Fitness Expo. In addition to raising funds for the American Association for Cancer Research, the event filled 5,625 hotel rooms and brought a $17.7 million economic impact.


Driving Development LocaƟon MaƩers One factor that makes the Pennsylvania Conven on Center stand out from compe tors is our Center City loca on, which puts event and conference a endees in the heart of Philadelphia.

#GreatSpacePHL for growing our economy

The more than 1 million a endees the Center brings to downtown are also good for local businesses. In fact, with the Center seeing a resurgence in event bookings, a number of new Center City hotel projects are now underway or being planned. In the coming years, the area surrounding the Conven on Center will receive more than $1 billion in new economic investment. Major projects will bring new fashion outlets, offices, residences, cultural exhibits, dining experiences and new employment opportuni es to the Conven on Center District. East Market East Market, a pedestrian-oriented development, will revitalize an en re city block, from Market to Chestnut Streets between 11th and 12th Streets. The $600 million mixed-use project will blend urban and ar sanal shopping and dining experiences with contemporary work and living spaces. Phase I will be completed in 2017. Fashion Outlets Philadelphia The former Gallery Mall adjacent to the Conven on Center is undergoing a $365 million redesign project, which includes en rely new finishes and aesthe cs throughout the center to create a light, bright, engaging atmosphere. When completed in 2018, the project will offer flagship store loca ons and designer outlet brands. Fashion Outlets Philadelphia will be the largest cohesive retail project in Center City.

September / October 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events MEDCO Show

PA Conference for Women

September 26-29, 2016

September 30 - October 1, 2016

October 6, 2016

10,000 attendees from all levels of the cable telecommunications technology industry participated in educational sessions, state-of-the-art exhibits and networking opportunities. The event filled 11,200 hotel room nights and brought a $19 million economic impact.

MEDCO Customer Appreciation Show showcases products and services related to auto parts, services, and accessories from leading exhibitors. The customer-only event filled 2,500 hotel room nights and brought a $5.3 million economic impact.

The 13th Annual Pennsylvania Conference for Women is an amazing day of networking, professional development, and overall inspiration for those who participate.

Cable-Tec Expo ’16


Record-Breaking Hotel Occupancy 2016 was a blockbuster year for the Greater Philadelphia Hotel Associa on, a success that was achieved jointly because of our partnership with the Pennsylvania Conven on Center and the hospitality community. With our record breaking summer, the Philadelphia hotel community finished strong with a 78 percent occupancy rate for the year and a $201.79 average conference and group mee ng room rate. Further, “Conven on & Group” and “Leisure” bookings for rooms achieved over 1 million visitors, the most our hotels have ever hosted.

With the highest total group hotel demand in Center City since 1949, new hotel construc on is advancing. Openings of premiere hotels like The Logan, the building of a W Hotel on Chestnut Street, and a Four Season pinnacled on top of the Comcast Center, the hotel industry in Philadelphia con nues to be strong and vibrant. Greg Stafford President, Greater Philadelphia Hotel Associa on General Manager, The Logan Hotel












NEW HOTEL ROOMS IN CENTER CITY UNDER CONSTRUCTION Data provided by Greater Philadelphia Hotel Associa on and compiled from CBRE Hotels “Snapshot” Report.

s Pope Francis Film Screening

Philly High School Fair

October 13, 2016

October 15, 2016

The Center hosted the film premiere of Philadelphia Welcomes Pope Francis, which commemorates the papal visit to the city in conjunction with the 2015 World Meeting of Families.

More than 100 Philadelphia private, charter, and district schools participated in the fair and helped give students the guidance they needed in order to make the big next step decision.

CoreNet Global October 16-19, 2016

The CoreNet Global North American Summit brought together professionals in the field of corporate real estate for networking, continuing education and collaboration. The estimated 2,000 attendees filled 5,900 hotel room nights and had a $9 million economic impact.

20 20

A Commitment to Environmental Sustainability The Pennsylvania Conven on Center is commi ed to reducing the environmental impact of our opera ons and services.

In recent years, the Center has increased its sustainability efforts through a mul -pronged plan that has included:

“Our commitment includes the use of safe-cleaning products, reduced water use, energy efficient LED ligh ng, a new reflec ve roof, expanded recycling, and streamlined management of HVAC, ligh ng, power, elevators and escalators,” said Janet Mitrocsak, SMG Director of Facili es. “Using technology to ‘go green’ is cri cal to our customers and our effort to sustain the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for future Janet Mitrocsak, genera ons.” SMG Director of FaciliƟes

SMG Launches Green Team As part of its ongoing efforts to operate the Conven on Center under its best prac ces for sustainability and green mee ngs, SMG launched a dedicated Green Team in 2016. The team documents the details of individual programs that address a comprehensive, all-encompassing Sustainability Program. Each program or plan, while standing on its own merits and importance, contributes to the Sustainability Program as a whole and strives to adhere to industry standards of what cons tutes a “green mee ng venue.” The program focuses on measuring, tracking, repor ng and improving. The team also reviews new technology with an eye for reducing the use of electricity, natural gas and water.

In January 2016, the PCCA signed a new 2-year electricity supplier agreement that increased its use of renewable energy to 25 percent and cut costs. Last year, the Center completed replacing ligh ng in its 82 mee ng rooms with 765 new LED ligh ng fixtures, as well as installing 214 external LED fixtures. Single-stream recycling, compos ng, lamp and metal recycling, as well as collec ng cooking oil, show pallets, and materials that are re-purposed rather than sent to landfills. Installa on of a white roof membrane with a highly efficient Solar Reflectance Index that increases thermal insula on, allowing the facility to operate more efficiently and reducing energy costs. The use of engineering energy management for hea ng, ven la on and air condi oning systems to enhance efficiency. Use of cleaning chemicals that are Green Seal cer fied and equipment that reduces the exposure of building occupants to chemical, biological, and par culate contaminants. Separate recycling and landfill trash containers placed throughout the facility in public concourses and rooms with larger compactors in designated areas for staff use behind the scenes.

October / November 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events National Funeral Directors

Society of Women Engineers

NCTM Regional Conference

October 23-26, 2016

October 27-29, 2016

October 31 - November 2, 2016

The 2016 National Funeral Directors Association International Convention and Expo offered funeral service professionals the opportunity to learn and network with peers from around the globe. 6,000 attendees filled 8,800 hotel room nights, and had a $12.2 million economic impact.

The largest annual conference of female engineers in the world showcased symposiums, a career fair with over 300 employers and great opportunities for advancing their careers. Over 11,000 women came together from all around the world to attend the conference.

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference is a signature fall math education event with professional development presentations. The event attracted 3,000 teachers, administrators, and math coaches; filled 1,000 hotel room nights; and brought a $2.7 million economic impact.,


Rated a Top 10 City for Green Meetings

Philadelphia was rated a Top 10 City for Green Mee ngs by Greenbiz.com, based on standards for sustainable mee ngs as set forth by the Conven on Industry Council’s Accepted Prac ces Exchange (APEX) and the American Society for Tes ng and Materials (ASTM Interna onal).

The expansion and renova on to the Pennsylvania Conven on Center in 2011 achieved Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Gold cer fica on. LEED is an interna onallyrecognized green building cer fica on system, developed by the U. S. Green Building Council.

#GreatSpacePHL for green meetings U.S. Green Building Council’s Greenbuild InternaƟonal Conference & Expo

Philly Bike Expo

NeoCon East

November 3-5, 2016

November 5-6, 2016

November 9-10, 2016

Net Impact, a global non-profit, hosted its 2016 Net Impact Conference in Philadelphia. The event attracted over 2,500 students and professionals who are committed to making a lasting social and environmental impact, filled 1,500 hotel room nights, and brought a $3.5 million economic impact.

Over 125 manufacturers, organizations, and artisans were present for seminars and demonstrations on biking skills and products.

The 14th premier design expo and conference for commercial interiors on the East Coast helped fill approximately 1,700 hotel room nights and delivered an economic impact of nearly $4.3 million.

Net Impact


Selling the Center The Alliance: One Voice, One Seamless Approach

Philadelphia Conven on and Visitors Bureau

SMG’s goals for a seamless sales and marke ng experience for mee ng planners and other customers of the Conven on Center led to a new alliance in 2016. The Conven on Center defined a double-pronged approach of partnering sales and events teams within the Conven on Center with teams from its official sales and marke ng agency, the Philadelphia Conven on and Visitors Bureau (PHLCVB).

2016 was a stellar year for the Philadelphia Conven on & Visitors Bureau (PHLCVB). The organiza on booked 68 conven ons and events into the Center in 2016, an increase of 9.5 percent over 2015. Those groups will use 636,868 room nights, an increase of 6.6 percent over 2015, genera ng $967 million in economic impact for Philadelphia.

“For many years, we have partnered with the PHLCVB, but this year we decided that an alliance with clear goals for ease of billing customers, collabora ve appearances at trade shows and on sales missions would give us a unified force,” said Stephanie Mays Boyd, SMG’s Director of Sales & Marke ng at PCC. “This gives us a seamless approach for our customers.” SMG’s Sales Team, led by Boyd, has exceeded its annual goals for several years. The team books mee ngs within 18 months or less, securing revenue from those bookings, and sales of food & beverage, audio/visual setups, IT, and other services. The SMG Sales Team generated revenue of $7 million for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2015 and more than $8 million for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2016. This revenue genera on included short-term event bookings, as well as building services such as technology upgrades, audio visual, and food and beverage sales.

In 2016, PHLCVB appointed Julie Coker Graham as its president & CEO at the start of the year. The organiza on also celebrated 75 years of bringing mee ngs, conven ons, and tourism to Philadelphia. Addi onally, the PHLCVB was an integral partner in the Philadelphia team responsible for an extremely successful 2016 Democra c Na onal Conven on; for securing the 2017 NFL Dra for Philadelphia; and for delivering a record-breaking 78 percent occupancy for Center City Philadelphia hotels. “Last year, the Center demonstrated its ability to operate at high capacity,” said Julie Coker Graham, PHLCVB president and CEO. “The Center hosted several large groups back-toback over the summer. For example, American Associa on for Clinical Chemistry and its 20,000 a endees moved into the Center on the same day that the DNC ended.”

The SMG Sales Team generated increased revenue of nearly $1 million for FY 2016. Sales by the SMG Team rose more than 13.4 percent year over year.

Pictured, from leŌ to right: John McNichol, PCCA President & CEO; Stephanie Mays Boyd, SMG Director of Sales and MarkeƟng; Robert W. Bogle, President & CEO, The Philadelphia Tribune; Julie Coker Graham, PHLCVB President and CEO; Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney.

November / December 2016 - Convention Center Hosted Events Philadelphia Marathon

PMA Contemporary Craft Show

ASHA Annual Convention

November 10-13, 2016

November 17-19, 2016

November 18-20, 2016

The Philadelphia Museum of Art’s 40th annual art show featured 195 artists from across the country and included works made from glass, ceramics, wood, basketry, metal, paper, leather, and mixed media.

The 80th American Speech Language Hearing Association’s professional education convention attracted 11,000 attendees, including audiologists, speech-language pathologists, hearing scientists, and other language hearing professionals. The convention filled more than 17,000 hotel rooms and delivered an economic impact of nearly $28 million.

More than 30,000 registered runners picked up bibs and attended the health and fitness expo at the Convention Center.


23 23

Social Media 182,600 Twi er impressions in 2016

21 percent


increase in Facebook likes in 2016

Website visits last year

Follow us on Facebook and Twi er @paconven on


#GreatSpacePHL for making history The Center worked closely with the Host Commi ee for the Democra c Na onal Conven on, the City of Philadelphia, PHLCVB, and VisitPhilly to help the city win the compe on to host the DNC in 2016, which delivered an economic impact of $230.9 million to our region. The PCC hosted Poli calFest, caucuses, and special events, as well as converted mee ng rooms to oďŹƒces for DNC sta.

$28.8 million $28.4 million $28.0 million $27.8 million $27.4 million $18.8 million $17.1 million $12.1 million $11.4 million

Risk and Insurance Management Society 4/23/17 - 4/26/17

2017 Northeast Na onal Volleyball Qualifier 4/8/17 - 4/16/17

Interna onal Associa on of Chiefs of Police 10/21/17 - 10/26/17

American Water Works Associa on 6/6/17 - 6/17/17

LIGHTFAIR Interna onal 5/4/17 - 5/13/17

American Associa on of Nurse Prac


6/17/17 - 6/28/17

American Occupa onal Therapy Associa on 3/30/17 - 4/2/17

Modern Language Associa on 1/2/17 - 1/10/17

Na onal Black MBA Associa on, Inc. 9/20/17 - 10/2/17

* Does not include consumer and gate shows. Ranked by economic impact data provided by PHLCVB.

WordCamp US

Diverse Vendor Outreach

Holiday Party for the Homeless

December 2-4, 2016

December 5, 2016

December 15, 2016

Over 2,000 WordPress enthusiasts attended this event created to help people get more our of Wordpress. The event helped fill more than 900 hotel rooms and brought a $2 million economic impact to our region.

The Center hosted a vendor outreach program for women, minority, and disadvantaged business enterprises to learn about procurement and business opportunities at the facility. Attendees were updated on diversity policies and vendor portal information.

Over 24 local organizations united with City Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell to offer food, social services, and housing opportunities to the homeless. Information at this open house sought to raise awareness and help homeless individuals and families.


Mee ngs and conven ons generate billions of dollars and support hundreds of thousands of jobs in our region. Persuade your group to meet in Philadelphia. We’ll show you how. With 1 million square feet of saleable space including 82 mee ng rooms, 7 exhibit halls and the largest ballroom in the Northeast - the Pennsylvania Conven on Center is the ideal venue for world-class gatherings of all types and sizes. In addi on to our magnificent, state-of-the-art facili es, we boast an experienced, award-winning staff that works closely with each customer to deliver the event of their dreams while incorpora ng cost savings and efficiencies whenever possible. Let us help you begin planning your next corporate event, mee ng, conven on, film screening, and more. Contact 215-418-4750 or sales@paconven on.com today.

Our PCC Sales Team 1101 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 418-4700 www.paconven on.com facebook.com/paconven on

@paconven on

pa_conven on Photo Credits and Acknowledgments: Metal Truss Vector by Barre Hemmings; Cable-Tec photo by Avi Steinhardt; Mayor Kenney Block Party photo by Jeff Fusco, AACC photo by Holmes Theranos; pdpatoday; PHLCVB, and VisitPhilly. Economic impact, hotel night, and a endance figures in meline and elsewhere courtesy of PHLCVB.

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