Outerboom Billboards

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Billboard Rules We love it when you get it right the first time. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind when thinking about billboards.

1/ For Billboards, Six Words or Less is Ideal & Colour is Important. Remember that we’re on the move when we read billboards, so we don’t have a lot of time to take them in. Six seconds has been touted as the industry average for reading a billboard. So, around six words is all you should use to get the message across. Also, consider the space in which the billboard is found and use colours to make it stand out.

trouble developing a strong marketing campaign? Speak to us!

4/ The More Billboards, The Better. Billboards are a mass market medium, so you want more than one, and you want as many eyes on them as possible. Remember, frequency breeds familiarity, familiarity breeds confidence and confidence breeds sales.

2/ Consider Your Market

5/ Get Creative

Stop and think where your target market lives and get a billboard in that area, or in a street leading to that area. Yes it’s that simple. Remember that women react better to certain colours, men to particular images. We're more than glad to help with this – just ask.

Get creative with your billboard ideas. A flat billboard is the standard, but it doesn’t have to be the norm. You can go 3D, have moving parts and even have people interacting with it. There is no reason that it just has to be a large, simple print ad. This is your opportunity to do something eye-catching and memorable, so go for it. Speak to us about interactive billboards, we have a few tricks up our sleeve.

3/ A Billboard is Part of a Campaign not THE Campaign. A billboard is a supportive advertising medium, which means that it’s ideal for brand-building and supporting a larger campaign, but it just cannot do the heavy lifting alone – so use other media in your campaigns. Having

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