2017 Oxnard Chamber Business Directory

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Business and Community Guide


Events Calendar

Business Directory

Relocation Information

Oxnard, California Read about the City of Oxnard’s accomplishments in our 2016 Year in Review! oxnard.org/yearinreview



15 20

César Chávez Day Celebration State of the City Address (Chamber of Commerce)

Oxnard Public Library 110-Year-Anniversary Celebration 22 27 29


Earth Day

South Oxnard Branch Event Colonia Branch Event Main Library Event

Dallas Cowboys Training Camp


Fireworks by the Sea

7, 14, 21

Heritage Square Summer Concert


Salsa Festival


4, 11, 18, 25

Dallas Cowboys Training Camp National Night Out

Heritage Square Summer Concert


MAY 20-21


California Strawberry Festival


JUNE 11 12

21-24 17

16, 23, 30

Oxnard Police Department Car Show Filipino Independence Day Ceremony National Police Activities League Boxing Championships Juneteenth

Heritage Square Summer Concert

1, 8

Inter-Neighborhood Council Organization Town Hall Meeting Fiestas Patrias Celebration

Heritage Square Summer Concert



Multicultural Festival

Fiesta Noche de los Muertos fundraiser for Carnegie Art Museum


Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony


Tree Lighting


Tamale Festival

2 9

10 16

Dates are subject to change. Please check Oxnard.org for event details.

Christmas Parade Annual Parade of Lights

Santa to the Sea Half Marathon and 5K Oxnard Police Activities League Santa’s Workshop Event










4 OXNARD IS A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE, WORK & PLAY 6 Health Care Services & Housing



Oxnard’s Accessibility Port of Hueneme Relocating or Starting a Business in Oxnard Major Employers



Parks, Recreation and Trails Arts & Culture





1 2



d r a n x O


U.S. HealthWorks | 1851 N. Lombard St., Suite 100


Ventura Orthopedics Medical Group, Inc. | 2221 Wenkel Way


Channel Islands Sportfishing | 4151 S. Victoria Ave


Del Norte Regional Recycling & Transfer Station | 111 S. Del Norte Blvd.

Oxnard Chamber of Commerce



400 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 302 | Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-6118 | Fax: (805) 604-7331

welcome Message from the

The Oxnard Chamber of Commerce


Executive Committee

Welcome to the Oxnard Business and Community Guide. The Chamber of Commerce is pleased to provide this publication to visitors, residents, potential residents, and businesses of all types and sizes. We have endeavored to capture the dynamic characteristics of our community in this guide to provide readers with a true sense of Oxnard and its assets. In addition to the valuable information about our wonderful city, the Chamber membership and a buyer’s guide are also included. We ask that you consider an Oxnard Chamber of Commerce member when in need of goods and services. These are businesses that support their community and the efforts of the Chamber.

Immediate Past Chair: Fred Ferro | NAI Capital Commercial Real Estate

The Oxnard Chamber of Commerce is proud to be a vibrant and active organization that strives to represent the interests of business with government, promote the community, encourage a strong local economy, advocate political action, and provide marketing and networking opportunities to our members. In addition to those priorities, the Chamber acts as an ombudsman for local businesses. We are extremely involved with local issues that affect the ability to conduct business and promote a high quality of life.

Nancy Kierstyn Schreiner | Law Offices of Nancy Kierstyn Schreiner

With miles of beautiful beaches, a sparkling harbor, museums, festivals, shopping, cultural events and all kinds of recreational activities, Oxnard is the perfect destination for visitors. We have a wide variety of hotels and resorts. You will find restaurants for every culinary liking. The climate alone is a great reason to live in or visit Oxnard.

Mark Spellman | Lazer Broadcasting Corporation

Thank you for your interest in the Oxnard Business and Community Guide. If you are a visitor to our city, we hope you will consider staying for a while. If you have an Oxnard business, we hope you are (or will be!) a supporter of the Chamber of Commerce. If you are currently a member of the Chamber, we thank you for supporting the organization that supports business!

Nancy Lindholm President / CEO

Chair: Amy Fonzo | California Resources Corporation Chair-Elect: Michael Wynn Song | Glovis America Inc. Vice Chair/Treasurer: Andrew Kiefer | CBIZ - MHM, LLC Vice Chair: Jesse Lamas Calvillo | AGQ Labs

Board of Directors Jill Bonilla | FASTSIGNS Steven Buenger | Buenger Commercial Real Estate Chad Byron | Procter & Gamble Paper Products Chris Do | MacValley Oil Co Richard Favor | Citizens Business Bank Paul Fode | Walmart Neighborhood Market Cynthia Herrera | Oxnard College Dona Toteva Lacayo | The Port of Hueneme Dean Maulhardt | Quality Packaging & Supplies Inc. Stacy Miller | Stacy Miller Public Affairs Shane Morger | The Tower Club Laura Mullen | DCH Auto Group Stacy Peterson | Umpqua Bank Michael Pynn | The Collection at RiverPark Suzanne Scar | Central Coast Imaging Solutions William Winfield | Schneiders & Associates, L.L.P. Celina Zacarias | CSU Channel Islands

Lifetime Directors Tom Cady | TKC Enterprises Marc L. Charney | Law Office of Marc L. Charney Florence LaManno | LaManno Insurance Services Patty Paumier | St. John’s Hospitals Tom Waddell | State Farm Insurance

Liaisons to the Board Cindy Crocket | Oxnard Ambassadors Ruth Osuna | City of Oxnard CAPT Michael Saum | Naval Base Ventura County Scott Whitney | Oxnard Police Department

Chamber Staff Nancy Lindholm | President/CEO Sharen Strong | Director of Member Services Janet Pozos | Director of Communications Jim Rose | Director of Workforce Development Nicole Chavez | Executive Assistant

Produced and Published by Oxnard Chamber of Commerce Design and Layout Janet Pozos Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The Chamber assumes no responsibility for misinformation in this publication. Please contact the Chamber with any additions or corrections. Reproductions in whole or in part without permission of the Chamber are prohibited.



Who we are



he Oxnard Chamber of Commerce is committed to promoting the business and economic well-being of a diverse community to benefit enterprises, big and small, through advocacy, services, education, business exposure and promotional opportunities. The Chamber values the quality of life in the Oxnard community and encourages economic vitality.

Represent the interest of business with government

Provide promotional opportunies and networking

Encourage a strong local economy

Oxnard Chamber’s Main Objectives Promote the community

Advocate political action


years of service

Major Chamber Events Annual Meeting & Installation of Directors State of the City Address Community & Business Awards Military Appreciation Dinner Oxnard Business Outlook

Oxnard Chamber of Commerce Standing Committees Chamber Ambassadors | Military Appreciation Business Advocacy | Water Issues

nearly 500 businesses representing over 30,000 employees compromise our membership

Workforce Education Readiness Oxnard Chamber Political Action

Visit www.OxnardChamber.org or call 805-983-6118 for dates and times



up-to-date information visit

| www.oxnardchamber.org


A great place to



he city of Oxnard is located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in West Ventura County. The largest city in the county with a population of just over 207,000, it combines the best attributes of a beautiful coastal setting and small town charm with its position as a hub of manufacturing, agriculture, financial services, defense, international trade and tourism. Incorporated in 1903, Oxnard today is a vibrant and culturally diverse community that celebrates its historical, recreational and environmental assets while planning proactively to create a prosperous, innovative and healthy future for residents, businesses and visitors.

A thriving military base provides a strong employment base and is a major contributor to the regional economy. Another important asset, the Port of Hueneme, is a deep water “break-bulk” facility, providing Ventura County with a port of entry and foreign trade zone status. The city has good transportation infrastructure including a municipal airport, a regional transportation center, rail service and direct access to U.S.101 Freeway and Pacific Coast Highway 1. It is well serviced by municipal and regional utilities for water, waste water, energy and telecommunications at competitive prices. Housing availability and affordability is one of Oxnard’s greatest assets. Its wide variety of housing types appeals to all age groups and those seeking choices for different types of lifestyles. The city has charming historic neighborhoods, mixed-use housing, waterfront housing, and attractive residential areas located along tree lined streets, parks, trails and beaches.

As the gateway to the Channel Islands National Park, Oxnard has a variety of outdoor recreation and attraction venues available year round, more than seven miles of public beaches, a thriving arts community and many events, festivals and other activities that contribute to Oxnard’s desirable quality of life and community spirit. The city provides a high level of services to residents, businesses and visitors.


207,524 LARGEST city in Ventura County


Oxnard is an important part of the Southern California marketplace. Long regarded as the most business-friendly community in Ventura County, Oxnard works strategically to strengthen and support all sectors of its economy. Local assets include master planned industrial parks, prime commercial and retail sites, a highly rated regional medical center and hospital, a flourishing community college, a well-trained workforce, and all the amenities of an ideal coastal community. The moderate climate, fertile topsoil and generally adequate groundwater supply lead to year-round agriculture production in the surrounding Oxnard Plain.

warm winters. Average rainfall is 15.64 inches per year, with the majority falling January through March. Unlike many other areas in Southern California, the city has outstanding air quality due to its coastal location and other factors.

median age



TH Largest City in California

days of



average high temp.

276 52.3F

average low temp.

average annual rainfall


Oxnard enjoys an ideal Mediterranean climate all year long. The daily temperature remains in a comfortable range, with cool summers and 4

Schedule a time little

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Widest Range and Some of the

Most Affordable Housing in Ventura County

Health Care Services


he level of healthcare services available in the Oxnard area is superb. State-of-the-art hospital and treatment facilities are modern and staffed by the highest caliber doctors and professionals. Professional medical clinics and groups are prevalent throughout Oxnard. Independent physicians are also located in the city. Oxnard residents are served primarily by St. John’s Regional Medical Center, which features 265 beds, including a 23-bed acute rehabilitation center and is linked to a 90,000 square-foot office building. The Center offers comprehensive services including cardiac care, pediatric and maternity services, rehabilitation and industrial medical services, oncology, and emergency services. It is also a major employer in the city. St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital, located in nearby Camarillo, has 81 acute-care beds, a 99-bed extended care unit, and the only hyperbaric medicine unit in Ventura County. The two hospitals are part of Dignity Health, and are highly rated. Located in the neighboring city of Ventura, Community Memorial Hospital is a non-profit, 242-bed, community-owned regional hospital and health center. The facility offers emergency, surgical, maternity, rehabilitation, and support services.

The city has the widest range of housing choice and type in the county, and is one of the more affordable areas to live in the county. Due to high levels of population growth in the past two decades, there was a great deal of housing construction to keep pace, but construction activity dropped significantly with the recession. With the economic recovery, housing production has increased since 2009. Total building permits issued in Oxnard for residential units increased from 145 in 2008 to 477 in 2012, primarily for multi-family units (Construction Industry Research Board, Profile of the City of Oxnard, SCAG, 2013). The rate of homeownership in Oxnard in 2012 was 55.7 percent of total households, compared to 54.3 percent for the county and 56.7 percent for California. (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey). The median monthly housing costs for both home ownership and renting were lower in Oxnard than in Ventura County.



home price

1233 in 2016

total homes sold

average days on

market 69 days *Provided by Jorge DeLeon of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

Expert doctors. The best quality care. At St. John’s Regional Medical Center and St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital, we believe in experienced physicians and advanced technology. Dignity Health is proud to serve the Greater Ventura County Community with our award-winning network of outstanding hospitals, surgery centers, health clinics, imaging centers, laboratories, post-acute centers, and expert physicians.

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Oxnard's competitive



Jamie Williams

xnard is strategically located along Highway 101 in West Ventura County, approximately 62 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles and 35 miles to the southeast of Santa Barbara. It is one of several communities in the fertile Oxnard Plain, a scenic region with a diversified economy. The Oxnard Plain is bordered by mountains to the north with numerous public recreation areas, while the Channel Islands National Park frames the western horizon. The area in the incorporated limits of the city of Oxnard is approximately 25 square miles. With the Pacific Ocean as its southwest border, the city of Ventura is located just west of Oxnard. The city of Camarillo is to the east. Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), consisting of Naval Air Station (NAS) Point Mugu and Construction Battalion Center (CBC). Port Hueneme, is located to the south of Oxnard.

e of

Oxnard’s ACCESSIBILITY Oxnard is accessible to major markets, with its transportation infrastructure constantly improving to meet the needs of a growing community. Transportation in and around Oxnard is easy due to its central location near several major California Highways and the Oxnard Transportation Center, the city’s hub for rail and bus service, including both Amtrak’s intercity trains and Metrolink commuter trains to the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles areas. Goods movement is by highway, rail and port. Highway 101, one of the state’s major northsouth freeways, passes through the center of Oxnard; it is the lead pathway of commercial truck lines, contract carriers and non-commercial

top crop for



THE PORT OF HUENEME is one of the most productive and efficient commercial trade gateways for niche cargo on the West Coast.

The Port is governed by 5 locally elected Port Commissioners. The Port moves $9 billion in goods each year and consistently ranks among the top ten U.S. ports for automobiles and fresh produce. Port operations support the community by bringing $1.5 billion in economic activity and creating 13,633 trade-related jobs. Trade through the Port of Hueneme generates more than $93 million in annual state and local taxes which funds vital community services. 7


vehicles. Twenty-seven miles east of Oxnard, Highway 126 connects with Interstate 5, providing access to the state’s only continuous north-south interstate route. California’s Route 1 takes travelers on the scenic roadway along the coast. Union Pacific Railroad connects Oxnard to all major west coast destinations and markets. The Port of Hueneme, the only deep water port between the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles, facilitates the movement of products such as fresh fruit and produce, and automobiles and heavy equipment, and is a major international trade resource for businesses. For those arriving by air, Oxnard is about 75 minutes northwest of Los Angeles Airport (LAX) and 50 minutes west of Burbank Airport. Oxnard has a general aviation airport owned by Ventura County, classified as a non-hub commercial service airport. It is conveniently located just west of downtown Oxnard and is close to the beach and many other attractions. Oxnard Airport has fixed based operators providing services such as aircraft charters, aircraft maintenance and pilot supplies, and hosts several car rental agencies and shuttle service to LAX. There are no commercial passenger flights at this time. Oxnard is an attractive area on the central coast for the industrial and commercial development sector. Agriculture, manufacturing, international trade, education, health services, business services, tourism and recreation, and government play a primary role in the regional growth of the Oxnard Plain. One of the most important sources of local economic impact is export activities across the nation. Ventura County’s (Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura Metro Area) top five goods exporting industries Continued to page 8

are pharmaceuticals, agriculture, semi-conductors, communications equipment, and computer equipment. The top service industries are financial services, various royalties, and management and consulting. The Metro Area ranked 24th nationally out of the top 100 metros on annualized real growth output growth rates from 2009-2012. Oxnard plays a major role in the region’s export economy.


$62,349 vs. nationally

$53,482 major employers in Oxnard Boskovich Farms Inc. Dole Berry Co. Haas Automation Inc. Oxnard College St. John’s Regional Medical Ctr

Relocating or Starting

Naval Base Ventura County


As of January 2015, the city of Oxnard’s Planning Division showed commercial projects being planned for and under construction, totaling 1,066,903 square feet of space. These projects provide for a mix of uses, including high end office space, smaller flexible space offices, and a mix of retail and commercial projects. The majority of the projects are for office-related uses, but two projects are for redevelopment of an older shopping area.


March 2017 Bureau of Labor Statistics

Another important area of competitive advantage for Oxnard and the regional economy is manufacturing. Brookings has been analyzing national trends in the geography of production. According to Brookings, more metropolitan areas specialize in manufacturing today than 30 years ago. Specialization of manufacturing has been increasing in Ventura County (Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura Metro Area) and the county is ranked 8th nationally for percentage of its manufacturing jobs classified as “very high-tech.” (Locating American Manufacturing: Trends in the Geography of Production, Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, www. brookings.edu/usmfg.) Oxnard has approximately 20 percent of the manufacturing jobs in the county (California EDD, 2012).

Oxnard is a thriving regional retail, office and industrial hub, with many master-planned commercial centers and large industrial parks that provide businesses with a location that is highly accessible to highways and transportation facilities, the Port of Hueneme, military facilities, and local, regional, national and international markets. Oxnard is part of the Greater Los Angeles market area, which includes Ventura County and the sub-markets of Los Angeles County.

median household



Top Employer

Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) is a premier naval installation composed of three operating facilities - Point Mugu, Port Hueneme and San Nicolas Island. Strategically located in a non-encroached coastal area of Southern California, NBVC is a key element in the DoD infrastructure because of its superior geographical location. NBVC supports approximately 80 tenant commands with a base population of more than 19,000 personnel. Tenant commands encompass an extremely diverse set of specialties that support both Fleet and Fighter, including three warfare centers: Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division and Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center. NBVC is also home to deployable units, including the Pacific Seabees and the West Coast E-2C Hawkeyes. NBVC is the largest employer in Ventura County and has an economic impact of $1.9 billion.



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­ nard residents enjoy a high quality of life. The city x is defined by open spaces, beaches and coastline, and agricultural areas. Key view corridors include local waterways, agricultural open space, beaches and mountains. The city has many diverse historic, cultural, performing arts and entertainment venues and activities. The city also offers a wide variety of youth and adult recreational programs to meet the needs of residents of all ages.

Cultural AND ARTS

Parks, Recreation & TRAILS Oxnard residents and visitors enjoy a great variety of year round outdoor and recreation amenities providing for hiking, biking, walking, swimming, surfing, fishing, kayaking, boating, golf, whale watching, and many other activities. They have access to a large variety of local parks and open space areas as well as nearby federal, state, county of Ventura, and city parks and beaches. These include the Channel Islands Harbor, the Channel Islands National Park and National Marine Sanctuary, Santa Monica National Recreation Area, NBVC Golf Course, McGrath State Beach, and Point Mugu State Beach. According to the General Plan 2030, Oxnard’s existing, under development or planned parks totaled almost 760 acres, with residents and visitors also using many nearby parks and beaches. Many wetlands and dunes are beautiful open space assets, and the harbor water area and River Ridge golf course add additional open space. All told, there are about 2,700 acres of traditional parks and beaches, open space and limited access preserve areas available to the public. New and under construction parks, beaches, and golf facilities will provide a ratio of 8.1 acres per 1,000 persons, an improvement from 6.9 acres in 2006. Oxnard containes approximately 66.0 miles of designated bikeways, including 3.3 miles of off-street bicycle paths, and 62.7 miles of bike lanes and routes. (Existing mileage is based on total mileage of roadway and therefore does not reflect mileage of facilities on both sides of the road.) 11


The city has many unique and notable cultural and arts-related amenities as well as a strong library system. As an example, the Carnegie Arts Museum is the only museum in Ventura County devoted to the Fine Arts. The Museum also has classes, workshops, lectures, tours and artist events. Other cultural assets include the Henry T. Oxnard Historic District, the Oxnard Performing Arts and Convention Center, the Plaza Entertainment and Arts District, Heritage Square, the Downtown Theatre, the Mullin Automotive Museum, and the Channel Islands Maritime Museum. There are many festivals and events that are enjoyed year round by residents and visitors, including the Strawberry Festival, the Oxnard Independent Film Festival, the Channel Islands Tall Ships Festival and the Oxnard Salsa Festival in the heart of the city, Downtown Oxnard.

Points of Interest & THINGS TO DO

CARNEGIE ART MUSEUM 424 S. C Street | 805-385-8158 | www.carnegieam.org

The Carnegie Art Museum presents temporary exhibitions changing quarterly, a permanent collection, and educational programs.


Corner of Oxnard Boulevard and Town Center Drive | 805-278-9500 | www.thecollectionrp.comm The Collection at RiverPark is a 750,000 square foot, open-air specialty retail center located in the heart of West Ventura County. The Collection is built around a town grid of retail streets, each of which has its own personality-a carefully crafted assortment of established and contemporary designer shops, distinctive dining, and signature entertainment venues.

Every year, thousands of visitors and residents experience the outstanding recreational opportunities in Oxnard. There are a multitude of diverse recreational activities within a small geographical area. Due in large part to Oxnard’s temperate and sunny climate, a wide variety of outdoor recreation and attraction venues are available to residents and visitors year round. More than seven miles of white sandy beaches, 58 parks and a state beach campground are found within the city. CHANNEL ISLANDS HARBOR Residents and visitors enjoy a diverse offering of activities. Sailing, kayaking, surfing, tennis, golf, bicycling and city programs are just some of the examples of recreational opportunities available in Oxnard. For hikers and bicyclists, there are numerous nearby trails and bike paths and lanes. The paths are available in several parks, along the beach and throughout Channel Islands Harbor. If water is more your venue, consider renting a kayak or electric boat to tour the harbor. Breathtaking sunsets and the sights on the Pacific Ocean provide a local paradise. POINTS  OF INTEREST Oxnard offers a golfer’s delight. In addition to River Ridge Golf Club, there are eight public and three private golf courses in the area to offer a variety of challenges and scenery. The Oxnard Convention & Visitors Bureau provides information on agricultural tours, sport fishing trips, citrus packing facility tours, home tours, historical points of interest, ecological tours of wetlands and sand dunes, military installations, wine tours and technical facilities tours. For information, call 805385-7545 or visit their website at www.visitoxnard. com. Cultural, civic and social activities are discovered abundantly in Oxnard. If you have an interest in fine art, there’s the Carnegie Art Museum located in Downtown Oxnard. For live theatre, consider the Elite Theatre. For the wine enthusiast, Oxnard is the home to wineries and tasting rooms – Herzog Wine Cellars and Rancho Ventavo Cellars among others.


3900 Bluefin Circle | 805-984-6260 | www.vcmm.org The Channel Islands Maritime Museum is a cultural and scenic haven in the Channel Islands Harbor complete with world class maritime art, ship models and ocean breezes. The museum has an ever-changing calendar of museum exhibitions. Their At Sea Education program supports three day youth sailing expeditions onboard working tall ships.


3600 S. Harbor Boulevard | 805-985-5828 Marine Emporium Landing is the gateway to the Channel Islands National Park and Marine Sanctuaries. Offering many exciting ways to experience Channel Islands Harbor and enjoy the water...any way you like it.

MULLIN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM 1421 Emerson Avenue | 805-385-5400 | www.mullinautomotivemuseum.com

The Mullin Automotive Museum pays homage to the art deco and the machine age – eras that produced exquisite art and magnificent automobiles. The museum is home to examples of the finest of historic French automobiles from the Bugatti to the Voisin as well as significant and representative decorative art from this same period.


3201 N. Ventura Road | 805-982-5165 The mission of the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum is to select, collect, preserve and display historic material relating to the history of the Naval Construction Force, better known as the Seabees, and the U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps. www.OxnardChamber.org


Dine Out


­ nard offers cuisine for every taste and options for x everyone’s budget. From the elegance of fine dining waterside, at great heights or in a working winery, there are endless choices. Selections for casual dining are abundant with choices for many varieties of ethnic fare. To view our full list of restaurants visit www.oxnardchamber.org or go to page 37 & 38.


Channel Islands Harbor is a place for adventure, romance, fun. Experience a place of adventure, romance, fun, and learning. Free summertime concerts, wonderful restaurants, children’s activities and educational programs. There’s something to do the year round…car shows, boat shows, sailing and lifeguard camps—or just a beautiful place for a family stroll. Rent a kayak, visit the Boating Center or Maritime Museum, take an island tour, a fishing trip or explore a tall ship. It’s all waiting for you.

Go to “Things to Do” at ChannelIslandsHarbor.org





97% of students who participate in Linked Learning Academies graduate high school

he caliber of Oxnard’s schools compares favorably with that of suburban areas throughout the United States. The city of Oxnard is served by four elementary school districts and one high school district, offering students excellent classrooms, teachers and support teams.

The Oxnard Union High School District provides secondary education for a diverse population of over 16,700 students spread over eight elementary districts in the cities of Port Hueneme, Camarillo and Oxnard. With seven comprehensive high schools, two alternative schools and an adult school, the OUHSD offers 22 Linked Learning Academies and 19 career technical education programs to assist its students in finding a viable career path in these communities. These programs impart 21st century learning skills and involve the local business community in providing both real world learning experiences and shaping the direction of the curriculum to meet the changing demands on the work force.

Oxnard has several institutions of higher learning in Oxnard or nearby. Oxnard Community College is a public, comprehensive two-year community college. It had a fall 2015 enrollment of 7,014 full and part time students. The College partners with local high schools to coordinate the transition to higher education and works closely with business and industry on workplace training programs. It offers programs with multiple career pathways in several industry sectors, including energy and utilities, engineering technology, finance and business health sciences and medical technologies, hospitality and tourism, and information technology. The College is undergoing a major expansion of facilities.

enrollment Oxnard Union

high school district

16,700 students

OUHSD collaborates with the Oxnard Chamber of Commerce through its Workforce Education Readiness Committee. This committee supports building strong partnerships between business and education at all levels to identify future workforce needs. Its focus is on support for the district’s Linked Learning Academies, career technical programs and the Young Entrepreneur’s Academy. These programs span the gamut of the 15 Department of Education identified industry sectors including such fields as health, business and finance, manufacturing, engineering, and agriculture, to name a few.

4 school districts elementary

enrollment over

32,000 students

Free Test Preparation


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Tra Trash sh h & recycl recycling ling services STURGIS RD Dumpster & rolloff box rentals FIFTH ST Top prices paid for cardboard & other recycling products NORTH Large appliances, bulk items & green waste accepted Full-service Recycling Buy-Back Center accepts aluminum cans, cardboard, paper, plastic & glass Call for pricing and CRV daily weight limits

www.Oxnard.org/EnvironmentalResources Environmental Resources Division

AAMCO Transmission 531 E Ventura Blvd (805) 983-8100 AutoZone* 2411 Saviers Rd (805) 487-4883 600 N Ventura Rd (805) 988-7550 2051 N Oxnard Blvd (805) 288-4390

Channel Islands Harbor Patrol* 3900 Pelican Way (805) 973-596 DCH Honda of Oxnard 1500 E Ventura Blvd (805) 973-1000 DCH Toyota of Oxnard 1631 Auto Center D Dr (805) 988-2321

Del Norte Regional Recycling and Transfer Station 111 S Del Norte Blvd (805) 385-8060 Dob's Brake and Auto* 330 S Oxnard Blvd (805) 483-4771 Firestone Store* 321 S Oxnard Blvd (805) 483-2295 Hill's Automotive* 1560 S Oxnard Blvd (805) 486-3400

Jiffy Lube* 101 W Esplanade Dr (805) 278-9931

O'Reilly Auto Parts* 1941 N Oxnard Blvd (805) 485-6226

611 S Rose Ave (805) 486-5655

2706 Saviers Rd (805) 385-3244

Jim Sharp Auto Repair 5577 Saviers Rd (805) 488-3110

Oxnard Hyundai* 1601 Ventura Blvd (805) 751-4680

Lister's Autocare 429 N Oxnard Blvd (805) 483-2176

* Filters Accepted

Mountain View Tire/Goodyear* 2341 N Vineyard Ave (805) 485-6744

Pep Boys 939 S Oxnard Blvd (805) 486-6387 Quickline Motorsports* 2451 Eastman Ave #8 (805) 604-7900 Tito's Automotive* 1311 Commercial Ave (805) 486-9025 Vista Ford of Oxnard 1501 Auto Center Dr (805) 983-6511

The Oil Recycling Centers are a free service to all residents. No appointments are necessary. *State certified centers offer 0.40 cents (or coupon value) per gallon of used motor oil. Call centers for hours of operation and quantities accepted.

www.Oxnard.org 17


Community Information & NEWCOMER INFO


City Resources

City of Oxnard 300 W. Third Street. Oxnard, CA 93030 805-385-7430 www.oxnard.org

Post Offices U.S. Postal Service 800-275-8777 1961 N. C Street 805-278-7615 2532 Saviers Road 800-275-8777 350 S. A Street 800-275-8777

Oxnard Chamber of Commerce 400 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 302 Oxnard, CA 93036 805-983-6118 www.oxnardchamber.org

Electricity Southern California Edison 800-655-4555 Gas Southern California Gas Company Residential 877-238-0092 Commercial 800-427-2200

Oxnard Police Department 251 S. C Street. Oxnard, CA 93030 805-385-7600 www.oxnardpd.org Oxnard Fire Department 360 W. Second Street. Oxnard, CA 93030 805-385-7722 www.oxnardfire.org

Water City of Oxnard


Trash City of Oxnard


cl in g

Libraries 251 S. A Street 805-385-7500 4300 Saviers Road 805-385-8129 1500 Camino del Sol, #26 805-385-8108

Abandoned Vehicles 805-982-7001 Affordable Housing & Rehab Loans 805-385-7400 Animal Control Services 805-385-7786 Building & Construction Permits 805-385-7925 Building & Construction Inspections 805-385-7936 Business Licenses 805-385-7817 Code Compliance 805-385-7940 Graffiti Hotline 805-385-8010 Hazardous Waste 805-987-0717 Planning & Zoning 805-385-7858 Recreation Programs 805-385-7995 Refuse/Recycling 805-385-8060 Senior Services 805-385-8019 Street Sweeping 805-385-8051 Traffic Signals 805-385-7866 Tree Trimming 805-385-7950 Oxnard Convention & Visitors Bureau 805-385-7545

l a i c r e Comm

y c Re

What you need to know California State law (AB 341) requires a recycling program for: • Businesses and facilities that produce 4 or more cubic yards of waste per week • Multi-family housing (condos, apartments, etc.) with five or more units Why recycle? • It’s State law • May help reduce trash disposal costs • Good for the environment, conserves natural resources and reduces greenhouse gasses How to get started? Arrange for recycling services, pickup or self-haul. More Information Environmental Resources Division www.Oxnard.org/EnvironmentalResources • (805) 385-8060





International Restaurant Week

Earth Day

Visitors are invited to participate in the culinary adventure in the seaside City of Oxnard. For more information visit www.visitoxnard.com or contact the Oxnard Convention & Visitors Bureau at 805-9880717.

Celebrate Earth Day with the City of Oxnard. Activities include live music, community displays, children’s activities, food and fun. For more information visit www.oxnard.org or contact 805385-7995.

Whale Watching


The coast of Oxnard is a whale watchers paradise with more that 100 species of sea life that migrate throughout the coastline.

California Strawberry Festival

4th of July Celebration & Fireworks by the Sea

Strawberry Meadows of College Park

Channel Islands Harbor

Ranking among the top Festivals in the entire nation, the fruitful fete boasts strawberries every way imaginable, featuring all day fun for the entire family with concerts, arts & crafts, cooking demonstrations, fun for kids featuring rides and attractions. For more information visit www.strawberry-fest.org or contact 805-385-4739.

The 4th of July Celebration at Channel Islands Harbor offers a full day of activities, entertainment and good food. Come and enjoy exhibits, an artist’s market, children’s rides & games and finish the day with a spectacular fireworks show at 9:00 pm. For more information visit www.channelislandsharbor. org or contact 805-985-4852.


Annual Channel Islands Harbor Fine Arts & Craft Show

Various locations

Channel Island Harbor


Downtown Plaza Park

Heritage Square Summer Concert Series Heritage Square Oxnard

FEBRUARY Tall Ships – Lady Washington


Channel Islands Harbor welcomes the Lady Washington, a faithful replica of the first American ship to round Cape Horn and land in the Pacific Northwest. Dockside tours and adventure sails are offered to the public. For more information visit www.channelislandsharbor.org or contact 805-9735950.

Father’s Day Car Show

Harbor Department Dock

MARCH Celebration of the Whales Festival Channel Islands Harbor

Channel Islands Harbor celebrates the migration of the whale with entertainment, educational exhibits, whale watching excursions, arts & crafts and more. For more information visit www. channelislandsharbor.org or contact 805-973-5950.


Pack a picnic, put on your dancing shoes, and head downtown for ten Fridays of great music at the ciyt’s most popular summer concert series. Each week offers a different sound sensation. Visit www. hertiagesquareoxnard.com or contact 805-4837960.

Channel Island Harbor

Dads can celebrate their special day by enjoying an eclectic mix of custom cars, hot rods and classics, all on display in the Channel Islands Harbor. The waterfront venue will also offer vendor booths, musical entertainment, 50/50 prize raffle and delicious food. For more information visit www. channelislandsharbor.org or contact 805-985-4852.

Ventura County Wine Trail Celebration Various Wineries

Relax in Real California Wine Country! Visit the tasting rooms, meet the wine makers, enjoy warm hospitality, beautiful scenery, and historic locations. For more information visit www.venturacounty winetrail.com or contact 805-983-1560.


Channel Island Harbor

A fine arts and crafts show produced by West Coast Artists, offering oil paintings, watercolors, photography, sculpture, pottery, woodcrafts, blown glass, metal, unique gift items and more. Free event. For more information visit www. channelislandsharbor.org or contact 805-985-4852.

Annual Oxnard Salsa Festival Plaza Park, Downtown Oxnard

Spicy food, hot music and Oxnard’s cool ocean breezes are on the menu for Salsa Festival in Oxnard. Plaza Park is the place for a two-day celebration of everything salsa – the food, the music, and the dance. You can taste it, you can dance it, and you can even take it home! Free admission and parking... it’s Southern California’s HOTTEST Summer Event! For more information visit www. oxnardsalsafestival.com or contact 805-247-0197

AUGUST Dallas Cowboys Training Camp River Ridge Playing Fields

Join us for the Dallas Cowboys practice typically in July and August. Admission is free. Other fun includes Kids Zone area and live performances by team mascot Rowdy! For more information visit www.visitoxnard.com/cowboys.

Ventura County Fair

Ventura County Fairgrounds From carnival rides to corn dogs…there’s something for everyone! There is so much to do at the Fair you won’t know where to start! You can feed a bunny, watch a hypnotist, listen to live musical performances, participate in contests, go on the rides, eats lots of yummy food and so much more down home county fair fun. For more information visit www.venturacountyfair.org or contact 805-6483376.

Concerts by the Sea Channel Islands Harbor

Set against a summer sky with the sparkling water as a backdrop, visitors can enjoy a multitude of musical selections with the “Concerts by the Sea” Summer Concert Series. Visitors are encouraged to bring picnics, blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy this fun family event. For more information visit www.channelislandsharbor.org or contact 805-9854852.

SEPTEMBER Autumn Historic Home Tours Oxnard Historic District

Visit beautiful works of art today, and hear a bit of history. The tour will showcase a selection of lovely homes built in Oxnard’s early days. For more information visit www.oxnardhistoricdistrict.com or contact 805-402-0016.

Ventura Vintage Rods Harbor Run Channel Islands Harbor

Gear heads, grease monkeys and wrench turners from throughout So Cal gather a car show featuring more than 300 classic cars and hotrods. For more information visit www.venturavintagerods.org or contact 805-479-1102.

OCTOBER Multicultural Festival City of Oxnard

The festival offers a variety of performing groups, live music, food vendors, exhibitors, demonstrations, and hands on activities for the entire family. Admission is always free. For more information visit www.oxnard. org or contact 805-385-7995.

NOVEMBER Galaxy of Gems Show

Oxnard Performing Arts Center Activities throughout both days will include demonstrations of lapidary techniques, glass-bead making, wire wrapping and rock polishing. A silent auction will offer rock and mineral treasures. On hand will be a select group of dealers with gems, minerals, fossils, stone beads, Idaho opals, silver craft, finished jewelry, tools, lapidary supplies and books about earth science and more. For more information visit www.oxnardgem.com.


Santa to the Sea Half Marathon

Course starts at Historic Santa Claus off the 101 Freeway This half marathon is great for veteran runners, as well as first-timers, and has, for many, become one of their favorites. The course goes through strawberry fields, downtown Oxnard, historic Candy Cane Lane and finally along the beach. At the end will be a festival with health & fitness exhibitors, holiday merchandise and a kid’s zone. For more information visit www.santatothesea.com.

Downtown Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting

Channel Island Harbor Parade of Lights

Join community leaders, downtown merchants, and friends in a festive tradition going back six decades to light up the county’s tallest Christmas tree – 110 feet high! Entertainment, complimentary refreshments, and Santa’s arrival ring in the season. For more information visit www.downtownoxnard.org or call 805.247.0197.

This time-honored tradition kicks off the holidays with a full day and evening of family fun, thousands of sparkling lights dancing on the water and the magical moment when Santa flies across the sky marking the beginning of the parade. Children’s activities and artists market will take place at Marine Emporium Landing; parade begins at 7 p.m. and can be viewed throughout the harbor. For more information visit www.channelislandharbor.com or contact 805-973-5950.

Downtown Oxnard

Victorian Christmas House Tour Heritage Square

Channel Island Harbor

Take a tour of the houses in Heritage Square all dressed up for Christmas! Docents, dressed in period clothing, guide visitors through the 1800’s-style Victorian houses that are filled with history and storybook tales. A blend of interior tours and vignettes. For more information visit www.visitoxnard.com or contact 805-483-7960.

Oxnard Tamale Festival Plaza Park

All day event features arts & crafts, community exhibits, pictures with Santa Claus, kids corner and of course the best mouth-watering tamales! For more information visit www.oxnardtamalefest.com or call 805-766-4906.


CHAMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advanced Pain Medical Group (805) 351-5517


AFLAC (805) 415-0353 AFLAC (805) 575-5053 AFLAC Regional Office (805) 603-3151

AppleOne Employment Services (805) 650-1814 Aramark Refreshments (310) 635-5000 Arc Ventura County (805) 650-8611 Armando Lopez Company (805) 351-8282

AG RX (805) 487-0696

Arnold LaRochelle Mathews VanConas & Zirbel LLP (805) 988-9886

AGQ Labs (805) 981-2972

Ashley Furniture Homestore (805) 981-0284

Agromin (805) 485-9200

Ashton Awards, Inc. dba: Aswell Trophy (805) 487-2224

Airport Towing (805) 385-3700 Al Lowe Construction, Inc. (805) 604-1104 Alert Real Estate Services, Inc. (805) 487-3838 Alexander Buick GMC Cadillac (805) 988-2200 Alexander Hyundai of Oxnard (805) 751-4680 ALLCABLE, Inc. (805) 981-2553 American Cancer Society (805) 644-4237 America’s Job & Career Center (805) 204-5165 AmeriGas Propane, LLC (805) 647-6603 AMLI Residential, Spanish Hills (805) 764-5523 Amoretti (805) 983-2903 Amports, Inc. (805) 488-4303 AMS Craig LLC (805) 278-1703 AMS Melinda LLC (805) 300-2020 Anacapa Isle Marina (805) 985-6035 Anderson Construction (805) 981-2110 Andreini and Company (805) 981-9585 Anterra Energy Services Inc. (805) 981-4053 21


Aspen Helicopters (805) 985-5416 Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (805) 483-4488 Avery Insurance & Financial Services (805) 482-1010 Barkley Insurance & Risk Management (805) 483-1995 B

Beach Cities Dental (805) 278-8887

MEMBERS SORTED BY COMPANY NAME Buenger Commercial Real Estate, Inc. (805) 985-1007 Buffalo Wild Wings (805) 988-9464 Cabo Seafood Grill & Cantina (805) 487-6933 C

Cal Lutheran University - Oxnard Center @ The Palms (805) 493-3170 CalAtlantic Group (805) 379-6600 Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc. (805) 253-0370

Center for Family Health (805) 981-3770 Center for Family Health (805) 985-5505 Center for International Trade Development, hosted by SBCC (805) 892-3643 Central Coast Imaging Solutions (805) 654-0590 Channel Cities Jazz Club (805) 487-3062 Channel Islands Harbor Apartments LLC (310) 207-3100

California Bank & Trust (805) 485-9676

Channel Islands Maritime Museum (805) 984-6260

California Kettle Corn (805) 715-1500

Channel Islands Self Storage (805) 488-3886

California Resources Corporation (805) 232-9605 California State University Channel Islands (805) 437-8400 California Strawberry Commission (831) 724-1301

Channel Islands Sportfishing (805) 382-1612 Channel Islands SurgiCenter (805) 485-1908 Channel Islands YMCA (805) 569-0947 Charles Allison - State Farm Agent (805) 604-0900

California Strawberry Festival (805) 385-4739

Charter College (805) 973-1240

Best Best & Krieger LLP (213) 617-8100

Calleguas Municipal Water District (805) 579-7111

Charter Communications (855) 721-5074

Best Western Oxnard Inn (805) 483-9581

Camarillo Hospice (805) 389-6870

Better Business Bureau (805) 963-8657

Canteen Food & Vending of Coastal California Inc. (805) 485-1414

Beardsley & Son, Inc. (805) 485-2113

BGN Fremont Square, Ltd. (714) 668-8888 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County (805) 484-2282 Block Advisors (805) 981-9508 Blois Construction, Inc. (805) 656-1432 BMW of North America (805) 271-2413 Bobalu Berries (805) 485-2519 Boys & Girls Clubs of Oxnard/ Port Hueneme (805) 815-4959

Caregivers (805) 658-8530 Carey & Hanna | Tax & Wealth Planners (805) 644-0697 Carnegie Art Museum Cornerstones (805) 385-8158 CBC Federal Credit Union (805) 988-2151 CBIZ MHM, LLC (805) 988-3222 CBL Enterprise Inc. (805) 233-7343 Center for Family Health (805) 487-5585

Chick-fil-A (805) 988-9232 Child Development Resources (805) 485-7878 Citizens Business Bank (805) 485-7600 City of Oxnard (805) 385-7430 Clamshell Buildings (805) 988-1340 Clear Channel Outdoor (310) 755-7263 Clinicas Del Camino Real, Inc. (805) 659-1740 Cloudburst Misting Systems (805) 986-4125 Coastal Copy, LP (805) 722-1819 Coastal Occupational Medical Group (805) 988-3200

CHAMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cobalt Security Services, Inc. (866) 819-2611 Cohen Medical Centers (805) 449-8781 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage (805) 985-4444 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage (805) 648-5051 Collection at RiverPark/ CenterCal Properties, LLC, The (805) 278-9500 Community Action of Ventura County, Inc. (805) 436-4000 Community West Bank (805) 597-4140 Cornwall Security Services (805) 676-1828 Costco (805) 983-4200 Councilman Bryan MacDonald (805) 857-5236 Courtyard by Marriott Oxnard (805) 988-3600 Crowne Plaza - Ventura Beach (805) 652-5108 D

DCH Audi of Oxnard (805) 288-3800

DCH Auto Group (805) 988-2300 DCH Honda of Oxnard (805) 973-1000


Easterseals Southern California (805) 278-0612

EDC - VC (805) 384-1800 Edward Jones (805) 981-0518 EF Oxnard, LLC (805) 385-6375 EMC Seafood & Raw Bar (805) 278-4887 Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort (805) 984-2500 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (805) 271-9691 Employers Depot, Inc. dba Workforce Systems (805) 658-6100 Employers Group (805) 807-9922 Employment Development Department (805) 288-8410

Friends of Channel Islands Harbor (805) 443-1235 Funeraria Del Angel Conrad’s & James Reardon (805) 487-4911 G

Garden Acres Santa Claus Inc. (805) 485-7233

George Thompson Diamond Co. (805) 388-5750 Gibbs Truck Center Inc. (805) 485-0551 Gills Onions, LLC (805) 240-1983 Glovis America Inc. (805) 382-9601 Gold Coast Health Plan (805) 437-5535

Heritage Park Apartments (805) 483-7922 Herzog Wine Cellars (805) 983-1560 Hip-Hop Help (805) 205-5003 Holiday Inn Express Port Hueneme (805) 986-5353 Home Depot (805) 983-0653 Homeland Security Solutions, Inc (805) 982-3141 HUB International Insurance Services, Inc. (805) 682-2571 I

Impulse Advanced Communications (805) 456-5800

Enterprise Truck Rental Ventura (805) 642-0811

Golden State Self Storage (805) 983-1978

Integrated Fire & Safety (805) 648-5906

Express Employment Professionals (805) 973-1870

Golden State Storage (805) 988-4949


Family Optometric Group (805) 382-2020

Farm Bureau of Ventura County (805) 289-0155

Diversified Minerals Inc. (805) 247-1069

Farrar Insurance Agency (805) 604-9804

DJ’s California Catering (805) 850-0194

FASTSIGNS (805) 278-7800

Document Systems (805) 650-6482

Ferguson Case Orr & Paterson LLP (805) 659-6800

Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. (805) 984-7494

Fresco II on the Marina (805) 985-4700

Heritage Oaks Bank (805) 369-5200

Industrial Park Associates (805) 983-2200

DCH Toyota of Oxnard (805) 988-7900

Downtown Oxnard Business Association (805) 247-0197

Four Points by Sheraton (805) 658-1212

Herald Printing - Precision Graphic Solutions (805) 647-4778

Gold Coast Transit (805) 483-3959

Farber Hass Hurley LLP (805) 504-8410

Dottie’s Sweet Delights (805) 607-9495

FOOD Share (805) 983-7100

Enterprise Car Sales (805) 658-9638

DCH Lexus of Oxnard (805) 988-8500

Domino’s Pizza (805) 650-9946


FileYourTaxes.com (805) 644-9398

Jackson Tidus (805) 418-1910

Goodwill Industries (805) 981-0130

Jani Tek Cleaning Solutions (805) 823-8296

Grand Canyon University (805) 804-2674

Jay Nolan Community Services (818) 361-6400

Green Thumb International (805) 642-8517

Jensen Design & Survey, Inc. (805) 654-6977

Guild Mortgage Company (805) 389-6800

Jersey Mike’s Subs at Seabridge (805) 985-3900


Haas Automation (805) 278-1800

Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County ReStore (805) 981-2268 Hampton Inn & Suites (805) 389-9898

Final Code (805) 243-8321

Hampton Inn Channel Islands Harbor (805) 985-1100

Flowers By Paulann (805) 487-2783

Hardy Moll Realty, Inc. (805) 985-9878

Flying Trolley Self-Storage (805) 382-2242


John Derr Agent - State Farm Insurance (805) 988-8895 John McGrath Family Partnership (805) 231-7084 Jones & Maulding Insurance Agency (805) 486-4701 K

Kabuki Restaurants, Inc. (805) 981-2973

Kaiser Permanente (805) 223-2229 www.OxnardChamber.org


CHAMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kalstar Enterprises, LLC (805) 983-0993 Kanaloa Seafood Market & Kitchen (805) 966-5159 Keeba Kool’s Toning Shack (805) 985-5665 Keene’s Hardware Inc. (805) 486-3016 Keller Williams Realty (805) 643-3337 Kelly Services (805) 981-8147 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (805) 973-5700 Kids Dental Kare (805) 248-7070 Kirby Auto Group (805) 585-3617 LaManno Insurance Services (805) 340-5274 L

Laurel River Park (805) 366-3446 Laurus College (805) 267-1690 Law Office of Marc L. Charney (805) 988-8321 Law Offices of Nancy Kierstyn Schreiner (805) 248-9093 Lazer Broadcasting Corporation (805) 240-2070 Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar (805) 351-4888 Lee & Associates (818) 223-4395 Levity Live & Copper Blues Restaurant (805) 457-5550

Luz Matzen - Medicare Insurance Agent (805) 816-8940 M.J.B. Building Maintenance (805) 985-7010 M

MacValley Oil Company (805) 485-6900 Magnolia Family Medical Center (805) 981-5151 Manpower (805) 983-1300 Maria’s Italian Kitchen (805) 988-3300 Marine Emporium Landing (805) 985-5828 Marriott International / Government Travel (805) 914-7223 Mary Law Private School (805) 483-7930 Massage Envy Spa - Oxnard (805) 981-3689 Maulhardt Insurance Agency (805) 988-8810 Mayerson Marketing & Public Relations (805) 373-1100 McCarty and Son’s Towing (805) 487-0117 McDonald’s #12993 (805) 278-9377 McDonald’s #13046 (805) 382-2558 McGaelic Group (805) 642-0211 McManigal Media (805) 658-0900 Meathead Movers (805) 987-7201

Limoneira Co. (805) 525-5541

MediaMation, Inc. (310) 320-0696

Lineage Logistics, dba Terminal Freezers (805) 483-2265

Mercedes-Benz of Oxnard & Smart Center Oxnard (805) 665-3011

LionsGate Self Storage (805) 247-0609

Mercy Crusade’s Spay, Neuter Wellness Clinic (805) 278-4433

Lowthorp, Richards, McMillan, Miller, Templeman, APC (805) 981-8555

Merrill Lynch (805) 983-6053

Luna Grill (805) 278-1115

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (213) 217-6138



MEMBERS SORTED BY COMPANY NAME Missy’s Cupcake Creations (805) 382-4852 Monsanto Vegetable Seeds (805) 918-2321 Montgomery Self Storage (805) 604-2222

Oxnard Convention & Visitors Bureau (805) 385-7545 Oxnard Downtown Management District (805) 385-2705

Moqueca Brazilian Cuisine (805) 204-0970

Oxnard Family Circle Adult Day HealthCare Center (805) 385-4180

Mullin Automotive Museum (805) 385-5400

Oxnard Firefighters Association (805) 469-2041

MV Transportation, Inc. (805) 988-4891

Oxnard Lemon Company (805) 483-1173

Myers, Widders, Gibson, Jones & Feingold, LLP (805) 644-7188

Oxnard Mitsubishi (805) 278-8200

NAI Capital Commercial Real Estate Services (805) 278-1400 N

National University (805) 437-3017 New-Indy, Oxnard LLC (805) 271-7265 Nicoll Insurance and Investment Services (805) 642-1775 NLFL - Forklift Outlet (805) 988-1865 Nothing Bundt Cakes (805) 918-4560 NRG Energy, Inc. (805) 986-7241 Nuvair (805) 815-4044 O

Ocean-Aire (805) 488-1512

Okada Chiropractic Health Care (805) 988-1718 Opportunities For Learning (805) 278-0713 O-Sabi Japanese Restaurant (805) 642-6200 Oxnard Adult School (805) 385-5227 Oxnard Airport - Ventura County Department of Airports (805) 388-4273 Oxnard Ambassadors (805) 750-8125 Oxnard Army Recruiting Center (805) 602-0364 Oxnard College (805) 678-5808

Oxnard Pacific Mobile Estates (805) 488-3675 Oxnard Pallet Co. (805) 487-8458 Oxnard Performing Arts & Convention Center (805) 385-8147 Oxnard Police Activities League, Inc. (805) 385-8230 Oxnard School District (805) 385-1501 Oxnard Union High School District (805) 385-2527 Pacific Clinics - TAY Center (805) 240-2538 P

Pacific Coast Business Times (805) 560-6950 Pacific View Mall (805) 642-0605 Pacific Water Conditioning (805) 498-6626 Pacific Western Bank (805) 485-6682 Palms Imaging Center (805) 604-9500 Palms Shopping Center / The Muller Company (805) 485-1542 Paradise Chevrolet (805) 642-0111 Parkstone Companies (805) 373-8808 Paychex, Inc. (805) 650-0611

CHAMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Paz Mar Waterfront Homes (805) 985-6004 Pegasus Transit, Inc. (805) 988-1540 Performance Therapy Center (805) 240-3373 Pinnpack Packaging, LLC (805) 385-4100 PKG Packaging (805) 278-6648 Players Casino (805) 643-1392 Plaza Cinemas 14 (805) 487-8306 PODS “Moving & Storage, Solved” (805) 644-6503 Ponderosa Office Supply Inc. (805) 484-2873 The Port of Hueneme (805) 488-3677 Ports America (805) 271-4222 Premier America Credit Union (805) 988-7891 Premier America Credit Union (805) 487-4847 Premier Orthodontics (805) 485-1111 Primerica Financial Services (805) 253-0482 PrimeSkill Staffing (805) 981-1415 Procter & Gamble Paper Products (805) 983-8939 PTI Technologies Inc. (805) 604-3700 Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc. (805) 983-8200 Q

Quality Packaging & Supplies, Inc. (805) 240-2410 R

Rabobank (805) 240-1440

Rancho Ventavo Cellars (805) 483-8084 Reardon Funeral Home (805) 487-1720 Regal Medical Group (805) 210-7411

REMAX Gold Coast Property Management (805) 832-4075 Rescue Mission Alliance (805) 487-1234 Residence Inn by Marriott/River Ridge (805) 278-2200 Reyes Construction, Inc. (909) 622-2259 RINCON, LLC (805) 413-4077 Rio School District (805) 485-3111 River Park Cleaners (805) 751-5588 River Ridge Golf Club (805) 981-8722 RiverPark Dentistry (805) 394-1400 RoadRunner Shuttle (805) 389-8196 Robert Half (805) 485-1778 Rotary Club of Oxnard (805) 604-4844 S. H. Huber and Associates, Inc. (805) 509-9214 S

SA Recycling - Oxnard (805) 486-7525 Safeguard Business Printing (805) 486-9769 Salvation Army - Oxnard Corps (805) 483-9235 Sam’s Club (805) 983-2442 SAN Corporation (805) 988-0640 Santa Clara High School (805) 483-9502 Santa Clara Mortuary (805) 485-5757 SC Fuels (805) 299-1219 Schneiders & Associates, L.L.P. (805) 764-6370 Scosche Industries Inc. (805) 486-4450 Searle Creative Group (805) 850-0541

MEMBERS SORTED BY COMPANY NAME SeaView IPA (805) 988-2280 SEEAG (805) 901-0123 Servpro of Camarillo/Oxnard (805) 484-5009 Sespe Consulting, Inc (805) 275-1515 Shea Properties (805) 988-7641 Shoreline Care Center (805) 488-3696 Signal 88 Security (844) 744-6258 Signarama - Ventura (805) 477-0243 Simi Valley Landfill & Recycling Center (805) 579-7267 SkyForge Productions (805) 218-0041 Smart & Final Extra (Ox. Blvd) (805) 485-2051 Smart & Final Extra (C.I. Blvd) (805) 240-1199 Smart Shuttle (805) 482-0202 Smucker Fruit Processing Co. (805) 487-5483 Soares, Sandall, Bernacchi & Petrovich, LLP (805) 485-7965 SoCalGas (877) 238-0092 Society of St. Vincent de Paul (800) 974-3571 Soroptimist International of Oxnard no number listed Southern California Edison Company (800) 655-4555 Southland Sod Farms (805) 488-3585 Spatz Laboratories (805) 487-2122 Spherion Staffing & Recruiting (805) 973-0950 Spiritual Advisor (805) 487-3381

St. John’s Regional Medical Center (805) 988-2500 Stacy Miller Public Affairs (818) 402-5806 Stantec (805) 981-0706 State Farm - Tom Waddell, CLU, Agent (805) 604-1800 Steven Trolard & Associates (805) 495-8199 StorHouse Storage Center (805) 382-2629 StorQuest Self Storage (805) 487-7102 Superior Cooling (805) 486-4801 SurFaces USA (805) 604-1568 Swift Financial Corporation (805) 641-2121 Sycamore Senior Village (805) 263-6464 T & T Truck & Crane Service (805) 648-3348 T

Team Nissan (805) 485-8787 Tel-Tec Security Systems Inc. (661) 397-5511 TKC Enterprises (805) 432-8405 Tolman & Wiker Insurance Services, LLC. (805) 585-6100 Tony’s Body Shop (805) 485-5514 Topa Management Company (805) 485-3193 The Tower Club (805) 983-7777 Triliad Development, Inc. (818) 991-7033 Turning Point Foundation (805) 652-0000 U

U.S. Healthworks (805) 983-2234

U.S. Navy Seabee Museum (805) 982-5165 www.OxnardChamber.org


CHAMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY UBREAKIFIX OXNARD (805) 988-5808 UCLA Health (805) 642-8252 U-Haul of Oxnard of Van Nuys (805) 487-2754 Umpqua Bank (805) 288-4500 UNIFY Financial Credit Union (877) 254-9328 Union Bank (805) 278-1475 United Staffing Associates (805) 278-0016 United Way of Ventura County (805) 485-6288 University of Phoenix (702) 465-9178 The UPS Store (805) 983-6100 Upside Investments, LP (818) 224-1544 U-Rent/Party Pleasers (805) 488-1516 Vallarta Supermarkets #44 (805) 983-3403 V

Valley Care IPA (805) 604-3332 Ventura Axxess (805) 456-9303 Ventura County Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business (805) 633-2291 Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors (805) 981-2100 Ventura County Community Development Corp (805) 273-7800 Ventura County Credit Union (805) 477-4000 Ventura County Economic Development Association (805) 676-1332 Ventura County Fairgrounds (805) 648-3376 Ventura County Harbor Department (805) 973-5950



Ventura County Lodging Association (805) 644-2500 Ventura County Occupational Medical Center (805) 988-2273 Ventura County Taxpayers Association (805) 744-7351 Ventura County Transportation Commission (805) 642-1591 Ventura Hose-Man (805) 988-1072 Ventura Orthopedics Medical Group, Inc. (805) 988-9366 Ventura Pacific Company (805) 385-3345 Vida Newspaper (805) 483-1008 Vintage Marina Partners L.P. (805) 984-3366 Vista Ford Lincoln of Oxnard (805) 983-6511 Vista Real Charter High School (805) 486-5449 Walker & Paul Real Estate Management and Sales (805) 483-5899 W

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, Americas, LLC (805) 488-4000 Walmart (Rose Ave.) (805) 981-4884 Walmart (Saviors Rd.) (805) 200-5224 Walmart Neighborhood Market (805) 604-2082 Waterside Restaurant & Wine Bar (805) 985-4677 Well-Pict Berries (805) 271-0595 Wells Fargo Advisors (805) 482-0752 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (805) 278-3220 West Coast Sash & Door (805) 644-4902

MEMBERS SORTED BY COMPANY NAME Western Precooling Systems (805) 487-3406 Western States Petroleum Association (661) 321- 0884 Whole Foods Market (805) 751-4300 Wiggins Lift Co, Inc. (805) 485-7821 Workrite Uniform Company (805) 483-0175 Y

Yara North America (805) 488-4649

Yellow Cab Co. (805) 383-5544 Yolanda’s Mexican Cafe (805) 985-1340 Z

Zev Technologies, Inc. (805) 486-5800

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Alert Real Estate Services, Inc........................................................................................................... Page 36 California Strawberry Festival..............................................................................................................Page 10 CBC Federal Credit Union..................................................................................................................Page 29 Channel Islands Sportsfishing....................................................................................................Map, Page 38 City of Oxnard.......................................................................................................................Inside Cover & 17 City of Oxnard (Del Norte Regional Recycling & Transfer Station).............................................Map, Page 17 City of Oxnard/Environmental Resources............................................................................................Page 18 Clear Channel Outdoor.........................................................................................................................Page 9 Coastal Occupational Medical Group..................................................................................................Page 10 Courtyard/Residence Inn.....................................................................................................................Page 16 Document Systems, Inc.......................................................................................................................Page 10 Friends of Channel Island Harbor........................................................................................................Page 13 Gold Coast Transit...............................................................................................................................Page 16 Habitat for Humanity of Ventura..........................................................................................................Page 35 Herald Printing, Ltd...............................................................................................................................Page 9 Lineage Logistics, dba Terminal Freezers...........................................................................................Page 39 Nicoll Insurance...................................................................................................................................Page 33 NRG.....................................................................................................................................................Page 15 Oxnard Adult School............................................................................................................................Page 14 Oxnard Pallet Company......................................................................................................................Page 34 Pegasus Transit, Inc............................................................................................................................Page 10 Players Casino.....................................................................................................................................Page 15 PODS® Moving, Storage, Solved™.....................................................................................................Page 10 Premier America Credit Union.....................................................................................................Pages 28,29 Premier Orthodontics...........................................................................................................................Page 10 Reyes Construction, Inc......................................................................................................................Page 29 River Ridge Golf Club..........................................................................................................................Page 16 SA Recycling - Oxnard........................................................................................................................Page 37 Spherion Staffing...................................................................................................................................Page 5 St. John’s Regional Medical Center......................................................................................................Page 6 State Farm - Tom Waddell, CLU, Agent...............................................................................................Page 14 The Patio..............................................................................................................................................Page 14 U.S. Healthworks.......................................................................................................................Map, Page 32 UCLA.....................................................................................................................................................Page 5 United Staffing Associates...................................................................................................................Page 30 Ventura Orthopedics Medical Group, Inc...................................................................................Map, Page 32 www.OxnardChamber.org



BUYER’S GUIDE Accountants & CPA's Carey & Hanna | Tax & Wealth Planners Ms. Danya Carey 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 644-0697 www.taxwealthplan.com CBIZ MHM, LLC Ms. Veronica Quintana 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 250 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-3222 www.cbiz.com Farber Hass Hurley LLP Ms. Patricia Farber 888 W. Ventura Boulevard, Suite A Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 504-8410 www.fhhcpas.com Soares, Sandall, Bernacchi & Petrovich, LLP Ms. Billie Jo Rodriguez 405 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 300 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-7965 www.ssbp.com Adult Day Care Oxnard Family Circle Adult Day HealthCare Center Ms. Inna Berger 2100 Outlet Center Drive, Suite 380 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 385-4180 www.oxnardfamilycircle.com Advertising Clear Channel Outdoor Mr. John Duong 19320 Harborgate Way Torrance, CA 90501 (310) 755-7263 Agriculture AG RX Ms. Kimberly Eisol 751 S. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-0696 www.agrx.com Agromin Mr. Bill Camarillo 201 Kinetic Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-9200 www.agromin.com AGQ Labs Ms. Sandra Robles 2451 Eastman Avenue, Suite 1 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-2972 www.agqlabs.us.com Beardsley & Son, Inc. Ms. Melinda Beardsley 2473 Camino del Sol Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-2113 www.beardsleyandson.com 27


MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. Mr. Dean Diefenthaler 860 Pacific Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 984-7494 www.duda.com Gills Onions, LLC Mr. Steven Gill 1051 S. Pacific Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 240-1983 www.gillsonions.com John McGrath Family Partnership Mr. Tim McGrath PO Box 4549 Ventura, CA 93007 (805) 231-7084 Limoneira Co. Mr. John Chamberlain 1141 Cummings Road Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 525-5541 www.limoneira.com

Agronomy & Pesticide Residue Laboratory AGQ Labs Ms. Sandra Robles 2451 Eastman Avenue, Suite 1 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-2972 www.agqlabs.us.com Airport Transportation RoadRunner Shuttle Ms. Valerie White 240 S. Glenn Drive Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 389-8196 www.rrshuttle.com Smart Shuttle Mr. Masood Babaeian 554 S. Dawson Drive Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 482-0202 www.smartshuttle805.com Apartments

Monsanto Vegetable Seeds Ms. Jackie Beairsto 2700 Camino Del Sol Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 918-2321 www.monsanto.com

Channel Islands Harbor Apartments LLC Mr. Darrel Malamut 270 N. Canon Drive, Penthouse Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 207-3100

Oxnard Lemon Company Mr. Samuel Mayhew 2001 Sunkist Circle Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 483-1173 www.oxnardlemon.com

Heritage Park Apartments Mr. Joseph Rodriguez 820 S. E Street, Leasing Office Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-7922 www.heritageparkapts.com

SEEAG Ms. Mary Marafnville 1629 East Main Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 901-0123 www.seeag.org

Paz Mar Waterfront Homes Ms. Sugheyla Torres 3100 Peninsula Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-6004 www.pazmarapartments.com

Southland Sod Farms Mr. Jurgen Gramckow PO Box 579 Port Hueneme, CA 93044 (805) 488-3585 www.sod.com

Sycamore Senior Village Ms. Fenix Pleitez 333 N. F Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 263-6464 www.sycamoreseniorvillageca.com

Ventura Pacific Company Mr. Donald E. Dames 245 E. Colonia Road Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 385-3345 www.venturapacific.com


Well-Pict Berries Mr. Steve McGuire 4300 Etting Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 271-0595 Yara North America Mr. Jay Prosch Oxnard Harbor District Dock 1, Building 582 Port Hueneme CA, 93041 (805) 488-4649 www.yara.com

Clinics - TAY Center Ms. Jennifer Gomez 141 W. 5th Street, Suite D Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 240-2538 www.pacificclinics.org Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors Ms. Marta Golding Brown 2350 Wankel Way Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-2100 www.vccar.com Ventura County Economic Development Association Ms. Sandy Smith PO Box 2744 Camarillo, CA 93011 (805) 676-1332 www.vceda.org Ventura County Taxpayers Association Mr. Richard Thomson 1827 Knoll Drive Ventura CA, 93003 (805) 744-7351 www.vcta.org Western States Petroleum Association Mr. Bob Poole PO Box 21108 Santa Barbara, CA 93121 (661) 321- 0884 www.wspa.org Attorneys Arnold LaRochelle Mathews VanConas & Zirbel LLP Ms. Susan L. McCarthy 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 2100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-9886 www.atozlaw.com Best Best & Krieger LLP Mr. Ruben Duran 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 1280 Oxnard, CA 93036 (213) 617-8100 www.bbklaw.com

Friends of Channel Islands Harbor Mr. Steven L. Kinney 3600 S. Harbor Boulevard, Suite 119 Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 443-1235

Ferguson Case Orr & Paterson LLP Mr. Michael Velthoen 1050 S. Kimball Road Ventura, CA 93004 (805) 659-6800 www.fcoplaw.com

Oxnard Downtown Management District Mr. Abel Magana 519 South C Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-2705 www.downtownoxnard.org

Jackson Tidus Mr. Greg Regier 2815 Townsgate Road, Suite 200 Westlake Village, CA 91361 (805) 418-1910 www.jacksontidus.com

Oxnard Firefighters Association Mr. Blair Martin PO Box 5503 Oxnard, CA 93031 (805) 469-2041 www.oxnardfirefighters.org

BUYER’S GUIDE Law Office of Marc L. Charney Mr. Marc L. Charney 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 300 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-8321 www.mcharneylaw.com Law Offices of Nancy Kierstyn Schreiner Ms. Nancy Kierstyn Schreiner 751 Daily Drive, Suite 325 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 248-9093 www.nkslaw.com Lowthorp, Richards, McMillan, Miller & Templeman, APC Mr. Steven B. Hilton 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 850 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-8555 www.lrmmt.com Myers, Widders, Gibson, Jones & Feingold, LLP Mr. Hank Tovar 5425 Everglades Street Ventura, CA 93006 (805) 644-7188 www.mwgjlaw.com Schneiders & Associates, L.L.P. Mr. David Schneider 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 1980 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 764-6370 www.rstlegal.com Steven Trolard & Associates Mr. Steven Trolard 400 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 302 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 495-8199 www.trolard.com Automotive - Body Shops Oxnard Mitsubishi Ms. Victoria Ramirez 1345 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-8200 www.oxnardmitsubishi.com Tony's Body Shop Mr. Jay Flores 497 Lambert Street Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-5514 www.tonysbodyshop.com Automotive - Dealers Alexander Buick GMC Cadillac Mr. Kurt Johnson 1501 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-2200 www.alexanderbgc.com Alexander Hyundai of Oxnard Mr. Kurt Johnson 1601 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 751-4680 www.oxnardhyundai.com

MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY DCH Audi of Oxnard Mr. Howard Schwartz 1521 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 288-3800 www.dchaudioxnard.com

Vista Ford Lincoln of Oxnard Mr. Darin Glinski 1501 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-6511 www.vistaoxnard.com

Heritage Oaks Bank Ms. Kristi Messina 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 1140 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 369-5200 www.heritageoaksbank.com/bdavis

DCH Auto Group Ms. Laura Mullen 1631 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-2300 www.dchauto.com

Automotive - Import/Export

Pacific Western Bank Ms. Wendy McDonough 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 102 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-6682 www.pacificwesternbank.com

DCH Honda of Oxnard Mr. Nick Dunlea 1500 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 973-1000 www.dchhondaofoxnard.com DCH Lexus of Oxnard Mr. George Yazbek 1640 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-8500 www.lexusofoxnard.com DCH Toyota of Oxnard Ms. Laura Mullen 1631 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-7900 www.toyotaofoxnard.com

BMW of North America Mr. Al Cardona 5650 Arcturus Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 271-2413 www.bmwusa.com Glovis America Inc. Mr. Michael Wynn Song NBVC 32nd Avenue & Track 13 Road, Building 1468 Port Hueneme CA, 93041 (805) 382-9601 america.glovis.net/English Automotive - Service & Parts Oxnard Mitsubishi Ms. Victoria Ramirez 1345 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-8200 www.oxnardmitsubishi.com Automotive - Truck Dealers

Enterprise Car Sales Mr. Raymond T. Cassaday 1144 Arundell Avenue Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 658-9638 www.enterprisecarsales.com

Gibbs Truck Center Inc. Mr. Edward Gibbs PO Box 5206 Oxnard, CA 93031 (805) 485-0551 www.gibbstrucks.com

Kirby Auto Group Mr. Bruce Holley 6424 Auto Center Drive Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 585-3617 www.kirbyauto.com

Bakeries / Specialty Cakes

Mercedes-Benz of Oxnard & Smart Center Oxnard Mr. Gordon Giacomazzi 1511 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 665-3011 www.mbofoxnard.com Oxnard Mitsubishi Ms. Victoria Ramirez 1345 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-8200 www.oxnardmitsubishi.com Paradise Chevrolet Mr. Leonard Morin 6350 Leland Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-0111 www.paradisechevrolet.com Team Nissan Mr. Steve Wallace 1801 Auto Center Drive Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 485-8787 www.teamnissandirect.com

Missy's Cupcake Creations Ms. Missy Drayton-Benado 3900 W. Channel Islands Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 382-4852 www.missyscupcakecreations.com Nothing Bundt Cakes Ms. Terre Downey 1794 S. Victoria Avenue, Suite A Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 918-4560 www.nothingbundtcakes.com Banks California Bank & Trust Ms. Irina Feldman 365 E. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-9676 www.calbanktrust.com Citizens Business Bank Mr. Richard Favor 2400 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-7600 www.cbbank.com Community West Bank Mr. Joe Espino 300 E. Esplanade, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 597-4140 www.communitywestbank.com

Premier America Credit Union Mr. Michael Inda 1651 E. Channel Islands Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 487-4847 www.premieramerica.com Rabobank Ms. Virginia V. Espinoza 155 S. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 240-1440 www.rabobankamerica.com Umpqua Bank Ms. Stacy Peterson 2801 N. Ventura Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 288-4500 www.umpquabank.com Union Bank Mr. Fernando Estevez 400 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-1475 www.unionbank.com Ventura County Credit Union Ms. Marilyn Peake 2160 N. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 477-4000 www.vccuonline.net Banquet - Meeting Facilities & Services Courtyard by Marriott Oxnard Ms. Patty Tewes 600 E. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-3600 www.marriott.com/oxrvo Crowne Plaza - Ventura Beach Ms. Akemi Shapiro 450 E. Harbor Boulevard Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 652-5108 www.cpventura.com Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort Ms. Colleen Huther 2101 Mandalay Beach Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 984-2500 www.mandalaybeach.embassysuites.com www.OxnardChamber.org



BUYER’S GUIDE Four Points by Sheraton Mr. James A. Boldizar 1050 Schooner Drive Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 658-1212 www.fourpoints.com/ventura Levity Live & Copper Blues Restaurant Ms. Heather Williams 591 Collection Boulevard, Unit 4020 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 457-5550 oxnard.levitylive.com Oxnard Performing Arts & Convention Center Ms. Chelsea Reynolds 800 Hobson Way Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-8147 www.oxnardperformingarts.com Residence Inn by Marriott/River Ridge Mr. David Dreher 2101 W. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-2200 www.marriott.com/oxrri River Ridge Golf Club Mr. Otto Kanny 2401 W. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-8722 www.riverridge-golfclub.com Building Materials - Services West Coast Sash & Door Ms. Arlien Plat 1922 Palma Drive Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 644-4902 www.wcsd1.com Business Consulting Center for International Trade Development, hosted by SBCC Ms. Julie Samson 721 Cliff Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93109 (805) 892-3643 www.scheinfeld.sbcc.edu RINCON, LLC Mr. Chris Collier 80 Wood Road, Suite 302 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 413-4077 www.rinconstrategies.com S. H. Huber and Associates, Inc. Mr. Stephen H. Huber 1411 Ebony Drive, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 509-9214 www.shhuberassociates.com TKC Enterprises Mr. Tom Cady 1237 S. Victoria Avenue, Suite 161 Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 432-8405 29


MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Cable - Bulk Wire ALLCABLE, Inc. Ms. Gwen Ripplinger 2940-B Los Olivos Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-2553 www.allcableco.com Catering DJ's California Catering Mr. Doug Biggs 2784 Johnson Drive Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 850-0194 www.djscatering.com Charter Service Pegasus Transit, Inc. Ms. Mary Paseta 210 Beedy Street Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-1540 www.pegasustransit.com Chemical Products SC Fuels Ms. Hope Bowles 3815 Vineyard Avenue Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 299-1219 www.scfuels.com Civic Members Mr. William T. Belcher Ms. Suzanne Chadwick Mr. Bruce E. Dandy Mr. William Kearney Mr. Miguel Lopez Mr. Richard Maggio Mr. Bedford Pinkard Mr. Tony Volante Coffee Service Aramark Refreshments Mr. Kelley Gallagher 17044 Montanero Avenue, Unit 4 Carson, CA 90746 (310) 635-5000 www.aramarkrefreshments.com

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Ms. Meg P. Punsalan ERAU - Camarillo Campus Building 17 C Avenue Point Mugu CA, 93042 (805) 271-9691 www.erau.edu/ventura Grand Canyon University Ms. Sarah Wade 3300 W. Camelback Road Phoenix AZ, 85017 (805) 804-2674 www.gcu.edu/ec/sarah.wade Laurus College Ms. Jennifer Casillas 2351 Lockwood Street Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 267-1690 www.lauruscollege.edu National University Mr. Albert de la Rocha 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 125 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 437-3017 www.nu.edu Oxnard College Dr. Cynthia Azari 4000 S. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 678-5808 www.oxnardcollege.edu Communications Stacy Miller Public Affairs Ms. Stacy Miller 4360 Tradewinds Drive Oxnard, CA 93035 (818) 402-5806 www.stacymillerpa.com Compressor Sales Nuvair Ms. Janet Huebner 1600 Beacon Place Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 815-4044 www.nuvair.com

Colleges - Universities

Computer Sales - Parts Services

Cal Lutheran University - Oxnard Center @ The Palms Mr. Bryan Rupley 2201 Outlet Center Drive, Suite 600 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 493-3170 www.callutheran.edu

CBL Enterprise Inc. Mr. James Chambers 401 N. Lombard Street, Suite E Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 233-7343 www.cblenterprise.com

California State University Channel Islands Ms. Celina Zacarias One University Drive Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 437-8400 www.csuci.edu Charter College Mr. Paul Dilger 2000 Outlet Center Drive, Suite 150 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 973-1240 www.chartercollege.edu

Construction Al Lowe Construction, Inc. Mr. Al H. Lowe 701 Del Norte, Suite 355 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 604-1104 www.alloweconstruction.com Anderson Construction Mr. Tom Clark 3313 Calle de Debesa Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 981-2110 www.andercon.net

Blois Construction, Inc. Mr. Daniel L. Moore 3201 Sturgis Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1432 www.bloisconstruction.com

Reyes Construction, Inc. Mr. Scott Mothershed 1383 S. Signal Drive Pomona, CA 91766 (909) 622-2259 www.reyesconstruction.com Construction Materials Diversified Minerals Inc. Mr. Jim Price 1100 Mountain View Avenue, Suite F Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 247-1069 www.dmicement.com Credit Unions

CBC Federal Credit Union Ms. Kellie Prather 2151 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-2151 www.cbcfcu.org

Premier America Credit Union Ms. Ingrid Munoz 1921 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-7891 www.premieramerica.com Premier America Credit Union Mr. Michael Inda 1651 E. Channel Islands Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 487-4847 www.premieramerica.com UNIFY Financial Credit Union Mr. Alex Martinez 1690 Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (877) 254-9328 www.UNIFYfcu.com Ventura County Credit Union Ms. Marilyn Peake 2160 N. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 477-4000 www.vccuonline.net Defense Contractors Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc. Mr. Bobby R. Mullins 1741 Ives Avenue, Suite B Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 983-8200 www.qi-solutions.com


BUYER’S GUIDE Dental Services Beach Cities Dental Ms. Carrie Morehead 1801 Solar Drive, Suite 290 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-8887 Kids Dental Kare Ms. Lizzet Cervantes 1200 Saviers Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 248-7070 www.kidsdentalkare.com RiverPark Dentistry Dr. Shelby P. Lapiad DDS 2861 N. Ventura Road, Suite 201 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 394-1400 www.riverparkdentistrycares.com

MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Employment Development Department Ms. Mary T. Navarro-Aldana 2901 N. Ventura Road, Third Floor Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 288-8410 www.edd.ca.gov Express Employment Professionals Mr. Neil McMillan 2371 Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 973-1870 www.expresspros.com

Disability Services

Jay Nolan Community Services Ms. Jeannette Foster 15501 San Fernando Mission Boulevard, Suite 200 Mission Hills CA, 91346 (818) 361-6400 www.jaynolan.org

The Arc Ventura County Ms. Patricia Schulz 5103 Walker Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-8611 www.arcvc.org

Kelly Services My Viloria 2775 N. Ventura Road, Suite 204 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-8147 www.kellyservices.com

Jay Nolan Community Services Ms. Jeannette Foster 15501 San Fernando Mission Boulevard, Suite 200 Mission Hills CA, 91346 (818) 361-6400 www.jaynolan.org

Manpower Ms. Stacie Marotta 2340 Vineyard Avenue, Suite A-1 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-1300 www.manpowerjobs.com

Dry Cleaners River Park Cleaners Mr. Chang Bae 2542 E. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 751-5588 Electronics Repairs UBREAKIFIX OXNARD Mr. Otis Bradley 2381 N. Oxnard Boulevard, Unit B Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-5808 www.UBREAKIFIX.com Employment Agencies - Services & Training America's Job & Career Center Mr. Fred Garcia 2901 N. Ventura Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 204-5165

PrimeSkill Staffing Ms. Dalia Estrada 400 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-1415 www.primeskillstaffing.com Robert Half Mr. Guillermo Jalomo 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 1530 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-1778 www.roberthalf.com Spherion Staffing & Recruiting Ms. Trish Miller 2161 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 973-0950 www.spherion.com/ventura

AppleOne Employment Services Ms. Theresa Delgado 1300 Eastman Avenue, Suite 220 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-1814 www.appleone.com

United Staffing Associates Ms. Tracy Perez 424 S. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-0016 www.unitedwestaff.com

Employers Depot, Inc. dba Workforce Systems Ms. Cindy Holloway 1500 Eastman Avenue Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 658-6100 www.employersdepot.com

Energy NRG Energy, Inc. Ms. Diane Fellman 6635 S. Edison Drive Oxnard CA, 93033 (805) 986-7241 www.nrgenergy.com

Engineering - Civil - Consulting Land Surveying Jensen Design & Survey, Inc. Mr. Don Jensen 1672 Donlon Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 654-6977 www.jdscivil.com Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Mr. Jeff Savard 2775 N. Ventura Road, Unit 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 973-5700 www.kennedyjenks.com Stantec Mr. Matthew Winegar 1327 Del Norte Road, Suite 200 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 981-0706 www.stantec.com

Environmental Consulting Sespe Consulting, Inc Mr. Sandy Smith 374 Poli Street, Suite 200 Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 275-1515 www.sespeconsulting.com Equipment Hauling McCarty and Son's Towing Mr. Brian McCarty 1608 E. Fifth Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-0117 www.mccartyandsons.com Festivals - Fairs


California Strawberry Festival Mr. Tony Murguia 1661 Pacific Avenue, Suite 15 Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 385-4739 www.castrawberryfestival.org

Channel Cities Jazz Club Mr. Tom Weaver PO Box 51333 Oxnard, CA 93031 (805) 487-3062 www.channelcitiesjazzclub.org

Ventura County Fairgrounds Ms. Barbara Quaid 10 W. Harbor Boulevard Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 648-3376 www.venturacountyfair.org

Charter Communications Ms. Michelle Galvez-Vega 1680 E. Gonzales Oxnard, CA 93030 (855) 721-5074

Financial Services - Investments & Financial Planning

The Collection at RiverPark/ CenterCal Properties, LLC Ms. Stefanie Muegel 2751 Park View Court, Suite 261 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-9500 www.TheCollectionRP.com Levity Live & Copper Blues Restaurant Ms. Heather Williams 591 Collection Boulevard, Unit 4020 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 457-5550 oxnard.levitylive.com MediaMation, Inc. Ms. Alison Jamele 387 Maple Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 320-0696 www.mediamation.com Players Casino Mr. Patrick Berry 6580 Auto Center Drive Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 643-1392 www.pcventura.com Plaza Cinemas 14 Ms. Ucadi Wood 255 W. 5th Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-8306 www.sregmovies.com

Carey & Hanna | Tax & Wealth Planners Ms. Danya Carey 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 644-0697 www.taxwealthplan.com Edward Jones Mr. Miguel Noriega, CFP 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 570 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-0518 www.edwardjones.com Merrill Lynch Mr. Bill Kearney 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 2150 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-6053 www.MerrillLynch.com Wells Fargo Advisors Mr. Dario Orosco 487 Carmen Drive Camarillo CA, 93010 (805) 482-0752 home.wellsfargoadvisors.com/Dario. Orosco Financial Services & Insurance Carey & Hanna | Tax & Wealth Planners Ms. Danya Carey 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 644-0697 www.taxwealthplan.com Primerica Financial Services Mr. John Salinas 3401 W. 5th Street, Suite 220 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 253-0482 www.primerica.com/johnsalinas



BUYER’S GUIDE Fire & Water Damage Restoration Servpro of Camarillo/Oxnard Ms. Patricia Vujovich 355 N. Lantana Street, Suite 623 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 484-5009 www.servpro.com Fire Protection Integrated Fire & Safety Ms. Shelley Merrell 1229 N. Ventura Avenue Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 648-5906 www.integratedfireandsafety.org Fitness / Personal Trainers Keeba Kool's Toning Shack Ms. Tina B Kramer 321 W. Channel Islands Boulevard Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 985-5665 www.keebakools.com Floor Coverings SurFaces USA Mr. Jim Bickley 380 S. Lombard Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 604-1568 www.surfacesusa.com Florists Flowers By Paulann Ms. Alma R. Porath 145 N. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-2783 www.flowersbypaulann.net Food Products - Produce Smucker Fruit Processing Co. Mr. Phil Lopez PO Box 5161 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-5483 www.jmsmucker.com Forklifts - Sales & Rentals NLFL - Forklift Outlet Ms. Theresa Gallegos 201 N. Rice Avenue, Unit G Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-1865 www.nlfl.com Wiggins Lift Co, Inc. Ms. Michele McDowell 2571 Cortez Street Oxnard CA, 93031 (805) 485-7821 www.wigginslift.com



MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Fuel - Retail and Wholesale MacValley Oil Company Mr. Peter Hong 100 Del Norte Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-6900 www.MacValleyOil.com Funeral Homes - Cemeteries Funeraria Del Angel Conrad's & James Reardon Mr. Martin Guerrero 401 W. Channel Islands Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 487-4911 www.funerariasdelangel.com Reardon Funeral Home Ms. Stacey Tipton 511 N. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-1720 www.reardonfh.com Santa Clara Mortuary 2370 N. H Street Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-5757 www.santaclaramortuary.com Furniture - Home Decor Ashley Furniture Homestore Mr. Milan Stewart 1721 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-0284 www.ashleyfurniturehomestore.com Gaming Players Casino Mr. Patrick Berry 6580 Auto Center Drive Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 643-1392 www.pcventura.com Gift Baskets Limoneira Co. Mr. John Chamberlain 1141 Cummings Road Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 525-5541 www.limoneira.com Golf River Ridge Golf Club Mr. Otto Kanny 2401 W. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-8722 www.riverridge-golfclub.com Gourmet Foods Bobalu Berries Ms. Valeria Ruiz 4324 E. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-2519 www.bobaluberries.com

California Kettle Corn Mr. Richard Buchalter 3321 Kimber Dr. Unit B Newbury Park, CA 91320 (805) 715-1500 www.cakettlecorn.com Dottie's Sweet Delights Ms. Patty Brown (805) 607-9495 www.dottiessweetdelights.com Government Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin Ms. Jeannette Sanchez-Palacios 230 W. 7th Street, Suite B Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-4488 www.asmdc.org/members/a44 City of Oxnard Mr. Greg Nyhoff 300 W. 3rd Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-7430 www.oxnard.org Councilman Bryan MacDonald Mr. Bryan MacDonald 300 W. 3rd Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 857-5236 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Ms. Jacque McMillan PO Box 54153 Los Angeles, CA 90054 (213) 217-6138 www.mwdh2o.com Oxnard Army Recruiting Center SFC Daniel P. Reilly 2347 N. Oxnard Boulevard, Suite A Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 602-0364 www.goarmy.com The Port of Hueneme Ms. Kristin Decas 333 Ponoma Street Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 488-3677 www.portofhueneme.org U.S. Navy Seabee Museum Mr. Jose Rivera Naval Base Ventura County 3201 N. Ventura Road Port Hueneme, CA 93043 (805) 982-5165 www.facebook.com/ seabeemuseum Ventura County Harbor Department Ms. Lyn Krieger 3900 Pelican Way Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 973-5950 www.channelislandsharbor.org

Ventura County Transportation Commission Mr. Darren Kettle 950 County Square Drive, Suite 207 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-1591 www.goventura.org Groceries Costco Ms. Sandy Yanez 2001 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-4200 www.costco.com Sam’s Club Mr. Greg Davis 2401 N. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-2442 www.samsclub.com Smart & Final Extra Mr. Michael Williams 2021 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 485-2051 www.smartandfinal.com Smart & Final Extra Mr. Lalo Avila 1341 W. Channel Islands Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 240-1199 www.smartandfinal.com Vallarta Supermarkets #44 Ms. Sandie Nunez 2690 E. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-3403 www.vallartasupermarkets.com Walmart Neighborhood Market Mr. Paul Fode 421 W. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 604-2082 www.wal-mart.com Whole Foods Market Mr. Jerry Hanson 650 Town Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 751-4300 www.wholefoodsmarket.com/ oxnard Hardware - Building Materials Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County ReStore Ms. Wendy Monk 1850 Eastman Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-2268 www.habitatventura.org

BUYER’S GUIDE The Home Depot Mr. Rin Carleton 401 W. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-0653 www.homedepot.com Keene's Hardware Inc. Mr. Jim Nishida 301 W. Pleasant Valley Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 486-3016 www.keeneshardware.com West Coast Sash & Door Ms. Arlien Plat 1922 Palma Drive Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 644-4902 www.wcsd1.com Health & Wellness Gold Coast Health Plan Ms. Marlen Torres 711 E. Daily Drive, Suite 106 Camarillo CA, 93010 (805) 437-5535 www.goldcoasthealthplan.org Oxnard Family Circle Adult Day HealthCare Center Ms. Inna Berger 2100 Outlet Center Drive, Suite 380 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 385-4180 www.oxnardfamilycircle.com Health & Wellness - Chiropractic Okada Chiropractic Health Care Dr. Sonny H. Okada 1300 W. Gonzales Road, Suite 105 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-1718 www.okadachiropractic.com Health & Wellness - Family Practice Magnolia Family Medical Center Ms. Letty Garibay 2220 E. Gonzales Road, Suite 120A/120B Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-5151 Health & Wellness - Imaging / Radiology Palms Imaging Center Dr. Behzad Noorbehesht 1901 Outlet Center Drive, Suite 120 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 604-9500 www.palmsimaging.com

MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Center for Family Health Mr. Fermin Cortes 2921 Saviers Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-5585 www.cmhshealth.org/cfh Center for Family Health Ms. Christina Muro 2361 E. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-3770 www.cmhshealth.org/cfh Center for Family Health Mr. Fermin Cortes 3641 W. 5th Street Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-5505 www.cmhshealth.org/cfh Clinicas Del Camino Real, Inc. Ms. Sandra Reza 1040 Flynn Road Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 659-1740 www.clinicas.org The Cohen Medical Centers Ms. Revi Keypour 2861 Ventura Road, Suite 202 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 449-8781 www.cohencenters.com Kaiser Permanente Ms. Mary Jarvis 2601 E. Main Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 223-2229 www.kaiserpermanente.org Regal Medical Group Ms. Nora Hayes 2755 Alamo Street, Suite 205 Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 210-7411 www.regalmed.com SeaView IPA Mr. Noel Frias 1901 N. Solar Drive, Suite 265 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-2280 www.svipa.com

SAN Corporation Mr. Matt Boldt 2400 Sturgis Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-0640 www.sann.net Health & Wellness Occupational Coastal Occupational Medical Group Ms. Lorena Gomez 1901 Outlet Center Drive, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-3200 www.coastalomg.com

U.S. Healthworks Mr. Mark Martinez 1851 Lombard Street, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-2234 www.ushealthworks.com Ventura County Occupational Medical Center Dr. Richard Figueroa 1901 Holser Walk, Suite 315 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-2273 www.vcomc.com Health & Wellness - Optometry / Ophthalmology / Optical Family Optometric Group Dr. Lisa Knapp 1545 W. 5th Street, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 382-2020 www.familyoptometric.com Health & Wellness - Physical Therapy

UCLA Health Ms. Nickie Bonner 6633 Telephone Road, Suite 212 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-8252 www.uclahealth.org/venturaoncology

Performance Therapy Center Mr. Jim Magnusson 1633 Pacific Avenue, Suite 142 Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 240-3373 www.performancetherapycenter.com

Valley Care IPA Ms. Karen Sauer 1901 N. Solar Drive, Suite 215 Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 604-3332 www.valleycareipa.com

Health & Wellness - Surgeons

Health & Wellness - Medical Groups Advanced Pain Medical Group Mr. Mehdi Abderezai 625 N. A Street, Suite 300 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 351-5517 www.advancedpainmedical.com

Health & Wellness - Nutrition

Channel Islands SurgiCenter Mr. Ken Kolb 2300 Wankel Way Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-1908 www.channelislandssurgicenter.com Home Improvement

Ventura Orthopedics Medical Group, Inc. Mr. Jim Keil 2221 Wenkel Way Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-9366 www.venturaorthopedic.com

The Home Depot Mr. Rin Carleton 401 W. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-0653 www.homedepot.com

West Coast Sash & Door Ms. Arlien Plat 1922 Palma Drive Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 644-4902 www.wcsd1.com Hospice - Home Health Care Services Camarillo Hospice Ms. Sandy Nirenberg 400 Rosewood Avenue, Suite 102 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 389-6870 www.camarillohospice.org Hospitals St. John's Regional Medical Center Ms. Patty Paumier 1600 N. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-2500 www.dignityhealth.org/ stjohnsregional Hotels - Motels - Resorts Best Western Oxnard Inn Mr. Joseph Cabral 1156 S. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-9581 www.bestwesternoxnard.com Courtyard by Marriott Oxnard Ms. Patty Tewes 600 E. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-3600 www.marriott.com/OXRVO Crowne Plaza - Ventura Beach Ms. Akemi Shapiro 450 E. Harbor Boulevard Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 652-5108 www.cpventura.com Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort Ms. Colleen Huther 2101 Mandalay Beach Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 984-2500 www.mandalaybeach. embassysuites.com Four Points by Sheraton Mr. James A. Boldizar 1050 Schooner Drive Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 658-1212 www.fourpoints.com/ventura Hampton Inn & Suites Ms. Vanessa Phillips 50 W. Daily Drive Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 389-9898 www.camarillosuites.hamptoninn. com www.OxnardChamber.org


BUYER’S GUIDE Hampton Inn Channel Islands Harbor Mr. Kevin Libera 3231 Peninsula Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-1100 www.hamptoninnoxnard.com Holiday Inn Express Port Hueneme Ms. Patti Beck 350 E. Port Hueneme Road Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 986-5353 www.hiexpress.com/ porthuenemeca Marriott International / Government Travel Ms. Debi Spinks 4265 Yosemite Way Los Angeles CA, 90065 (805) 914-7223 www.marriott.com/gov Residence Inn by Marriott/River Ridge Mr. David Dreher 2101 W. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-2200 www.marriott.com/oxrri Ventura County Lodging Association Ms. Rebekah Evans 1891 Goodyear Avenue, Suite 622 Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 644-2500 www.venturacountycoast.com HR Consultants Employers Group Mr. Bill Stephens 400 Continental Boulevard, Suite 300 El Segundo, CA 90245 (805) 807-9922 www.employersgroup.com Paychex, Inc. Mr. Giovanni Mannarino 2901 N. Ventura Road, Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 650-0611 www.paychex.com Import / Export Center for International Trade Development, hosted by SBCC Ms. Julie Samson 721 Cliff Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93109 (805) 892-3643 www.scheinfeld.sbcc.edu Industrial Hoses - Hydraulic Ventura Hose-Man Mr. Buzz Lind 3500 Camino Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-1072 33


MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Industrial Refrigeration Western Precooling Systems Mr. Don DeArmond 761 Commercial Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-3406 www.westernprecooling.com Insurance Services AFLAC Ms. Missy Reed 3515 Apex Court Bakersfield, CA 93312 (805) 415-0353 www.aflac.com AFLAC Mr. Jaime Vega 80 Wood Road, Suite 202 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 575-5053 www.aflac.com AFLAC Regional Office Mr. Joe Hardie 80 Wood Road, Suite 202 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 603-3151 www.aflac.com Andreini and Company Mr. Chuck Jakso 500 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 900 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-9585 www.andreini.com Avery Insurance & Financial Services Mr. Stuart Avery 450 Rosewood Avenue, Suite 200 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 482-1010 www.eaveryinsurance.com Barkley Insurance & Risk Management Mr. Griffin Barkley 143 W. Fifth Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-1995 www.barkleyins.com Charles Allison - State Farm Agent Mr. Charles Allison 705 N. Oxnard Boulevard, Suite 101 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 604-0900 www.charleseallison.com Farrar Insurance Agency Mr. John Farrar 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 604-9804 www.farraragency.com HUB International Insurance Services, Inc. Ms. Susan Shipp 200 W. 5th Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 682-2571 www.hubinternational.com

John Derr Agent - State Farm Insurance Mr. John Derr 500 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 1275 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-8895 www.derrinsurance.com

M.J.B. Building Maintenance Mr. John Maile 2541 Seamist Court Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 985-7010

Jones & Maulding Insurance Agency Ms. Ellen Wenger 505 S. A Street, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 486-4701 www.jandminsurance.com

George Thompson Diamond Co. Mr. George Thompson 309 W. Ventura Boulevard, Suite D Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 388-5750 www.georgethompson.com

LaManno Insurance Services Ms. Florence Perez LaManno PO Box 802 Camarillo, CA 93011 (805) 340-5274 Luz Matzen - Medicare Insurance Agent Ms. Luz Matzen (805) 816-8940 Maulhardt Insurance Agency Mr. Jeffrey Maulhardt 961 N. Rice Avenue, Suite 1A Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-8810 www.maulhardtinsurance.com


Light Assembly Spatz Laboratories Mr. Shaun MacDonald 1600 Westar Drive Oxnard, CA 93065 (805) 487-2122 www.spatzlabs.com Limousines Smart Shuttle Mr. Masood Babaeian 554 S. Dawson Drive Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 482-0202 www.smartshuttle805.com Logistics Kalstar Enterprises, LLC 601 Kinetic Drive Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 983-0993 www.kalstar.com

Nicoll Insurance and Investment Services Mr. James C. Nicoll 5550 Telegraph Road, Suite B4 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-1775 www.nicollinsurance.com State Farm - Tom Waddell, CLU, Agent Mr. Tom Waddell 2861 N. Ventura Road, Suite 101 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 604-1800 www.tomwaddellinsurance.com Tolman & Wiker Insurance Services, LLC. Mr. Greg Van Ness 196 S. Fir Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 585-6100 www.tolmanandwiker.com Janitorial Services Jani Tek Cleaning Solutions Mr. Blain Bibb 2401 Eastman Avenue, Suite 36 Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 823-8296 www.janitek.net

Management Consultants Steven Trolard & Associates Mr. Steven Trolard 400 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 302 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 495-8199 www.trolard.com Manufacturing Amoretti Mr. Paul Barsoumian 451 S. Lombard Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-2903 www.amoretti.com Clamshell Buildings Mr. Greg Mangan 1101 Maulhardt Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-1340 www.clamshell.com Cloudburst Misting Systems Mr. Mike Davis 707 E. Hueneme Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 986-4125 www.cloudburst.com

BUYER’S GUIDE EF Oxnard, LLC Mr. Dave Swegart 550 Diaz Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-6375 Haas Automation 2800 Sturgis Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-1800 www.haascnc.com New-Indy, Oxnard LLC Mr. Rudy Rehbein 5936 Perkins Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 271-7265 www.newindycontainerboard.com

MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Zev Technologies, Inc. Mr. Ron Wolf 1051 Yarnell Place Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 486-5800 www.glockworx.com

Stacy Miller Public Affairs Ms. Stacy Miller 4360 Tradewinds Drive Oxnard, CA 93035 (818) 402-5806 www.stacymillerpa.com

Marinas - Marine Services

Massage - Spas

Anacapa Isle Marina Mr. Jeremy Grewal 3001 Peninsula Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-6035 www.anacapaisle.com

Massage Envy Spa - Oxnard Mr. Jeff Omdahl 655 Town Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-3689 www.massageenvy.com/clinics/CA/ Oxnard.aspx

Vintage Marina Partners L.P. Ms. Michelle Lapointe 3150 S. Harbor Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 984-3366 www.vintage-marina.com Marketing - Advertising - Public Relations

Oxnard Pallet Co. Ms. Beatrice Vasquez 4524 E. Pleasant Valley Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 487-8458 www.oxnardpalletco.com Pinnpack Packaging, LLC Mr. Ira Maroofian 1151 Pacific Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 385-4100 www.pinnpack.com Procter & Gamble Paper Products Mr. Chad Byron 800 N. Rice Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-8939 www.pg.com

Mayerson Marketing & Public Relations Ms. Nancy Mayerson 2955 E. Hillcrest Drive, Suite 126 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (805) 373-1100 www.mayersonmarketing.com McManigal Media Mr. Hugh McManigal 3319 Telegraph Road, Suite 106 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 658-0900 www.mcmanigalmedia.com Stacy Miller Public Affairs Ms. Stacy Miller 4360 Tradewinds Drive Oxnard, CA 93035 (818) 402-5806 www.stacymillerpa.com

PTI Technologies Inc. Ms. Dianne Williams 501 Del Norte Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 604-3700 www.ptitechnologies.com

Searle Creative Group Ms. Kellie Meehan 1802 Eastman, Suite 111 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 850-0541 www.searlecreative.com

Scosche Industries Inc. Mr. Steve Klinger 1550 Pacific Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 486-4450 www.scosche.com

Ventura Axxess Ms. Mindy Easter 4882 McGrath Street, Suite 310 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 456-9303 www.axxessventura.com

Spatz Laboratories Mr. Shaun MacDonald 1600 Westar Drive Oxnard, CA 93065 (805) 487-2122 www.spatzlabs.com

Marketing - Internet - Social Media

Wiggins Lift Co, Inc. Ms. Michele McDowell 2571 Cortez Street Oxnard CA, 93031 (805) 485-7821 www.wigginslift.com

The Final Code Mr. Larry Murphy 1068 E. Main Street, Suite 100 Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 243-8321 www.thefinalcode.com

Mobile Home Parks Ocean-Aire Ms. Darlene Dugger 2250 E. Butler Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 488-1512 Oxnard Pacific Mobile Estates Mr. Scot Hendricks 4130 Maulhardt Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 488-3675 Mortgage - Real Estate Loans Guild Mortgage Company Ms. Dawn Peck 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 520 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 389-6800 www.guildmortgage.com Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Ms. Veronica De LaCruz 460 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-3220 www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage/ Moving - Storage Meathead Movers Mr. Aaron Steed 1401 Maulhardt Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 987-7201 www.meatheadmovers.com PODS "Moving & Storage, Solved" Mr. Steven Yapp 301 S. Rose Avenue, Suite 104 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 644-6503 www.mylocalpods.com U-Haul of Van Nuys Ms. Christina Ramirez 3020 Saviers Road Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 487-2754 www.uhaul.com

Museums Carnegie Art Museum Cornerstones Ms. Suzanne Bellah 424 S. C Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-8158 www.carnegieam.org Channel Islands Maritime Museum Ms. Kandy Harter 3900 Bluefin Circle Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 984-6260 www.cimmvc.org Mullin Automotive Museum Ms. Ruby Talbot 1421 Emerson Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 385-5400 www.mullinautomotivemuseum.com U.S. Navy Seabee Museum Mr. Jose Rivera Naval Base Ventura County 3201 N. Ventura Road Port Hueneme, CA 93043 (805) 982-5165 www.facebook.com/ seabeemuseum Newspapers Pacific Coast Business Times Mr. Henry Dubroff 14 E. Carrillo Street, Suite A Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 560-6950 www.pacbiztimes.com Vida Newspaper Mr. Manuel Munoz 130 Palm Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-1008 www.vidanewspaper.com Notary The UPS Store Mr. Alan Ball 1650 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-6100 www.theupsstorelocal.com/6279 Nurseries - Plants - Trees Green Thumb International Mr. Abel Villasenor 1899 Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-8517 Nursing - Skilled Nursing & Rehab Shoreline Care Center Ms. Cynthia Jordan 5225 S. J Street Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 488-3696 www.shorelinecarecenter.com www.OxnardChamber.org


BUYER’S GUIDE Office Equipment - Sales & Service Central Coast Imaging Solutions Ms. Suzanne Scar 2387 Portola Road, Suite C Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 654-0590 www.centralcoastis.com Coastal Copy, LP Mr. Nick Mlinac 2101 S. Rose Avenue, Suite C Oxnard CA, 93033 (805) 722-1819 www.coastalcopy.com Document Systems Mr. Greg Frank 300 N. Graves Avenue, Suite E Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 650-6482 www.documentsystems.com Office Supplies Office Depot www.officedepot.com Ponderosa Office Supply Inc. Ms. Angie Vigil 850 Calle Plano, Unit B Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 484-2873 www.ponderosaofficesupply.com Oilfield Waste Management Anterra Energy Services Inc. Ms. Michele Dempsey 918 C-1 Mission Rock Road Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 981-4053 www.anterraservices.com Organizations American Cancer Society Ms. Pam Brady 2186 Knoll Drive, Suite A Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 644-4237 www.cancer.org Better Business Bureau Mr. Rick Copelan PO Box 129 Santa Barbara, CA 93102 (805) 963-8657 www.santabarbara.bbb.org Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County Ms. Rene Solem 4001 Mission Oaks Boulevard, Suite J Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 484-2282 www.bbsvc.org Boys & Girls Clubs of Oxnard/ Port Hueneme Ms. Erin Antrim 1900 W. Fifth Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 815-4959 www.bgcop.org 35


MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY California Strawberry Commission Ms. Pam Yanez PO Box 269 Watsonville, CA 93076 (831) 724-1301 www.californiastrawberries.com Camarillo Hospice Ms. Sandy Nirenberg 400 Rosewood Avenue, Suite 102 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 389-6870 www.camarillohospice.org Caregivers Ms. Tammy Glenn 1765 Goodyear Avenue, Suite 205 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 658-8530 www.vccaregivers.org Center for International Trade Development, hosted by SBCC Ms. Julie Samson 721 Cliff Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93109 (805) 892-3643 www.scheinfeld.sbcc.edu Clinicas Del Camino Real, Inc. Ms. Sandra Reza 1040 Flynn Road Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 659-1740 www.clinicas.org Community Action of Ventura County, Inc. Ms. Micheline Moret 621 Richmond Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 436-4000 www.ca-vc.org Downtown Oxnard Business Association Mr. Pablo Ortiz PO Box 1892 Oxnard, CA 93032 (805) 247-0197 Easterseals Southern California Ms. Leigh Anne Colbert 1889 N. Rice, Suite 102 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-0612 www.easterseals.com/southerncal EDC - VC Mr. Bruce Stenslie 1601 Carmen Drive, Suite 215 Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 384-1800 www.EDC-VC.com Farm Bureau of Ventura County Mr. John Krist 5156 McGrath Street, Suite 102 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 289-0155 www.farmbureauvc.com

FOOD Share Ms. Bonnie Atmore 4156 S. Bank Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-7100 www.foodshare.com

Soroptimist International of Oxnard Dr. Lisa Knapp PO Box 1325 Oxnard, CA 93032 www.oxnardsoroptimist.org

Garden Acres Santa Claus Inc. Mr. Mike Barber 3701 Orange Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-7233 www.santatothesea.com

Turning Point Foundation Ms. Suki Sir 557 E. Thompson Ventura CA, 93001 (805) 652-0000 www.turningpointfoundation.org

Goodwill Industries Mr. Peter Marcus 130 S. Lombard Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-0130 www.goodwillvsb.org

United Way of Ventura County Mr. Eric Harrison 4001 Mission Oaks Boulevard, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 485-6288 www.vcunitedway.org

Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County ReStore Ms. Wendy Monk 1850 Eastman Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-2268 www.habitatventura.org Jay Nolan Community Services Ms. Jeannette Foster 15501 San Fernando Mission Boulevard, Suite 200 Mission Hills CA, 91346 (818) 361-6400 www.jaynolan.org

Ventura County Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business Ms. Lynn Jensen 1672 Donlon Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 633-2291 www.colabvc.org Ventura County Community Development Corp Ms. Bertha Garcia 2231 Sturgis Road, Suite A Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 273-7800 www.vccdc.org Orthodontist

Oxnard Ambassadors Ms. Cindy Crocket PO Box 50432 Oxnard, CA 93031 (805) 750-8125 www.oxnardambassadors.org

Premier Orthodontics Ms. Kathya Ceja 2100 Solar Drive, Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-1111 www.premierorthodontics.com

Rescue Mission Alliance Mr. Gary Gray 315 N. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-1234 www.erescuemission.org

Packaging Equipment - Supplies - Services

Rotary Club of Oxnard Mr. Patrick Mullin PO Box 1212 Oxnard, CA 93032 (805) 604-4844 www.oxnardrotary.com The Salvation Army - Oxnard Corps Lt. Manuel Gaytan 622 W. Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-9235 www.salvationarmyoxnard.org Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of LA Mr. David R. Fields 210 N. Avenue 21 Los Angeles, CA 90031 (800) 974-3571 www.svdpla.org

PKG Packaging Mr. Frank Roughan 311 Hearst Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-6648 pkgpackaging.com Quality Packaging & Supplies, Inc. Mr. Larry Byer 2400 Statham Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 240-2410 www.qualityps.com Payroll Services Paychex, Inc. Mr. Giovanni Mannarino 2901 N. Ventura Road, Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 650-0611 www.paychex.com



Petroleum Products


California Resources Corporation Ms. Amy Fonzo 2575 Vista Del Mar Drive, Suite 101 Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 232-9605 www.crc.com

Spiritual Advisor Ms. Rebecca Adams 255 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-3381 Real Estate - Commercial & Industrial

MacValley Oil Company Mr. Peter Hong 100 Del Norte Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-6900 www.MacValleyOil.com

Armando Lopez Company Mr. Armando Lopez 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 300 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 351-8282 www.alcompany.com

SC Fuels Ms. Hope Bowles 3815 Vineyard Avenue Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 299-1219 www.scfuels.com

BGN Fremont Square, Ltd. Mr. Scott Gerrity 3720 S. Susan Street, Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 668-8888 www.acpmanagement.com

Printers - Copy Centers

Buenger Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Mr. Steven Buenger 3600 S. Harbor Boulevard, Suite 132 Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-1007 www.buengerinc.com

Herald Printing - Precision Graphic Solutions Mr. Wally Jewell 1242 Los Angeles Avenue Ventura, CA 93004 (805) 647-4778 www.precisiongraphicsolutions.com Safeguard Business Printing Mr. Greg Cook 415 N. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 486-9769 www.gosafeguard.com/sbscook The UPS Store Mr. Alan Ball 1650 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-6100 www.theupsstorelocal.com/6279 Private Clubs The Tower Club Mr. Shane Morger 300 E. Esplanade Drive, 22nd Floor Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 983-7777 www.towercluboxnard.com Promotional Products Safeguard Business Printing Mr. Greg Cook 415 N. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 486-9769 www.gosafeguard.com/sbscook Propane AmeriGas Propaine, LLC Kris Gullixon 315 Montgomery Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 647-6603 www.amerigas.com

Industrial Park Associates Mr. Douglas F. Wax 2000 Cabot Place, Suite M Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-2200 www.ipa76.com Lee & Associates Ms. Nannette Yoshimi 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 310 Oxnard, CA 93036 (818) 223-4395 www.lee-associates.com NAI Capital Commercial Real Estate Services Mr. Bill Kiefer, SIOR 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 1660 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-1400 www.naicapital.com Swift Financial Corporation Mr. Allen F. Camp 1294 E. Main Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 641-2121

McGaelic Group Ms. Beverly Gutierrez 1000 S. Seaward Avenue Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 642-0211 Parkstone Companies Mr. Michael Penrod 860 Hampshire Road, Suite U Westlake Village, CA 91361 (805) 373-8808 www.parkstoneinc.com Shea Properties Ms. Ann Walsh 2751 Park View Court Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-7641 www.sheaproperties.com Triliad Development, Inc. Ms. Valerie Draeger 4812 Lakeview Canyon Drive Westlake Village, CA 91361 (818) 991-7033 Upside Investments, LP Mr. Sean Baker 25000 Mureau Road Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 224-1544 www.upsideinvestments.com Real Estate - Home Builders CalAtlantic Group Mr. Ken Melvin 3011 Townsgate Road, Suite 200 Westlake Village CA, 91361 (805) 379-6600 www.calatlantichomes.com Real Estate - Investments AMS Craig LLC Mr. Craig Kaihara 1451 N. Rice Avenue, Suite E Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-1703 AMS Melinda LLC Ms. Melinda Kaihara 5848 Santa Clara Avenue Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 300-2020 Real Estate - Property Management

Real Estate - Development Channel Islands Harbor Apartments LLC Mr. Darrel Malamut 270 N. Canon Drive, Penthouse Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 207-3100 Limoneira Co. Mr. John Chamberlain 1141 Cummings Road Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 525-5541 www.limoneira.com

Alert Real Estate Services, Inc. Mr. David Covarrubias 310 W. Fourth Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-3838 www.alertmanagementcompany.com

Channel Islands Harbor Apartments LLC Mr. Darrel Malamut 270 N. Canon Drive, Penthouse Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 207-3100 Marine Emporium Landing Mr. Steve Buenger 3600 S. Harbor Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-5828 www.marineemporiumlanding.com The Palms Shopping Center / The Muller Company Ms. Susan Aguirre 2000 Outlet Center Drive, Suite 122 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-1542 www.themullercompany.com/index. php/properties -search/the-palms-center/ Paz Mar Waterfront Homes Ms. Sugheyla Torres 3100 Peninsula Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-6004 www.pazmarapartments.com REMAX Gold Coast Property Management Ms. Kristina Brewer 3550 Harbor Boulevard, Suite 2-104 Channel Islands, CA 93035 (805) 832-4075 www.stayatthesea.com Topa Management Company Ms. Lisa Downes 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 260 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-3193 www.topa.com Walker & Paul Real Estate Management and Sales Ms. Denise Paul-Elliott 335 N. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-5899 www.walkerandpaul.com Real Estate - Residential AMLI Residential, Spanish Hills Mr. Ryan Doyon 668 Spring Oak Road Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 764-5523 www.amli.com/spanishhills Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Mr. Jorge DeLeon 105 Los Altos Street Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-4444 www.camoves.com



BUYER’S GUIDE Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Mr. Jorge DeLeon 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 1640 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 648-5051 www.camoves.com Hardy Moll Realty, Inc. Mr. Burkhard E. Moll 511 W. Channel Islands Boulevard Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 985-9878 www.hardymoll.com Keller Williams Realty Ms. Nancy Amorteguy 2831 N. Ventura Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 643-3337 www.kwwestventuracounty.com

MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Refreshment Services Canteen Food & Vending of Coastal California Inc. Ms. Dorothy Scott 121 Bernoulli Circle Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-1414 www.canteenvending.com Rental Services U-Rent/Party Pleasers Mr. Paul Arbon 4700 S. Saviers Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 488-1516 www.urentinc.com Restaurants and Dining

Laurel River Park Mr. Troy Byington 750 Clyde River Place Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 366-3446 www.laurelriverpark.com

Buffalo Wild Wings Mr. Joe Polimeni 1600 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-9464 www.buffalowildwings.com

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Ms. Veronica De LaCruz 460 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-3220 www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage

Cabo Seafood Grill & Cantina Mr. Peter Spink 1041 S. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-6933 www.caboseafoodgrill.com


Chick-fil-A Mr. Matt Ellenberg 2040 N. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-9232 www.chick-fil-a.com/oxnard

Marine Emporium Landing Mr. Steve Buenger 3600 S. Harbor Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-5828 www.marineemporiumlanding.com U.S. Navy Seabee Museum Mr. Jose Rivera Naval Base Ventura County 3201 N. Ventura Road Port Hueneme, CA 93043 (805) 982-5165 www.facebook.com/ seabeemuseum Ventura County Fairgrounds Ms. Barbara Quaid 10 W. Harbor Boulevard Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 648-3376 www.venturacountyfair.org Recycling

SA Recycling - Oxnard Mr. Moises Morales 1441 Mountain View Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 486-7525 www.sarecycling.com



The Collection at RiverPark/ CenterCal Properties, LLC Ms. Stefanie Muegel 2751 Park View Court, Suite 261 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-9500 www.TheCollectionRP.com Courtyard by Marriott Oxnard Ms. Patty Tewes 600 E. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-3600 www.marriott.com/oxrvo Crowne Plaza - Ventura Beach Ms. Akemi Shapiro 450 E. Harbor Boulevard Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 652-5108 www.cpventura.com Domino's Pizza Mr. Sam Hishmeh 1811 Knoll Drive Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-9946 www.dominos.com

Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort Ms. Colleen Huther 2101 Mandalay Beach Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 984-2500 www.mandalaybeach. embassysuites.com EMC Seafood & Raw Bar Mr. Kevin Mayo 511 Town Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-4887 www.emcseafood.com Four Points by Sheraton Mr. James A. Boldizar 1050 Schooner Drive Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 658-1212 www.fourpoints.com/ventura Fresco II on the Marina Ms. Lea Graffeo 1651 S. Victoria Avenue, Suite 100 Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-4700 www.fresco2restaurant.com Herzog Wine Cellars Mr. Joseph Herzog 3201 Camino del Sol Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-1560 www.herzogwinecellars.com Jersey Mike's Subs at Seabridge Mr. Pat Kincade 1231 S. Victoria Avenue Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-3900 www.jerseymikes.com Kabuki Restaurants, Inc. Ms. Hannah Grabe 500 Collection Boulevard, Suite 3230 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-2973 www.kabukirestaurants.com Kanaloa Seafood Market & Kitchen Mr. Don Disraeli 251 Lombard Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 966-5159 www.kanaloaseafood.com Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar Mr. Doug Nelson 598 Town Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 351-4888 www.lazydogrestaurants.com Levity Live & Copper Blues Restaurant Ms. Heather Williams 591 Collection Boulevard, Unit 4020 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 457-5550 oxnard.levitylive.com

Luna Grill Ms. Amber McGuire 691 Collection Boulevard, Suite 1100 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-1115 www.lunagrill.com Maria's Italian Kitchen Ms. Brandie Warr 2711 Seaglass Way Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 988-3300 www.mariasitaliankitchen.com McDonald's #12993 Mr. Greg Paschen 2201 N. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-9377 McDonald's #13046 Mr. Greg Paschen 401 S. Ventura Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 382-2558 Moqueca Brazilian Cuisine Ms. Gloria Sarcinelli 3550 S. Harbor Boulevard, Suite 201 Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 204-0970 www.moquecarestaurant.com O-Sabi Japanese Restaurant Ms. Keiko Maruyama 5795 Walker Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-6200 www.o-sabi.com Players Casino Mr. Patrick Berry 6580 Auto Center Drive Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 643-1392 www.pcventura.com The Tower Club Mr. Shane Morger 300 E. Esplanade Drive, 22nd Floor Oxnard CA, 93036 (805) 983-7777 www.towercluboxnard.com Vallarta Supermarkets #44 Ms. Sandie Nunez 2690 E. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-3403 www.vallartasupermarkets.com The Waterside Restaurant & Wine Bar Mr. F. Steven Buenger 3500 S. Harbor Boulevard, Suite 111 Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 985-4677 www. thewatersiderestaurantandwinebar. com

BUYER’S GUIDE Whole Foods Market Mr. Jerry Hanson 650 Town Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 751-4300 www.wholefoodsmarket.com/ oxnard Yolanda's Mexican Cafe Mr. Rod Gietzen 1601 S. Victoria Avenue Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 985-1340 www.yolandasmexicancafe.com Retail Costco Ms. Sandy Yanez 2001 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-4200 www.costco.com The Home Depot Mr. Rin Carleton 401 W. Esplanade Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-0653 www.homedepot.com Kanaloa Seafood Market & Kitchen Mr. Don Disraeli 251 Lombard Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 966-5159 www.kanaloaseafood.com Sam's Club Mr. Greg Davis 2401 N. Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-2442 www.samsclub.com Walmart Ms. Christy Wolff 2001 Rose Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 981-4884 www.walmart.com Walmart Mr. Kurtis Teixeira 2701 Saviers Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 200-5224 www.walmart.com Schools - Education Mary Law Private School Mr. Edward C. Perera 2929 Albany Drive Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 483-7930 www.marylawschool.com Opportunities For Learning Ms. Peggy Wilson 1731 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-0713 www.emsofl.com

MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Oxnard Adult School Ms. Kathy Greaves 1101 W. 2nd Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-5227 www.oxnardadulted.us Oxnard School District Dr. Cesar Morales 1051 S. A Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-1501 www.oxnardsd.org Oxnard Union High School District Dr. Penelope A. DeLeon 309 S. K Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-2527 www.ouhsd.k12.ca.us

Homeland Security Solutions, Inc Mr. Rollie Landtiser 4111 San Pedro Street BLD 1443 Port Hueneme, CA 93043 (805) 982-3141 www.hssi.com Signal 88 Security Mr. Anthony Sanchez, CPP 300 E. Esplanade Drive, 9th Floor Oxnard, CA 93036 (844) 744-6258 www.signal88.com/117 Tel-Tec Security Systems Inc. Ms. Tasha Clayton 5020 Lisa Marie Court Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661) 397-5511 www.tel-tec.com Shipping

Rio School District Dr. John D. Puglisi 2500 E. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-3111 www.rioschools.org

Ports America Mr. Cory Gustafson 319 Ponoma Street Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 271-4222 www.portsamerica.com

Santa Clara High School Ms. Mary Mullen 2121 Saviers Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 483-9502 www.santaclarahighschool.com

The UPS Store Mr. Alan Ball 1650 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 983-6100 www.theupsstorelocal.com/6279

University of Phoenix Mr. Mark Hedum 3157 E. Elwood Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 (702) 465-9178 www.phoenix.edu

Shopping Centers

Vista Real Charter High School Ms. Sheri Long 401 S. A Street, Suite 3 Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 486-5449 www.vrchs.org Schools - Facilities Consulting Caldwell Flores Winters, Inc. Emilio Flores 1901 S. Victoria Avenue, Suite 106 Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 253-0370 www.cfwinc.com Security Services Cobalt Security Services, Inc. Mr. Marc Esseff 2625 Townsgate Road, Suite 330 Westlake Village, CA 91361 (866) 819-2611 www.cobaltsecurityservices.com Cornwall Security Services Ms. Barbara Murray 3659 E. Thousand Oaks Boulevard Westlake Village, CA 91362 (805) 676-1828 www.cornwallsecurity.com

The Collection at RiverPark/ CenterCal Properties, LLC Ms. Stefanie Muegel 2751 Park View Court, Suite 261 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-9500 www.TheCollectionRP.com Pacific View Mall Ms. Alice Love 3301-1 E. Main Street Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-0605 www.shoppacificview.com Shuttle Service Pegasus Transit, Inc. Ms. Mary Paseta 210 Beedy Street Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-1540 www.pegasustransit.com Signs - Banners FASTSIGNS Ms. Jill Bonilla 2339 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-7800 www.fastsigns.com/2034-oxnard-ca Signarama - Ventura Mr. Mike Reese 1833 Portola Road, Suite F Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 477-0243 www.signarama-ventura.com

Sod Farms Southland Sod Farms Mr. Jurgen Gramckow PO Box 579 Port Hueneme, CA 93044 (805) 488-3585 www.sod.com Soil Products Agromin Mr. Bill Camarillo 201 Kinetic Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-9200 www.agromin.com Spay & Neuter Services Mercy Crusade's Spay, Neuter Wellness Clinic Ms. Helen Champion 2252 Craig Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-4433 www.dogcatfix.com Sport Fishing

Channel Islands Sportfishing 4151 Victoria Avenue Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 382-1612 www.channelislandssportfishing.com Storage Facilities Channel Islands Self Storage Mr. Ty Melton 900 E. Port Hueneme Road Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 488-3886 www.channelislandsselfstorage.com Flying Trolley Self-Storage Mr. Jeffrey McCrae 1575 W. Fifth Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 382-2242 www.flyingtrolleyselfstorage.com Golden State Self Storage Ms. Felisha Harris 2100 Auto Center Drive Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-1978 www.goldenstatestorage.com Golden State Storage Mr. Shawn McPherson 161 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-4949 www.goldenstatestorage.com



BUYER’S GUIDE LionsGate Self Storage Ms. Kathy Berrington 777 E. Channel Island Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 247-0609 www.lionsgateself-storage.com Meathead Movers Mr. Aaron Steed 1401 Maulhardt Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 987-7201 www.meatheadmovers.com Montgomery Self Storage Ms. Sally Vitela 183 Montgomery Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 604-2222 montgomeryselfstorageoxnard.com PODS "Moving & Storage, Solved" Mr. Steven Yapp 301 S. Rose Avenue, Suite 104 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 644-6503 www.mylocalpods.com

MEMBERS SORTED BY CATEGORY Television - Radio Stations

Trophies - Engraving

Vehicle Processing Services

Lazer Broadcasting Corporation Mr. Mark Spellman 200 S. A Street, 4th Floor Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 240-2070 www.radiolazer.com

Ashton Awards, Inc. dba: Aswell Trophy Mr. Trevor Ashton 235 N. Oxnard Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-2224 www.aswelltrophy.com

Amports, Inc. Mr. Alejandro Alanis 5650 Arcturus Avenue Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 488-4303 www.amports.com

Towing Services Airport Towing Mr. Dan McLaren 561 Buena Vista Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 385-3700 www.airport-towing.com McCarty and Son's Towing Mr. Brian McCarty 1608 E. Fifth Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-0117 www.mccartyandsons.com

Truck Rental - Commercial Enterprise Truck Rental Ventura Mr. John Towne 1144 Arundell Avenue Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642-0811 www.enterprisetrucks.com

Canteen Food & Vending of Coastal California Inc. Ms. Dorothy Scott 121 Bernoulli Circle Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-1414 www.canteenvending.com


Veterinary Services


Oxnard Pallet Co. Ms. Beatrice Vasquez 4524 E. Pleasant Valley Road Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 487-8458 www.oxnardpalletco.com

StorHouse Storage Center Ms. Lupe Jimenez 3201 W. 5th Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 382-2629 www.storhousestorage.com

Aspen Helicopters Mr. Charles McLaughlin 2899 W. 5th Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 985-5416 www.aspenhelo.com

T & T Truck & Crane Service Ms. Kimberly Loft 1375 N. Olive Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 648-3348 www.truckandcrane.com

StorQuest Self Storage Ms. Magnolia Aguilar 1781 Jones Way Oxnard, CA 93033 (805) 487-7102 www.storquest.com

Gold Coast Transit Mr. Steve Brown 301 E. 3rd Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-3959 www.goldcoasttransit.org

Uniforms - Supplies

Tax Preparation - Record Keeping

MV Transportation, Inc. Mr. Sal Knutson 940 Maulhardt Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 988-4891 www.mvtransit.com

Block Advisors Ms. Carolina Jaramillo 365 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 101 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-9508 www.blockadvisors.com FileYourTaxes.com Mr. Timur Taluy PO Box 7657 Oxnard, CA 93031 (805) 644-9398 www.fileyourtaxes.com Telecommunications Charter Communications Ms. Michelle Galvez-Vega 1680 E. Gonzales Oxnard, CA 93030 (855) 721-5074 Impulse Advanced Communications Mr. Chris Rose 6144 Calle Real, Suite 200 Goleta, CA 93117 (805) 456-5800 www.impulse.net



Oxnard Airport - Ventura County Department of Airports Mr. Jorge E. Rubio 2889 W. 5th Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 388-4273 www.iflyoxnard.com Pegasus Transit, Inc. Ms. Mary Paseta 210 Beedy Street Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 988-1540 www.pegasustransit.com RoadRunner Shuttle Ms. Valerie White 240 S. Glenn Drive Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 389-8196 www.rrshuttle.com Yellow Cab Co. Mr. Masood Babaeian 554 Dawson Drive Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 383-5544 www.venturatransit.com

Vending Services

Workrite Uniform Company Mr. David Bass 1701 Lombard Street, Suite 200 Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 483-0175 www.workrite.com Utilities Calleguas Municipal Water District Ms. Kara Wade 2100 Olsen Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 (805) 579-7111 www.calleguas.com SoCalGas Ms. Maria Ventura 1640 E. Gonzales Road Oxnard, CA 93036 (877) 238-0092 www.socalgas.com Southern California Edison Company Ms. Rondi Guthrie 10060 Telegraph Road Ventura, CA 93004 (800) 655-4555 www.sce.com Vehicle Logistics Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, Americas, LLC Mr. Len Mazzella 279 Hueneme Road Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 488-4000 www.2wglobal.com

Mercy Crusade's Spay, Neuter Wellness Clinic Ms. Helen Champion 2252 Craig Drive Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 278-4433 www.dogcatfix.com Video Production SkyForge Productions Mr. Craig Bates 300 E. Esplanade Drive, Suite 964 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 218-0041 www.skyforgeprod.com Visitors - Convention Services Oxnard Convention & Visitors Bureau Mr. Joshua Travers 2775 N. Ventura Road, Suite 208 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 385-7545 www.visitoxnard.com Warehouses Kalstar Enterprises, LLC Ms. Teresa Torrey 601 Kinetic Drive Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 983-0993 www.kalstar.com

Lineage Logistics, dba Terminal Freezers Mr. Tony Caetano 908 E. Third Street Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 483-2265 www.lineagelogistics.com Superior Cooling Mr. Mike Bridges PO Box 71 Oxnard, CA 93032 (805) 486-4801


Water Products - Supplies Purification Pacific Water Conditioning Mr. Mark Ansolabehere 905 Pauling Drive Newbury Park, CA 91320 (805) 498-6626 www.pacificwaterconditioning.com Wineries & Wine Sales Herzog Wine Cellars Mr. Joseph Herzog 3201 Camino del Sol Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 983-1560 www.herzogwinecellars.com Rancho Ventavo Cellars Ms. Faye Hawes 741 S. A Street Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 483-8084 www.rvcellars.com

Child Development Resources Mr. Don Henniger 221 E. Ventura Boulevard Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 485-7878 www.cdrv.org

Youth Organizations

Hip-Hop Help Mr. Dexter Nunnery 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 300 Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 205-5003 www.hiphophelp.org

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County Ms. Rene Solem 4001 Mission Oaks Boulevard, Suite J Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 484-2282 www.bbsvc.org

Oxnard Police Activities League, Inc. Mr. Jessy Tapia 350 S. K Street Oxnard CA, 93030 (805) 385-8230 www.oxnardpal.org

Boys & Girls Clubs of Oxnard/ Port Hueneme Ms. Erin Antrim 1900 W. Fifth Street Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 815-4959 www.bgcop.org Channel Islands YMCA Ms. Tina Hernandez 105 E. Carillo Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 569-0947 www.ciymca.org



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Exit Sea

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Exit Joh

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8 28

14 16





2 25 17









29 9


19 27


Simi Valley Landfill & Recycling Center Mr. Scott Tignac 2801 Madera Road Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 579-7267 keepingventuracountyclean.com

River Ridge Golf Club Mr. Otto Kanny 2401 W. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard, CA 93036 (805) 981-8722 www.riverridge-golfclub.com


Waste Management


A = Alco hol/Coc AM = ktails/B Americ eer/Wine an B = Bakery BZ = Brazilia n C = Chines e CA = Caterin g CAJ = Cajon/C reole CO = Coffee/ Tea/Lat D tes = Deliver y E = Elegan t/Fine Din ing

To Port


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P = Private Club PT = Patio Din ing R = Mee ting S = Seafood Space and Priv ate Par SM = ties Smooth ies & Ble T = Thai nded Drin ks TO = Take out V = Vegetar orders ian W = Wine Tas ting


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