Paula garcia valdecasas vilanova

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01. -Football Stadium Final project. Parc del Poble Nou, Barcelona. Tribunal: Elias Torres, Lluis Clotet, Jorge Blasco, Felix Pardo. ETSAB, UPC. Barcelona, Spain. 2013 This project has been projected minding urban and architectural requirements. Barcelona follows a regulation established by “cerdà” which organize de city in a regular network with a cell that we call “manzana”. It also respects the heritage of several roads that used to be very important. “Pere IV” is one of these roads. It is going to help us to organize the area as well as a second axis from north to south that follows Cerda´s regulations. To be consequent with architectural requirements, there will be an element that repeats all over the second axis. It is a fence that creates an access to the building and also belongs to the façade. So we have a path full of dynamism for pedestrians. Arcades are made of concrete and this façade is made with steel vertical bands that belong to the sequence of the pedestrian´s path.


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