1919 05 05 The Tan and Cardinal

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W E STERVI LLE, O H IO, MAY 5, 1919.

V O L. 2.





No. 24.



D inn er and P r og r a m M ake Evening Students _M~ke Complaints A ~ainst Pleasan t fo r Jun iors. Gordon O t terbein m Y. M . C. A. Meeting . R em ed y Is P rop osed. V isi~ors Score Eleven Runs In Single Howard is Toc. stm as ter. Y. W. C. A. Girls S erve D ain ty R eIn n ing- M any E rrors A re Made past t o the Delight of Hun g ry Otte r bein'· annua l FreshmanLa - 1 T hursday night the second by Both T eams. Junio r Banquet wa s held Tuesda: ' nl' :nber of t he conte t being held by Breakfaster s. . :\. was led by L. J. niaht Apri l 2,), in the basement oi the Y. M. ' Cn ited Brethren churci1. _.\ \ \'ood. H ITS ARE M A D E AT WILL TABLES W EL L DECORATED ,;e lect orchestra furni hed the music. Profes or Fritz. garbed a an old Violet3 and Blos3o m s B ea i.:t ift:!- 1 ordon · Howard was the toas t master. "country iake." comp lained that here F rost for Musk:ngum, Martin and I Mignery for Otterbein Showed Menu Well Ch o sen an d S e r ved The Fre hman-Ju ni or banquet i in schoo l his son didn't tudy hut I Jt te of the bi<T social e,·en t of the I ei<Tht hour a day and had learned to Real Baseball A bi ity. I n E xce II en t S ty I e . . ~o lle:;e year and t his one was a sue- play checker-. rook and tennis. Otterbein wa def atecl in her third More than two hundred g u es ~; were ·c~s in e,·ery way. The dining hal l P. K. \"oel. in a basebal l unifo··m game of ba,eball w:t", , 1u k'ngum, Pre ent at the annual May ~[or :i:n::- and t he tables were uniquely and and lugging a huge sledge hammer. aturday afternoon by a score of 23 to Breakfa t given by t he Y. \ V. · A. tastefu ll y deco rated with purple and knocked the athletics of Otterbein. girl in the ·ochran Ha ll dining roo m ·1 He r ecommended the erection of a 10. Loo e playing seemed in vogue. both sides making a great quantit t d I d go 11c · . a ur ay morning. Ideal weat 1er an \her the table had been cleared I new (Tym and the 1mpro,·emcn t o f the of errors. In the first inning Otter­ Well organized planning combined to : G . ~f 11 . chairman of present shower baths and locker 11 1' _ bein pu heel ahead by a 3 to I ·core make the affair very ucces ful. '.li ss _enevieve .1 u rooms. . the ~oc1al committee, presented GorIn the . econd inning no :cores wer~ e Glady Howard a cha irman of t he don Howa r d a the toastma -te r of Mr. l:lert Jayne complained that 0 111nintee on all arrangements, _de- the cn:ning. Mr. l loward in hi in- they <_lid_n't ha -.-_ a pool tabl in the made by either side. The next time up. • [uskingum walked away with ser\'e a great deal of commendation, k ·pressed the re- .\ssoc1a t1on l:lt ildrn g and that if he the game by ~cori ng eleven runs. . . Tl1 troductory remar s ex : sh man cla s that wanted to dan ce he had to go home e f h a. well a · all the sub-chairmen. :'.llartin replaced Dano as pitcher_ d . I . o- rct o t e 1 re • . , I I I , ecoration were very pretty, )elllg ,.., I I _ . · . llaro < 1·reeman. tli,cc·la--• J>rcsid..:nt . . . to t 1e oca church. Ott rbcin lost her pu.1ch after thi Pring flowers and fern , used 111 comt e )re cnt lie th en Mr. JI. H . .\1eyers abo complained blow rallying only in the nin th wheit h.1 . . k d wa · t11ta 11 > e o I> I · nation with tall baskets of pin an j . d . B 1 .. l\f ·t'n wh 1 we!- t 1tat the · preacher crowd'' around four runs were core,!. Hits by Whit . f . I I b :\Irs introd uce o > • a1 i ' h n "e, , t . . I . ff :\[ e carnations, urn1, 1cc Y • · ied the Juniors to the banquet. oo arct 11 t 1nr · ort ·ither side wer · made at will Otter­ 11 · a~y E. Lee. The waitresses. dress- ~~ Gray president of the Junior to secu re conYt:rts to th ir way of bein gett:ng JO hits and 1[u ·kingum 1 eel Ill \\'hite and delicate color·. com- Ire < 'o' d•d to the wekomc. He thinking. taking 17. Frost for • fu~kingum >I t ,, . . . c a,s, resp n c u l' ~- , i e eu the damtme s of the scene. a wish for com rad hip he•" r. . r... 1 u 1sc hrought forth he :'.II art in an<l 111 ignery for Otterbei ; 1 1 One interesting feature wa~ the ad- expresset<l la. se - Following this, pica that he studied hard. hut. hc- ·howe.d real base ball ability. v rt1s1ng, · · • I twe en 1e c •· which was earned on arge. u . .. er ,.,., ga,·c a de- cause he lacked "cla ·." he wa~ not T_;neup as foll ws: I, I b Miss o atnce 1·1s11 . -#• }f l~• means of p?sters. . -~ num er ji.,.htfttl vo.cal s lo. Dennis D. llrane. g-i,en a pro:11incnt place in chool O tterbein O Muskingum girls wh se art1st1c ability, up to ti r1 t toa t of the c,.en- acti, ities. Graham, c. .\Ir. \\'ood said e,·erything could be Dano, J\lartin. p......... . thi · time. has been unk nown to their ' '22 , g~ :~ ,eJ\,I' r te ... ~11.. J ·ei> 1_ · d · · 1· 1,·e 111 u • " ., .\ Ibright. 3b. f ri_end 1'.J Or('head, 3b. .. di played unu ua l talent an '.ng-r ,., foliowed with the remedied by unselfishne . 0 ... ....... .. ain, 2b. originality in making po ters. Their me ·oor. #T . . .. Both of the Often the un elfish road will be 11ignery, 2b. st oaSlies. Fox. lb.......... ' ork· 1s · · d 1d toast "Po d . Fro. t, lb. highly appreciate : ai ali,·e with wit and 1mmecI I>y c Iou d Irnt I'f we perse~1 iller, c....... . .. Boyd, rf. <10 uhtle s much of the uccess of the toa st wTe1~~ , _ iia l t)rorrram clo ed vere we will see each eYening the c~own, cf. whoJ_e a ff air · is due to t h e w1·r1 e p u b l1c - hl' :::o~. ..- •0 · 1 "' in g from " u 1>1·1me, wee t eYc111ng · · J1 1• S,\ sy, cf. .t r ead star w I11c w ith a fa cina t ing ~ l Lehman, Pace, If. ........ Karscher If Y g iven it. . Ke ll er, ,20 _ t 11e un e l11 h love of Jesu hr i t." ' . Th k t h I Hugo. by Mi s He len v, ells, rf. ............... Wi lson Carmen p came the extempo r aneous e chairman wi hes to ta ·e Martin, Dano, ............ :. JI.filler ' · 0 Dr Jones and Dean Miss Vance To Give O rgan R ecital. PPOrtunity to thank al l th e g irl for _ Thk~n Otterbein ........ 3 0 I O 1 1 O O ~10 their p lendid work: a nd the c itizen ,pea mg. . Mi s Helen \"ance will gi\'e an orCalled on by the Mu·kingum .... IO II 4 2 0 3 0 2-23 o f \ Yesterville fo r their hea r ty co-op- McFad d en were . e toa tmas ter. T hey exp r e ed their gan recital 0 11 the chapel organ T uesra tion and pat r onage. he reports a , d • i\I fin ay eve11 111 g, ay I 3. Mis V_ ance i 1 al i>r eciatio n of the ' vening s f proth e net p r ofit. w hi ch wi ll go towar< ga ,·e r emi ni cenccs o o Id a mem I>er o f t h e 1919 gra d ua t,ng cla s Philomathean Literar y Society e :ummer Conference F und. gram. . . . . Buys Many New Books. and ome kindly ad nee to the piano of t he Otterbein 011 erva• 0 ---------t im: ' of the two cla e . ··Herb'' tory of ).lu ic and an advanced pu pi l Approximate ly sev nty-fiye of the 1 tterbein Has C lose Meet mMem Jcr ">O and -harle Pul e '22, in organ of Prof. G .G. Grabil l. he be t books of recent publication have eyer extemporaneou # ' • G m·id ju t been received by the Philomath­ WI.th Capito l in Tennis. ave toa ts. Th e I· a men~ b er o f t h e rA, mencan Although u fferi ng defeat in tennis ~o llege ong wa ung and the Fresh- of Organ1s_t and has taken charge of ean catalogue r and placed on the from Capito l atu r day, Ot te r bein man-Junior Banquet of 19 19 was the n~wly ll1 ta iled organ at the I re - ~_hel\'eS of the Carnegie .L ibrary. The list o_f books and au th or i too Jong ~howecl e,·idcnces of a crac k team. ended. bytenan church. to print but the fact is that the selec­ Vith only one afte rn oon p rac t ice a II tion wa made wjt h de liberation and Pring the team in tec h nica l s kill o u tcoun el by capable men. t ~dent cla ed their oppo ne n ts. 1[arti n in th e fi r t ing les o utplaye d th e Ca pi ­ hould look ove r th e books ca r eful ly and take ad van tage o f uch an excel­ tol man bu t wa for ced to g ive in be­ cau se of a prain ed a nkl e. co r e A la A la ! t he old P hilop hro- 1pec ul iar contr aptions t ha t ha ve been lent opport un ity to r ea d the la te t an d I 6-3. 6-8. 4-6. G r ay's m an p roved to nean Te be t boo ks of fiction hi s tory, religion m p le is a th in g of th e pa t. p laced beneath the be lo ,·ed edi fice . and biog rap hy. ' be too fast for h im p r obabl y d ue to T hat ac r ed s tru c tu re o long Fa rewell ! fond land m a r k; we bid lac k of pra t ice. co r e 2-6, 2-6. • d b , tli e brot h ers o f "Ph ilia thee ad ad ie u God-speed ! lo ng fo c I, en 11e ) . I n t h·e do ubl es tte rb e in won an • Pl " lia bee n d efi led by t he te r ed he 1rloom-1T1a y y o u pe nd m a ny On Teachers' P rogram. K a i 1ron ea . . ea Y vic t ory. Ban cr o ft and :Martin . • ha n ds o f th e ho u e m ore fru it ful year o f se r vice al Dr. E. A. Jon e i · sc hedul ed to ac r e I1g 1o u . Play.ing t h ei r op po ne nt s o ff th eir fee t. ·t is go ing no o n e t ho ug h co rru p t111g hand s ha:ve to rn pe_ak a t the annua l meeting of the ' th m ove r. V h i e r i . co:-e 10-8, 6-4. ·t urely i as 1 yo u fro m t he hall owed ground w h ere O hio tate Teac her ' A ssocia tion to · kn o w , b u t, go111 g 1 ' 1~x t we ek th e team will p la y \ V it­ th e m ultitud e of yo u have ne ti ed fo r ma ny y ea rs. •d d b be held at eda r Poin t in June. Y e n cn ce tenb r g at pringfield . 1





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