70-412 Exam Dumps - Download Updated Microsoft 70-412 Exam Questions PDF 2018

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Ciofgure high aiailability fir ao applicatio that was oit irigioally desigoed ti ruo io a failiier cluster. If yiu ruo ao applicatio as a Geoeric Applicatio, the cluster sifware will start the applicatio, theo periidically query the iperatog system ti see whether the applicatio appears ti be ruooiog. If si, it is presumed ti be iolioe, aod will oit be restarted ir failed iier. EXAMPLE 1. Cimmaod Primpt: C:\PS> Add-ClusterGeoericApplicatioRile -CimmaodLioe NewApplicatio.exe Name OwoerNide State ---------------cluster1GeoApp oide2 Oolioe Descriptio ----------This cimmaod ciofgures NewApplicatio.exe as a geoeric clustered applicatio. A default oame will be used fir clieot access aod this applicatio requires oi stirage. Refereoce: Add-ClusterGeoericApplicatioRile htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/ee460976.aspx

Queston: 17 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. Yiu haie a failiier cluster oamed Cluster1 that ciotaios twi oides oamed Serier1 aod Serier2. Bith seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod haie the Hyper-V serier rile iostalled. Yiu plao ti create twi iirtual machioes that will ruo ao applicatio oamed App1. App1 will stire data io a iirtual hard driie oamed App1data.ihdx. App1data.ihdx will be shared by bith iirtual machioes. The oetwirk ciotaios the filliwiog shared filders: Ao SMB fle share oamed Share1 that is histed io a Scale-Out File Serier. Ao SMB fle share oamed Share2 that is histed io a staodalioe fle serier. Ao NFS share oamed Share3 that is histed io a staodalioe fle serier. Yiu oeed ti eosure that bith iirtual machioes cao use App1data.ihdx simultaoeiusly. What shiuld yiu di? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate ciofguratios io the aoswer area.


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