Tidings Autumn Winter 2018

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Our impact closer to home

Season social highlights

The exciting world of Waszp!

PAGE 10-16

PAGE 29-32

PAGE 34-35



Jocelyn winning a heat, line honours SSCBC 2015 winter series Photo: Max Chester

The project was everything I hoped for from the outset, quality of build is superb and the boat was completed in a mely manner. Jocelyn is a gem to sail and handles without vices in all weather condi ons, she has proven to be extremely compe ve among the Sorrento Fleet. If you are considering a new Couta Boat I have no hesita on in recommending the Wooden Boatshop with the highest regard - Mal Hart.



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Once more, our Club has delivered a well organised summer season of racing and sail training. There is one common thread to which I attribute our Club’s resounding success, both on and off the water. Our people. From our amazing staff, instructors, coaches, bosuns and General Committee, to our volunteers and Race Management team. Thank you for the important role each and every one of you plays towards the delivery of our sailing programs and Member events throughout the year. We hope that, as the season draws to a close, Members feel they have had every opportunity to enjoy the exceptional value that comes from being part of this sailing club. The competing demands placed on management by such a large and diverse membership requires a great deal of organisational capability. Our management team, assisted by those who volunteer each weekend, should be congratulated. The delivery of such a vast assortment of activities and services is a mammoth task indeed.

The tragedy which unfolded off Brighton just a few weeks ago, is a solemn reminder of the seriousness with which race management decisions are taken. It is very easy to be critical of a conservative decision not to race when the weather is marginal. We should all appreciate the difficulty faced by the Club Captain, and others, when a tough call needs to be made. It is not an enviable task! The Club’s emergency responders were very active this summer, having responded to several serious first aid incidents. In one week, six ambulances and a MICA Paramedic attended to five incidents at the Club. Due to the first aid training and incident control procedures put in place, our staff handled these emergencies with professionalism and care, both on and off the water. On one occasion, the actions of our first responders were directly responsible for saving the life of

an unfortunate heart attack victim. On that occasion, the Club’s response was highly praised by the emergency services personnel who attended the scene. Once again, our people did an outstanding job. On a lighter note, since the conclusion of last season, the Club has continued to invest in plant and equipment. Most notable among those investments is the new Gillie D II race operation boat, which was christened on Opening Day this season, with Gillie Davis’s daughter Claire assisting with the formalities. Gillie D II is an Ozsea 710, built locally, and is a very sturdy vessel we’re lucky to have in our fleet. The hull is 6mm aluminium plate, powered by a 200HP Yamaha outboard. She is equipped with Brooks & Gatehouse wind equipment, GPS touch screen with integrated chart plotter and loaded with the new Automated iStart imported from Balboa Racing USA.

In particular, Club Captain Scott Llewelyn, the Sailing Committee, the Operations Team headed by Manager Adam Hawkins and Sailing Development Manager Dave White should be congratulated. The weather didn’t always play its part on race days, so some very difficult judgment calls were required on more than one occasion.



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At the other end of the technology scale, we purchased the Couta boat Ripple C27. She is a classic example of a genuine registered fishing boat from 1927 and is principally used for adult sail training, weekend racing and giving more families an opportunity to try Couta boat sailing. You will read more about Ripple’s successes throughout this edition of Tidings.

Members attended a Special General Meeting and voted to adopt the published changes. We now join other clubs who have modified their rules to conform with current laws and legislative requirements. I would like to take this opportunity the thank Club Secretary Phil Wise and Life Member Ralph Wilson for their carriage of this process, through to its final conclusion.

The Club also accepted a generous donation from the Sorrento Jubilee Association, which provided adequate funding for the purchase of two new Quest boats to be used in the training program.

It was great to see such enthusiastic participation across both Divisions of our Couta boat fleet this season. Our major sponsors for the various regattas deserve our gratitude for their continuing support for this form of club racing. These sponsored race days are covered later in this edition of Tidings, but I just wanted to reiterate my gratitude to our Club sponsors and encourage you to support their respective businesses in your every day lives.

The Infrastructure Sub-Committee, led by Chairman Rollo Wright and ably guided by industry specialist Jonathan Long and Past Couta Boat Club President Bruce Griffiths, continues to put in an extraordinary amount of time ensuring the project planning progresses efficiently, with no element of the design being left untested or unexplored. Your Committee looks forward to growing and improving the delivery of sailing and education, plus other on-water activities provided by the Club, as a result of this project being completed. It is extraordinary how quickly and how generously so many Members have contributed to the fundraising appeal. We thank all those early contributors who ensured the various fundraising components generated more than $1 million in the first two months of the appeal. A couple of weeks ago, the final piece of the Club Rules update process was completed.


The ‘Next Gen’ Couta Boat Race was a smash hit and personally brought me a great deal of satisfaction in seeing the next generation racing our iconic Couta boats. Some 22 Division 1 boats and seven Division 2 boats competed in the event, including more than 200 sailors! The Club’s Couta boat Ripple was chartered by a young crew who raced, and won, this event. It was amazing to see this 1927 Couta boat take out the Division 1 handicap win. So many next generation sailors was indeed an impressive sight to see. The Training Centre went from strength to strength this year, with our Discover Sailing Centre program given a big tick of approval by Australian Sailing. Their on-site

review was conducted during operations and, unsurprisingly, was approved with flying colours. The Training Centre welcomed the online booking system for the first time this year which worked extremely well for staff and participants. All areas of the Training Centre performed well within budget. Our Sailing Development Manager Dave White should be congratulated for his innovative and unique approach to our sail training operations. He has been responsible for our successes on so many fronts. I encourage you to read Dave’s report in this edition. With all the regattas held at the Club over the summer, I’m sure you will agree we’ve certainly packed a lot into the past few months. This was the first summer for Damm Fine Food, which provided an extremely valuable learning opportunity for the new caterer. Georgina and her team have worked extremely hard and continue to make great progress toward meeting Member expectations. The Beach Club Café in the marquee worked exceptionally well this summer, providing a fun, family environment, as well as an excellent venue for functions throughout summer. The Café provided an alternative for families and took a significant amount of pressure away from the deck and Members’ Lounge. The dining room showed significant improvement in quality and service. All events were an outstanding success and extremely well patronised by Members and guests, all of whom have voted with their feet, in favour of the service on offer. SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB

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These highlights include: • Summer Drinks – Sold Out • ANZ Ladies Lunch – Sold Out • Rotary Lunch – Sold Out • KPMG Day – best ever, an outstanding success • Family Pizza Nights – Sold Out • Geoff Lindsay’s Crab Club – all 3 events were Sold Out • WOW Active Events – Sold Out

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The Club was thrilled to have received an invitation from New York Yacht Club to participate in the inaugural NYYC Global Team Race Regatta, which will be sailed in Newport RI later this year.

staff on a very busy, well run summer. To the fine individuals who make up the General Committee, you continue to make such a positive contribution to your Club. Being a Member of the General Committee really is a rewarding, if not challenging, volunteer role at our Club.

In closing, I wish to again congratulate management and

Richard Hurley Commodore SSCBC

To the younger Club Members and their families who travelled far and wide to compete at so many national and international regattas this season, congratulations. The extraordinary commitment by these sailors and their families should be applauded. Congratulations one and all.


Our fundraising to date has been outstanding and widely supported by Members. Since launching the fundraising appeal on Boxing Day 2017, we have received donations and pledges totalling $1.025 million. We are well on track to fund this exciting project and I thank all those who have expressed their support by making such a generous gesture. If you would like to get involved in supporting this exciting fundraising appeal, please get in touch. We will


Ten teams from around the world are expected to participate, including Japan, Germany, Italy, England, Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands, Argentina and the USA. We are the only club from Australia to have been invited. The NYYC will provide a fleet of 21 matched Sonars which will allow for lots of racing from their facilities at NYYC Harbour Court. This famous club will be the competitors’ home for onshore events throughout the regatta. A sub-committee, chaired by Immediate Past Commodore, Andrew Plympton AM, has been formed to make the funding and logistical arrangements.

be hosting a fundraising cocktail party later in the year for all those interested in donating, so please make yourself known to Hollie at fundraising@sscbc.com.au. The town planning process for the clubhouse project is progressing as expected, including state and local authority assessment of our application and our responses to further information requests from these authorities. It is lengthy process and remains a work in progress. Whilst working with the authorities

during this time, the Infrastructure Sub-Committee is also taking the opportunity to review elements of the design to ensure the best outcome is delivered to meet our sailing, Members’ services and operational requirements. Any design improvements from the review will be incorporated into the town planning application process. The Sub-Committee meet with the Club architect and project managers regularly and we remain confident of a completion by the summer of 2020. SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB

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“The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea.” Isak Dinesen

>>> COUTA BOAT RACING As Melbourne’s cooler months loom closer it signals the close of the summer sailing season. Once again we have all enjoyed a very competitive and rewarding season of racing. Of course, without the generosity and dedication of our incredible volunteers, no racing would take place. Firstly, and most importantly, I would like to thank the tireless work of our much esteemed volunteers who make our sailing season possible. Sailing participation has been on par with last season across both Divisions, which has seen great numbers on the water throughout the 2017/18 season. Our major races have all been very well attended. Mercedes-Benz Mornington were thrilled to welcome the largest number of Couta boats competing so far this season for the State Championships in December. The Div 2 Lacco Cup and Nationals were well supported with 21 boats registered, however unfortunately only one race of the series was sailed, as the weather was not on our side. A special thank you to Graham Cunningham, Andrew Skinner and Jorja Crowe for all their efforts ensuring this event’s success. Next Gen continues to be a hit, not only in Couta boat numbers but also the number of competitors TIDINGS AUTUMN WINTER 2018

sailing all classes of boats. It was incredible to see so many of the younger generation participating and then enjoying a hugely successful presentation/after party in the marquee. Congratulations to the organising committee. This year we have continued to run back to back Couta boat races. This has certainly helped with the number of races we have been able to complete so far this season with more races sailed in the season just passed than in the 16/17 season. Activity involving Ripple has been many and varied this summer. She was actively used for social cruises, Couta boat racing, as well providing the ideal “classroom” for the adult Learn to Sail Courses alongside the two Quest boats. In addition, our instructors took out 15 families whose children were participating in the Cara na Mara or Sail & Play courses for a complimentary sail whilst waiting for their children. It was a great way to whet the appetite of so many budding sailors and introduce them to the beauty of Couta boat sailing! These discover sailing experiences on board Ripple have also up-skilled those new to Couta boat racing, providing additional opportunities for crewing on Saturdays.

>>> C OUTA CONVERSATIONS The Couta Conversations were run regularly and provided great engagement and impact with the audience; however, we are not capturing the whole fleet and risk is higher with boats that have not attended. We will continue to engage the fleet, including the new World Sailing Case on Barging when it is published.

We had five collisions causing damage or injury this summer. We investigated these incidents in conjunction with the protest / retirement procedures, or where there was no protest, we conducted a debrief with the boats. The debrief was a new initiative and appeared to be very useful in reducing the risk of re-occurrence. Umpiring was introduced to three additional events (State Champs, KPMG and Next Gen) and was assessed to have a positive effect, supporting boats to adhere to the rules.

>>> DINGHY SAILING AND TRAINING CENTRE The Training Centre online booking system is in its first year and worked extremely well to significantly reduce our administrative workload. A total of 60 courses were completed in the month from 28th December to Australia Day. Some interesting statistics emerged: • 427 students participated (compared to 276 last year) – a record number • Ages ranged from 4 to 88 years old • 76 children participated in the Cara na Mara program for 5-7 year olds – a new program this year • 28 instructors and coaches were employed to run these courses (22 of whom are SSCBC Members) • 5 out of the 6 non-member coaches were of an extraordinarily high standard, having competed at an international regatta around the world within the last year.


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Of the 28 instructors employed this summer, 11 were Assistant Instructors preparing for a future role in the coaching program here at SSCBC. We employed 11 female Instructors and our female Head Coach led the team, nurturing the more junior coaches and overseeing the delivery of the Sail & Play program, which is the largest of our training programs at SSCBC. A close look at the numbers tells us there was a significant increase in our 16+ age group. This group is often the most difficult to retain so our increase in numbers tells us we are doing something right. Teenager Sail training, Adult Learn to Sail and Women on Water all reported high levels of participation. A notable highlight was seeing a group of five teenage girls (ranging from 16 to 20 years) who were either beginners or had previously quit sailing, now returning to the water. There is no doubt this was due to our talented Coaches and the introduction this season of our new and exciting Quest training boats.

REGATTAS >>> WASZP NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS The inaugural Waszp National Championships took place over the Australia Day weekend. In total, 35 competitors, from Perth, New South Wales, New Zealand and Victoria, took part in the four day event. SSCBC was led on the water by experienced Race Officer Peter Osbourne and his great team who got seven Championship races away. SSCBC sailors did extremely well with three out of the top four being Members, as well as 1st and 2nd youth fleet sailors. 06

>>> W OW @ SORRENTO REGATTA Together with the support of Australian Sailing, 43 ladies across seven classes were coached by three Olympic sailors: Lisa Darmanin, Krystal Weir and Carrie Smith. We were also extremely fortunate to have the expertise of SSCBC’s leading coaches: Tess Lloyd, Kate Hannah, Grace Cockman and Maddie Gray. This superstar coaching team allowed for a really productive morning coaching session. In the afternoon, we had an all female start crew who were trained under the guidance of Ben Fels. A very productive weekend for female sailing, coaching and race management development.

>>> H UNTINGFIELD CUP It was great to see the Jubilees return to Sorrento for the Jubilee Nationals over 9-11 February, with boats from Queensland, Sydney, Ballarat, Albert Park and Sorrento competing in a great series. Race Officer Fred Allen, supported by volunteers and staff, ran a great series that was enjoyed by race management, sailors and families.

>>> V ICTORIAN OPTIMIST STATE TITLES Over the Labour Day long weekend, SSCBC had the largest club fleet attending the Victorian Optimist State Titles, with 19 sailors representing our Club at BYS. All SSCBC sailors carried themselves exceptionally well both on and off the water. It was fantastic to see the team spirit from sailors, coaches and family attending the event who were

an excellent support crew. Thank you to the talented coaches, our Junior Club Captain George Aulich, Hugo Llewelyn and of course Dave White.

>>> 420 / 9ER VICTORIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS The Club also hosted the 420/9er Victorian Championships and Couta boat racing over the Labour Day long weekend. The 420/9er regatta completed four races for each class, with local race officers Mark Lloyd, Peter Osbourne and Adam Hawkins. Together with their well-oiled team of volunteers, they delivered some outstanding races. This was backed up with an early start on Monday and with oscillating wind, another five races were run and won. The exhausted 420 fleet completed a tenth race before heading ashore for presentation. Congratulations to our team for another well-run regatta, with glowing feedback coming from both the Associations and their sailors.

>>> VICTORIAN YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIPS Our most recent major regatta was the Victorian Youth Championships held at the Club 14-15 April with a coaching clinic beforehand, headed up by some of Victoria and Australia’s top coaches. The Coaching Clinic was a huge success with record numbers attending. Unfortunately, due to extreme weather conditions, the call was made to cancel the Vic Youth Championships Regatta, which although was disappointing for all concerned, it was the right decision.


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>>> COUTA BOAT PRESENTATION NIGHT The summer sailing season came to an end with light sailing conditions which led into the well-attended Couta Boat Presentation event. Over 140 Members and guests enjoyed dinner, drinks and music to celebrate the end of a highly successful season. Trophies were awarded by Commodore Richard Hurley, CBA President James Mighell and Rear Commodore Drew Marget. The Yanmar Trophy, awarded at the Club Captain’s discretion for the season’s most improved Couta boat, was presented to The Barra C2013. Congratulations to owners Howard Critchley, Matthew Critchley and Ian Blandford, along with The Barra crew for a great season of sailing. We look forward to many more. The overall season’s results were: Div 1 Handicap Club Champion Winner: The Barra C2013 Howard Critchley, Matthew Critchley and Ian Blandford 2nd: Sorrento C2011 Ken Vaughan 3rd: Jennifer C70 Mark Waterworth Div 1 Line Honours Club Champion

Wagtail C86 Nick Williams Div 2 Handicap Club Champion Winner: Fiona C81 Graham Cunningham 2nd: Kitty Miller C126 Graham Burton 3rd Lucy C31 Michael Golding Div 2 Line Honours Club Champion Morning Star C157 Rhys Tucker


>>> T HERE’S STILL MORE SAILING The Zhik Midwinters are over the June long weekend which isn’t far away. Numbers are always great at this regatta, which always concludes the dinghy season on a high. The Couta Boat Winter Series is progressing well and is always well supported.

In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Phil Hall, Adam Hawkins, Ben Fels, Dave White, the SSCBC Sailing Committee and all our Volunteers, Bosuns and Coaches for their hard work and dedication, ensuring the 17/18 sailing season was a huge success. Thank you all for your support. Scott Llewelyn SSCBC Club Captain 07

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I would like to start this training report by thanking all stakeholders connected to the Training Centre in the 2017/18 season. It has been a very busy year with many successes to report. From a racing point of view, our volunteers ran an incredible 56 dinghy Club races over seven series this season, which was a fantastic effort. The variety of classes and levels of sailors we catered for is also worth noting, from juniors coming out of Sail & Play into Light Green Fleet, to a World Champion in foiling boats. These successes can only be achieved with significant support from our race management team: Norman, Harry, Dennis, Annie, Deb, Margaret, John, Deb and Alison. Our volunteers were guided from the tower by Kerry, Anne, Graham and Fred who always had a watchful eye. I enjoy providing opportunities to challenge each sailor, regardless of their level, to provide a pathway to a passion that will last a lifetime. At SSCBC we are very lucky to have the variety of resources which allows us to get close to this aim. Since the introduction of our two Quest boats and our Couta boat Ripple, I have seen a dynamic shift in the opportunities provided by our sailing program. At SSCBC we have designed our sailing program to give everyone from the age of 5 years the opportunity to get out on the water. The Training Centre for the summer period ran 10 different courses a day. To deliver world class programs at such a variety of levels is an absolute credit to our coaching team. I would like to thank all of our instructors and coaches, but in particular our leaders: Jackson “Soupy” Trotman was our Cara na TIDINGS AUTUMN WINTER 2018

Mara Head Coach, Kate “Special K” Hannah ran our Sail & Play program, Ben “Gun Metal” Grey led the adults Learn To Sail and Tom “Tomahawk” Trotman led our Coaching Program. All of our coaching team went above and beyond. We actively try to develop and engage our young sailors to obtain their coaching qualifications and through Australian Sailing, we have held three instructor courses over the past year. Another pleasing thing to see was how the parents and their children, who were all new to sailing, were able to learn to sail at the same time through the Cara na Mara program and our Quest boats and Couta boat. We will be coordinating more courses in the following year and have joint packages to encourage more of this sailing. Aside from conducting our Learn To Sail programs, another major aim of the Training Centre is to retain our experienced sailors. The introduction of the Sorrento Pass was a huge success with over 35 sailors signing up for the season. We will be expanding the Pass for the coming season to run from September 2018 to April 2019. The Sorrento Pass rewards sailors who actively sail and makes it much easier to logistically plan out sessions and also provides great savings. This enthusiastic coaching group and their parents are very active and have the Nationals firmly in their sights. For our more experienced sailors, we try and engage them on a variety of fronts and actively bid and run major Championships such as the Waszp Nationals and 420/9er States. With many of our coaches, we ensure they have the afternoon off to prepare for these events. This coming year is very

exciting as SSCBC has been invited to New York Yacht Club in Rhode Island to compete in 2 vs 2 keel boat team racing. This will open up many new training opportunities for the winter months and will hopefully lead to an active young adult sailing group at SSCBC, which is one demographic often lacking in many sailing clubs. On a personal note, after completing my second season at SSCBC, I feel extremely privileged to work doing something I love with such a great team of people. Working with a very proactive committee, led by Richard, has allowed the Training Centre to achieve these successes. Although we are by no means a finished product, I am confident we are heading in the right direction. Working with the SSCBC staff, guided by Phil, is a true pleasure. It is a team effort with everybody (Adam, Ben, Rosemary, Hollie and Jorja) all doing their best for our Members and asking how they can help, even outside their specific roles. Lastly, I would like to thank all the SSCBC Members who have given me support this season, and in particular, Jos and David Law and Mary Paula and Rob Williams, who have looked after me well beyond kindness. David White Modest World Record Breaker Head Coach and Training/ Development Manager


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Something that is often not widely publicised is the enormous impact SSCBC has on our local community. Most Members and stakeholders acknowledge SSCBC’s success in the National and International world of sailing, however it is our impact closer to home that has recently been highlighted as having a significant impact. We thought it would be worthwhile including a summary (in alphabetical order) of SSCBC’s Community Engagement Program, which provided sailing, off water and associated activities to an estimated 3,820 Mornington Peninsula residents and visitors in 2017. These activities are scattered throughout the year across all ages and demographics.

We feel so lucky to touch so many local groups and assist them in achieving their goals. In the words of our Sailing Operations Manager, Adam Hawkins, about the experience we gave to the disability group: GenU – Karingal St Laurence, ”Having a steer of Volunteer gave them smiles from ear to ear. These guys who operate on the bare minimum were blown away by what we see daily, and to be in a position to show them an awesome day out made me feel really proud to be part of a Club that has such a strong commitment to the community at large. Sometimes it is worth just checking ourselves to realise just how good we have got it…”

>>> AUSTRALIA DAY The 2018 Australia Day celebrations involved an Indigenous Welcome To Country Ceremony by respected Boon Wurrung Elder, Carolyn Briggs, to acknowledge our Indigenous community and pay our respects to the traditional people and custodians of this land.

>>> BALCOMBE GRAMMAR Each year Balcombe Grammar’s Year 4 students attend the Portsea Camp. On their final day the students join us at SSCBC for an experience to visit the seals and dolphins. SSCBC also provides the students, teachers and volunteer members with a BBQ lunch on the lawn when they return from the water. Through SSCBC’s strong affiliation with the Friends of Collins Settlement, Club volunteers guide the students through the settlement, providing them with an understanding of the local history. 10

>>> BAXTER PRIMARY SCHOOL As part of Baxter Primary School’s camping experience on the foreshore, we extend an invitation for the teachers and students to utilise our facilities and we provide them with an excursion to the seal and dolphins. The children spend each afternoon playing in the sun and water on the beach in front of the clubhouse.

>>> CLASS ASSOCIATIONS A Class Association is the organisation that represents all related fleets and SSCBC regularly provides usage of the Club training facilities and resources to accommodate these associations to run workshops, training and high performance sessions.

>>> CLUB TOWER Usage of the Club tower is for on-water safety and observation. SSCBC Members volunteer their time to oversee the safety and on water management of our class fleet, Off The Beach Sailing, Junior Sailing and specialised training sessions. These highly skilled volunteers also assist and coordinate sea safety in the area through radio communication with boats, Race Management, other sailing clubs, Southern Peninsula Rescue Squad, Coast Guard, Water Police, Life Saving Victoria and other emergency services.

>>> DISABILITY GROUP: GENU – KARINGAL ST LAURENCE Twelve adults with disabilities and their carers were taken out for a boat ride on SSCBC’s boat Volunteer before Christmas. The group would normally be cooking meals for St Vincent SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB

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and Meals on Wheels for the elderly, as well as a soup kitchen for the homeless, based out of Rosebud. A few weeks prior their commercial kitchen burnt down so while repairs were being completed, the group was at a loose end. SSCBC took great pride in being able to take the group out for a day on the water to see the seals and dolphins in the bay. Some of the group had never been on a boat before and were thrilled to be part of this experience.

>>> FIRE COMMISSION / MPSC SSCBC hosts a number of community meetings and was delighted to recently host the Fire Services Commission public meeting at the Club.

>>> FIRST AID RESPONSES In the 2017/18 summer period, SSCBC has unfortunately endured its busiest summer on record when it comes to responses to medical emergencies. Club staff and volunteers have responded to more than six medical emergencies where members of the general public have required emergency medical treatment. Our First Aid trained staff and volunteers responded immediately, with confidence, and ensured the best possible medical attention was provided.

understanding of the facilities and resources available for public viewing. This in turn has provided further scope for our Club volunteers who visit the site as part of our schools program, to broaden students’ understanding of the local history.

>>> JETTY AND RESCUE SERVICES NOT LIMITED TO THE COAST GUARD As part of our facilities, SSCBC built and maintains a public access jetty which is used by many members of the community. SSCBC and local rescue services have working relationships which enables Club resources to be utilised (if the need arises) to support any on-water emergencies, along with the use of the Club tower and radio observation. This working relationship is pivotal in times of an emergency and actively displays the important role SSCBC has in supporting the community.

>>> K EILOR PARK CATHOLIC REGIONAL COLLEGE Keilor Park Catholic Regional College participates in sailing activities coordinated through our dedicated

Training Centre, whilst spending the week at The Portsea Camp.

>>> LADIES LONG LUNCH FOR CHARITY Every year a team of dedicated Members organise the annual Ladies Long Lunch and raise money for a chosen charity. On average, the lunch raises $10,000 every year.

>>> MELBOURNE INDIGENOUS TRANSITION SCHOOL SSCBC was delighted to host a group of approximately 40 students from the Melbourne Indigenous Transition School (MITS) for a sail on Couta boats in February 2017 and 2018. “Visiting SSCBC has very quickly become a valued and highly anticipated activity early in the school year for our new students and our graduate students. For some students, it’s the first time that they will have been on the water in a sailing boat. For others – like our Tiwi Island students – the sea and boating are very familiar, and provide a great connection between home and Melbourne.” Edward Tudor, Executive Director, MITS.

>>> FRIENDS OF COLLINS SETTLEMENT SSCBC is a member of the Friends of Collins Settlement and Committee Members attended the historical site information session, providing an TIDINGS AUTUMN WINTER 2018


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>>> MORNINGTON PENINSULA SHIRE COUNCIL The Mornington Peninsula Shire Council (MPSC) utilise the facilities of SSCBC by holding meetings in the Club’s Committee Room, with their larger community meeting held in the Dining Room.

>>> PADUA COLLEGE Each year a group of 15-20 Padua students spend 10 days at SSCBC undertaking a Powerboat Handling Course and Marine Safety Program. The students are instructed in both theory and on-water rules, regulations and boat handling. The culmination of this course is the passing of their licensing requirements to obtain a Recreational Boat Licence.

SSCBC also hosts the annual end of year Christmas celebrations for the staff of Padua College in our Dining Room.

>>> PORTSEA AND SORRENTO FORESHORE ADVISORY GROUP The Portsea and Sorrento Foreshore Advisory groups regularly conduct meetings in the Club’s Committee Room.

>>> RECLINK GREAT PENINSULA PADDLE SSCBC has proudly supported this charity event in recent years, providing facility usage, on-water support, safety observation and other support activities.

>>> RELATIONSHIP WITH BLAIRGOWRIE YACHT SQUADRON AND RYE YACHT CLUB SSCBC has actively developed cooperative working relationships with Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron and Rye Yacht Club, to collectively provide the best outcomes with on-water collaboration. This spirit of goodwill enables us to come together to assist in the first instance of the sport of sailing and respective clubs, hence the bringing together of our community.

>>> R OSEBUD SECONDARY COLLEGE Since 2005, each year a class of 30 students from Rosebud Secondary College undertake a Marine Rescue Course in Powerboat Handling and Marine Safety, with the support of SSCBC staff, resources, Club Members, volunteers and facility usage. 12


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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM • Josh Wight relocated to join the Royal Australian Navy at HMAS Creswell in Jervis Bay, NSW after many successful trainee years at SSCBC, and is now completing a Naval Architecture Degree in Launceston. • Brendan Greer completed our Bosun program and has now gained full time employment with Westernport Ferries. • Edward Brownlee has been undertaking working as a Bosun and has also completed work experience with Port Phillip Sea Pilots.

Rosebud Secondary College was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for Best Community School Project in 2008/09 for the school’s implementation of the Marine Safety Course at SSCBC. This involves 20 x 2 hour sessions where students are taught by experienced volunteer instructors, both theory and on-water rules, regulations and boat handling. The culmination of this course is the passing of the licensing requirements to obtain a Recreational Boat Licence. SSCBC continues to employ four students each year from Rosebud Secondary College to further their boat handling experience. SSCBC is extremely proud of the employment positions held by some of the Rosebud Secondary College students who started with us as trainees and in collaboration with Hart Marine, have progressed into full time employment or TIDINGS AUTUMN WINTER 2018

further education in the field. Their foundation of both on and off water knowledge and race management was gained through their participation in SSCBC’s Cadet Program, which follows onto employment opportunities at SSCBC and beyond. Some examples include: • Lee-Jillian Pendy has been employed by Queenscliff Harbour and also on a private boat in the Whitsundays. • Luke Prior has successfully gained a full-time position with Toll Shipping following his studies at Australian Maritime College. Luke worked at SSCBC throughout his Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 school holidays, then following Year 12 in a greater capacity. Luke was assisted with contacts made at SSCBC to successfully obtain a full time employment position with Toll Shipping.

• Storm Bobridge is currently studying at the Geelong Maritime College for a Coxin’s Certificate as a Master 5. • Liam Perry-Smith is currently studying to be a Maritime Engineer and has gained an Apprenticeship on the Sorrento / Queenscliff Ferry Service. The various components of Rosebud Secondary College’s involvement with SSCBC include: • Leadership Group – Year 7 on water experience, for approximately 18 students. • Year 12 Sport & Recreation Students – VET Students. Learning about SSCBC’s Occupational Health & Safety programs, completing on water case studies and on boat risk management and OH&S. This program could be extended to include the Outdoor Education Students in the future.


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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM >>> SOUTHERN PENINSULA PROBUS SSCBC supports the Southern Peninsula Probus group who endeavour to meet the needs of semi and fully retired persons by providing opportunities and activities for an active mind and a healthy lifestyle. The Probus Annual Christmas celebrations are held at the Club along with frequent meetings conducted in the Club’s committee room throughout the year.

>>> SORRENTO PRIMARY SCHOOL AND ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL • Marine Rescue Course / Boat Licence / Traineeship – Following completion of the Boat Licence Course, Marine Rescue Course (20 hrs), 4-6 students are selected every year to undertake a traineeship at SSCBC. Students then complete 40 hours of volunteer work at the Club. An SSCBC Committee Member also attends the Annual Excellence Awards Night for Rosebud Secondary College. At this event, SSCBC presents a number of Scholarships to those who have achieved notable results during the Outdoor Education Program. Following the Clubhouse Redevelopment, The SSCBC Sailing

and Education Centre will enable the School’s Program to be extended to other secondary schools, and discussions have already taken place with Padua College.

>>> R OTARY CLUB OF SORRENTO For the past three years, SSCBC has welcomed the annual Rotary “Summer of Sport” Charity Luncheon, with all funds raised supporting Rotary charities such as Violence Free Families and Respite for Breast Cancer families, plus local community groups. Over 200 Rotary members and guests enjoy a three course lunch at the Club with raffles, auctions and live entertainment.

The Grade 5 and 6 students experience both on and off water activities and have the opportunity to participate in a sailing lesson and enjoy a boat trip to visit the seals and dolphins. SSCBC provides a BBQ lunch and volunteers from the Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club provide nipper activities and oversee water safety. Sorrento Primary School is also provided with the opportunity to utilise the Club for their Grade 5/6 triathlon event.

>>> SORRENTO RED CROSS SSCBC hosts the Annual General Meeting of the Sorrento Red Cross and provides morning tea to those in attendance who work tirelessly for the needs of others in our community.

>>> SORRENTO SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB SSCBC has a longstanding relationship with Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club (SSLSC). Each year SSLSC utilises the facilities of our clubhouse to conduct water safety 14


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and bronze medallion courses for its members. We are also involved with the safety plan for SSLSC’s annual fundraiser, The Sorrento Bayswim, which is conducted in the waters out the front of SSCBC.

>>> ST MARY’S STAR OF THE SEA, SORRENTO Blessing of the fleet at the SSCBC Opening Day is one of the time honoured traditions and marks the beginning of a new season. We are always honoured to host the local Catholic priest from St Mary’s Star of the Sea, who resides over the Blessing of the Fleet, to ensure a safe and bountiful season. Ironically, this blessing is said to have originated with fishing boats, which was historically the sole purpose of Couta boats in Port Phillip Bay, so we are honoured to have continued this tradition.

>>> THE PORTSEA CAMP During the busy summer period each year, SSCBC staff and Members volunteer their boats and time to enhance children’s lives who are disadvantaged or experiencing hardship, through providing boat trips from The Portsea Camp. This opportunity allows the Club to make a contribution towards enriching and changing the lives of hundreds of children each year, who previously have had little or no experience on the water.

>>> VICSWIM Vicswim seeks to ensure that all children are provided which access to learn and attain the ability of water knowledge, swimming and safe water practices. SSCBC provides Vicswim with a secure storage location and facility usage whilst these vital water safety programs are conducted on the foreshore. SSCBC also actively promotes the Vicswim program to our Members.

>>> V ICTORIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAM The Club has become a training base for young aspiring elite sailors via the Victorian Institute of Sport High Performance Program. This joint venture between the Victorian Government, Austalian Sailing and SSCBC will see training camps and coaching held at the Club.


>>> WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SAILING Yachting Victoria introduced Women and Girls in Sailing as part of the VicHealth initiative to attract more females to the sport of sailing. Two enthusiastic female SSCBC Members introduced this program to the Club, which are now conducted four times throughout the summer period. It not only introduces females to sailing and perhaps exposure to a new physical activity, it provides a social setting for females to get active and involved in on-water and off-water activities. SSCBC has an inclusive club policy that embraces diversity and gender equality and was one of the first Victorian clubs in the 1970s to combine male and female memberships into one equal category. And it is now among the leading inclusive clubs in Australia; promoting real inclusive participation, both in day to day club life and with specific programs to increase female participation. 15

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>>> WORLD SAILING (FORMERLY ISAF) SAIL MELBOURNE The Sailing World Cup, part of the Sail Melbourne regatta, is the Oceanic leg of the International Grand Prix series for Olympic class boats. Delivering this event is clearly beyond the resources of any single club. The organisers have for several years invited the support of the other major clubs around the bay, generally teaming two or three clubs to manage a course. Thirty of our Members willingly provide their time and resources to represent our Club at this prestigious event. Over seven days and 78 races, the SSCBC Race Management team delivered a virtually flawless performance in all weather conditions which rightly earned the highest praise from the senior World Sailing representatives. Our preparation, training and delivery of race management was assessed as among the best to be


found anywhere in the world – and the response from the 49er, 49er FX, RS-X Men and Women for the quality of racing provided by our team on Charlie Course was most gratifying. It is especially worth noting that our dedicated and committed Flag Officers lead from the front line in addition to their other commitments of time for the Club.


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Dear SSCBC Couta Boat Sailor, As you may be aware Steadfast IBG Insurance Brokers is a Club sponsor. Call them for a quote on your Couta Boat when your insurance renewal is due and you will receive all your benefits, support a sponsor and help the Club along the way. For a free competitive quote call Ronnie Schwarz on 03 9818 2724 today.

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What a season, blowing our socks off or dead calm!

Couta Conversations Congratulations to Zephyr owner and SSCBC Vice-Commodore Max Chester for championing a successful roster of Couta Conversations in the Lacco Room. All sessions were very well attended with well-prepared expert commentary and stimulating questions from an audience eager to learn more about how to sail their boats better. A big thank you to all those experts willing to give of their time and share their knowledge!

supported by the Wooden Boatshop. Congratulations to Mark Waterworth and the Jennifer crew on taking out Division 1 and Graham Cunningham in Fiona winning Division 2.

Mercedes-Benz Mornington State Titles The Mercedes-Benz Mornington State Titles were held in late December and over two days we had a four race series. A total of 40 Couta boats competed throughout the regatta, including Tim Phillips in the recently re-launched Jessamine (a 21’ Restricted Class boat from 1922). Romy – 3 Piers Race

The Couta Boat sailing season at Sorrento has been punctuated with a number of frustrating no-sails due to weather. Wind patterns have meant that the mid-week weather has been beautiful, but come the weekend it has either been blowing its socks off or dead calm. Regardless, we did manage to get most of our major events away. AUTUMN WINTER 2018

Following is a summary, along with a selection of season photographs of our beautiful wooden fishing boats.

Wooden Boatshop Series Pre-Christmas (and post the successful foray to Pittwater for the Nationals in October) – this popular three race series is generously

Wagtail took out line honours for the regatta in Division 1, with Mal Hart taking a bit of time off from skiing, winning the regatta on handicap by 1 point over Chris Malkin in Cloudy Bay. In Division 2 Morning Star scooped the double by winning both line honours and handicap, only a point ahead of Fiona.



What a season, blowing our socks off or dead calm!

GANT Portsea Cup start

The GANT Portsea Cup What a day! It began with Skinner’s now traditional GANT Portsea Cup Breakfast which was highlighted by SSCBC Sailing Operations Manager Adam Hawkins interviewing his lifelong friend Glenn Ashby. Glenn’s sailing pedigree is so long that it took several minutes simply to introduce him. His most recent success of course was piloting Team NZ in the latest America’s Cup victory. Thank you to Club Captain Scott and Adam for arranging such an engaging speaker. The race itself was sailed in very flukey light airs. In Division 1, Bella took the


line honours and Jeffrey Richardson in Georgia was the winner.

GANT Portsea Cup Breakfast Guest Speaker Glenn Ashby

In Division 2 first home was Rhys Tucker in

Morning Star and the winner was father Rob Tucker aboard Joan. The following day, a picnic was held at Quarantine in gorgeous conditions. I personally believe we need to continue with this picnic at the iconic Quarantine Station, but we do need more Member support for the event to be worthwhile. A special thanks to GANT, one of the world’s great clothing brands for their ongoing support of this significant event.


3 Piers Race On Australia Day we conducted the traditional 3 Piers Race and celebrated with the traditional owners of the land in an indigenous smoking ceremony. Then the racing began. Division 1 had some carnage at the reaching start right off the Club starting box. Bella was very slippery and got away well to win in 2 Âź hours. As the breeze built the boats from behind made great time back from Rye and were successful on handicap. First place going to James Soutter in Lisa.

Morning Star was first across in Division 2 with a popular win by Blondie, Rob Christie for the trophy. Next Gen Couta Boat Race

Next Gen Couta Boat Day On January 20 we sailed the third experimental Next Gen Day. With 29 boats and over 200 sailors, this event has really gained some traction. Championed by Georgie Skinner, Dave White and Jorja Crowe it turned out to be a fabulous day with some sponsorship from Georgie Damm of Damm Fine Food along with generous assistance from SSCBC, the Couta Boat Association, The Wooden Boatshop, Jos Law, Scott Davies, Tonia Grimshaw-Lloyd and the Mentone Park Child Care & Pre-school, Rhonda Trotman and JTA Health, Safety and Noise Specialists.

The future of our fleet will soon be in the hands of our Next Genners so what better way to get them motivated as a group. Winners of the race were Division 1 line honours Will Phillips in Bella and handicap winner Hamish Hurley and crew aboard Ripple, followed by Armadale skippered by Tim Hannah, then Barra sailed by Lauren Critchley. In Division 2 Kitty Miller sailed by Alister Wright was first home and handicap honours went to Casey Imeneo in Marlena. Kitty Miller was second and Mercury sailed by Charlie Dixon was 3rd. Thank you to all the Couta boat owners who got into the spirit of the day by lending their boats.

A Place in History...

Dick & Roy Anderson in Robroy AUTUMN WINTER 2018


Stella Artois Sorrento Cup On the 3rd of February we held the Stella Artois Sorrento Cup, with 32 boats on the course in ideal racing conditions.

Wagtail was first home in Division 1 and Tony Bail with Peter Hannah won the beer on Armadale. In Division 2 Morning Star continued her winning run across the line but the little Blondie scooped the Stella prize.

Great winners of the Marcus Burke Navigation Rally!

Congratulations to the winners:

Results: Winners: Weerona Bay James and Max Mighell, Bill Davis, Andrew Skinner, Drew Marget

Marcus Burke Wooden Launch Navigation Rally The Marcus Burke Wooden Launch Navigation Rally was run and won on Sunday 21st of January. Nine boats completed an 11 nautical mile course, pitting their navigation skills against each other. The idea being not of the fastest time but the one closest to their own nominated time, sounds easy right? Boats collected points en route to accumulate a golf like score where the boat with the least amount of points won the day. There was some controversy in the third edition of the race. Eventual winner Weerona Bay completed the course correctly, which is more than can be said of some other navigators on course! The half model trophy and scavenger hunt prizes were awarded at lunch after the rally. Plans are afoot to expand the Rally to include all wooden boats next year, Couta boats included. So get your team together and join in the fun! AUTUMN WINTER 2018

Div 1 Handicap Club Champion Winner: The Barra C2013 Howard Critchley, Matthew Critchley and Ian Blandford






Folie a deux





Div 1 Line Honours Club Champion



Wagtail C86 Nick Williams




April (Retired)

2nd: Sorrento C2011 Ken Vaughan 3rd: Jennifer C70 Mark Waterworth

Div 2 Handicap Club Champion Winner: Fiona C81 Graham Cunningham

2 & 3 Handed Race

2nd: Kitty Miller C126 Graham Burton

After a couple of weeks of no racing, finally good weather prevailed for the 2 hander (Division 2) and 3 hander (Division 1).

3rd: Lucy C31 Michael Golding

Fourteen boats took part and Margarita sailed by Harry Mighell with Tess Lloyd, along with boat owners James and Max Mighell aboard, won both line honours and easily on handicap. Technically four on board but boat owner ‘Max’ being a 20kg French Bulldog was granted dispensation for having his father James along with him. Division 2 was won by Sally Mee sailing Gisella.

SSCBC Club Aggregate As we go to print, the SSCBC season Aggregate has just been completed. Only 18 of the planned 22 aggregate races were sailed due to weather issues, however it was still a very competitive season.

Div 2 Line Honours Club Champion

Morning Star C157 Rhys Tucker

CBA Committee 2017 | 18 President: James Mighell Bill Davis, Tim Philips, Wayne Parr, Colin Mitchell, Peter Sydes, Rod Martin, Robert Tucker & Russell Watson Scoop Editor: Andrew Skinner andrew@skinnerads.com.au Couta Boat Association Inc. PO Box 258 Blairgowrie VIC 3942 cba@coutaboatclub.com.au Reg No. A0000225D ABN 17 803 524 588


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>>> THE WOW FACTOR! The WOW Active program was a huge success again this year with tickets selling out prior to Christmas. Over 150 women participated in a range of fitness events across January, including yoga, paddle boarding and fitness training. On behalf of SSCBC, we would like to thank our instructors: Rosie Wilson, our yoga instructor, Cath Reilly from PSUP and Jacqui Furnell from JFIT Sorrento. The instructors were amazing and all participants thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. Damm Fine Food also provided an exquisite breakfast for the launch of the program and showcased a delicious and healthy breakfast for Members and guests. Finally, thank you to our ‘pop up’ stores: Karlie Crow, Emanuella from Emia and Sarah and Tony from Cuddlefish Swimwear. Your presence created fun for the events and great shopping! We look forward to another WOW program in 2019. Stay tuned for information regarding session times.



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>>> HOW TO SPEND A LONG WEEKEND For most time-poor Couta boat owners the prospect of a six hour sail to and from Geelong over a long weekend is a little overwhelming. But for those who have more leisure time at hand, what better way is there to pass this time than on the waters of our extended front yard – Port Phillip Bay. The 2018 Geelong Wooden Boat Festival (10-12 March) provided just the right invitation for a small fleet of SSCBC boats, sail and motor, to embark on this journey. For readers who are not so familiar with the Wooden Boat Festival, it is held biennially at the Royal Geelong Yacht Club and provides a spectacle of well over one hundred classic wooden yachts and motor launches showcased along the waterfront, each displaying a unique history and aesthetic appeal. Star attractions in 2018 were the historic 18ft skiffs from Sydney whose extra-large rigs and sail plan provided a spectacular sight on land and water. But back to the journey!

SSCBC was represented by a small fleet of motor launches, classic yachts, and Couta boats: Darney CO3, Morning Star C157 and Lucy C31, making their way on Friday to the new marina in the safe harbour at Portarlington. This marina was recently extended to accommodate the Melbourne-Portarlington ferry on its run, twice daily. Naturally, weather elements always dictate a seafarer’s journey, and in the case of our beautiful bay on this day, the wind gods were resting, not raging, and the water was barely rippling. No hoisting of sails! Nevertheless, it made for a pleasant crossing under motor. About fifty yachts and motor launches berthed in the Portarlington marina or anchored just beyond, and settled in for the evening either on-board or in accommodation onshore. This is the first time that the WBF committee included the Portarlington stopover in its program. It provides relief for yacht owners and crew who don’t wish to undertake the journey to Geelong in one day. All credit is due to the WBF officials who patiently undertook to transport crew to and from boats to pier on that evening and the next morning.

Unfortunately, the wind gods did not respond to our call for a strong breeze on Saturday. The Passage race commenced in very light winds but it was sufficient to move us along and into the rhythm of a pleasant sail. The spectacle of fifty or so classic yachts settling into a comfortable run for the first leg of the course provided a colourful sight. The diagram below illustrates that the course was designed to keep us safe from sandbars but at the same time it provided enough scope to enjoy a comfortable sail of reaching and running. In particular, the final broad reach in a strengthening breeze down the Hopetoun Channel to the yacht club brought a gratifying conclusion to the race. The highlights of Sunday’s on-water program were the Cavalcade of Sail followed by three scheduled races: •T he Wooden Boatshop Couta Boat Cup •T he Victorian Regional Channel Auth. Corio Bay Classic Wooden Yacht Cup •T he YANMAR Corio Bay Cup for Modern Wooden Boats

Passage Race Course (from Sailing Instructions) 26


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2018 RGYC WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL hauled sailing. From this sailor’s perspective, Lucy was well prepared with reduced sails and a crew of six. And for this crew, who all enjoy vigorous sailing, the race was one to remember. Morning Star is to be congratulated for leading the Couta boat fleet and being first over the line, with Lucy arriving a few minutes later.

Activity on the Tumlarens

Ruby Merle C650 (RGYC & Queenscliffe); Phoebe C446 (Queenscliffe); Swan PM35 (RMYS) and Nancy SE884 (purchased recently and looking for a home club). The race was conducted in a fresh breeze over two laps of a triangular course in Corio Bay – two long legs of reaching with a small connecting leg of close-

The Cavalcade of Sail provided a close-up impressive spectacle of the classic yachts for spectators. Among such stars were: Sayonara, Kingurra, Windward 11 and Storm Bay, all magnificent-looking in their beautifully crafted hulls and full rigs. For readers who are not aware of these vessels, each is worth a ‘google’ to read about and view some of the images. Similarly, the five restored Tumlaren from RMYS and RYCV provided their own spectacle. These double-ended, streamlined, historical yachts simply glided through the water with ease, I add, much like porpoises... I have it on good authority that Tumlaren is the plural for the Tumlare class and that Tumlare means “porpoise” in Swedish.

18ft skiffs strutting their sails in full glory Printed with permission of Tom Smeaton, www.smeatonphotography.com

Perhaps the key attraction was the on-water display of three pre 1980 historical 18ft skiffs, replicas of the pre 1950 legendary 18 footers from Sydney and which implanted some envy in the mind of this sailor. Simply, brute strength and agility is required to work the sails, which are immense in comparison to the size of the hull. And in keeping with the tradition of these skiffs, crew wear the mandatory rugby guernsey. In the races that followed, this sailor’s involvement was in the Wooden Boatshop Couta Boat Cup. SSCBC’s entrants, Lucy C31 and Morning Star C157, were pitted against four other Couta boats: TIDINGS AUTUMN WINTER 2018

‘Ruby Merle’ calling starboard on 18 ft skiff ‘Britannica’ Printed with permission of Tom Smeaton, www.smeatonphotography.com 27

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A symmetry of ionic Couta boats

A fitting conclusion to Sunday’s program was the Presentation Dinner on that evening, with SSCBC represented in the reception of awards. Series results for the Couta boat fleet were: 2nd Lucy C31 and 3rd Morning Star C157. In addition, acknowledgement was made of Muriel C17, owned by Tim Phillips, for its inclusion in the National Maritime Museum’s national register of heritage yachts. The highlight of the evening was the informative talk delivered by keynote speaker, the renowned Sydney 18ft Skiff sailor and author, Ian Smith. Ian brought to life the incredible history of these ionic, historic boats and the excitement that they brought to

Sydney harbour as a fleet before they evolved into a modern yacht. In addition to on-water events, there was a range of exhibits and other activities that drew a large crowd to the festival over three days. RGYC is to be applauded for its efforts in staging such a successful festival. Hopefully in 2020, there will continue to be a wide representation of classic yachts participating in the festival, in particular, a greater representation of Couta boats from SSCBC, promoting the fleet to wooden boat enthusiasts. Tricia O’Brien Lucy C31

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>>> SUMMER DRINKS Summer Drinks was held again this season on Friday 29th December. This event was sold out in a matter of days, so if you’re thinking of attending next summer’s event you’d better get in quick when tickets go on sale later in the year! Over 500 people attended the event. Members and guests were treated to incredible catering by Damm Fine Food, Pommery and Stella Artois all night, styling by Tori Allen Events and world class music and vocals by Rutherford Entertainment. Their team again ensured the dance floor was jumping all night. Lots of fun was had by all and it was a wonderful way for Members and friends to catch up on the year gone by. Thank you to our wonderful sponsors: Pommery, Stella Artois and Hydrodol. We appreciate your support and look forward to working together in the future. Stay tuned for the 2018 event – same time, same place!




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>>> AUSTRALIA DAY @ SSCBC A beautiful Australia Day ceremony was held at SSCBC. Welcome by Commodore Richard Hurley, who also congratulated Australia Day Award recipients, particularly three of our own Members: Immediate Past Commodore Andrew Plympton, Catherine Biddick and William Guest. Our National Anthem was performed spectacularly by Matilda Pearl, a cappella. Incredible voice from a 15 year old. Thank you Matilda Pearl. Our Junior Club Captain, George Aulich raised the National flag (pictured with Commodore Richard Hurley and Club Captain Scott Llewelyn). Will Pratt was on school camp and unable to attend. We then enjoyed the Welcome to Country Ceremony by respected Boon Wurrung Elder Carolyn Briggs, to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land. We are looking forward to continuing to expand our connection with the Boon Wurrung Foundation in the future. The 3 Piers Race kicked off at 1330hrs as well as Waszp racing. Andy’s Antics entertained the children (and adults onlooking from the deck) in the afternoon. Certainly an action packed Australia Day!



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>>> CRAB-A-LICIOUS CRAB CLUB! Georgina Damm teamed up with the highly acclaimed and talented chef Geoff Lindsay to provide us with the fabulous pop up concept of the Crab Club, with each of the three nights being complete sell out events. The menu featured daily market runs of mud crab, antarctic king crab, spanner crab, blue swimmers, sand and soft shells, all accompanied with bibs, crackers, picks, scissors and mallets. An extremely fun and memorable dining experience. Due to the high demand for Crab Club, we will again see Geoff at the Club over the winter season. Be sure to book early. ‘Let’s get cracking’ is the motto and that’s exactly what we did!

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>>> SORRENTO HOSTS THE INAUGURAL WASZP NATIONALS The Waszp is a new exciting class which is a pathway boat to a new foiling generation of sailing. SSCBC has been keen to get the Waszp class off the ground, take advantage of our ideal foiling waters and engage our 16+ Club Members. SSCBC has worked with KA Sails (Waszp manufacturer) and facilitated regular demo days. This has led to a 11 strong SSCBC fleet in its first year. SSCBC wanted to show its support to these sailors with regular racing, facilitation of on-water training and put our hand up for an event in the 17/18 season. That event turned into the inaugural Waszp National Championships! As this was the first Nationals, we needed to come up with the correct structure to engage and challenge this new fleet. Things to consider were the courses, time/distances and even the off water format. Taking on the lessons learned from the Waszp World Games, feedback from our practice sessions and through communicating with sailors, we came up with a format that suited everyone. The racing for the event took place over the Australia Day weekend but visiting sailors were on site for few days prior to the event, taking part in practice racing and other free sailing. In total, 35 competitors (from Perth, New South Wales, New Zealand and Victoria) took part in the 4 day event. SSCBC was led on the water by experienced race officer Peter Osbourne and his great team 34

who got seven Championship races away. The Championship course was two lap windward sausage with a gate at the windward marks and the leeward (similar to the last America’s Cup course). The target time for each race was for the race leaders to finish in 20 minutes. This is pretty impressive with a course size that was on average 0.7 nautical miles between the start and windward mark and to compare that to a Couta boat doing the same course would take 50 minutes.

SSCBC sailors did extremely well with three out of the top four being Members as well as 1st and 2nd youth fleet sailors. A big congratulations to Harry Mighell who went into the event with a target on his back being the current Waszp World Champion. He kept his head on his shoulders and won the regatta quite comfortably. On top of this, he was a gentleman around the boat park who would help anyone in need and even ran an information session two days prior to the event. SORRENTO SAILING COUTA BOAT CLUB

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I would also like to mention Tom ‘Tomahawk’ Trotman who finished in 3rd place (joint 2nd) and Hugo Llewelyn as 1st Youth. This was Hugo and Tomahawk’s first foiling regatta and both of them were part of our all-star coaching team. We arranged their coaching timetable so that they could practice which sends a powerful message to the junior fleet that they are not just here for a pay cheque. Open Feet results: 1st Harry Mighell 2nd Jon Holroyd 3rd Tom Trotman 4th Jack Abbot 5th Sam Mackay Youth Fleet 1st Hugo Llewelyn 2nd Lockie Dare 3rd Jack Felstenthal As well as championship racing, a separate slalom course was run. The fleet was split into groups, with a knockout style format which led to eight boats in the final. The slalom course was a reaching start, around a turning mark to port and there was four leeward marks lined up directly downwind of the turning mark. This course led to some exciting short sharp races. The results for the slalom were: 1st Tom Brewer 2nd Jack Abbot 3rd Harry Mighell


As exciting as the racing was, the event was extremely successful in other areas. There were proud parents, friends and even future Waszp sailors who were all watching the racing around the course with our unique wooden boat fleet. It was compared by some to being back in the optimist and minnow days with the guys a little more grown up, but just as immature! Lots of fun. A special mention should go to the sailors who were all very approachable to our junior sailors and supported the Buxton Cup prize giving and cheered on our junior sailors. It was pretty cool seeing a lot of role models already have their name on the Buxton Cup and pave out a pathway for our future sailors.

Our SSCBC Waszp sailors can be seen in our fun interviews with Pizza which show how approachable and talented our role models are to the junior fleet. Check out our Facebook page for these videos. On social side, we were very fortunate to have Ralph Wilson sponsor several Willow eskies (filled with refreshments) which were given out to the Sailor Of The Day, along with a few other funny prizes which were shared amongst the group. To summarise, we had excellent racing on the water in two different formats. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the sailing and onshore shenanigans. Dave White


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What a fantastic summer we have had with the generous support of our valued sponsors. Three races were held in the Wooden Boat Shop Series at the start of the season, with the final day of the series seeing back to back races off Capel Sound, followed by raft up and refreshments at BYS. Next series for the Couta boats was the Mercedes-Benz Mornington State Championships at the end of December, with 40 boats on the water across the two divisions. Chris Thoday from Mercedes-Benz Mornington once again enjoyed entertaining some of his brand ambassadors on board Milton’s Sandpiper, whilst watching the majestic Couta boats. RT Edgar South Channel Race on New Year’s Day saw Couta boats welcome in the New Year with ideal sailing conditions. Thank you to Warwick Anderson who has been a long standing supporter and Member of the Club. RT Edgar enjoyed watching the race from the water whilst on board Jane Kerr and Sandpiper. Thank you Tim Phillips and Milton Green for your hospitality once again. KPMG Day was held on 3 January for the 20th KPMG Couta Boat Classic at the Club. Thank you to all Skippers, crew and the many volunteers wearing the green hats who made the day one of the best yet. The weather was kind to us this year, with almost perfect sailing conditions.

Hawkins. Thirty-nine Couta boats then battled it out on the water for the coveted prize.

The coveted GANT Portsea Cup attracted 200 sailors to kick off the day with breakfast in the marquee, captivated by the gripping tales from winning America’s Cup skipper Glenn Ashby and our own Adam

The ANZ Ladies Lunch, supported by Runway Room, was held in the dining room on 10 January. Another sold out event, raising almost $10,000 for the very worthwhile charity, Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision.


Thank you to all attendees for supporting this event so generously. Baillieu Holst, our new sponsor to the Club, hosted a sensational cocktail party for their valued clients and staff. This was one of the stand out events of the season by Damm Fine Food, with incredible styling, food and beverages.


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SPONSOR NEWS Stella Artois guests were treated to transfers to the Portsea Polo on board Volunteer and David Currie’s Transition. Once again David and his crew, together with Adam and the Bosuns, did an incredible job facilitating this day and making it such a special event for our valued sponsor. The Australia Day 3 Piers Race was generously supported by Cape Merchants from the main street of Sorrento, providing two incredible Yeti coolers as prizes. Keep an eye out for the Cape Merchants Couta Boat race in next year’s calendar as we welcome them as a Club sponsor.

Yabby Lake Single Clone Pinot Noir Selection 2016. Available exclusively at our Cellar Door. 86-112 Tuerong Road, Tuerong | tel 5974 3729 | yabbylake.com



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Thank you to our beverage sponsors who supported the next three Aggregate Couta boat races: Stella Artois Sorrento Cup, Sanpellegrino Cup and Yabby Lake Couta Boat Race. Members enjoyed sampling these beverages on their respective days. Coastal Living always impresses with their outdoor furniture display on the western deck. This year Coastal Living showcased some of Tait Design’s range of outdoor furniture, which is one of their new, Melbourne based suppliers. Couta boat racing was abandoned on the day so there were no winners, however all the skippers and crew thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality provided by Coastal Living on the Western lawn after sailing. Steadfast IBG Insurance Great Fort Run was scheduled for Easter Saturday, however due to insufficient wind, it was rescheduled for Easter Monday, and then unfortunately abandoned. TIDINGS AUTUMN WINTER 2018


Commodore Richard Hurley Vice Commodore Max Chester Rear Commodore Drew Marget Club Secretary Phillip Wise Treasurer Graham Cunningham Club Captain Scott Llewelyn

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Committee Charlotte Barnaby, Shaun Chalmers Susie Di Pierdomenico, Rollo Wright General Manager Philip Hall

Sailing Operations Adam Hawkins Head Coach and Development Dave White Administration Jorja Crowe Catering Jade Lee and Belinda Cade Sponsorship Hollie Hick Accounts Rosemary Trevethan Sailing Administration Ben Fels

Ronnie Schwarz from Steadfast IBG Insurance offers a free quote and 5% of all initial base premiums paid by Members (and friends of Members) is donated back to SSCBC.


Zhik Mid winters are fast approaching and will be held at the Club over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend in June. Thank you to all our valued sponsors for their ongoing support.

Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club 3154 Point Nepean Road PO Box 138, Sorrento VIC 3943 Phone 03 5984 8200 Email Club – administration@sscbc.com.au Catering – catering@sscbc.com.au Art & Design The Creative Parrot



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