Otis 2011 MFA Catalog

Page 33

My practice manifests as photography and painting. The photographic work consists of abstracted images from magazine articles, which appear soft and blurry. As the viewer approaches, the images will eventually reveal themselves. They are torn, tattered, and burned; and smell of ash and corrosion. My paintings consist of large multiple panels. I use chiaroscuro and scale to create drama. The paintings are dark, erotic, and confusing.

I am a colorist. I am interested in the process and systems that lead to an optical illusion or visual clash. Simultaneous contrast is used in my work to create a push-pull effect that generates a conversation between colors’ vibrancy, contrast, and harmony on a plane of geometric structure. An all-over composition is created that in turn creates energy and movement. My work is about the mechanical versus the natural, color clash and harmony, and painting as object. I explore how geometry and the grid function in the form of a pattern and system, while still being synchronized with the harmony that color creates. What results is a conversation between the painting and viewer, movement and energy, and optics and cognitive psychology.

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