Otterbein Review Sept 22, 1913

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OUTLOOK (Continued


from pao-e one.)

made the be t hawing. ha been worked at quarter and eneff at center. ~ingrell wh:> played with nti ch la t year ha5 been playing half and show speed as well as g od line plun~-· ing ability. oun ellor, Walter , Hert, Roth Weimer, Kratzer Gar er, eally Huber, Bierly, Meyers, Thur h, Shumaker, and Weber are going to make a hard fight for permanent placed on the team.


Capt. H . C . Plott.

REVIEW "PROFS" WILL TALK A Series of Lectures Will Be Given by Professors.

A eries of talks by variou profes or on the faculty will be o-iven, one each week, beginning with next week. These will be an interpretation of the traditions, the present character, and the ftt- -;Jlotch ture purpo e and aim enjoyed by A Graceful Biib Band Notoh Collar, . 2 for 25 oento every student both old and new. • · Cluett, Peabody A Co., loo. Maker The fir t talk will be on the subject, 'Tile Material Spirit of Otterbein" by Doctor T. J. Sander:.. on Friday morning. The following are the rest of the series. Ohio Northern. - About one Sell-F1lling 2. The Social Spirit. hundred students from the Ada In Plott, Otterbein ha one of 3. The Moral Spirit. college entered Lima last night 4. The Religious Spirit. the be t captains in the State. will give you untold satisju t before midnight and proceed5. The Denominational Spirit. lle i an exceptional player and faction every time you fill it ed to tear up things in general. or write with It. Filled in6. The Athletic Spirit. Led by cheer leader , they made puts up a hard steady game at all stantly at any ink-well by a 7. The Academic Spirit. stages of the contest. As a leadalight thumb pressure on the their way through the busine s 8. The Future Spirit. er, he is enthusiastic and earnest. section, sma hing the windows of ''Crescent-Filler''. These are intended to be an in· several saloons by hurling bricks He instills into his men that nevNo fuss, no muss. Writes as and appreciation easl!y as filled. Come in through them. Later they split er-give-up spirit, which is char· terpretation and let us tell you all about acteristic of himself. "'ith such rather than an idealistic presenup in smaller bands and succeedConklin 's Self-Fillicg Pen. a captain and coaching we arc tation or a hortatory appeal. Let ed in terrorizing the residence district for the remainder of thl! sure to get the very best out of us strive to make them a reflecthe material which i out for thr: tion with a comment on Otterbein night. team. as she was, as she is, and as she The police broke up the di tur· should be. The names of the Pennants, Fountain Pens, College bance tbi morning by chargincThe following is an addition1i professors who will speak on the Stationery, Tablets, Inks and the .!'hlllPnt<:. whn h:id c-.o\\eclec\it: a,· un1ent along the line of the other subjects will be announced Uther supplies at the a body on the high chool cam- editorial on "Smoking": later. old stand of the pus. Two were arre ted and are Mr. Edi on said a very sensibl:· held in the jail for a ault. thing about never drinking alcoMandolin Club Formed. holic beverages because he had Profe or Spessard is working Ohio State-The annual 'Cane better u e for his head. If one hard to complete the organization Rush" was won by the sopho- has any u e, at all, for hi intel- of the Mandolin Club for thi more cla s, after three minutes of lectual or moral facilities, he doe The aim is to have the club fighting. This is the second time not want to poi on and befuddle of ten members, two THE in history of the institution that them through the taking of alcoand eight mandolins. the ru h ha be~n won by .i hol into his system. The ther men have reported but sophomore class. day, in response to a question a~ not enough, and every man in No. 1 North State. Ohio State like many other col- to hi use of cigarettes, Mr. Edi- school who has had any experileges i experiencing a shortage son aid that not only did he not ence whatever with either instru- LOWNEY S BEST CHO COin the number of football candi- u e them, but that no boy who ment should tryout for the club. LA TE and a full line of the dates. Only about thirty-five did could work in his labratory, There is a possibility that the 20c and 25c CANDIES. men eligible for Varsity footbal 1 and then he concluded with. this club will accompany the glee club, have .reported for practice. striking sentence: "In my opin- but this is very uncertain and deion, there are enough degenerates pends on the number who turn Bell 1-R. Citz. 31. in the world without manufactur- out and the quality of its producJ. H. Hott Students To Be Seated. inrr any more b'y means of cigar- tions. Come out, fellows, and The classification committee ettes." It is hard enough to con- help make it a success. have had a very busy time this erve our physical and mental enyear, classifying the new students, ergie without doing what is di- Public Speaking Council Re· and it has taken a much longer rectly injuriou to them, and conorganized. time than usual. However the ervation has come to be one of At a meeting of the public the watchwords of the day in speaking council this noon the tudents will be assigned permawhich we live.-Tama ews. debate question was discussed, nent seats for chapel tomorrow but nothing final was decided up- morning. "The team is progres ing slowon. However the councii was ews has been received of the ly but with Exendine and Marreorganized and E. E. Bailey was marriage of Miss Ada· May Buttin' coaching should round into elected president. A not her meetgood hape before the Delaware ing will be held tomorrow and the termore, '11, to C. H. Kohler on Manager Hott has given the game. 'vVe need the upport of the fourth of September, at orth debate que tion d~cided upon. team a ery good chedule. He every student on the ide line;; Lawrence, Ohio. Mr. Kohler, ha been working very hard and and in the tand . Every man i · RESTAURANT '09, is teachino- in the west. Bot 11 will put the team on the field, going 111 again t Delaware to G. M. Geis Successor to Kratzer. partie are o-raduate of Otter39 N. State. bein. Saturday bedecked in new suit . win." -Captain Plott.


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