What more can there be?

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Engage your workforce They have the answers

Like Ricardo Semler I have to conclude that the workforce have the answers. Go into any workplace and ask the workforce and they can solve most of the problems you might have. I’ve looked long and hard at organisations which want to make improvements. So often there is a desire for more, but nothing much changes. Ideas stay as ideas and don’t get adopted. The centrepiece of our approach is to get them involved by asking them for their input and letting them implement their improvements. They are like the NASA engineers who found the way enable Neil Armstrong to take ‘one small step’ on 21st July 1969. Now think: You lead teams of rocket scientists who will solve our issues! Our approach is to train managers to get their people involved. Let’s add then two more elements: 4. Change the perspective to always be that of your customer 5. Improvement is driven from your workforce; after all they have the answers


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