K^rttan Guide (3) brajendra-nandana yei, ßac^-suta hoilo sei, balaråma hoilo nitåi d^na-h^na yata chilo, hari-nåme uddhårilo, tåra ßåk£^ jagåi mådhåi Lord Kù£òa, who is the son of the King of Vraja, became the son of çac^ (Lord Chaitanya), and Balaråma became Nitåi. The Holy Name delivered all those souls who were lowly and wretched. The two sinners Jagåi and Mådhåi are evidence of this (4) hå hå prabhu nanda-suta, vù£abhånu-sutå-yuta, koruòå karoho ei-båro narottama-dåsa koy, nå éheliho råígå påy, tomå bine ke åche åmåra O Lord Kù£òa, son of Nanda, accompanied by the daughter of Vù£abhånu, please be merciful to me now. Narottama dåsa says, “O Lord, please do not push me away from Your reddish lotus feet, for who is my beloved except for You?”
Manaè-ßik£å by çr^la Narottama dåsa ëhåkura (1) nitåi-pada-kamala, koé^-candra-suß^tala, ye chåyåya jagata juàåy heno nitåi bine bhåi, rådhå-kù£òa påite nåi, dùàha kori’ dharo nitåira påya The holy lotus feet of Nitåi, Cooling like ten million moons— In the shade of which the world gains soothing relief; Without that Nitåi, O brother, No one can reach Rådhå and Kù£òa— Clasp His lotus feet with full conviction.
K^rttan Guide Merely by the touch of the waters of the sacred Ganges one becomes liberated, even if he is the lowest of mankind; but just by seeing you, the same effect is achieved. Such is your quality.
(3) gaígåra-paraßa hoile paßcåte påvana darßane pavitra koro-ei tomåra guòa (4) hari-sthåne aparådhe tåre harinåma tomå-sthåne aparådhe nåhika eàåna
If one commits an offence at the feet of Lord Hari, he can be forgiven if he chants the Holy Name. But if one offends you, there is no salvation for him.
(5) In your heart Govinda is always tomåra hùdoye sadå govinda-vißråmå govinda kohena—mama vai£òava paråna resting. çr^ Govinda Himself says, “I am the living force of My devotees.” I hope that in every birth I will obtain the dust of your lotus feet. çr^ Narottama prays, “Please, O Vai£òava Goswåm^, be kind unto me.”
(6) prati janme kori åßå caraòera dh¨li narottame koro doyå åpnåra boli’
Lålasåmay^ Prårthanå by çr^la Narottama dåsa ëhåkura (1) ‘gauråíga’ bolite habe pulaka-ßar^ra ‘hari hari’ bolite nayane ba’be n^ra
(4) r¨pa-raghunåtha-pade hoibe åkuti kabe håma bujhabo se yugala-p^riti
(2) (5) åra kabe nitåi-cånda koruòå koribe r¨pa-raghunåtha-pade rahu mora åßa saìsåra-båsanå mora kabe tuccha ha’be prårthanå koroye sadå narottama-dåsa (3) vi£aya chåàiyå kabe ßuddha ha’be mana kabe håma herabo ßr^-bùndåbana