Owensboro Parent - November 2011

Page 15

so i went

to college { paid advertorial }


or Gwendolyn Ochoa, 28, being a single, working mom is

closed and you won’t ever learn anything,” Gwendolyn said. “With

nothing new.

a degree they can go anywhere and do everything they want.”

“I have seen the struggles of a single mother and income

firsthand,” said Gwendolyn, one of four daughters to a single

ideally like to see herself.

At 28, Gwendolyn admits she is behind in where she would


“Where I am now most people my age were 4 or 5 years ago,”

Raising two sons, Noah, 10, and Elijah, 8, and working many

Gwendolyn said. “So I feel as if my life has been on hold, and now I

unfulfilling jobs, Gwendolyn knew pursuing her education was

can finally get to living it.”


But it’s not easy. Gwendolyn knows firsthand that being a single

“I do not discount experience at all,” Gwendolyn said. “But with a bachelor’s degree in the mix, I have many more opportunities and choices in careers and chances for advancement.” Currently, Gwendolyn is working toward a bachelor’s degree focused on communication. She hopes to work for a media company in public

mom and getting her degree is difficult.

“I wanted my kids to know how important education is and where all it can take you.”

relations in the future.

“The hard part is you are tired from the

day, go to class at night, come home late and need to eat, do laundry, pick up, see the kiddos and then once the bum hits the couch, the last thing anyone wants to do is more work,” Gwendolyn said. “It is tough to stay motivated. But when you know what this will get you and

Ready to “stand on her own two feet,” Gwendolyn believes her

where, and know you are doing this so you can be at home every

degree to be invaluable. But more than that, she is proud to show

night with the most important people in your life, then it is all

her boys the importance of education.

worth it.”

“I wanted them to know how important education is and where

Gwendolyn’s advice for other parents?

all it can take you--all the experiences in which it will provide,”

“You can do it,” Gwendolyn said. “Be patient and realize you

Gwendolyn said. “I wanted them to understand it is not ever too

will get it done. You will freak out, you will get frustrated, but you

late to finish anything.”

will get it finished.”

This mom also stresses the importance of learning and keeping

She justifies that the two to four years it will take someone to

an open mind to her sons.

complete a degree will be long period of time no matter what.

“When you think you know everything, the mind becomes

“So I went to college,” Gwendolyn said.


Western Kentucky University in Owensboro has been educating students for over 40 years.

Learn more online: www.wku.edu/owensboro www.OwensboroParent.com

November 2011 . OWENSBORO PARENT


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