Lake Highland Preparatory School-SNIPPET

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“Our crowning achievement is the quality of our graduates—we’re not just developing scholars, we’re developing well-rounded young men and women.” Charles Rex, Founding Trustee

Charles Rex

of instilling Christian values, promoting democracy and

Mr. James Higginbotham, the former Superintendent of

free enterprise, preparing students for college, and

Orange County Public Schools, to the position. Under

producing future leaders who are successful, confident,

his leadership, Lake Highland’s academic success grew,

and compassionate citizens.

and the campus expanded. Only three years after its founding, Lake Highland received accreditation from the

After guiding Lake Highland through its inaugural year,

Florida Council of Independent Schools and the Southern

Mr. O’Hara returned to Europe. His replacement, Mr.

Association of Colleges and Schools. Lake Highland

Lowell Keene, continued the work of building the faculty

was the only private preparatory school in Central Florida

and establishing the curriculum, but he, too, left after

accredited by both associations.

one year’s service. The board then created the position of school president, and on May 10, 1972, named

Our History—11

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