Aging in Grace of God

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Aging in the Grace of God

Nearer My God to Thee Leader ’s Guide

Part 1

Identify the Issue

N ote to Lea der : Star t with an exp eriment. Have p eople b ow their h eads an d b e qui et. D o not give t he m any inst r uc tions othe r t han a sk ing to them b ow quietly. D o not pray, just wait. Using your watch o r a stopwatch make a note of how long it is b efore p eople b ecome re stless. S ee whether or not anyone asks what is going on. D iscuss w i th th em wh at th e exp e r ie nce was like. In today’s culture, busyness has doubled and tripled. Time is completely filled, and the whole idea of quiet and solitude has become not only nearly extinct, but for some fearful. Many elders have bought into this busyness. Retired people often brag about how they never have any free time. It is as if having busy calendars validates them in some way. “See, I am still young.” “I am still needed.” “I can still pull it off!” In attempting to extend the busyness of life, elders are missing the opportunity to grab on to a whole new way of living. Most people in their later 60s, 70s, and 80s have a great deal of discretionary time. Often that time is filled with things that have no eternal value (especially TV), that are simply time wasters. Many of these things lead to depression and a sense of isolation. In recent years, the problem of addiction among the elderly has increased tremendously. Men between the ages of 70 and 80 have the highest rate of suicide. Rethinking the use of time and opening up to the deeper things of God can add a deep richness to one’s life. Time is now available to ask all those questions, to spend time in Scripture, to pray for our loved ones. Instead of using quiet time as “spiritual gas” to give us energy for the day’s busyness, we can revision our time. It becomes an investment in the eternal. It makes possible an intimate relationship with God who loves us deeply, and whom we learn to love with ever greater depth. We are never left lonely or without a sense of purpose. As we commit this period of our lives to the eternal, we move deeper into our relationship with God, so that death becomes a small step through a veiled curtain into a warmly lighted room. Let’s not miss this rare opportunity.

Discussion Starters: [Q] Describe the change in the noise level of daily life since the time you were a child. How has the increasing noise of our culture affected you?

[Q] Share a picture of your best friend. Talk about the qualities that make that friendship so special. • How is God a friend to you?

[Q] How has your use of time changed since retirement? Do you find time hard to fill? Describe the things you have chosen to fill your time. 105

©2009 Christianity Today International

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