Our Commodore welcomes in the season
An exciting line-up of social events ahead!
SSCBC at the NYYC Global Team Race Regatta
PAGES 18-23
Launched August 2018
OPENING HOURS Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm Sat 9am - 12pm Sun 10am - 12pm
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Welcome to the Spring edition of Tidings magazine. I always love reading Tidings – it is a reminder that summer is nearly here. Summer in Sorrento for me means good weather, sailing, family, holidays, socialising at the Club and swimming. I am sure it is much the same for many of our Members. As a taste of summer, I hope you enjoy reading Tidings. I have now been your new Commodore since early June. It has been a busy and enjoyable time as we prepare your Club for the season. Our Sailing Committee, headed by our Club Captain Scott Llewelyn, has put together a very exciting sailing program for the coming season. One of the exciting editions to this season’s calendar is the introduction of the pursuit series. This is replacing the twilight series, with nine races in total across the summer. Five of the races will be held at twilight time, designed for fun family time with relaxed racing. There will also be a new presentation format on the deck. I look forward to this fun social time.
so I’m sure the summer courses will be equally popular. Book early to avoid missing out. Getting the catering and hospitality services right has been a major focus of mine. As you know, Henry Dyer has been appointed as our Food & Beverage Manager. Henry comes to us with excellent experience in establishing and managing restaurants and catering facilities here and overseas. He lives on the Peninsula. Henry has hit the ground running, working well with our General Manager, Phil Hall, and his team. Bernard McCarthy has joined us as our Head Chef. Another key appointment for the Club. Bernard has worked at some of the top Mornington Peninsula restaurants and many of you may have dined at his award-winning restaurant, Salix at Willow Creek. Welcome back to many of our key Food & Beverage staff, including Jade Lee, Hannah McKay, Jack Hewitt and Henry Cockman. We also welcome Robert Skipper who is new to the team. See the Food & Beverage Report for full details.
With their combined catering experience, Henry and Bernard are actively working on new menus for our Club. A combination of family friendly food, good value meals with a touch of fine dining, bar snacks and casual meals. There are also great plans for the Galley and the summer marquee – more later. Apart from menus, our Food & Beverage team is also working on improving the bar and kitchen equipment, the Members’ Lounge and dining room. I am sure you will appreciate the “refreshed” catering and hospitality facilities at the Club. Make sure you get to meet Henry, Bernard and all our Food & Beverage team. As we build up our staffing for the summer there will many opportunities for Club Members and sons and daughters of Club Members to gain training and experience in food and bar service. Go to the Club website to register your interest in employment or see Henry. Working at SSCBC will look very good on the resumes of younger people involved in the Club.
David White has returned from his trip back home to Ireland, all fired up for summer. We look forward to an action-packed season once again with something for everyone, both Members and non-members. It was amazing to see so many juniors on the water over the September school holidays with a fully booked training course,
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I am really pleased that Georgie Silverwood is Chair of the newly formed Social Committee. Georgie is joined by Susie DiPierdomenico, Carolyn Viney and Anna Toman. A really great Committee with Members focussed on developing a family friendly and busy social calendar for the season and next year. With our new Food & Beverage operations in place I am really confident there will be something for everyone in our very active social program. Watch this space! Howard Critchley chairs our newly formed House Committee. Other members of the Committee are Richard Hurley, David Shergold and Philip Hall. Initially this Committee was very supportive in re-organising our catering arrangements. However, its main purpose is to make sure that the amenity of the Clubhouse and the Club surrounds for Members continues to improve. This will involve assisting management in reviewing and implementing all maintenance and repairs, making improvements where possible. Thanks guys for taking on this important task. Our Infrastructure Committee remains very active on our Clubhouse Redevelopment project. This sub-committee is chaired by Rollo Wright with members Richard Hurley, Jonathon Long and Bruce Griffiths and is working closely with our Architects, Carr Design. The Committee is re-assessing the design and inclusions in the redevelopment. I am very keen to make sure that we do not lose sight of why we are undertaking the redevelopment. The Clubhouse is now over 10 years old. 02
When it was built we under-provided in some key areas – the kitchen is too small, the Members’ Lounge can be made much more amenable, we under-provided for office and administrative space and we need better sail training and storage facilities. The Committee is now working closely with Carr Design to develop the next version of the redevelopment. The revised proposal will be presented to Members for comments and feedback. Stand by for the next Members’ forum and project update. As mentioned during my address to Members at the AGM, we are planning to undertake a survey of all Members to get authoritative feedback to the basic question “What do our Members want out of the Club?” A professional survey consultant has been engaged with the aim of conducting the survey in February next year. Hollie Hick and Drew Marget are leading the charge on this project. This will lead into the strategic planning for the Club that I intend to conduct after the season is over. Looking over the horizon at how we can best meet the needs of our Members. One of your Committee’s action items has been an independent review of our communications with Members and other stakeholders in the Club. Under the guidance of new Committee Member, Mark Klemens, a very practical and useful report has been received and is being actioned by our management team. You should start to see some changes coming through in our communications with you in the near future.
Recently you received details of our squad of eight sailors who travelled to Newport, Rhode Island, to compete in the New York Yacht Club teams racing event. An exciting international event for our youth sailors. My wife, Ann, and I attended the event at our own expense. We wanted to support our team and also to make contact with the international clubs represented at the event. A little undefined but I was able to investigate how the Club might set up reciprocal arrangements with such Clubs. Enjoy reading about their experiences at Newport on pages 18-23 of this issue of Tidings. I am pleased to report that all of our sponsorships have been finalised for the coming season and beyond. Highlights include KPMG’s 21st year of the Couta Boat Classic and the 37th year of The GANT Portsea Cup and the Quarantine picnic (which we hope to see many families attend this year). We warmly welcome our sponsors to the Club and look forward to the season ahead. Finally, I congratulate the outstanding work provided by our hard-working administrative staff. Ably led by Phil, the team of Hollie, Jorja, Ben, Rosemary, David, Adam and Chelsey all go the extra yards to make our Club such a success. It is a delight working with them all. See you on Opening Day, Saturday November 17, 2018. Graham Cunningham Commodore SSCBC
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38°2O.6735S 144°45.349E
Welcome to the 2018/19 Sailing Season. On behalf of the SSCBC Sailing Committee and SSCBC staff we all hope you have had a break from sailing over winter and are ready for an actionpacked season of sailing, sun and social events. Over the past six months our focus has been devoted to planning and preparation for the upcoming sailing season. The Sailing Committee, consisting of Graham Cunningham, Drew Marget, James Mighell, Andrew Skinner, Max Chester, Sally Law, Andrew Creek, Rhys Tucker, Adam Hawkins, David White, and Ben Fels, have produced a solid and well-balanced sailing calendar with some key initiatives that will enhance our on-water racing and make for an enjoyable sailing season for all taking part. Items of interest this season: • Couta Boat information session was held on 18 October at Sandringham Yacht Club. This session provided an overview of the season, providing Members with an overview of rules and regulations, safety considerations and tactics. This was a prelude to the Couta Conversations which were very popular with our Couta Boat sailors last season and will be continued this year. • The Sailing Committee has completed an in-depth review of the race and risk management policies and procedures at the Club. TIDINGS SPRING SUMMER 2018
These have been updated and are now available online, under Couta Boats “SSCBC Race Management Policies”. • New this year is a pursuit series of nine races, five of which will be twilight races. This series offers an opportunity for some social, less competitive, family fun sailing we encourage all to get involved. There will also be a new presentation format for this series which will be exciting and fun. • Another new initiative this year is the introduction of a Couta Boat crew register for boats looking for crew, and crew looking for boats. This will be in the form of a very high-tech chalk board, to be permanently displayed in the Members’ Lounge. Members can add their name to this board as the need arises, and every week we will photograph it and post it on social media to keep everyone in the loop. Grab the chalk and use this tool to fill your boat.
• The GANT Portsea Cup Picnic and Presentation at Quarantine – the CBA and SSCBC would again invite families to join in the fun at the picnic. We would like to reinvigorate this presentation day and make it a special family time to enjoy a picnic at the historic Quarantine Station like many years ago. Put this date in your diary – Sunday 6 January. • New York Yacht Club – what an incredible experience this was for our young team. Only 13 clubs from around the world took part in this global event so we feel very fortunate to have been invited to participate. The SSCBC Sailing Committee has invested significant time, energy and resources into this program as a pathway for our sailors to compete at a high level of sailing and to provide some great opportunities. It is hoped that this campaign will be a catalyst for some of our young adult Members to stay active in the sport and remain involved in life at SSCBC. 05
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CLUB CAPTAIN’S REPORT I would like to take this opportunity to wish them the best of luck in their endeavours. “Sail Flat and Fast.” Congratulations to our sailors who have been selected into teams representing Victoria and Australia as follows: Australian Sailing Team Will Phillips and Sam Phillips Australian Sailing Squad Tess Lloyd Victorian Sailing Team George Aulich Victorian Institute of Sport Charlie Dixon, Tess Lloyd, Will Phillips and Sam Phillips
See the NYYC report from the team on pages 18-23. • Preparations are underway for The 2020 Youth Nationals which is going to be the most significant event on the youth calendar in Australia. The Club is likely to host a class of National Championships prior to this event too. The Youth Nationals will involve many of our Members in race management and volunteering roles, not to mention competitors. The Club has a very comprehensive inclusion goal for this Regatta, involving both males and females, and training has already commenced to ensure we have a wide and representative team of volunteers. I very much look forward to this landmark event on our sailing calendar in January 2020.
experiences in this edition of Tidings. Congratulations to all of our international competitors flying the SSCBC flag around the world, in particular Tom Trotman who was crowned the WAZSP European Champion in July this year. • The 2018-19 Season will see our Junior and Youth sailors travel to Tasmania for class Nationals and the Australian Youth Championships.
This is a fantastic achievement and reward for your hard work, focus and commitment to your sport. To all our Members, I look forward to another wonderful season both on and off the water. Thank you for your ongoing support and wishing you all the best for the remainder of 2018. Scott Llewelyn Club Captain
• Many of our junior and youth sailors have been busy competing in Asia and Europe in recent months, many of whom have written a recount of their 06
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The Training Centre kicked off the 2018/19 season in the same way it finished last season – with a bang! We had a full September school holiday program with 50 sailors out on the water. It was fantastic to see so many sailors out on the water at that time of year. Let’s hope we carry that momentum through until the end of the season. I should start this report by stating the Training Centre’s primary aims are: 1. To operate and practice in a fun, safe environment. 2. To encourage sailors to move from one boat to the next with competent skills and develop a sport for life. We implement these aims through hiring and training up the best instructors/coaches we have at our disposal. At SSCBC we are very lucky to have a talented bunch of young adults who enjoy being active at the Club and hopefully our upcoming sailors will want to go down that pathway and become instructors themselves. The other main aim for the Training Centre is to engage as many of the non-sailors who are Members at the Club and get them active on the water. The Club demonstrated this last year by purchasing the Couta boat Ripple, providing non-boat owners the opportunity to get out amongst our beautiful wooden boat fleet. Last summer lots of mums and dads who had kids on the course used Ripple to enjoy some fresh air and learn some new skills. The Training Centre can proudly say it has six entry level points (depending on age) to get active on the water: TIDINGS SPRING SUMMER 2018
Altas Baillieu sailing an Optimist off the Club
• Cara na Mara (5-7 year olds) • Sail & Play (7-12 year olds) • Teen Training (12-17 year olds) • Adult Pacers (18+ year olds) • She Sails (female only courses) • Couta Coaching (all ages) My challenge is to get our non-sailing Members out on the water. The ball is in your court. If sailing boats are not your cup of tea, through our lead power boat instructor Ben Fels, we will be running powerboat courses which were a big success over the
September holidays. We sold out the course and received great feedback. Watch this space as we will be putting more courses on to meet demand. Once you graduate from our Learn To Sail Program, the big step up is moving into your own boat. To help with this transition, SSCBC has invested in some Club Optimists which are rented out initially and can later be purchased (taking off the rental fee). For more details, please get in touch with David, as there is limited availability.
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TRAINING CENTRE REPORT Laser and 420 sailors which is very promising for the future. Many of these sailors learnt their trapezing skills on the Club Quest boats: Manana 1 and Manana 2, which have been a vital cog in the wheel of our Training Centre.
Winners of the Junior Title at the Team Racing States: Henry Stringer, Sam Stringer, Will Sankey, Elle Sankey and Angelique Gleeson
The Sorrento Pass was introduced last year, whereby our junior and youth fleets can purchase a discounted season’s pass for the Training Centre. This is a once only payment ($900 for 1 child, $1,600 for 2 children and $2,100 for 3 children) for the entire season. This includes training from September until the end of April. In total, there are 37 coached sessions, 29 race sessions and 22 coached event supported days. All in all, this is fantastic value and shows we are committed to getting our fleet out on the water as much as possible.
Part of the Sorrento Pass support for our sailors is sending a coach down to the Australian Optimist National Championships which takes place in Hobart in January. Eleven Sorrento sailors will brave the Derwent River. Our sailors will be coached by Club Member and previous Optimist National Champion, Jack Graves. This year is an exciting time for our youth coaching program as we have a number of Optimist sailors who are transitioning out of the optimist and moving into the next boat. In the September holidays we saw new
Moving on from juniors, our youth and young adults are getting active. We have a growing WASZP fleet which is being self-driven by the sailors and facilitated by the Club. Tom Trotman is the current WASZP European Champion and has set up a coaching camp to facilitate this growth. The big goal for a lot of our Members will be the WASZP Games (World Championships) which will be held in Perth in late January. Following the growth of our young adult fleet in team racing, highlighted by our NYYC team representing SSCBC, the Training Centre is planning on running a match racing series over the summer period. This series will take place on Club Members’ Jubilees on a weekly basis. These races will be 15 minutes long, on a windward leeward course with an aim to swap helm and crew positions after each race. It should make for fun social sailing. To summarise, the Training Centre has plenty of opportunities to offer both our Members and nonmembers, and we are very excited about the upcoming season. David White Training and Development Manager Token Irish at SSCBC
Winners Hugo Llewelyn and Nick Joel at Sail Melbourne
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We have a full and exciting calendar of social events planned for the 2018/2019 season. With a newly formed Social Committee, the Club is focussing on hosting a variety of events that are relevant to all of our Club Members, right down to the kids. Some of these are existing fixtures on our annual calendar, others are new for this season.
>>> FAMILY FUN NIGHT On the 10th January we will be holding an event for all the family to enjoy. Stay tuned for more details on what is on offer.
>>> KIDS ON COUTAS This popular event is back this year – Sunday 20th January! Kids must register beforehand, so they can join us for breakfast followed by sailing on our beautiful Couta Boats. The kids love it, the parents love it, the skippers and crew love it! Keep an eye out for when bookings open.
The Save the Date has gone out for Summer Drinks on the 29th December, and it is again expected to sell out in a matter of days. We are delighted to announce Pommery will be supporting this event. Join us for an evening of delicious food, drinks and brilliant entertainment. Tickets go on sale on 13th November 2018.
>>> LADIES LUNCH The Ladies Long Lunch will be held on the 9th January 2019. It has been a fixture on the calendar for a number of years and promises to be another great event. We look forward to raising some much needed funds for this year’s chosen charity, the Mary Jane Lewis Scholarship Foundation, whilst enjoying exceptional food from Bernard, drinks and company.
There are plenty of other events to look forward to including the GANT Portsea Cup Picnic and Presentation on Sunday 6th January, Australia Day @SSCBC and Next Gen Sailing Day on Saturday 19th January. We will be sharing more details regarding these events shortly. Georgie Silverwood Chair of Social Events
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As you will be aware, we recently welcomed Henry Dyer as our Food & Beverage Manager, and Bernard McCarthy as our Head Chef. What a formidable team these two make and we feel very excited at what’s in store for food and beverage across the Club this year and beyond. Bernard comes to the Club with a wealth of experience and talent spanning almost 30 years in the industry. Many Members will have experienced Bernard’s incredible creations at the award-winning Salix at Willow Creek, Barn & Co and Bistro Maison, all based on the Mornington Peninsula. Bernard is well respected across the industry and we feel very fortunate to now have him as an integral part of our Food & Beverage team.
in terms of both our food offering and service.
Team contact details:
New Years’ Eve Party Monday 31 December
Jade for events: catering@sscbc.com.au
Family Fun Night Thursday 10 January
Robert for reservation enquiries or alterations: reservations@sscbc.com.au
Kids on Coutas Sunday 20 January
We encourage you to book via our website using the online dining system.
The menus designed by Bernard and Henry will cater to our needs across every area of the Club. There will be delicious shared dishes, seafood, a focus on fresh, local produce with a Spanish / Mediterranean feel. We welcome back many of our smiling food and beverage staff, including Jade Lee as our Events Manager, Hannah McKay as our Restaurant Supervisor and Jack Hewitt and Henry Cockman behind the bar. New to the team is Robert Skipper as Restaurant Manager, joining us from RACV Club. Robert will manage all reservations and enquiries. This food and beverage team, together with Henry and Bernard at the helm, will deliver friendly and efficient service to Members and guests with food that will be sure to impress. We look forward to completely exceeding your expectations,
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Dear SSCBC Couta Boat Sailor, As you may be aware Steadfast IBG Insurance Brokers is a Club sponsor. Call them for a quote on your Couta Boat when your insurance renewal is due and you will receive all your benefits, support a sponsor and help the Club along the way. For a free competitive quote call Ronnie Schwarz on 03 9818 2724 today.
Steadfast IBG Insurance Brokers & SSCBC Partnership Offer Exclusive to SSCBC Members & friends of Members
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO EARN ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIP INCOME FOR YOUR CLUB! 5% sponsorship of all initial base premiums paid by members (and friends of Members) will be paid to SSCBC for any existing polices taken over by Steadfast IBG Insurance Brokers via letter of appointment at renewal or alternatively placed by Steadfast IBG Insurance Brokers with other insurers. Steadfast IBG negotiate and advise with respect the following insurance covers: • Property • Liability • Professional Risks • Marine Transit, Hull and P&I • Contract Works and Plant & Equipment • Accident & Health • Farm & Crop • Debtor & Trade Credit • Strata Title and Landlords • Home & Contents • Private Motor, Commercial & Fleet Motor • Insurance Premium Funding
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Couta Boat AGM a calendar highlight!
Couta Conversations There is a another great line up of ‘Couta Conversations’ in the calender this season. Note the dates in your diary now, and learn more about how to sail your boats better! • Saturday 10 November, 1030hrs • Saturday 1 December, 1030hrs • Saturday 16 February, 1030hrs • Saturday 16 March, 1030hrs
The CBA held their AGM on Wednesday August 8 at the Bathers Pavilion in Middle Park. Minutes of the AGM – the boring stuff – can be found at the CBA website.
provided by CBA NSW chapter at first Couta Boat Nationals held on Pittwater last October. And the frustrations of sailing on Port Phillip last summer.
racing. Mark it in your diary with your family and friends and let’s make a memorable day of it again – Sunday 6 January.
The fun stuff occurred after the meeting with Tim Phillips hosting Dugga Beasley and Will Baillieu in a fireside chat (sans fire!).
GANT Portsea Cup
Plan ahead
Looking ahead, the Mercedes-Benz Mornington Nationals return to their traditional time of December 28/29 with the GANT Portsea Cup on Saturday 5 January.
If you jump on the SSCBC website www.sscbc.com.au/events there is a brand new “easy to read” calendar.
It was a wonderful hour of anecdotes and memories and a fabulous reminder of why we sail these old wooden fishing boats. The CBA heartily thanks Tim, Dugga and Will for their time and their stories. Our re-elected President James Mighell spoke warmly about the terrific hospitality
The CBA is really keen to re-invigorate the GANT Portsea Cup Quarantine picnic. It is a special opportunity to wind down after a hectic couple of weeks of Couta Boat
Please save the link and get your crews to save it too. Not everyone wants to do every race but if you plan ahead you will enjoy your sailing much more.
Pulling the trigger, it’s not easy...
Australian Wooden Boat Festival
The Club is planning to put a lot more clarity into warning crews about potential abandonments/postponements.
In February 2019 the biennial Australian Wooden Boat Festival is on in Hobart.
It is not an easy task for the Club Captain to pull the trigger on whether to send the boats out or not, and crews need to understand that there is a need to err on the side of conservatism in a line
As usual a number of SSCBC motor vessels will be travelling to the Festival in convoy, and the CBA Cocktail Party will be held in Hobart on Saturday 9 February. Look out for our flyer on the Cocktail Party. It is always a great night!
ball situation.
Southerly returns! Southerly C2008 returns to Melbourne for a short stopover on her way to a new home in Perth. Having been built for the Hendy/Skinner Syndicate in 2008, she moved in 2010 to a new home on Pittwater under the ownership of Terry Moran. He has recently sold her to Perth’s Jim Wiltshire, who has decided to campaign the boat in a few Port Phillip races on her way to Perth. I’m sure Southerly will enjoy our waters for a few weeks!
CBA Committee 2018 | 19 President: James Mighell Bill Davis, Tim Philips, Wayne Parr, Colin Mitchell, Andrew Skinner, Peter Sydes, Rod Martin, Robert Tucker & Russell Watson Scoop Editor: Andrew Skinner andrew@skinnerads.com.au Couta Boat Association Inc. PO Box 258 Blairgowrie VIC 3942 cba@coutaboatclub.com.au Reg No. A0000225D ABN 17 803 524 588
Fair w
Harley Moffatt.
Club Captain
The 200-2001 Seaso n is now well under way and I welco Members to the me all new Club and encou Many thanks to the rage ALL Members parents and Memb to becom ers in who the e have sailing involv been ed activit so helpful to make the training progra ies that have been m so succes organised sful for thus this far. season . The SSC/CBC has seen a wonderful The Sailing Progra start to the season m has been summa with Opening Day rised in one brochu 18th November and on the but individ re for all Members superb weather. 30 ual classes have given odd Couta Boats partici their Members more opening Race of the pated in the detailed racing Wooden Boat Shop programs. Curren t sailing Regatta , instruc and 12 tions Minno are available from set course. ws sailed the the Club Office. The Sailing Progra m for the season has been compiled The boats looked after adhering to superb from the Clubho recommendations from the various use and would have classes the guests to the Openin really , but impressed be with the view that g Day celebration. a certain number there should of The boats day racing was a huge success and each congratulations to week. If this does those Members who not occur particularly in relatio made it so. n to off-the-beach and trailable boats, and the allocation The Junior Trainin of manpower and g Program began related costs, the on Sunday 12th Council will reasses Novem s the viability of such ber three courses and with the first of an extensive program before a full list of partici next season pants. . 45 Sailors enrolle d for the training and over 80% of them Race Day Managers are doing all 4 course have been appoin s. The VYC coachi ted for this season ensured the course ng staff have . They are Ken is well conducted Stevens, a former and are ably suppor Honorary Secreta ry of SSC And Scott ted by SSC/CBC volunteers, in particu Walton, a VYC lar Tim Phillips and accredited coach with much racing Richard Hurley . experie The been very kind to weathe nce. r has the sailors allowin g them to build their Both of these gentlem confidence and knowledge over the en will ensure that last 5 weeks, which racing and Club activiti has translated into smoothly and safely es will run 15-20 boats enjoying some fun so please support their racing efforts. on Sunday They afternoons. will be ably assiste by volunteers from d the SSC/CBC This is a most pleasin g sight and vindica tes Councils decisio I wish you all fair n to promote weather and good Junior sailing to ensure sailing throughout the long term future the season. of the Club.
Club Captains Report
Each Member is to be issued with a Membership These are availa ID Card. ble for collection at the Bar from onwards. Pleas Boxing Day e collect yours as soon as practi it on you withi cable an
Some new memb ers are seeking to purchase a Minno If any one has w. one in good order pleas e phone Andrew Skinner on 0418 569 383 (some people are also seeking Mirro r Dinghies)
e season
throughout th
New Membership Cards
Minnows Wanted
3 2
ment Award
SSC Encourage
3 Will Phillips
SSC Barney Beac hame
Award 2000
2 Tom Chisholm
Mutual Publishing
1 Johnathan Net
Checked out our archive recently and found copies of Tidings from 2000 onwards, some 18 years ago and thought parts of them would be fun to publish.
eather and go od sailing
Turn back time: ‘Tidings’ retrospective 2 SORRENTO TIDINGS
DEC 2000
New Race and Safety Manag
clubhouse facility and importantly how they would like it to be configured in a physical sense. We shall have a report summarising Car Parking onready the findings of the workshops fornding Lower Hardsta SSC council by mid January and it will be released to all members shortly thereafter.
Thursday Dec 28 g Course w Intensive Trainin 0900 hrs Minno as Regatta Heat 1 1400 hrs Christm Boat Twilight Race 1800 hrs Couta
Boat Results of Couta
d good sailing thr
Bill Davis, Comm odore
Andrew Skinner
Lee Treanor Phone 59842881 Fax 59844168
Major Spon sors
Tidings Editor
Andrew Skinner
Art, Design & Printing
The Creative Parro t
Advertising Enquiries
Skinner Advertising Services
Telephone (03) 9815 1477, Fax (03) 9815 1478 Email info@skinnerads.c om.au
‘Our season opene d to glorious weath er on Saturday 18 November in the presence of Shire Mayor Judith Coua caudGrayley. A review of the days proce edings is inside .’
Important Notice of Special General Meeting
Sunday Decem ber 24 at 10am in Club Lounge. To consider and if thought fit, pass the following resolu tion:
"That the Counc
il of Manageme nt be authorised to spend up to $150,000 on connecting the Sorrento Sailin g Club to the Sewerage Syste m." Notice of meeti ng and explanatory notes have been forwarded with proxy forms to all eligible Memb ers.
trophies, The Warwick Vase to member Nick Williams.
Major Sponsors
Mayor was called upon to present one of the Club’s most significant
Greetings to all Members,
sailing season n to you all. The the festive seaso thirty one Compliments of Sunday there were underway. Last a is well and truly amme which is training progr youth our in s participant g success. accounts a ragin all by and out complete sell unity comm er and saw the final memb Last Sunday also
the Clubhouse, so please assist them in this task by being co-operative
Committee in a reasonable manner.
management of Club activities, both on the water as well as around
avoided last year on one occasion - the result of a car/trailer having to
on Club business picking up or setting down goods. Disaster was narrowly
One of the many tasks for Scott and Ken will be the overall safety & in the past and crewed many yachts during club racing.
hard standing area is part of our lease and will be managed by the
parked below as it causes difficulty for those launching their boats or who are
wish to launch and retrieve their yacht. Please refrain from leaving your vehicle
with the club not that many years ago. Ken has been an active member
to be used. The lower hard stand area is for those manoeuvring boat trailers who
n Bryan
overflow area for the parking area above. This is not the purpose for which it is
administrator through his professional career as well as being involved
It has been of concern to your committee that the lower car park is becoming an
(1985/86) Ken Stevens. Ken has a wealth of experience as an
Car Parking on Lower Hardstanding
Scott will be assisted by past Sorrento Sailing Club honorary secretary
Hon Treasurer George Moffatt Club Captain Harley Williamson Councillors Richard
and has National Accreditation as a Yachting Coach (Level 1 & 2).
years he participated in the Victorian Youth Squad (1994, 1995 & 1996)
Bon A'petit !
Victorian Yachting Council Development Squad in 1996/97. For three
yourself as a Member of the Club.
and 1999/2000 Victorian Institute of Sport Sailing Squad as well as
ever possible - so please don't be offended if you are challenged to identify
Championship sailing regattas. Scott has been a member of the 1998/99
Trevor Gray Tim Phillips
Jeffrey Richardson Bruce Griffiths
state, having competed in more than 50 State, Interstate and World
company whilst using the facility. We encourage you to use the facility when
odore Bill Davis, Comm
Race and Safety team for the coming summer season. The team leader
accompanied by a member who has signed them in and remains in their
The Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of a professional
that this will be actively policed this year. Guests are only permitted whilst
Scott Davies
Please be aware that the Dining Room upstairs is a Members Only facility and
Alan Luxmoore Andrew Skinner
will be Scott Walton, a well known identity in yacht racing circles in this
New Race and Safety Manager Dining Room for Members and Guests
Sunday December 24 at 10am in Club Lounge. To consider and
SSC Encourage
ment Award
3 Will Phillips
Advertising Enquiries
SSC Barney Beac
hame Award 2000
2 Tom Chisholm Mutual Publishing
The Creative Parrot
avoid the number of cars parked in this NO STANDING area. This
hop. members ble in identifying what s have been invalua like it I believe the session antly how they would use facility and import summarising want in a new clubho We shall have a report a physical sense. to be configured in l for SSC counci workshops ready ter. thereaf the findings of the to all members shortly it will be released by mid January and ional by Christmas. will be fully operat and dining facility in. The members bar is properly signed guest any that rules and ensure but also Please respect the clubs liquor license only jeopardises the sible. Failure to do so not by the member respon constitutional breach serious a ents repres future. SSC in the near seeing you all at I look forward to
consultative works
Commodore Bill Davis
Vice Commodore Marti rd Hurley Rear Commodore Richa Stewart Hon Secretary Olivia
December 2000
when asked to contribute to the safe operation of our Club.
if thought fit, pass the following resolution:
Important Notice of Special General Meeting
Skinner Advertising Services
Bruce Griffiths Scott Davies Alan Luxmoore
Lee Treanor 59844168 Phone 59842881 Fax
Tidings Editor
Andrew Skinner
t The Creative Parro
sors Major Spon
Advertising Enquiries
Skinner Advertising Services ,
1477 Telephone (03) 9815 Fax (03) 9815 1478 om.au rads.c skinne Email info@
Art, Design & Printing
18 er on Saturday d to glorious weath ‘Our season opene caudMayor Judith Coua presence of Shire November in the inside.’ proceedings is days the of Grayley. A review
st m as M er ry Ch ri
to al l
Important Notice of Special General Meeting
1 Johnathan Nettl Mutual Publishing Trophy
2 Tom Chisholm To consider and in Club Lounge. ber 24 at 10am Sunday Decem SSC Barney Beachame Award 2000 tion: the following resolu if thought fit, pass 3 Will Phillips to spend up nt be authorised Manageme of il SSC Encouragement Award Counc "That the g Club to the Sorrento Sailin connecting the to $150,000 on m." Sewerage Syste forwarded notes have been ng and explanatory Notice of meeti e Members. forms to all eligibl with 3 proxy DEC 2000 1 SORRENTO TIDINGS
1 Johnathan Net
Art, Design & Printing
Andrew Skinner
Tidings Editor
Phone 59842881 Fax 59844168 Lee Treanor
Administrator Andrew Skinner Alan Luxmoore Scott Davies
Bill Davis, Commodore
Bruce Griffiths
I look forward to seeing you all at SSC in the near future.
Jeffrey Richardson
represents a serious constitutional breach by the member responsible. Failure to do so not only jeopardises the clubs liquor license but also
Tim Phillips
Please respect the rules and ensure that any guest is properly signed in.
Trevor Gray
Commodore Bill Davis Vice Commodore Martin Bryan Rear Commodore Richard Hurley Hon Secretary Olivia Stewart Hon Treasurer George Kimpton Club Captain Harley Moffatt Councillors Richard Williamson
The members bar and dining facility will be fully operational by Christmas. by mid January and it will be released to all members shortly thereafter.
1999-2000 Flag Officers/Councillors
the findings of the workshops ready for SSC council
to be configured in a physical sense. We shall have a report summarising want in a new clubhouse facility and importantly how they would like it
I believe the sessions have been invaluable in identifying what members consultative workshop.
Last Sunday also saw the final member and community
complete sell out and by all accounts a raging success.
participants in our youth training programme which is a
is well and truly underway. Last Sunday there were thirty one
Compliments of the festive season to you all. The sailing season
Greetings to all Members,
Both of these gentlemen will ensure that racing and Club activities will run smoothly and safely so please support their efforts. They will be ably assisted by volunteers from the SSC/CBC
enjoying some fun racing on Sunday afternoons. I wish you all fair weather and good sailing throughout the season. This is a most pleasing sight and vindicates Councils decision to promote Junior sailing to ensure the long term future of the Club. Harley Moffatt. Club Captain
Fair weather and good sailing throughout the season
December Racing
Trevor Gray Tim Phillips Jeffrey Richardson
I believe the session s have been invalua ble in identifying what want in a new clubho members use facility and import antly how they would to be configured in like it a physical sense. We shall have a report the findings of the summarising workshops ready for SSC council by mid January and it will be released to all members shortly thereafter. The members bar and dining facility will be fully operat ional by Christmas. Please respect the rules and ensure that any guest is proper Failure to do so not ly signed in. only jeopardises the clubs liquor license represents a serious but also constitutional breach by the member respon sible. I look forward to seeing you all at SSC in the near future. Cheers,
We look forward to seeing Scott and Ken on the beach and in
"That the Council of Management be authorised to spend up
Telephone (03) 9815 1477, Fax (03) 9815 1478 Email info@skinnerads.com.au
knowledge over the last 5 weeks, which has translated into 15-20 boats
Have a safe and happy summer !
to $150,000 on connecting3 the Sorrento Sailing Club to the
‘Our season opened to glorious weather on Saturday 18
been very kind to the sailors allowing them to build their confidence and
Commodore Bill Davis Vice Commodore Marti n Bryan Rear Commodore Richa rd Hurley Hon Secretary Olivia Stewart Hon Treasurer George Kimpton Club Captain Harley Moffatt Councillors Richard
the festive seaso n to you all. The is well and truly sailing season underway. Last Sunday there were participants in thirty one our youth traini ng programme which is a complete sell out and by all accounts a ragin g success. Last Sunday also saw the final memb er and community consultative works hop.
the Box this summer.
Sewerage System."
November in the presence of Shire Mayor Judith Couacaud-
accredited coach with much racing experience.
volunteers, in particular Tim Phillips and Richard Hurley. The weather has
ason 2001 Se
Notice of meeting and explanatory notes have been forwarded
Grayley. A2 review of the days proceedings is inside.’
Stevens, a former Honorary Secretary of SSC And Scott Walton, a VYC
ensured the course is well conducted and are ably supported by SSC/CBC
with proxy forms to all eligible Members.
and over 80% of them are doing all 4 courses. The VYC coaching staff have DEC 2000 4 SORRENTO TIDINGS
le Openin
New Membership Cards
Club Captains Report
ID Card. a Membership to be issued with Boxing Day Each Member is at the Bar from ble for collection cable and carry These are availa as soon as practi e collect yours onwards. Pleas the club. it on you within
ie and George and Marjor Mr & Mrs Ken Lacco Great to also see ouring Blairgowrie, odores from neighb Sutcliffe, and Comm s all these publically acknowledge Club The . McRae Queenscliffe and Bill Davis, the s from Commodore Following an addres guests for attending. significant of the Club’s most upon to present one Mayor was called er Nick Williams. ck Vase to memb Warwi The es, trophi The 200-2001 Season is now well underway and I welcome all new Many thanks to the parents and Members who have been so helpful to make this in Sydney earlier ls Championships World Etchel thesuccessful Members to the Club and encourage ALL Members to become involved theNick training program thus far. ted inso compe the Official the presentation, overall. Following in the sailing activities that have been organised for this season. gained 2nd place y and andProgram s anallorderl Theyear Sailing has been summarised in one brochure Members to witnesfor Opening to ferry Farnsworth Sorren ssing A Memorable the to proce retired Party the Kodak ng,season The SSC/CBC has seen a the wonderful to the with Opening Day on the but individual classes have given their Members more detailed racing printi time ofstart South easterly. knot 5 a day. in ng Past (unfortunately at from Openiin the iastic Sail enthusCurrent 18th November and superb weather. oddfilm Coutarecord Boats participated programs. sailing instructions are available from the Club boats, Office. then ost30our aced/l mispl beach the has and 20 Off laboratory 30+ Couta Boats opening Race of the Wooden for Boatyou Shop and 12 Minnows sailed the next issue) byRegatta, boats, some All theProgram this The Sailing for the season has been compiled after adhering to We hope to have ions. rful sailing condit beautiful warm set course. raced in wonde ber 18 brought a recommendations from the various classes, but with the view thatathere should run in with g on Saturday Novem who had nasty Our season openin n Harley Moffatt Captaieach Clubracing The boats looked superb from thel guests Clubhouse and would have really impressed be a certain number of to boats week. If this does not Bravel occur y he manned . iserations Comm officia many stitches in his leg. clear day and up with a dozen ud-Gra the guests to the Opening Day celebration. The day was a huge success andyley, particularly in relation to off-the-beach and trailable boats, and the allocation and ended couaca the Jetty Shire Mayor Judith on. t were Mornington afterno them Stewar the David for Among Also Box congratulations to those Members who made itMichae so. l Kennedy. of manpower and lrelated costs, the Council will reassess the viability of such the Contro em and Shire CEO Councillor Bill Goodr Peter Bedgood. an extensive program before next season. Presidentwith VYC The Junior Training Program began Sundayand 12th November the first of tiononSociety Protec from the Foreshore three courses and a full list of participants. 45 Sailors enrolled for the training Race Day Managers have been appointed for this season. They are Ken
1999-2000 Flag lors Officers/Council
Greetings to all Members,
1999-2000 Flag Officers/Council lors
Great to also see Mr & Mrs Ken Lacco and George and Marjorie
A Williams
Division 1
Merry Christma s to all 2001
Sutcliffe, and Commodores from neighbouring Blairgowrie,
B Griffiths
P Hannah
1st Ticonderoga
w. to purchase a Minno ers are seeking Some new memb e phone in good order pleas If any one has one on 0418 569 383 Andrew Skinner r Dinghies) also seeking Mirro
an park is becoming that the lower car n to your committee e for which it is It has been of concer This is not the purpos the parking area above. trailers who overflow area for manoeuvring boat those for is area hard stand leaving your vehicle to be used. The lower Please refrain from retrieve their yacht. boats or who are wish to launch and those launching their causes difficulty for r was narrowly parked below as it down goods. Disaste picking up or setting iler having to on Club business the result of a car/tra on one occasion year last d avoide area. This this NO STANDING of cars parked in r numbe the avoid be managed by the of our lease and will part is area g hard standin r. manne able Committee in a reason ! happy summer Have a safe and
Queenscliffe and McRae. The Club publically acknowledges all these
Division 2
3rd Phoenix
Series Winners of the
(some people are
December 2000
ng Car Parking on Lower Hardstandi
Cheers, Bill Davis, Commodore
ers Only facility and upstairs is a Memb the Dining Room ted whilst Please be aware that Guests are only permit policed this year. that this will be actively remains in their signed them in and member who has a by when panied accom to use the facility We encourage you facility. the using ged to identify company whilst d if you are challen please don't be offende ever possible - so Club. er of the yourself as a Memb
DEC 2000
Commodore Compliments of
Me rry Ch ris tm as to all
guests for attending. Following an address from Commodore Bill Davis, the
D Hart
2nd Lonsdale
Minnows Wanted
and Guests er Dining Room for Members New Race and Safety Manag
Club Captains Report
S Quigley
1st Sarah
December Racing cont
oughout the seas
Nick competed in the World Etchells Championships in Sydney earlier this A Memorable Opening make been so helpful to haveOfficial year and gained 2nd place overall. Following the presentation, ers who the parents and Memb (unfortunately at the time of printing, the Kodak processing the to thanks new to theMany allretired far.orderly and Party Sorrento ferry Farnsworth to witness an I welcome way and m so successful thus laboratory has misplaced/lost our film record fromunder Opening day. now well n is the training progra e involved The 200-2001 Seaso enthusiastic Sail Past in a 5 knot South easterly. re for all Members to becom rised in one brochu We hope to have this for you by next issue) rage ALL Members m has been summa Club and encou season. The Sailing Progra Members to the ised for this All more detailed racing ersthen the boats, some 30+ Couta Boats and 20 Off the beach boats, that have been organ have given their Memb Our season openinginonthe Saturday brought a beautiful warm activities 18 sailingNovember but individual classes the Club Office. on the sailing g Day raced in wonderful conditions. are available from with Openin t sailing instructions clear day and many official guests. start to the season programs. Curren seen a wonderful The SSC/CBC has adhering to participated in the compi been run Commiserations to Club Captain Harley Moffatt who hadhas a nasty inled withafter r. 30 odd Couta Boats weathe superb m for the season Among them were Mornington Shireand Mayor Judith couacaud-Grayley, ber Progra the Novem sailed Sailing there should ws The 18th with the view that butmanned Regatta, and 12 Minno the Jetty and ended up with a dozen stitches in his leg. Bravely,he n Boat Shop WoodeKennedy. from the various classes Councillor Bill Goodrem and gShire Michael Also David Stewart of the RaceCEO recommendations openin not occur week. If this does the Control Box for the afternoon. r of boats racing each from the Foreshore Protection Society and VYC President Peter Bedgood. . be a certain numbe set course and the allocation really impressed and trailable boats, use and would have n to off-the-beach viability of such particularly in relatio superb from the Clubho the s and s succes The boats looked Council will reasses The day was a huge related costs, the g Day celebration. of manpower and . the guests to the Openin m before next season 4 SORRENTO TIDINGS DEC 2000 made it so. an extensive progra those Members who are Ken congratulations to this season. They ber with the first of been appointed for on Sunday 12th Novem Day Managers have a VYC , Race g Program began Walton The Junior Trainin d for the training ry of SSC And Scott Honorary Secreta pants. 45 Sailors enrolle former a , Stevens a full list of partici ng staff have three courses and experience. s. The VYC coachi with much racing are doing all 4 course accredited coach es will run and over 80% of them ted by SSC/CBC racing and Club activiti and are ably suppor en will ensure that is well conducted d weather has Both of these gentlem ensured the course will be ably assiste Richard Hurley. The their efforts. They lar Tim Phillips and so please support smoothly and safely volunteers, in particu confidence and g them to build their the SSC/CBC the sailors allowin by volunteers from been very kind to 15-20 boats has translated into the season. last 5 weeks, which sailing throughout knowledge over the weather and good I wish you all fair afternoons. racing on Sunday enjoying some fun n to promote tes Councils decisio g sight and vindica This is a most pleasin Club Captain of the Club. Harley Moffatt. the long term future Junior sailing to ensure
H Moffatt
2nd Duchess
Series Wooden Boat Shop
Saturday Dec 30 g Course w Intensive Trainin 0900 hrs Minno als Heats 1 & 2 Boat Mazda Nation 1330 hrs Couta
I look forward to seeing you all at SSC in the near future.
I believe the sessions have been invaluable in identifying what members want in a new
penin able O
Great to also see Mr & Mrs Ken Lacco and George and Marjor Sutcliffe, and Comm ie odores from neighb ouring Blairgowrie, Queenscliffe and McRae . The Club public ally acknowledge guests for attending. s all these Following an addres s from Commodore Mayor was called Bill Davis, the upon to present one of the Club’s most significant trophies, The Warwi ck Vase to memb er Nick Williams. Nick competed in the World Etchel ls Championships in Sydney earlier year and gained 2nd this place overall. Follow ing the presentation, Party retired to the the Official Sorrento ferry Farnsw orth to witness an enthusiastic Sail orderly and Past in a 5 knot South easterly. All the boats, some 30+ Couta Boats and 20 Off the beach boats, then raced in wonderful sailing conditions. Commiserations to Club Captain Harley Moffatt who had a nasty run in with the Jetty and ended up with a dozen stitches in his leg. Bravely he manne the Control Box for d the afternoon.
A Memorable Opening (unfortunately at the time of printi ng, the Kodak proce laboratory has ssing misplaced/lost our film record from Opening day. We hope to have this for you by next issue) Our season openin g on Saturday Novem ber 18 brought a beautiful warm clear day and many official guests. Among them were Mornington Shire Mayor Judith couaca ud-Grayley, Councillor Bill Goodr em and Shire CEO Michael Kennedy. Also David Stewar from the Foreshore t Protection Society and VYC President Peter Bedgood.
Last Sunday also saw the final member and community consultative workshop.
Bon A'petit !
Fair weather an
Tim Phillips and all and thanks to Congratulations to the series. Shop for sponsoring The Wooden Boat
3rd Elsie – E
as regatta Heat 4 1400 hrs Christm
27 Wednesday Dec to the Heads Boat RT Edgar Dash 0945 hrs Couta the Heads le Yachts Cruise to 1400 hrs Trailab
The members bar and dining facility will be fully operational by Christmas. Please ening 2001 Season le Opthat Memo respect the rules andrab ensure any guest is properly signed in. Failure to do so not only jeopardises the club’s liquor license but also represents a serious constitutional breach by the member responsible.
Compliments of the festive season to you all. The sailing season is well and truly underway. Last Sunday there were thirty one participants in our youth training programme which is a complete sell out and by all accounts a raging success.
a professional the appointment of pleased to announce leader The Committee is r season. The team for the coming summe in this Race and Safety team yacht racing circles in identity , a well known will be Scott Walton and World 50 State, Interstate ted in more than 9 state, having compe the a member of 1998/9 s. Scott has been regatta sailing well as Championship Sailing Squad as an Institute of Sport and 1999/2000 Victori in 1996/97. For three Squad pment g Council Develo & 1996) Victorian Yachtin Squad (1994, 1995 in the Victorian Youth 2). years he participated g Coach (Level 1 & itation as a Yachtin and has National Accred ry Club honorary secreta Sailing to Sorren d by past Scott will be assiste of experience as an . Ken has a wealth (1985/86) Ken Stevens being involved career as well as h his professional throug istrator member admin Ken has been an active that many years ago. with the club not club racing. many yachts during in the past and crewed & safety overall will be the for Scott and Ken One of the many tasks as around the water as well activities, both on management of Club co-operative in this task by being them assist please the Clubhouse, so ion of our Club. ute to the safe operat when asked to contrib and in Ken on the beach to seeing Scott and We look forward r. the Box this summe
am by 2001 Sailing Progr received your 2000/ . You should all have the Club Office are available at ’t, then copies now. If you haven g up to New Year few days leadin a snapshot of the Meanwhile, here’s
Commodore’s Message, December 2000 Greetings to all Members,
De ce m be r Ra ci ng
great sailing over 3 Saturdays and in light/variable airs This series was sailed day conditions on each n 2 started and 15 boats in Divisio boats in Division 1 An average of 17 to and Max Beck’s boats, Rob Pitt’s Sorren ul new Division 1 e, including 2 beautif competing in Surpris see Nick Williams also wonderful to Mary Bell. It was boat in the fleet. CB 15 she’s the oldest
Friday Dec 29 g Course w Intensive Trainin 0900 hrs Minno &3 as Regatta Heats 2 1100/1430 hrs Christm Boat twilight race 1800 hrs Couta
“‘Our season opened to glorious weather on Saturday 18 November in the presence of Shire Mayor Judith Couacaud-Grayley.”
December 2000
The summer of 2000...
er Dining Room for Members and Guests
The Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of a professional Race and Safety team for the coming summe Please be aware that r season. The team the Dining Room will be Scott Walton upstairs is a Memb leader , a well known identity ers Only facility and that this will be actively in yacht racing circles policed this year. state, having compe Guests are only permit in this accompanied by a ted in more than ted whilst member who has 50 State, Interstate signed them in and and World Championship sailing remains in their company whilst using regattas. Scott has the facility. We encour been a member of age you to use the the 1998/99 and 1999/2000 Victori ever possible - so please facility when an Institute of Sport don't be offended Sailing Squad as if you are Victorian Yachtin well challen as yourself as a Memb ged to identify g Council Develo er of the Club. pment Squad in 1996/9 7. For three years he participated Bon A'petit ! in the Victorian Youth Squad (1994, 1995 and has National Accred & 1996) itation as a Yachtin g Coach (Level 1 & 2). Scott will be assiste d by past Sorrento Sailing Club honora ry secretary (1985/86) Ken Stevens . Ken has a wealth of experience as an administrator throug h his professional It has been of concer career as well as n to your committee being involved with the club not that the lower car that many years ago. overflow area for park is becoming the parking area above. Ken has been an active an in the past and crewed member This is not the purpos to be used. The lower e for which it is many yachts during hard stand area is club racing. for those manoeuvring wish to launch and One of the many tasks boat trailers who retrieve their yacht. for Scott and Ken Please refrain from will be the overall leaving your vehicle parked below as it safety & management of Club causes difficulty for activities, both on those launching their the water as well as around boats or who are on Club business the Clubhouse, so picking up or setting please assist them down goods. Disaste in this task by being r was narrowly co-operative avoided last year when asked to contrib on one occasion ute to the safe operat the result of a car/tra ion of our Club. iler having to avoid the number of cars parked in We look forward this NO STANDING to seeing Scott and area. This Ken on the beach hard standing area and in is part of our lease the Box this summe and will be manag r. ed by the Committee in a reason able manner. Have a safe and happy summer !
Wednesday Dec 27 0945 hrs Couta Boat RT Edgar Dash to the Heads 1400 hrs Trailable Yachts Cruise to the Heads Thursday Dec 28
You should all have received your 2000/2001 Sailing Program by
0900 hrs Minnow Intensive Training Course
now. If you haven’t, then copies are available at the Club Office.
1400 hrs Christmas Regatta Heat 1
Meanwhile, here’s a snapshot of the few days leading up to New Year
1800 hrs Couta Boat Twilight Race
Minnows Wanted
New Membership Cards
Some new members are seeking to purchase a Minnow. If any one has one in good order please phone Andrew Skinner on 0418 569 383
Each Member is to be issued with a Membership ID Card. These are available for collection at the Bar from Boxing Day onwards. Please collect yours as soon as practicable and carry it on you within the club.
(some people are also seeking Mirror Dinghies)
December Racing cont
Winners of the Series were:
Saturday Dec 30
Division 1
0900 hrs Minnow Intensive Training Course
1st Ticonderoga
A Williams
1330 hrs Couta Boat Mazda Nationals Heats 1 & 2
2nd Lonsdale
P Hannah
1400 hrs Christmas regatta Heat 4
3rd Phoenix
B Griffiths
Results of Couta Boat Wooden Boat Shop Series
Division 2 1st Sarah
D Hart
conditions on each day
2nd Duchess
S Quigley
1100/1430 hrs Christmas Regatta Heats 2 & 3
An average of 17 boats in Division 1 and 15 boats in Division 2 started
3rd Elsie – E
H Moffatt
1800 hrs Couta Boat twilight race
including 2 beautiful new Division 1 boats, Rob Pitt’s Sorrento and Max Beck’s
Congratulations to all and thanks to Tim Phillips and
Mary Bell. It was also wonderful to see Nick Williams competing in Surprise,
The Wooden Boat Shop for sponsoring the series.
Friday Dec 29 0900 hrs Minnow Intensive Training Course
This series was sailed in light/variable airs over 3 Saturdays and great sailing
CB 15 she’s the oldest boat in the fleet.
Turn back time: ‘Tidings’ retrospective Autumn 2001
Club Captains Report
Commodore’s Message, March 2001
The Season’s Not Over Yet!
that addressed the question of what is March 2001 Season program needed in a new clubhouse facility. We hope to be able to come up with some concept plans in the near future. The prospects are exciting but the difficulties should not be underestimated. More on this at a later date.
We have all been fortunate to have had the best summer
Twilight racing during January proved to be popular
weather and sailing conditions for many years, and I feel
with all classes and will be continued and refined in format
we have had a very positive regeneration of new sailors,
for next season.
We have been blessed with some wonderful weather but the unfortunate consequence is that we have had to cancel a number of races due to a complete lack of breeze. The season is now well progressed and I am able to report that the new Race Management programme is working extremely well. The Club is indebted to Ken Stevens and Scott Walton who have been the race and safety professionals for this season. particularly juniors and their families that has been lacking,
3 The Couta Boats have again had a very successful year,
particularly during "Couta Week" December 28 – January
decade in a successful manner.
6 culminating in over 50 boats racing in the Logan Cup and
Some of the important happenings of late are:
therefore having over 250 sailors competing! There has been
1 The youth sail training clinics have proved very successful
an increase in the number of boats racing in both divisions,
with over 55 participants and approximately 35 in each
with again keen racing always in evidence.
course.There was a lot of fun learning about sailing and self
A group of Flying Dutchmen sailors competed for the
reliance and honing racing skills. It was most rewarding to see
"Ham Cup" during the recent state couta titles off Portsea
that after these courses, 21 Minnow skippers raced an
and Sorrento, and it was great to see these beautiful and
Olympic course on Australia Day! Congratulations to all
fast boats so well sailed.
participants and all the volunteers and coaches who were so
4 Off the beach boats are well down in numbers (except
supportive of the program. It will be repeated and refined for
minnows) but it is hoped there will be a resurgence of this
next season. Don’t forget junior sail races continue through the
group as some junior sailors outgrow Minnows over the next
season on Saturday 1400 hours with OTB classes and Sunday
2 years.The Council will again review which classes will be
mornings 1100 hours. Check the programs for details.
2 Jubilees continue to have tight scratch racing and
preferred for 2002 season during the next few months.
Saturday 3 Autumn#1-OTW Sunday 4 Navigator Series#4-C
Saturday 10 Moomba Regatta#1-C Jubilees - State Championships Sunday 11 Moomba Regatta#2-C Monday 12 Moomba Regatta#3-C Saturday 17 Autumn#2-OTW Sunday 18 Saturday 24 Autumn#3-OTW Sunday 25 TYD Mornington cruise Saturday 31 Autumn#4-OTW
congratulations to the class on winning the Rudder Shield
to run all races this year and I thank all the volunteers who
once again in Ballarat.The South Channel Race is always a
so unselfishly give of their time and effort to ensure the club
good race for the class and this year was no exception.
runs smoothly.
Trailable yachts have also raced regularly with more
I trust the remaining sailing program for March and April
emphasis on navigator series and cruises this year.
will be enjoyed in this current positive manner.
As I have expressed before, professional management is the way of the future and, in this regard, the Club has made a great start. The finishing touches are being put to the paperwork required to enable members to vote on the merger between SSC and the Couta Boat Club. I am hopeful that we can convene a Special General Meeting to consider the merger sometime in April. There will obviously be a separate mail out to cover this. The new caterers are working out extremely well and all I hear from members is praise. The dining facility is yours and should be utilised. For the balance of the season it will be operating weekends plus selected weekdays.
In this issue of Tidings you will also find a summary of the input from the ‘workshops’
CBC pier to Perignon
SORRENTO TIDINGS Our kids have brought the Club back to life
Final / Trophy Race A&B
CBC San Remo festival Ballarat -Lake Wendouree
Final race / Presentation
FD international CBC State Champs #3&4 Race A&B
CBC Queenscliff Regatta Race A&B
April 2001
Sunday 1 Saturday 7 Autumn#5-OTW-final Sunday 8 TYD cruise Friday 13 Mud Island cruise Saturday 14 Easter Regatta#1-C Sunday 15 Easter Regatta#2-C Monday 16 Easter Regatta#3-C Junior BBQ
Novelty race
CBC Fishing under Sail Race A&B
1100 1400
CBC Sternchaser
Presentation BBQ Season's Presentation
The juniors are so enthusiastic that they have asked us to arrange for elections for their Junior Committee Classic Cars & Classic Boats which we will happily do. In future beware intruders into the junior area! Isn’t it great to see the re-kindled enthusiasm. We are also proposing a de-brief for Youth Sail Programme participants and parents at Easter. Watch the website for details. •
Full race particulars to be detailed in separate programmes for individual fleets.
Individual class start times are approximate and shall be confirmed on race day.
Courses will be nominated at race briefing in accordance with current SSC/CBC sailing instructions.
Legend YST C OTW # A&B
Youth Sail Training Clubhouse start On The Wind start Heat Minnow division A / Minnow division B
The Melbourne based Athenaeum Club Motoring Enthusiasts will be visiting SSC-CBC in a group of Classic cars on Sunday March 25 and will be taken for a sail in Couta boats that morning. If there are members of SSC/CBC with Classic cars who wish to be involved would they please contact Peter Legge Tel 03 9510 4138 Mob 0417418381 Email plegge@primus.com.au Your reply is needed ASAP
Major Sponsors
Cheers, Bill Davis, Commodore
Commodore Report 2000 - 2001 Flag Officers/ Councillors Commodore Bill Davis Vice Commodore Martin Bryan Rear Commodore Richard Hurley Hon Secretary Olivia Stewart Hon Treasurer George Kimpton Club Captain Harley Moffatt Councillors Richard Williamson Trevor Gray Tim Phillips
I’ve had plenty of meals there, breakfast, lunch and dinner and they are not only good value but great cuisine. To make bookings call 5984 5988 or call Tracy.
You will read the club captain’s report on the youth training programme. It has, in a nutshell, been exceptional. My thanks go out to all those who assisted.
5 There has been a rational use of patrol boats and personnel
Harley Moffatt. Club Captain
March 2001
but so necessary to carry the club forward in the next
March 2001
Jeffrey Richardson Bruce Griffiths Scott Davies Alan Luxmoore Andrew Skinner
Administrator Lee Treanor
Phone 59842881 Fax 59844168 Tidings Editor Andrew Skinner
Art, Design & Printing The Creative Parrot
Odd Spot
Club Treasurer Georg(ie) Kimpton and friends get into the spirit of the CBC Ladies Skipper Day!
Greetings to all Members,
We have been blessed with some wonderful weather but the unfortunate consequence is that we have had to cancel a number of races due to a complete lack of breeze. The season is now well progressed and I am able to report that the new Race Management programme is working extremely well. The club is indebted to Ken Stevens and Scott Walton who have been the race and safety professionals for this season. As I have expressed before, professional management is the way of the future and,
Community SSC Community & Member Consultative Workshops
The finishing touches are being put to the paperwork required to enable members
Summary of Meetings held October 22, November 12 & December 3
to vote on the merger between SSC and the Couta Boat Club.
New Clubhouse Facility - The following is a synopsis
I am hopeful that we can convene a Special General Meeting to consider the merger
of the member and community perception of what
in this regard, the club has made a great start.
sometime in April. There will obviously be a separate mail out to cover this. The new caterers are working out extremely well and all I hear from members is praise. The dining facility is yours and should be utilised. For the balance of the season it will be
is fundamental to a new clubhouse facility and the likely problem areas. • The facility must cater for the family nature of the club
and encourage participation in activities at all age levels.
operating weekends plus selected weekdays. I’ve had plenty of meals there, breakfast, lunch and dinner and they are not only good value but great cuisine. To make bookings call 59845988 or call Tracy on 0418108757. In this issue of tidings you will also find a summary of the input from the ‘workshops’ that addressed the question of what is needed in a new clubhouse facility. We hope to be able to come up with some concept plans in the near future. The prospects are exciting but the difficulties should not be underestimated. More on this at a later date. You will read the club captain’s report on the youth training programme. It has, in a nutshell, been exceptional. My thanks go out to all those who assisted. The Juniors are so enthusiastic that they have asked us to arrange for elections for their Junior Committee which we will happily do. In future beware intruders into the junior area! Isn’t it great to see the re-kindled enthusiasm. We are also proposing a de-brief for Youth Sail Programme participants and parents at Easter. Watch the website for details Cheers, Bill Davis, Commodore
• The size of the facility to be no more than 30% greater than
the aggregate of the existing Clubhouse and Box. • Facility to be located to west end of site and well set back
against the ‘wall’. This will maximise the ‘Mast up’ area and considerably expand the lawn area in front of clubhouse. • Galley to be located at western end of facility beneath
Telephone (03) 9815 1477, Fax (03) 9815 1478 Email info@skinnerads.com.au
Hours of Operation until Easter Friday Dinner (Bar open from 5pm) Saturday Lunch (from 11am) Sunday B’Fast & Lunch (from 9am) Other Nights/ Group Bookings by Arrangement Menu Changes Weekly
dining areas upstairs. in clubhouse. It can be in separate facility or incorporated in the secure ‘Mast up’ area. Tinnies need to be accessible for emergencies yet stored so as not to present a flammables problem if left with fuel tank connected. • Hazchem problems and fuel storage with new facility needs
to be carefully addressed. • Hard Stand Area - must address problem of area being used
to the Sabot Nationals at Frankston.Tom was the number one Victorian boat and elected team captain. Johnno Nettle was also in the team giving Sorrento 2 out of the 12 boats team. Tom won the first heat of the Nationals - the first Victorian to
and informative signage at top of ramp advising.
enough to progress out past the moored boats on good days.
win a heat since Mark Turnball won the series in 1988.Tom
A group of around 10 minnow sailors of about the same ability
finished a credible 4th out of 72 boats in the senior
• Provision of car parking within new facility not a viable
option cost wise, more efficient site utilisation will assist
were progressing together and they learned and gained
championships and Johnno was mid fleet. The Vic Sabot
in easing parking burden.
confidence off each other.They became good friends on and off
Championships were next on the agenda being held at
the water. Michael Heaton was the most experienced and best
RBYC. Tom won with 3 firsts, 2 seconds and a third. Johnno
• Dinghy racking - all off the beach boats must have easy water
access, club should limit number of tenders and have 4 or 5
appreciated the facility must be professionally managed.
communal tenders. • Security of the racks on the beach a problem. • Easily identified briefing and presentation area to fulfil what
the ‘coloured wall’ presently does. • Box / race control / radio room. To be well ventilated,
and the others learned from him. Steve Harvey (whose girls both
was equal 6th. Both Tom and Johnno will remain in Sabots
had minnows) ran the races and developed the group.
for next year as they are both within the weight range. The
Tom showed a lot of interest and as there was an old timber
Nationals are in Sydney on Botany Bay where they are
sabot in the shed it was taken down to Albert Park where he
expecting up to 200 boats to enter.
joined in the Victorian Sabot Training Program during winter. He joined in other sabot events until Summer where he returned to his Minnow at Sorrento. Races against the Blairgowrie fleet started a real intense interest. The Victorian Minnow Championships were held at Sorrento and to everyone's surprise Tom and Will Philips were first and
provision for shading from direct sunlight without detracting
second.They could not sustain that result and Tom finished 10th
from requisite visibility. To give reasonable views of the sky
and Will and Johnno a few places behind. Another winter on
• Deck area - bigger - across whole building.
conditions from all quarters, to be positioned so as to deter
Albert Park in an upgraded Sabot saw Tom's skills develop
• BBQ area bigger and to offer more tables and chairs and a
casual access, preferably to be located atop the new facility.
further to the point where he made the Victorian Sabot Team to
shaded/weather protected area. • Clear access to ramps is vital. • A lounge/meeting room separate from members dining area. • Junior/Intermediate area to be incorporated in lower level.
Another winter on Albert Park and an intensive coaching program organised through the Sabot Association leading up
down between the sand bars. As his confidence grew he progressed to the area between the sandbars and the line of
service and preparation. Whilst the input of volunteers is
meeting place under the decked area.
the Sabot States and finished sixth.
Tom first started in minnows when he was 7, cruising up and
moored boats. He joined in the racing and was soon confident
and other club facilities.
• Operations-locate at the eastern or hard stand area of the facility,
again finished second to a local light weather flyer. He entered
An Inspiration to his fellow Juniors
as a carpark. Furthermore safety issues with traffic up and
participants in a regatta fleet. There are now governance issues associated with food
Tom Chisholm
down ramp and difficulty of restricting access - place clear
public start to utilise - more than at present - the lawn area
activities away from the operations of launching boats.
03 5984 5988 0418108757
completion of sailing activities. Toilets adjacent to lounge /
be capable of doing a bread roll/sandwich lunch for all the
• Delineated outdoor meeting area to replace the pre-sailing
Bookings essential Tracey & Paul
of downstairs area in toilets and changing/showers after
• Provision for fencing should the beach deteriorate and the
meals and entertainment to the western or ‘galley’ end.This will
SCC & CBC Skinner Advertising Services
both downstairs for beach/changeroom access and upstairs to service Dining/Bar/Lounge. This will enable cleaning
• Spar/Sail/Tinnie storage - does not necessarily need to be
main kitchen interconnected by a ‘Dumb Waiter’. Needs to
create a natural safety barrier by moving beach and recreation
Advertising Enquiries
• More toilets and showers in downstairs area. Toilets required
• Communications - importance of designing new facility so as
‘Box’ gives priority to communications and safety issues. • Use of footbaths at new facility to reduce sand tramped into
clubhouse and in particular toilet/shower areas. Bill Davis and Mark Bergin, February 2001
sail at the National Championships at Yeppoon.This clashed with the National Minnow Championships at Blairgowrie.Tom elected to have a go at the Minnow Championships and relinquish his place in the Victorian Sabot Team. He finished second to his and everyone's surprise behind the winner from Blairgowrie who won all 5 heats.Tom entered the States at McCrae and
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Donation of $1,000 to the Club when Members & Friends of SSCBC purchase a new Mercedes-Benz vehicle from Mercedes-Benz Mornington. www.mbmornington.com.au
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Our Club was recently invited as the only Australian yacht club to participate in the inaugural New York Yacht Club Global Team Race Regatta, which was held in Newport from 4-7 October 2018. The SSCBC squad initially began with 16 SSCBC young adult sailors who ranged in age and experience. Their training consisted of both on and off water sessions. On the water, the sailors were actively cross training in a variety of boats, representing SSCBC at a number of different clubs. On home waters, the squad trained in Club Pacers, providing the perfect platform to introduce the Harry Baker Trophy, which is the same fun format that took place in NYYC. The squad also made good use of the Club’s Quests to undertake match racing practice whenever possible. To overcome the hurdle of training on small keelboats, SSCBC teamed up with Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron and trained on their J80s. Sandringham Yacht Club also have an active match racing program on their Club Beneteau boats, so the squad enjoyed being part of this friendly competition over the winter months. Fred Allen and Stephen Harvey also kindly offered their Jubilees for the last training camp at SSCBC on 29-31 September. The format of the racing at NYYC was 2vs2 (last boat loses). This is a different form of racing where there is a lot more emphasis on tactics, close quarter boat handling and looking behind you rather than in front. The boats that the teams raced were Sonars, which were used in the Paralympic Games. The eight sailors who represented the Club at NYYC were: 18
Sally is a well known figure around the Club and has been selected to Captain the SSCBC team. Sally is an active Couta Boat sailor who started her grass roots sailing at SSCBC. Sally has been leading the winter training campaign which has been in partnership with the SYC match racing program.
Tom was recently crowned WASZP European Champion in June of this year and has turned his focus from foils to small keelboats. Tom is an active team racer and has been competing in team racing from a young age, sailing for both SSCBC and Brighton Grammar. Prior to New York, Tom competed at the University SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB
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Games representing Monash in a team racing regatta, which was an ideal warm up event. Tom is an active coach for our junior and youth sailors and will no doubt be a great role model for future years.
represent SSCBC on the global stage has enabled these young adults to become active on the water again.
Jack has also been traveling around Europe this winter, competing on the 49er circuit. Jack has a wealth of team racing knowledge from schools team racing for Xavier College and SSCBC. Jack is an active coach at SSCBC and will fly the flag proudly for our junior sailors.
Casey is the most active sailor on the team. Casey is currently campaigning on a Laser, traveling the world and competing at the highest level. Casey usually sails the Laser Radial, which is the Olympic class, but is crossing over to team racing for this event. Casey has made a big effort to improve her rules and tactics which will hopefully help her in her own campaign.
Like many others on this team, Michael learnt to sail at SSCBC in a Minnow many years ago. Since then, Michael has been competing in schools team racing for Xavier College and SSCBC and has done many small keelboat regattas in the form of match racing and fleet racing.
Like so many others, George started off in Minnows and worked his way to 49ers. He has been around the schools team racing block as well as sailing for Scotch College and competing against his team mates from time to time. Good to see we are now all on the same team.
>>> CHARLOTTE LLEWELYN Charlotte also started sailing at SSCBC as a junior and has become an accomplished Laser sailor, having won the 4.7 Female National Championships. Charlotte is a great example of how this opportunity to
>>> D AVID WHITE David is SSCBC’s Training Manager and was the team’s coach/sailor at this event. David has extensive experience of teams racing at an international level and provided invaluable input and support to this impressive SSCBC team as the event unfolded.
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NYYC GLOBAL TEAM RACE REGATTA >>> THE WRAP-UP The following is a day by day account of the team’s experiences in New York, written by David White. Day 1 The team arrived safely! Check out the rockstar wheels. The team arrived late to Newport after a 30 hour commute via LA and New York. The team was in high spirits and decided to go to a sailing pub in Newport to gain tidal knowledge from the locals. Day 2 The team got up nice and early and the boys went for a run around the town to explore Newport with the sun out. Following breakfast the team went for a coffee and got into the Sailing Instructions and the rule adaptions made for this event. With this new form of team racing there are many new variables in play, to which the team will have to adapt. The most noticeable changes are no Rule 17 (which means no proper course, or in simple words – a boat can come from behind and luff you). As well as this, we have spinnakers on board which make it interesting when luffing boats up. After the rules session, the team made its way to the NYYC. The grounds are stunning and the staff made a big effort to make us feel welcome. After exploring the clubhouse we made our way to the dock where we were transported to the Sonar fleet. The club has 22 Sonars which are located on Newport’s marina beside Fort Adam.
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On the other side of the marina is past President Eisenhower’s Estate, which shows we are in good company. The focus of the session was to learn the layout of the boat as it was the first time any of us had stepped foot on the boat. Unfortunately, we couldn’t take the boat off the dock but we got the kite up and did several hoist/drops/gybes in a static position. From there we had a guided tour around the port. We noticed that Newport prefer slimmer gaff rigged boats. We were dropped off at the boat yard which is home to the biggest sloop yacht in the world and wandered around the marina. We are going to go home and watch a movie and eat some egg white omelettes cooked up by chef Michael. We plan on resting for tomorrow’s practise session. Day 3 The focus for day 3 was a simple one. Do a crash course on how to sail a Sonar. It was the first time any of us had been on the water on one. We were blessed with the conditions with a beautiful 12 to 15 knot breeze on flat water. Our on the water exercises were: • straight line boat speed (two boating) • smoothness of tacks • kite hoist/drops/gybes • mark traps (in strong tide/powerful boats) • tacking duals • practise starts. TIDINGS SPRING SUMMER 2018
We managed to achieve all our exercises and felt a lot more comfortable in the boats. While we aren’t fully 100%, we really enjoyed our time on the water. Tomorrow the event kicks off with a Round Robin with all teams racing each other (72 races). From there it will be a split to gold and silver. We will take one race a time and not get results oriented but we will focus on our game plan. In all my years coaching I haven’t seen sailors more excited to get out on the water. Every conversation we have as group always goes back to this format of racing. As a group we all appreciate the opportunity and support we have
received from SSCBC. A standout of this was Fred Allen and Stephen Harvey giving up their time and boats for a Sorrento training session. We also received a very kind letter written by Milton Green which shared his experience at Newport (and a round of drinks post event). You’ll notice we are in fantastic new Ronstan gear which I would strongly recommend! Tonight we are being hosted for dinner by our Commodore Graham and Annie Cunningham, who made the big trip over and will be supporting our team on the water.
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Day 4 The day started off with a skipper briefing at 8:30am which saw all the teams gather for the first time. We ran through the big changes of rules and the format of the day. Commodore Graham Cunningham and Annie showed their support by attending the briefings and watched from the shore line. The breeze was gusting well into the 20s which meant the K flag was flying, so no spinnakers. The team began with a great start, beating team Japan. This race was a great confidence booster as it required three mark traps and two pass backs to secure the win. We won three out of nine races. Of those nine races, we would have been leading for seven of them, with three or four lead changes per race. In one race we were particularly unlucky where we had a 1,2 and the breeze dropped to nothing with the boats behind us getting the new breeze. Overall, the team is chuffed with their efforts and feel very positive. The team is very much still in contention for gold fleet with two races left to sail before the end of the Round Robin, which splits the fleet. We have big competition against NYYC team who would be most used to the Sonar boats. Let’s go SSCBC! Day 5 Today started off with the usual skippers briefing at 8.30am. The umpires gave credit to how 22
creative the sailors were on day one and how they themselves look at the rules and plays differently. Today’s conditions were very light and in strong tide, which adds another hurdle to team racing. There was no K flag up today so spinnakers were in play. Race one was up against the locals who taught us a lesson or two on boat handling. This unfortunately denied us gold fleet. From then on, it was a steep learning curve using kites in team racing. For our remaining races we were winning the majority of the time until the final leg, where we fell at the last hurdle. Unfortunately, doing rapid tactical manoeuvres in a light fickle breeze gave our experienced opponents an opportunity to come back. With no proper course (Rule 17), it favours the behind team. The team were a little disheartened, but then we remembered we have
won 90% of our pre-starts, first beats and have been doing some upwind manoeuvres that have been complimented by the umpires. Although our scorecard doesn’t read too well, we are still happy with our performance. There is another Round Robin to go and the team are feeling optimistic about it. On another note, the support we have received from Graham and Annie has been fantastic. Last night a highlight of our great dinner at NYYC was a phone call with Fred Allen who moved the team. One day left, let’s go Sorrento! Day 6 The last day started off as normal with a skipper briefing and there was a lot of excitement in the room. The format of the day was to finish of two more Round Robins. The conditions on the day were quite varied with 3 to 10 knots of breeze. SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB
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The team got off to a strong start with a win off the bat against Argentina. But more importantly, after a long debriefing yesterday, we ironed out our spinnaker mistakes and converted a win.
As a group, we tried are upmost and feel very proud of our efforts. This was reflected in the number of events we have been invited to and the compliments we received from both competitors and umpires.
Next up we were against Italy which ended up being the team that won silver. This race proved to be the best with six or seven lead changes but unfortunately, a red flag on the finish line cost us the race.
Everyone on the trip will truly remember this experience and will hope to do it again.
Next up was Ireland who were my main rivals at the event. We always managed to step up for these races and won all three races against them. All races were decided on the finish line in the final few meters.
This event would simply not be possible without the support of SSCBC, Ronstan and GANT.
Unfortunately, after that race the wind dropped off and the priority became boat handling over tactics.
We would really like to thank our SSCBC Selection Committee comprising Andrew Plympton AM (Chairman), Vice Commodore Drew Marget, and Adam Hawkins. Thanks also to Rear Commodore and Club Captain Scott Llewelyn, Past Commodore Richard Hurley, Ben Fels and Philip Hall.
This proved to be frustrating as although we put ourselves in the best tactical positions, we were simply out sailed against experienced crews who know the boats better.
Our support from Club Members who donated boats, time and energy was very much appreciated. Fred Allen and Stephen Harvey were incredibly generous.
Overall, the trip was a major success. The team achieved seven wins out of 18 races (39%). Considering we had never sailed Sonars before or team raced with spinnakers, not to mention the several rule adaptations that were made, I think we did remarkably well.
Our traveling supporters were incredible. Nicole Llewelyn arrived for the last day and ensured the team had a good breakfast and were ready to go. We were truly blessed to have our Commodore Graham Cunningham and team
mum Annie Cunningham with us from the start of the day to the end. They came to our morning briefings and watched us race from the close spectator boat. To sum up, we have appreciated the opportunity and look forward to an exciting future with this style of racing.
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Photograph courtesy Pierik Photography
What a trip! With my partner James Grogan, we set off on a 5am flight in mid-August for a three week trip through France to compete at the 49er Junior World Championships in Marseille - the location of the 2024 Olympic Games. Having only sailed a 49er for close to seven months, this regatta was due to be our first international regatta in the class and our third regatta overall. Having trained five to six days a week continually in preparation for the event, we set off excited and keen to put our skills to the test and gain a better appreciation for the boat. Arriving in Paris, we travelled the city for a few days exploring museums, 24
parkland and monuments before continuing on our way to Marseille via the TGV bullet trains. Arriving with a plethora of sailing gear and equipment, we had the arduous task of finding our way around the city with little more than the friendliness of strangers and bikes. We arrived on our charter boat but we had no mast – the first in a series of miscommunications with our French counterparts. However, over the next week, we managed to train over 22 hours in five days learning about the sea state, speed testing and new equipment setup, before having three days off due to strong winds, allowing us to explore the Calanques and mountains of Marseille.
The forecast was to be a light wind regatta, however the predictions soon changed just as the regatta began. The first day started as an offshore breeze filtering between the mountains – around 15 knots – with extremely short up winds and down winds (around eight minutes total), which made for intense racing and a tough start, where mistakes were costly. Meanwhile, day two was postponed for around four hours until racing kicked off around 5pm in extremely light winds: 1-4 knots. Combined with a current and an unstable cross swell, racing was challenging. However, with great speed which hallmarked our regatta, we were first on the final lap of both races when they were abandoned due to lack of wind. SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB
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Although unfortunate for the scorecard, it was a great learning experience of what we were capable of achieving in marginal conditions, although the poor luck followed us into day three. Being the last day of qualifying it was pivotal to have a good performance to gain a spot in gold fleet. It was due to be around 20-30 knots all day, however our halyards snapped just before the first warning signal of the day, but a quick fix allowed us to race all races and only start ten seconds late. With four capsizes in four races, the day was very tiring but in the end we were successful in qualifying for the finals. The penultimate day of the regatta started in a consistent 30 knot breeze with steep waves. Unfortunately for us, we timed out of the first race, being unable to keep the boat upright downwind. The second race was abandoned whilst we were in second place, due to the entire fleet being capsized with the exception of us, with everyone finding it near impossible to bear away, sail downwind or gybe. Our choice of no kite nor any gybes in the first session kept our boat together for the second session of the day in a slightly more protected location. We were able to get two quick races away and we scored two 5ths, which was the second most consistent result for the day, given the multitude of capsizes. On the final day of racing, it seemed near impossible racing would go ahead with the big breeze picking up from the day before, with all classes except ours abandoned earlier in the day. Just shy of our regatta finishing time we were TIDINGS SPRING SUMMER 2018
sent out, however with many struggling to make it out of the Harbour, racing was close with a small fleet. Although a few capsizes were had by all, it was another successful day and again we finished the day higher up the leader board than any previous day, coming 15th overall.
Congratulations to Lachie and Taylah – our Australian counterparts in the Nacra – who won a Silver. Thank you to Ronstan, Clear Air Sailing, 2XU, Team Monash and especially SSCBC for the support! Charlie Dixon
Having had a phenomenal experience overseas and gaining so much knowledge in such a short time, we are so grateful for the opportunity!
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>>> SUCCESS AT HAMILTON ISLAND RACE WEEK BY MAX CHESTER The above regatta was held the week ending 26th August with approximately 200 yachts split into several divisions sailing six races on the magnificent waters surrounding the Whitsunday Islands. Your Club was well represented with many of our sailors involved in crews across most divisions, varying from 26 to over 100 foot yachts in both spinnaker and non-spinnaker options. I was invited to join the crew of Steve Clarke’s new 38 foot Jeanneau Mynooka together with David Angus and David Lindsay, all three from the Couta boat Matilda. We in turn, were joined by two further sailors, making up the six man crew. Highlights were scattered right throughout the week’s racing but I guess our greatest was winning the 5th day’s race. By that stage our crew was in the groove and resulting from our exemplary spinnaker management, we managed a win. I must say, playing spinnakers in 30 knots really gets the adrenalin pumping. No heart attacks were reported. The weather was kind right throughout the week with varying winds from 10 to 30 knots and clear sunny skies. The race management team of the Hamilton Island Yacht Club did a magnificent job in getting all boats away on scheduled time with minimal fuss. A real achievement with 15 starts, 5 minute separations and over 200 yachts... and extremely little swearing or bad language. Rule 69 is working!!! TIDINGS SPRING SUMMER 2018
Mynooka under spinnaker
Back: David Lindsay, David Angus, Max Chester, Steve Clarke | Front: Peter Spitaller, John Rogerson
The foreground yacht is a 40-footer!
Wild Oats and Black Jack
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Another real highlight was sailing up close and personal with Wild Oats and Black Jack who put on a tacking duel right beside us at the end of the 6th race. The power of these two boats was awesome. You could feel it as they roared past us. Perfection in every way but most especially in their crew work. Other Members of SSCBC we ran into were: David Currie (sporting his newly acquired 95 foot motor Yacht Sassy), Geoff Gadsden and Marie Wilson, Chris Dare and Peter Blake. A great week of good competitive sailing and camaraderie was had by all. Here’s to Hammo 2019. Max Chester
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>>> LAKE GARDA BY TOM TROTMAN In early July this year, Jack Abbott (Kettle) and I travelled across to Lake Garda to compete at the WASZP Europeans. We had organised to coach in the days leading up to the event and so arrived in sunny Lake Garda three days early to prepare our boats before coaching the next day. Upon arrival it was clear that one of the boats was in great shape and the other one needed a lot of work. The owner, Charles, proudly told us that it was the 7th WASZP ever made... great. Fair is fair and a paper scissor rock championship determined that I was to take the old girl whilst Kettle got the new one. With coaching for the following three days, Kettle and I were arriving at the yacht club at 8am every morning and leaving at 9pm, fixing our boats and trying to get a sail in after coaching finished. With the three pre-regatta training sessions we managed to sneak in, I had about 30 minutes of actual sailing under my belt, with my boat breaking all three times. After the third day of both Kettle and I working on my boat, we were confident that there was literally nothing left to break and so NutHuggerz (my boat) was finally regatta ready. The first day of the regatta was too light to sail, however spirits were high as Kettle guaranteed that there would be wind for the next few days (much to the dismay of the locals). We finally started racing late in the second day in 8-10 knots of wind. After foiling off the start line, I found out just how tricky foiling boats can be in marginal conditions, falling off the foils to watch a 35kg Italian local 30
Photography by Hartas Productions
win the first race by a whole leg. True to Kettle’s word, in the following days the wind steadily increased and NutHuggerz started to find some form. By some miracle NutHuggerz held together through the whole regatta, until the final leg of the final race, when the nose of the boat (that I had glued on earlier in the week) fell off. Luckily this is out of the water most of the time, so she didn’t sink on me!
I would like to thank my and the Club’s sponsor, Mercedes-Benz Mornington for their support. I wouldn’t have been able to get over there without them. If you have a chance, head in there and experience their award-winning customer service! I would also like to thank my parents for their support, the team at WASZP and Kettle for working crazy hours to get my boat to a level we were confident in. Tom Trotman
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The calendar is full of great racing, training and social events this season. Collect your Members’ Handbook from the foyer today! Go to sscbc.com.au for more details and updates.
>>> OCTOBER 5 Fri
• NYYC Global Team Race Regatta
6 Sat
• NYYC Global Team Race Regatta
7 Sun
• NYYC Global Team Race Regatta
1 Sat
• Couta Conversations 1030 •W ooden Boat Shop Series Sternchaser 1400
1 Tues • RT Edgar South Channel Race D2 1300 D1 1330
2 Sun
• Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Skins Sprint Series
8 Sat
• W ooden Boat Shop Series 2 Races Back to Back Raft Up at BYS after racing 1200
13 Sat • Sail Sandy
9 Sun
14 Sun • Sail Sandy
12 Wed • Sail Melbourne
21 Sun • Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Fred Allen Cup
13 Thur • Sail Melbourne
26 Fri • VHF Course 1800
15 Sat • Sail Melbourne • Couta Boat Race 1400
28 Sun • Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Fred Allen Cup
• Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Skins Sprint Series
14 Fri • Sail Melbourne • VHF Course 1800
16 Sun • Sail Melbourne 21 Fri • Boat Licence Course 1800 22 Sat • Couta Boat Race 1400
23 Sun • Junior and Youth Coaching Session
3 Sat
• Sail Country @ AWYC
25 Tues • Christmas Day: Clubhouse closed.
4 Sun
• Sail Country @ AWYC • Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Fred Allen Cup
26 Wed • B oxing Day: Clubhouse open from midday
8 Thur • St Joseph’s Primary Sorrento Oaks Day Lunch 9 Fri
• Mercedes-Benz Mornington Lavender Hill Golf Day
10 Sat • Couta Conversations 1030 • Couta Boat Tune Up Race 1230 11 Sun • Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Fred Allen Cup 16 Fri • Commodore’s Cocktail Party 1900
• Couta Boat Twilight Race 1700
27 Thur • M elbourne Hobart Start Portsea Pier 1200
• Sail & Play Course 1
• Summer Coaching Course 1 • Dinghy Dash to the Baths 1300 • Couta Boat Dash to the Heads 1000 28 Fri • Sail & Play Course 1 • Summer Coaching Course 1 •M ercedes-Benz Mornington Couta Boat Association National Championships 1200
17 Sat • SSCBC Opening Day Ceremony 1100 • Raft up 1230 • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Fred Allen Cup • Sam Byrne & Ted Silbereisen Memorial Trophies 1400
29 Sat
18 Sun • Past Commodore’s Lunch 1200 • Junior and Youth Coaching Session
30 Sun • Sail & Play Course 1 • Summer Coaching Course 1 • Eunson Cup 1100 • Resail Mercedes-Benz Mornington Couta Boat Association National Championships 1100
24 Sat • Wooden Boat Shop Series 2 Races Back to Back 1200 25 Sun • Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • Fred Allen Cup
• Summer Drinks • Sail & Play Course 1 • Summer Coaching Course 1 • M ercedes-Benz Mornington Couta Boat Association National Championships 1200
31 Mon New Years Eve Function (see Club website for details)
2 Wed • S ail & Play Course 2 •D inghy Racing 1300 – Phillingham Series
3 Thur • K PMG DAY: Clubhouse open to members from 1800 4 Fri
• Int B14 Nationals • Sail & Play Course 2 • Summer Coaching Course 2 • Couta Boat Twilight Race 1600
5 Sat
• Int B14 Nationals • Sail & Play Course 2 • Summer Coaching Course 2 • GANT Portsea Cup Breakfast 0900 • GANT Portsea Cup – CBA 1200
6 Sun • Int B14 Nationals • Sail & Play Course 2 • Summer Coaching Course 2 • Eunson Cup1100 • Resail GANT Portsea Cup 1000 •G ANT Portsea Cup Picnic and Presentation 1200 7 Mon • Int B14 Nationals 8 Tues • Int B14 Nationals • Sail & Play Course 3 9 Wed
• SSCBC Annual Ladies Lunch • Int B14 Nationals • Sail & Play Course 3 • Summer Coaching Course 3
10 Thur • Int B14 Nationals • Family Fun Night • Sail & Play Course 3 • Summer Coaching Course 3 11 Fri
• Sail & Play Course 3 • Summer Coaching Course 3 • Eunson Cup 1100 • Couta Boat Twilight Race 1600
12 Sat • D inghy Racing 1300 – Phillingham Series
• Sorrento Cup 1400
13 Sun • Sail & Play Course 4 • Sorrento Cup Resail 1200 14 Mon • Sail & Play Course 4 • Summer Coaching Course 4 15 Tues • Sail & Play Course 4 • Summer Coaching Course 4 •D inghy Racing 1300 – Phillingham Series 16 Wed • Sail & Play Course 4 • Summer Coaching Course 4 • Eunson Cup 1100
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18 Fri • Sail & Play Course 5 • Couta Boat Twilight Race 1600 19 Sat • Next Gen Couta Boat Race TBA
17 Sun • Victorian Junior Carnival @ MYC •B YS / SSCBC Interclub Dinghy Racing 1300
20 Sun • Marcus Burke Wooden Launch Navigation Rally
• Kids On Coutas • Sail & Play Course 5 • Summer Coaching Course 5 • Dinghy Racing 1300 – Phillingham Series
23 Sat • Yabby Lake Couta Boat Race 1400
21 Mon • Sail & Play Course 5 • Summer Coaching Course 5 22 Tues • Sail & Play Course 5 • Summer Coaching Course 5 • Eunson Cup 1100 23 Wed • Sail & Play Course 6 • Summer Coaching Course 6 24 Thur • Sail & Play Course 6 • Summer Coaching Course 6 • Dinghy Racing 1300 – Phillingham Series 25 Fri
• Sail & Play Course 6 • Summer Coaching Course 6 • Eunson Cup 1100 • Couta Boat Twilight Race 1600
• Peter Osbourne Series • Lacco Cup 1100
24 Sun • Junior and Youth Coaching Session •B YS / SSCBC Interclub Dinghy Racing 1300
• Peter Osbourne Series • Lacco Cup 1100
10 Wed • Victorian Youth Champs @ BYS 11 Thur • Victorian Youth Champs @ BYS 12 Fri • Victorian Youth Champs @ BYS 13 Sat • Victorian Youth Champs @ BYS • Ladies Skippers Race 1400 14 Sun • Victorian Youth Champs @ BYS 19 Fri • G ood Friday: Clubhouse opens at midday 20 Sat • D inghy Racing 1300 Club Captains Series
• Couta Boat Race 2 Races 1200
21 Sun • E aster Sunday Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Lavender Hill 1000
2 Sat
• She Sails @ Sorrento Regatta • Coastal Living Couta Boat Race 1400
22 Mon • C outa Boat Race 1100 2 Handed Div 2 3 Handed Div 1
3 Sun
• She Sails @ Sorrento Regatta
25 Thur • A NZAC Day: Dawn Service, Sorrento Foreshore. Clubhouse closed.
9 Sat • Labour Day Long Weekend • States Weekend • Couta Boat State Championships CBA 1200 10 Sun • States Weekend •C outa Boat State Championships CBA 1200
27 Sat • Couta Boat Presentation TBC • Vic Open Team Racing States – APYC • Couta Boat Race 2 Races 1200 28 Sun • Vic Open Team Racing States – APYC
26 Sat • Australia Day Celebrations 1100 • Sail & Play Course 6 • Dinghy Sailing • Buxton Cup • Australia Day Three Piers Race D2 1330, D1 1400
11 Mon • States Weekend
17 Sun • Fun Team Racing • Lacco Cup 1100
12 Sun • Couta Boat Winter Series 1100
27 Sun • Dinghy Sailing • Buxton Cup • Resail Three Piers Race 1200
22 Fri • Queenscliffe Fishy Tales
26 Sun • Couta Boat Winter Series 1100
>>> FEBRUARY 2 Sat
• Around Mud Island D2 1130, D1 1200
3 Sun
• Junior and Youth Coaching Session • BYS / SSCBC Interclub Dinghy Racing 1300
• Peter Osbourne Series
8 Fri
• Wooden Boat Festival Hobart
9 Sat
• Wooden Boat Festival Hobart • Couta Boat Race 1400
16 Sat • Couta Conversations 1030 • Couta Boat Race 1400
23 Sat • Queenscliff Couta Boat Race CBA 1100 24 Sun
• Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 • State Series • Lacco Cup 1100
30 Sat • Symmetrical Spin Cup • Ham Cup • Steadfast IBG Insurance • Great Fort Run 1400 31 Sun
6 Sat
• Couta Boat Race 2 Races 1200
7 Sun
• Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Dinghy Racing 1300 Club Captains Series
11 Mon • Wooden Boat Festival Hobart 16 Sat • Victorian Junior Carnival @ MYC • Couta Conversations 1030 • Sanpellegrino Cup 1400
5 Sun
• Mothers Day
19 Sun • Couta Boat Winter Series 1100
>>> JUNE 2 Sun
• Couta Boat Winter Series 1100
8 Sat
• Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend • SSCBC Midwinters • Couta Boat Winter Series
9 Sun
• Dinghy Presentation • SSCBC Midwinters • Couta Boat Winter Series
• Junior and Youth Coaching Session • Symmetrical Spin Cup • Ham Cup • Dinghy Racing 1300 Club Captain Series
10 Sun • Wooden Boat Festival Hobart •B YS / SSCBC Interclub Dinghy Racing 1300 • Peter Osbourne Series
>>> MAY
9 Tues • Victorian Youth Champs @ BYS
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SPONSOR NEWS Coastal Living has been assisting Henry with revamping the Dining Room and Members’ Lounge and we thank them for their creativity and styling assistance. Ross and Lou are very generous with their time, as well as lending us some furniture from time to time and helping us to keep everything within budget, so we’re very thankful. The KPMG Couta Boat Classic will be a huge day for the Club again this season, and we also look forward to the Baillieu Holst event the following week in January.
The Club’s support from our sponsors has continued throughout the off season. We are in the fortunate position to be able to call on our sponsors when we need them throughout the year, whether it be stock for a function, furniture, uniforms for an international regatta or a venue! We have also been able to provide our Clubhouse in return to some of our Sponsors as a conference facility. RT Edgar hosted their staff conference and working lunch here in the Dining Room, which provided them with an incredible view for training!
GANT has provided a great deal for the Club on team uniforms for the NYYC Team Racing Regatta competing in October, so we thank them for their support. Check out the new range of GANT clothing available for purchase in the Club foyer too. Sanpellegrino has some new flavours out so we advise Members to order their summer stock using the Member order form, available on our website, and have it delivered to the Club for collection. These prices are less than retail, so make use of this Member offer. Mercedes-Benz Mornington are again supporting our golf day in November, as well as the Couta Boat Nationals after Christmas. As an added bonus, for every new vehicle sold to an SSCBC Member or acquaintance, Mercedes-Benz Mornington will donate $1,000 back to the Club. To initiate this process, please see Hollie in the office to obtain a letter of introduction to take to the dealership. Chris, David and their team will be active around the Club so make sure you say hello.
Yabby Lake supported our annual Sponsors’ Lunch again this year which was incredibly generous. Ronnie at Steadfast IBG Insurance and Tim at the Wooden Boat Shop are also long-standing sponsors who support the Club year in and year out. Tim’s new Shearwater 38 is the latest release from The Wooden Boat Shop so make sure you check it out. As you can see, our Sponsors are huge supporters of our Club all year round, so please try to support them in return in your every day lives. If you would like individual contact details for any of them, please let us know and we can put you in touch. Max Chester and Hollie Hick Sponsorship Team STOP PRESS! We are pleased to welcome a new sponsor to the Club: Gurner TM who are partnering with us for the Australia Day Three Piers Couta Boat Race. Gurner TM is a luxury developer with a difference, creating design-led residences which offer elegant architecture and a timeless appeal. We warmly welcome them to the Club. SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB
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>>> LATEST LAUNCH FROM THE WOODEN BOAT SHOP SHEARWATER 38 The latest masterpiece from The Wooden Boat Shop (WBS) will be traveling from Sorrento to Hobart for the 2019 Australian Wooden Boat Festival. This new vessel is the culmination of lifetimes of experience from Tim Phillips and the WBS crew. The new vessel, a Shearwater 38, is named after one of Tim’s preferred fishing spots in the Kent group, Squally Cove. This cove on the south side of Deal Island can have so many of the attributes of Paradise, good fishing, ultramarine blue waters and spectacular coastline. “We so often dream of these locations and it’s our boats that take us there, hence this boat we call Squally Cove – Beautiful hand chiselled name in the Transom.” Cruising and fishing among the Bass Strait Islands have been a life-long passion for Tim Phillips, Director of the Wooden Boat Shop (WBS). “I first cruised these islands back in the 60s in our family H28 it was pretty basic back then, living on the days catch, exploring the terrain and being among the wilderness, a terrific lifestyle.” Over the years, cruising the Strait, including countless Hobart and return trips via the Westcoast aboard Storm Bay, Jane Kerr and all manner of other boats, it is clear the vessels with work boat origins perform best across all of the demands the Australian environment delivers. TIDINGS SPRING SUMMER 2018
“The fishing is the main activity when we go away, as we move up the coast we are always looking for our next feed. Squally Cove is fitted with a pot hauler for the crays and is laid out in a spacious manner and set up for line fishing for sharks and scale fish.” The development of the WBS range of boats are heavily influenced by Victorian and Tasmanian Couta Boats and Fishing Craft, with a turn of speed that should be credited to the Down East Style Lobster Boats of world acclaim. “We built 16 Cheviot 32 launches that were developed in house at the Wooden Boat Shop, Murray Pass the last of these boats we trucked across the Nullarbor to WA then we took her 5000 miles up the West Coast across the top then back to Melbourne. The boat performed exceptionally well and was ideal for the two of us, we felt on reflection it would have been nice to have a bit more space and be able to bring people with us, hence the development of the Shearwater 38.”
This boat has some serious design pedigree, the hull has been designed by Australia’s leading naval architect, Andy Dovell, on a brief that has closely followed WBS’s other vessels such as the Cheviot 32 and Efficient 44. From the keel up, it is clear this boat has been built by experience at sea and fitted out from an understanding of cruising life. A view inside the boat will engage your senses with natural wood and bronze, all hand finished with plush upholstered cushions. The galley is set out with the Wallas diesel oven, cooktop and heater, neatly laid out drawers offer all you require at your fingertips. The galley bench, salon and cockpit table offer practical surfaces for entertaining and relaxing. This level of detail flows throughout the entire vessel. “We have carefully designed every element for this particular boat, and wanted to build one for ourselves, to share the vision. We have thought about all aspects of how this boat will be used, based upon our own experiences and challenges at sea.” 35
Commodore Graham Cunningham Vice Commodore Drew Marget
“We have equipped her with every convenience required for day boating and extended cruising, whilst retaining the traditional feel of a real wooden boat. The total package exceeds what is offered by the fibreglass boats available on the market today.” The mechanical and electrical fitout on Squally Cove embraces some serious technology that will enhance the capabilities of the vessel. The Yanmar 6LY 440 that achieves 440HP @ 3300rpm is a ‘state of the art’ common rail engine with electronic controls. The electrical system is built with a whopping 250 amp alternator and a 600 AH lithium house battery bank. The system can rapidly charge from empty to full and delivers any required power demand of power due to the lithium batteries capability of being cycled all the way down.
Lithium battery system at about $3.18 per cycle is about 40% cheaper than comparable AGM or Gell batteries. “This was one of the first electronic 6LY 440 to be fitted in Australia, quiet and smooth engine, combined with the Veem propeller this boat will achieve it’s 15 knots cruise speed at 60% load. The large capacity alternator and lithium batteries will allow us to have the luxury of an icemaker, 240 volt usage and refrigeration without being plugged into the marina or living with the constant drone and maintenance of a genset.” The Wooden Boat Shop 129 Hotham Road Sorrento Victoria Phone (03) 5984 4333 sales@woodenboatshop.com.au www.woodenboatshop.com.au
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Rear Commodore Scott Llewelyn Club Secretary Phillip Wise Treasurer Shaun Chalmers Club Captain Scott Llewelyn
Committee Howard Critchley, Susie DiPierdomenico, Mark Klemens, Jonathon Long, Rollo Wright General Manager Philip Hall Sailing Operations Adam Hawkins Head Coach and Development David White Administration Jorja Crowe Food & Beverage Henry Dyer Sponsorship Hollie Hick Member Services Chelsey Davenport Accounts Rosemary Trevethan Sailing Administration Ben Fels Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club 3154 Point Nepean Road PO Box 138 Sorrento VIC 3943 Phone 03 5984 8200 Email Club - administration@sscbc.com.au Food & Beverage - catering@sscbc.com.au
sscbc.com.au Art & Design The Creative Parrot
New Available in Peach and Lemon
Sanpellegrino & Acqua Panna is proud to support the SSCBC