2018/2019 Pokfulam Report 薄扶林報告

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慈善大回收2018 Charity Collection 2018 我謹代表救世軍、愛連心及香港健 康促進學會感謝參與2018年慈善 大回收的居民。我們收到的物資載 滿三架貨車,比前年多出五成。 香港健康促進學會將繼續收集長者 用品並轉贈給有需要的長者或機 構。歡迎致電 9096-3070 聯絡我們或 2682-6878 與他們直接聯絡。 Thanks to all residents who supported the charity collection we delivered 3 trucks full of useful items – 50% more than last year to The Salvation Army, Les Beatitudes and Hong Kong Society For Health. Residents who care for elderly family at home face the inevitable need to clear out bulky care items. These are often expensive and good for re-use. The Hong Kong Society For Health receives these items and places them with families in need. Their services are available throughout the year. Please feel free to contact our office at 9096 3070 or contact the Society for Health directly at 2682 6878.

免「廢」暢飲 Drink without waste 香港每天於堆填區棄置超過五百萬個可回收 膠瓶。2018年起我出任由多個飲料製造商、 零售商、環保團體及回收業界組成的工作 小組主席,尋找可行的減廢方案,當中包括 安裝更多的飲水機、鼓勵市民自備水樽、為 一次性飲料包裝設立按金機制、擴大回收網 絡、增建回收廠房及禁止使用不能回收再造的物料等。如有興趣,請到 www.drinkwithoutwaste.org 了解我們的工作。 In 2018 we chaired a working group and agreed on a strategy among beverage industry, waste industry, retailers, NGOs and government on reducing the 5 million bottles which go to waste every day. Now the hard work starts on the installation of beverage dispensers, encourage people to bring their own bottles, a deposit scheme for single-use packaging, growing a network of collection points, building recycling plants, and a ban on non-recyclable materials. Follow our work via www.drinkwithoutwaste.org.

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