Be Aware From Some Great Home Waxing Tips

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3. Let hair grow at waxable length  It is being very difficult to pull shorter hair. If your hair grew shorter than a quarter of an inch and you are thinking to do a waxing then it is a bad idea. This could be lead ingrown hair and more waxing sessions. However, you want to remove shorter hair then blue wax or hard wax is the best option for shorter hair removal. 4. Pre waxing lotion and powder  Before waxing your skin, it should be clean and prepared for releasing the hair. Pre waxing lotion is used to absorb the extra moisture from your skin. You should apply pre waxing lotion or powder for the smooth experience of waxing.

5. Check direction of hair growth  If you have visited in salon you know the technique of the hair removal. If you don’t know, then do like as given here: Whenever you start for the apply wax on skin then check direction of hair growth. Apply wax in the direction of hair growth and peel off in the opposite direction of hair growth.

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