September 2014| $6.00 The Charity Issue
The th Annual Beauty of Charity Issue OTC Store Interview Inside Lee Beauty Supply – Montgomery, AL
Cosmoprof North America 2014 Beauty Business News Scan to visit OTC website
CONTENTS September2014 in this issue
Editorial Letter ��������������������� 10 Charming Charity 자선의 아름다움
Expert Advice �����������������������12 The Road to Philanthropy
Marketplace �������������������������16 What’s New in Beauty?
How Should You Sell It? �������22 Why Choose Charity?
어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은… 왜 자선을 선택하는가 이다?
Urban Call Briefs ������������������48 Role Model Beyond Beauty
King of Locs..........................63 The Winds of Change
Clipper Tips ��������������������������80 Clipper Tips for the College-Bound Student
Feature Article
Philanthropic Public Spirits ����� 66 by Phylencia “PT” Taylor
When one thinks of the beauty industry words like benevolence, humanitarianism and social conscience are not typically top-ofmind words. However, there are change agents in the industry working to bridge outer beauty with inner beauty through philanthropic efforts. Meet two of these from polar fiscal positions who are giving back.
Show Coverage Cosmoprof North America 2014 ������������������� 86 Cosmoprof North America continues to exemplify the energy and creativity that drive the beauty industry. As such, 2014 proved to be a record year for the show both in terms of the largest and most international number of attendees and the largest number of participating exhibitors.
Retailer Profile
Therapy Trends ���������������������82 Lee Beauty Supply Beauty Links and Linkages Montgomery, AL ������������������74 Tony Bae Tonsorial Times .................... 84 by 상품으로 손님을 컨트롤 하세요. Follow Your Clippers and your Heart
업계소식................................ 96
Jinny News ��������������������������98 Industry News ���������������������99 Coupons ��������������������������� 105 Show Calendar ����������������� 112 Ad Index ��������������������������� 112 Reader Feedback ��������������� 114 Product Spotlight �������������� 116 Ampro Pro Styl Curl Enhancer Gel Activator
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
On The Cover Motions 3-Step Heat Styled System for natural textures is a hit! Prep hair with Straight Finish™ Cleanser to ease detangling while smoothing and elongating curls. Protect with Straight Finish™ LeaveIn Conditioner for instant moisturization. Seal with Straight Finish™ Sealer, the serum that retains moisture and controls frizz. All that’s left is silky, shiny and smooth hair.
CONTENTS September 2014 Knowledge To Know Finished Product
Main Types of Eyeliners and The Basic Fundamentals of Deep Tricks on How to Apply Them ������������������������ 28 Conditioning Treatments for by Ashley Moore Naturally Curly Hair ������������������������� 32 Eyeliner makes a huge difference—it can take the look of a basic eye makeup application to a look by Joseph Caron
Deep conditioning doesn’t have to be difficult conditioning. Here are 5 steps to help you make good decisions when deep conditioning naturally curly hair.
자연적인 곱슬 머리를 위한 딥 컨디셔닝의 기본 핵심 딥 컨디셔닝이 어려운 컨디셔닝일 필요는 없다. 여기 자연적인 곱슬 머리를 딥 컨디셔닝할 때 당신이 좋은 결정을 내릴 수 있게 도와주는 5 가지 단계가 있다.
How to Remove Nail Polish Stains ������������������������ 36 by Tanya Loo
Old nail polish has the ability to leave a person’s nails with a stained and discolored appearance. While it is very discouraging to look at these nails when they look so awful, this situation is not impossible to correct. In fact, there are several methods to remove nail polish stains from fingernails.
매니큐어 얼룩 제거 방법 예전 매니큐어들은 손톱에 얼룩이나 변색을 남기곤 했다. 손톱에 남은 흔적들을 보게 되면 매우 실망스럽지만, 이런 상황을 해결하는 것이 불가능한 것은 아니다. 여기에 그러한 얼룩을 지울 수 있는 방법들을 나열해 놨다.
How to Promote and Stimulate Natural Hair Growth ������������������ 40 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
It has not been proven that any product applied externally to the hair or scalp can promote, stimulate or accelerate natural hair growth. Most people who complain of little or no hair growth are blaming it on the wrong reason.
컬 관리 아직까지 헤어나 두피에 외부적으로 적용하는 어떤 제품들도 네추럴 헤어의 성장을 촉진, 활성화, 혹은 가속화시키는 것으로 입증된 것은 없다. 모발이 잘 자라지 않는다고 불평하는 대부분의 사람들은 잘못된 이유로 이런 제품들에 불만을 토로한다.
that accentuates your lashes and enriches the shape of your eye. Eyeliner can be sexy, elegant, or subtle, but it also can be harsh, overly dramatic, or sloppy—it all depends on how you apply it.
Business Tips
How Can Employees Show Customers They Care? ����������������������������������� 52 Caring about customers is one of the best ways to differentiate your business and gain long-term consumer loyalty. “Your best strategy is to teach your employees what caring about customers looks like in action,” says Jon Gordon. “Suggest specific tactics they can employ. When they see how good it feels to care—and how good caring is for business—you’ll receive your team’s buy-in and continued participation.”
직원들이 고객들을 보살피고 있다는 것을 어떻게 보여줄 것인가? 고객을 보살피는 것은 당신의 비즈니스를 차별화할 수 있고 장기적인 고객 충성도를 얻을 수 있는 최상의 방법 중 하나이다. “당신의 최고의 전략은 직원들이 고객을 행동으로 보살필 수 있도록 가르치는 것입니다.” Jon Gordon이 말한다. “그들이 이용할 수 있는 특정한 전술을 제안하세요. 보살핌을 받는다는 느낌이 얼마나 좋은 것인지 – 보살핌이 비즈니스를 위해서 얼마나 좋은 것인지- 그들이 보게 될 때, 당신의 팀은 그것에 동의하며 지속적으로 동참하게 될 것입니다.”
Why Happiness Matters �������������������������������� 56 by Henry S. Miller Although some would have you think otherwise, the uniquely human pursuit of happiness is not merely some frivolous idle-time activity for the fortunate few. Instead, it is a serious pursuit—a duty and responsibility for each of us..
행복이 중요한 이유 당신은 그렇게 생각하지 않을 수도 있지만, 인간의 고유한 행복 추구는 단지 몇 가지 행운에 대한 사소한 유휴 시간 활동만은 아니다. 대신, 그것은 진지한 추구 – 우리 각자를 위한 의무와 책임 – 인 것이다.
Special Charity Section
The Beauty of Charity ������������������������������������������������ 68 There are some things you just cannot say enough about. Don’t believe it? Consider the following for a moment: cute baby puppies, the love shown in warm welcoming hugs as a soldier steps off the plane from serving in foreign lands. Once you see these it is hard to not tell others about them so you can all bask in that joy. The same is true about the charity efforts of the people and companies within the beauty industry, and we explore the work of six beauty businesses.
자선의 아름다움 당신이 단지 충분하다고 말할 수 없는 것들이 몇 가지 있다. 만약 그렇게 생각하지 않는다면, 다음 내용들을 잠깐 생각해 봐라: 귀여운 아기 강아지, 외국에서의 임무를 마치고 비행기에서 내리는 군인들을 환영하는 따뜻한 포옹에서 보여지는 사랑. 당신이 이런 것을 본다면, 다른 사람들에게 그것에 관해 말하지 않기가 힘들 것이며 그 모든 기쁨들을 누릴 수 있게 된다. 그러한 것은 개인이나 단체가 자선을 하는 것에서도 볼 수 있다. 여기에 현재 자선 활동을 활발히 펼치고 있는 여섯 개의 뷰티 업계 회사들을 소개해 본다.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Ann Jhin
Haley McNeal
Korean News Editor:
Tony Bae
Earl Cole
Art Director:
Advertising & Sales Coordinator:
Contributing Writers:
Joseph Caron Jon Gordon Cyrus Jackson Harlan Kirschner Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Tanya Loo Henry S. Miller Ashley Moore Phylencia Taylor
Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Editorial Letter
Charming Charity 자선의 아름다움 You know that happy warmth of contentment you get in your heart when you know you have done something good—like helping someone carr y groceries to their apartment, holding the door open for someone, or spotting a friend an extra dollar so they can get the soda they really want to get them through the last hour of work? No matter how small an act of kindness may seem, they all ser ve a greater purpose; making the world a better place.
In regards to OTC stores and companies alike, no
matter how they give back time or money to charities, each effort is significant. Whether it is by supporting a national philanthropic campaign or sponsoring a little league team in their own neighborhood, they can all offer aid to the world. For the fifth year in a row, OTC Beauty Magazine has dedicated an issue to celebrating the selfless acts of organizations within the industr y helping those in need. We invite you to learn more about the efforts of a handful of companies within the beauty industr y in our special charity section on page 68.
We also recently traveled to Las Vegas in order to
Cosmoprof North America. In this issue we provide coverage for this show, which was just as fabulous this year as it has been in years past – if not more so.
As always you can find the latest in beauty business
식료품 봉지를 자신의 아파트로 나르는 사람을 돕거나, 누군가를 위해 문을 열어 잡고 있는 것, 혹은 업무 시간동안 너무 마시고 싶은 음료수를 마실 수 있게 여분의 달러를 친구에게 주는 것처럼 – 여러분이 무언가 좋은 일을 하고 있다는 것을 알게 될 때 당신의 가슴 속에 따뜻한 행복의 만족감이 든다는 것을 우리는 알고 있습니다. 아무리 작은 것이라도 친절한 행동은 모두 더 큰 목적을 제공합니다. 이것이 세상을 더 나은 곳으로 만드는 것입니다. OTC 매장이나 회사들에서는, 그들이 자선을 위해 어떤 식으로 시간이나 금전을 제공하든, 그 각각의 노력은 의미심장합니다. 국가적인 자선 캠페인을 지원하든 주변의 작은 스포츠 팀을 후원하든, 그것은 모두 세상에 도움을 제공하는 것입니다. 50년 연속으로, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 도움이 필요한 사람들을 돕고 있는 업계 내 이타적인 조직의 활동을 축하하기 위해 헌정 호를 발간해왔습니다. 페이지 68 의 특별한 자선 활동 섹션에서 뷰티 업계의 몇몇 업체들의 노력에 대해 더 자세히 알려주고자 합니다. 우리는 또한 최근 기업 간 최고의 뷰티 이벤트인, Cosmoprof North America에 참석하기 위해 라스 베가스를 다녀왔습니다. 이번 호에서는 지난 몇 년 동안과 마찬가지로 환상적인었던 – 어쩌면 그 이상일 수도 있는 이번 쇼에 대한 내용들도 제공합니다. 언제나 여러분은 뷰티 산업의 최신 뉴스와 트랜드, 그리고 제품들을 우리 매거진에서 찾을 수가 있습니다. 이 모든 내용들이 우리에게 그랬듯이 여러분에게도 매력적일 수 있길 바랍니다.
news, trends and products within our covers. Go ahead, let the contents charm you just like they did us. Editor, 10
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine
Expert Advice by Harlan Kirschner
Harlan Kirschner is the founder and owner of the Kirschner Group and the 2014 Spirit of Life Honoree.
The Road to Philanthropy A firsthand look at one man’s journey
s the founder and owner of the Kirschner Group (TKG), I take philanthropy very seriously as one of our company focuses. As a young business entrepreneur 35 years ago when I started the Kirschner Group, I had no idea how important it was to be part of the charities and different organizations in giving back within the beauty industry. As my business began to develop, I learned how very important it is to donate to and support our industries’ philanthropic efforts, as well as supporting personal charities and associations that affected friends and family we loved. Making it Real I remember when “giving back” became a bit more real to me, it turned into a vision rather than my time and money when I had my first visit to the City of Hope. Wow! It moved me how much this one facility does to help people survive and help the families affected by a loved one struck by cancer. It was a truly eye opening experience for me personally and I looked at giving back in a much different light. It became a bit more real where my money was going and encouraged me to do more. I joined the council to immerse myself more with City of Hope and make myself a part of this great organization. I admired the many honorees from City of Hope and all their amazing efforts to raise money and help those in need, and I knew one day that was my goal; I wanted to campaign with my whole TKG team and help those afflicted with cancer. One in three men and two out of three women will be afflicted by cancer in their lifetimes. Hitting Close to Home Throughout my career I was always passionate about this cause, but it was when my daughter fell in love and explained to me that her now husband Chris was a cancer survivor of Hodgkins lymphoma that the passion was 12
OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine September December 2008 OTC 2014
fueled. As I got to know Chris better I realized the value of City of Hope and that he may not be alive today without the tremendous efforts that research hospitals perform. I continued my journey in serving on the City of Hope council and assisting other honorees and industry leaders to raise support for institutes and causes like City of Hope, always dreaming of one day leading my own campaign. Spirit of Life In July 2013, I got the best news that I was picked as the next Spirit of Life honoree, and as this was an honor in itself, I was thrilled to have the platform to speak to the industry about teaming up to fight cancer. This was the start to a very rewarding part of life in business and personally for me. I rallied my whole team of reps plus the entire beauty industry to help me with a yearlong campaign to raise money for City of Hope and celebrate cures. I felt so passionate to not only raise money to help find more cures, but to also help support the families that are suffering from a loved one diagnosed with cancer. Though my passion for giving back has always been at the forefront of my focus and our company, this last year really gave me a voice to be a leader in the industry of how I truly feel and to allow me to have colleagues and competitors come together for one cause—to beat cancer. I have been so lucky through the years to be a part of great facilities, teams, campaigns, and groups where we are able to work together to make a difference. I am so proud to say in this last year we raised over $850,000 to fight cancer. It’s so rewarding to work on projects like these, and meet people who are affected and potentially saved their life with our efforts. I plan to continue my fight with rest of the industry, my TKG team and organizations I am a part of and continue to change and touch one life at a time.
September2008 2014 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December
OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December September2008 2014
December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine
What’s New in Beauty? Staying on the cutting edge of what new products are available in the beauty industry is absolutely necessary to having a successful store and happy customers. Let us keep you up-to-date; explore the items we have gathered here.
Strengthening Cocktail
The EcoNatural Curling Cocktail, new from Ecoco, is a lightweight curling product that combines multi-fruit complexes, collagen amino acids and natural oils to nourish and protect curls. This perfect styling cocktail allows your customers to achieve soft, bouncy, shinier hair without leaving heavy buildup or flakiness. No alcohol, sulfates or parabens!
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Mega Style™
For the ultimate hold and control, choose Doo Gro® Mega Style™ Olive Oil Edge Gel. This rich, restorative formula is crafted to smooth even the toughest strands—relaxed or natural. Simply apply this good that is free of alcohol, petrolatum, sulfates, mineral oil and silicone to edges and smooth. It is great for natural or relaxed styles.
Refreshingly Crisp
At the first whiff the crisp, clean scent of the ORS™ Olive Oil Sulfate-Free Hydrating Shampoo delights the senses. This product gently cleanses without stripping the hair of its natural oils. It moisturizes, detangles and provides rich lather, making it ideal for all hair types including relaxed, natural and color-treated hair. Suggest it for your customers today—it is free of sulfates and mineral oil!
Can’t Get Enough
Seriously, we can’t get enough of how wonderful the Monoi Oil Nourishing Shampoo from Hask smells. Free of sulfates and parabens, it moisturizes and revitalizes hair while sending the user on a tropical vacation. Infused with softening Monoi Oil, a blend of Tahitian gardenias and Coconut Oil, it hydrates and strengthens while cleansing tresses. Ideal for all hair types.
A Serious Remedy
Block DHT with Groganics™ Revita-Edge. What is DHT? It is the most potent naturally occurring androgen and binding of it to the hair follicle results in gradual miniaturization of the hair and eventual hair loss. Block this from happening and strengthen the follicle with this product. Perfect for men and women, it promotes longer, stronger, thicker and fuller edges. September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
M A R K E T PLACE Define Those Curls
Now your customers can define natural curls and two-strand twist-outs with You Be-Natural Botanical Curl Shaper Custard from Luster Products. This potent blend of Olive Oil, Aloe Vera, Safflower Seed Oil and African Extracts stretches and lengthens tight coils and reduces frizz.
Refreshingly Red
What is more refreshing than a cold Coca-Cola during the heat of the day? We dare say not much, except for a fresh manicure. Now those two joys of life have come together in OPI’s new shade “Coca-Cola Red.” Rejuvenate your customer’s nails today!
Awesome Aloe The Doctor is In
Dr. Miracle’s that is. This Styling Gel is blended with protein and collagen for super smooth, long-lasting styles. It adds shine and moisture without the unnecessary addition of alcohol, sulfates, parabens, sodium and phthalates. After cleansing and moisturizing hair, style it with this product to create the perfect look.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Imágen Aloe Vera Styling Gel is especially effective on dry, overworked hair. Scientifically formulated with Aloe and protein conditioning agents, it yields long-lasting, soft and healthy sheen plus body and manageability. This non-flaking formula contains no alcohol.
Knot Havin’ It!
Aunt Jackie’s Girls has added yet another product to their line of goods for fabulous curls and coils—Knot Havin’ It Leave-in Ultimate Detangling Moisturizer. Enriched with Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Extra Virgin Olive Oil, it is safe for loosening aggravating curls day after day. This therapy creates easy combing for moms and no tears for baby girls…and how cute is that name?
Happy Hair
For truly terrific color week after week, take a permanent vacation from the color-stripping sulfates and drying salts in ordinary conditioners. Instead discover the color preserving power of Alba Botanica’s Colorific Plumeria Natural Hawaiian Conditioner, boasting the naturally replenishing moisture of jojoba, kukui and macadamia. Restore softness, manageability and happiness to hair.
Hold Tight
There are few things more aggravating than creating the perfect hairstyle in the morning and having it fall flat before lunchtime. Giovanni Cosmetics understands and has created the L.A. Hold Hair Spritz. This hard-holding mist provides total control and holds hair hard and in place all day while adding shine. It also washes out easily, leaving a conditioned feel.
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
How should you sell it?
This month’s focus is...
Why Choose Charity? It is easy to say that you want to help a charity, but actions truly speak louder than words. This month we have turned to an industry expert to learn why participating in philanthropy is truly worth the work.
Why does participating in charity efforts really matter, and what do you see as the biggest benefits—both personally and professionally? “If the charity efforts directly affect the neighborhoods where the OTCs are located I think it is beneficial. There are many opportunities in these neighborhoods to help the families who are customers. Some examples would be giving food baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas, donating to some facilities like parks who sponsor sports teams, donating to some of the schools in the area who have after school programs and need to give the kids snacks, or pay for young adults to be mentors or to coach and oversee sports teams, etc. While major charities are certainly very worthwhile I think the biggest benefits both personally and professionally come from participating in charitable events close to where the businesses are located. This will most likely result in appreciation from customers and can also result in better customer relations and additional business.”
Ted Fishman, President Ted Fishman & Associates, Ltd.
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the October issue! 22
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...
왜 자선을 선택하는가 이다? 당신이 자선 단체를 돕고 싶다고 말하는 것은 쉽지만, 행동은 진정으로 말보다 더 큰 목소리를 낸다. 이번 달에는, 자선 활동에 참여하는 일이 왜 진정으로 가치있는 일인지를 배워보기 위해 업계 전문가들과 논의했다.
자선 활동에 참여하는 것이 왜 중요한 문제이며, 당신은 이를 통해 개인적으로나 일적으로 어떤 큰 혜택을 보게 될까?
“자선 활동의 노력이 OTC 매장들이 위치한 주변 지역에 직접적으로 영향을 미칠 경우, 그것은 유익하다고 생각합니다. 주변 지역에 있는 고객들과 그 가족들을 도울 수 있는 기회는 많습니다. 예를 들어, 추수 감사절이나 크리스마스에 음식 바구니를 나눠준다든지, 스포츠팀을 후원하는 공원 등의 시설에 기부를 하거나, 방과 후 프로그램이 있어서 아이들에게 스낵을 제공해야하는 학교에 기부하거나, 혹은 스포츠팀을 감독하는 코치나 멘토가 되기 위한 청년들을 위해 돈을 지불하는 것 등이 있습니다. 주된 자선 활동이 매우 가치가 있는 동안, 당신의 비즈니스가 위치한 주변 지역의 자선 행사에 참여하는 것으로부터 당신은 개인적으로나 일적으로 아주 큰 혜택을 볼 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다. 이것은 거의 대부분 고객들로부터 감사의 결과를 가져올 것이며 고객과의 관계나 추가적인 비지니스 면에서 보다 나은 결과를 가져올 수가 있습니다.”
Ted Fishman, President Ted Fishman & Associates, Ltd. 이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 10월호에 게재됩니다!
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine
by Ashley Moore
Main Types of
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Eyeliner makes a huge difference —
it can take the look of a basic eye makeup application to a look that accentuates your lashes and enriches the shape of your eye. Eyeliner can be sexy, elegant, or subtle, but it also can be harsh, overly dramatic, or sloppy—it all depends on how you apply it. The first step in choosing a liner is finding the right formula. From basic pencils to shadows, gels and liquid eyeliners, there are a bevy of beauty options depending on the look you are trying to achieve. Each has pros and cons you need to know:
Eyeliner Types
Pencil eyeliners tend to smear and smudge, unless you find a really good one that isn’t too creamy or too slick. Opt for a retractable pencil versus one that requires sharpening. After applying the pencil eyeliner, apply a small amount of eyeshadow or pressed powder over it to help keep it from smearing. Pencil eyeliners tend to have the shortest wear time, so applying powder over it can help quite a bit. Liquid eyeliner is the most dramatic and, typically, the most difficult to apply. It takes a steady hand, but it also offers the most precise and defined line. Look for liquid liner that comes with a thin, fine-point or felt-tip brush for impressive results!
Gel or cream-to-powder eyeliners offer superb application and deep color payoff. The main complaints are (1) that you have to wash the brush applicator after every use to prevent the gel or cream from hardening on the brush hairs and (2) that the look is too intense. If you don’t find those to be problems, then gel and cream eyeliners are excellent ways to go. Because they don’t smear, they are especially great for anyone with oily eyelids or for use in humid climates. Powder eyeshadow works well as eyeliner as long as you use a small, fine-tip pointed brush so you can be precise. Using powder eyeshadow as your eyeliner can achieve a softer look than you can with other types of liners. You can use the powder shadow either wet (for a more dramatic effect) or dry (for a softer look).
Choose Your Color
After finding your perfect formula, the next step is choosing the right color. One of the most beautiful things about eyeliner is how it adds depth to your lashes and makes them appear thicker. For best results, choose shades of dark brown, gray, deep plum or black for the upper lid. For the lower lash line, use a softer variation of the same shade. Stay away from brightly colored or pastel eyeliners! They tend to draw attention to the color rather than to your lashes.
How to Apply Eyeliner •
Apply eyeliner as close to the lash line as possible, and place it between each and every eyelash. It’s best to apply liner after your eyeshadow to create a defined, solid line. It’s also best to use a magnifying mirror so you can be sure you get the liner between each eyelash. This is a timeconsuming process, but the effect is sensational! If the outer corners of your eyes droop, make sure the eyeliner turns up ever-so-slightly. This will create a more youthful look that deemphasizes the downturned corners. To add drama, line the outer corner more thickly. Start with a thin line on the inner corner of the lash line and gradually make it thicker toward the back third of the lid for an attractive, classic look. Make sure that the eyeliner on the lower lash line connects with the back corner of the upper lash line. This creates a more natural, cohesive look. Apply a thin, soft line. Heavy liner on the lower lash line ends up looking like your mascara has smeared.
Play around with different textures, colors and styles to reveal your prettiest eyes. Article courtesy of You can find the article at: cosmetics-articles/main-types-of-eyeliners-and-tricks-on-how-to-apply-them-6358084.html
and Tricks on How to Apply Them September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014
April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Knowledge to Know by Joseph Caron
곱슬 머리를 위한 딥 컨디셔닝의 기본 핵심 Deep conditioning doesn’t have to be difficult conditioning. Here 딥 컨디셔닝이 어려운 컨디셔닝일 필요는 없다. 여기 자연적인 곱슬 머 are 5 steps to help you make good decisions when deep conditioning naturally curly hair.
리를 딥 컨디셔닝할 때 당신이 좋은 결정을 내릴 수 있게 도와주는 5 가지 단계가 있다.
1. Determine your Curly Hair Care Needs Take a good look at your hair and/or see a professional stylist for a consultation to give you an honest assessment of the health of your hair. You and your stylist should then decide on some realistic goals for your hair. Deep conditioning is extra important to women who want to grow their hair longer, or fuller. Deep conditioning is also helpful to women who want to create a healthy moisture balance for the management of their curls and is absolutely essential to women with damaged hair, in need of repair.
1. 당신의 곱슬머리에 필요한 관리 방법을 결정해라. 당신의 모발 상태를 다시 확인하고/혹은 건강한 모발을 위한 솔직한 평가를 제공 받을 수 있도록 전문 스타일리스트와 상담해라. 당신과 당신의 스타일리스트는 당 신의 모발에 적합한 현실적인 목표를 결정해야 한다. 딥 컨디셔닝은 모발이 더 길 거나 풍성하게 자라길 원하는 여성들에게는 추가적으로 중요한 문제이다. 딥 컨 디셔닝은 또한 그들의 컬을 관리함에 있어 건강한 수분 발란스를 원하는 여성들 에게 도움이 되며, 손상된 모발에 보수가 필요한 여성들에게는 절대적으로 필요 한 것이다.
2. Choose your Treatment In your assessment you should have discovered if your hair is parched, dry and craving moisture. You should have also determined the strength of your hair. Based on these findings you will want to choose a product that will meet your needs. For thirsty hair, look for products with the words hydrate, moisturize, condition and humectant. Strengthening product may say reconstruct, repair, protein or keratin, among other things. It is important to maintain a healthy balance of moisture and strength. Keep a close eye on your strands to see when they need a strengthening treatment and when they need hydration treatment. 32
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
2. 당신에게 맞는 관리 방법을 선택해라. 모발 평가를 통해 당신의 모발이 마르고, 건조한지, 보습이 절대적으로 필요한지 를 알아내야 한다. 또한 모발의 강도를 결정해야 한다. 이렇게 알아낸 상태를 바탕 으로 당신에게 필요한 제품을 선택하고자 할 것이다. 갈증을 느끼는 모발을 위해 서는, 수분 공급, 보습, 컨디션, 그리고 습윤제라는 단어가 포함된 제품을 찾아라. 강화 제품은 복원, 보수, 프로틴, 혹은 케라틴 등의 단어들이 포함되어 있을 것이 다. 건강한 수분과 강도의 균형을 유지하는 것이 중요하다. 강화 트리트먼트가 필 요한지 보습 트리트먼트가 필요한지 유심히 살펴봐라.
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
K-t-K 3. Cleanse Your Hair Now you are ready to begin! Start by cleaning your hair with a safe shampoo free of harsh sulfates. For health conscious curlies, choose an organic cleanser and begin lathering your scalp and continue down throughout the hair shaft. Cleansing the hair is very important when deep conditioning as it clears your hair and raises the cuticle to allow the conditioner to penetrate your hair shaft.
3. 머리 감기 이제 시작할 준비가 되었다! 독한 황산염이 함유되지 않은 안전한 샴푸로 머리를 감는 것부터 시작해라. 건강을 생각하는 곱슬 머리를 위해서는, 유기농 클렌저를 선택하고 두피부터 거품을 내서 머리카락 아래로 내려가라. 머리를 감는 것은 모발을 깨끗이 하 고 컨디셔너가 머리카락으로 침투될 수 있도록 표피를 일으킨다는 점에서 딥 컨디셔 닝을 할 때 아주 중요하다.
4. Deep Condition with Heat or Hair Therapy Wrap For hair that is non-porous, it can be hard to get any moisture into the hair. Deep conditioning with heat allows the conditioners to seep into the most important places of the hair, locking in moisture and strengthening the hair. It is in your best interest to condition with heat. The CURLS Hair Therapy Wrap is an exceptional tool to add to your hair regime. It allows for comfortable yet effective conditioning.
4. 열이나 모발 치료 랩으로 딥 컨디션하기 비 다공성인 모발의 경우, 모발 속까지 보습을 시키는 것이 어려울 수가 있다. 열처 리 딥 컨디셔닝은 컨디셔너가 모발의 가장 중요한 부분까지 침투할 수 있게 해서, 모 발 속에 수분을 가두고 강화시킬 수가 있다. 열처리와 함께 컨디션을 하는 것은 당신 이 가장 관심을 갖는 부분일 것이다. CURLS Hair Therapy Wrap 은 당신의 모발 에 추가적인 요법을 제공할 수 있는 특별한 도구이다. 이것은 편안하면서도 효과적인 컨디셔닝을 제공한다.
5. Determine your Deep Condition Frequency After your treatment your hair should respond quickly. Most treatments should be applied at least once a month and up to once a week, depending on your goals. If after 2-3 uses you see no improvement, then you should look at choosing another product.
5. 딥 컨디션 주기 결정. 딥 컨디션 후, 당신의 모발은 빠르게 반응해야 한다. 대부분의 트리트먼트는 당신의 목표에 따라, 최소 한 달에 한 번, 혹은 일주일에 한 번까지 적용해야 한다. 2-3회 후 에도 개선되는 점을 볼 수가 없다면, 다른 제품을 찾아보아야 한다.
Article courtesy of You can find the article at: the-basic-fundamentals-of-deep-conditioning-treatments-for-naturally-curly-hair-7019054.html
Joseph Caron is the regular contributor of CURLS articles and blogs on the web. He has published lots of articles related to curly hair products, natural hair products and organic curly hair products. He loves to write on different types of hair care tips also.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Knowledge to Know by Tanya Loo
How to Remove Nail Polish Stains 매니큐어 얼룩 제거 방법 Old nail polish has the ability to leave a person’s nails with a stained and discolored appearance. While it is very discouraging to look at these nails when they look so awful, this situation is not impossible to correct. In fact, there are several methods to remove nail polish stains from fingernails, and nail experts suggest that those who have nail polish stains should use the method that works best for them. Bleaching One way to get rid of ugly yellow stains that have settled on nails is to use Clorox or some other type of bleach. The first step is to mix a tablespoon of bleach with a cup of water. The next step is to soak the nails in this mixture for a few minutes. The hands should then be removed from the mixture, and the nails should be scrubbed with old toothbrush. It is best to soak the nails again for another few minutes. The yellowing on the nails should be gone, but if some yellowing is still noticeable, the process may be repeated. Hydrogen Peroxide Some nail professionals recommend that clients brush away the yellow stains on nails with hydrogen peroxide. This works about the same way as the bleach solution. After soaking the nails in peroxide, it may help to brush the nails with toothpaste. Therefore, the next step is to apply toothpaste to an old toothbrush and scrub the nails until the yellow appearance is gone. 36
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
예전 매니큐어들은 손톱에 얼룩이나 변색을 남기곤 했다. 손톱 에 남은 흔적들을 보게되면 매우 실망스럽지만, 이런 상황을 해 결하는 것이 불가능한 것은 아니다. 사실, 손톱에 남은 매니큐 어 얼룩을 제거하는 방법에는 여러 가지가 있고, 네일 전문가들 은 매니큐어 얼룩을 가진 사람들에게 가장 효과적인 방법을 사 용할 것을 권유하고 있다. 표백 보기 흉하게 손톱에 정착된 누런색 얼룩을 제거하는 방법은 클로락스나 다른 형태의 표백제를 사용하는 것이다. 첫 번째 단계로 물 한컵과 표백 제 한 스푼을 혼합한다. 다음, 이 혼합물에 몇 분동안 손톱을 담그는 것이 다. 손을 혼합물에서 뺀 후, 손톱은 칫솔로 문질러야 한다. 몇 분 동안 여 러번 손톱을 담그는 것이 가장 좋다. 손톱의 누런색은 없어질 것이지만, 여전히 약간의 누런색이 남아있다면, 다시 한 번 과정을 반복할 수 있다. 과산화수소 일부 네일 전문가들은 고객들에게 과산화수소를 이용해서 손톱의 누런 얼룩을 제거해볼 것을 권유한다. 이것은 표백제 사용법과 같다. 과산화 수소에 손톱을 담근 후, 치솔로 손톱을 닦아주면 도움이 된다. 다음 단계 로는 치솔에 치약을 묻혀서 손톱의 누런색이 없어질 때까지 문지르는 것 이다.
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
K-t-K Lemons Another tried-and-true method involves using the juice from one half of a large lemon. This plan involves dipping the fingers in the lemon juice and moving them around for about two minutes. The nails should then be removed from the lemon juice, and they should also be scrubbed with toothpaste and an old toothbrush until the yellow coloring is gone.
레몬 신뢰할 수 있는 또 다른 방법으로는 큰 레몬의 절반에서 추출한 주스를 사용하는 것이다. 레몬 주스에 손톱을 담궜다가 2분 정도 후 꺼낸다. 네일에 묻은 레몬 주스를 완전히 제거하고 나서, 누런색이 없어질 때까 지 치솔을 묻힌 치약으로 문질러야 한다.
Mixture If the lemon juice treatment does not work, another worthy idea is to soak the nails in a solution that is half water and half hydrogen peroxide. It will be necessary to soak the nails for 5 minutes or more. Afterwards, it is good ideas wash the hands with warm water and soap, and it helps to buff the nails with an emery board or file.
혼합액 레몬 주스가 효과적이지 않다면, 다른 방법으로는 물과 과산화수소를 반반씩 섞은 혼합액에 손톱을 담그는 것이다. 최소한 5분 이상은 손톱 을 담그고 있어야 한다. 그 후, 따뜻한 물과 비누로 손을 씻는 것이 좋 은데, 이것은 에머리 보드나 파일로 손톱의 누런색을 없애는데 도움이 된다.
Denture-Cleaning Tablets Another method that may restore the nails to their original color is to soak the nails in denture-cleaning tablets. Use the directions on the package for best results. After the soaking, brush the nails with toothpaste and an old toothbrush.
틀니 세척 정제 손톱의 원래 색상을 복원할 수 있는 또 다른 방법은 틀니 세척 정제에 손톱을 담그는 것이다. 최상의 결과를 위해서는 패키지에 있는 설명서 를 이용해라. 손톱을 담근 후, 치약을 묻힌 칫솔로 손톱을 문지른다.
Article courtesy of You can find the article at:
Tanya Loo is a beauty writer and a nail polish lover. She enjoys sharing tips and ideas on nail polish and personally enjoys the Butter London brand of nail polishes as one of her favorites.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Knowledge to Know by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
How to Promote and Stimulate Natural Hair Growth 네추럴 헤어의 성장 촉진 방법 It has not been proven that any product applied externally to the hair or scalp can promote, stimulate or accelerate natural hair growth. Most people who complain of little or no hair growth are blaming it on the wrong reason. They think the problem is lack of natural growth from the scalp, when in reality the problem is the hair is breaking off from the ends for a variety of reasons. If hair growth stops baldness begins, and yet you have people complaining their hair has not grown at all over a period of years. If the person has hair, then it is growing. Once hair stops growing, it is eliminated by way of attrition. In other words, as every hair shaft dies out due to its normal life span (5-7 years), then it will not be replaced by another. Therefore, permanent baldness becomes apparent. The truth of the matter is hair grows at the same exact rate as the fingernails. And just as your fingernails break due to normal day-to-day activity and maintain only a certain length, the hair shaft does the same thing due to misuse of combing, brushing, perms, tints, relaxers, pressing and hot curling. Therefore, natural hair growth goes unnoticed. Manufacturers who identify their products with the word “GRO” are using a nonexistent word, thus sending you a subliminal message as it its ability to grow hair. However, in all fairness, these products will not harm the hair and may have some benefits, but hair growth is not one of them. The only way that a product can benefit and stimulate hair growth is if it is consumed orally and introduced into the blood stream 40
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
아직까지 헤어나 두피에 외부적으로 적용하는 어떤 제품들도 네추럴 헤어의 성장을 촉진, 활성화, 혹은 가속화시키는 것으로 입증된 것은 없다. 모발이 잘 자라지 않는다고 불평하는 대부분의 사람들은 잘못 된 이유로 이런 제품들에 불만을 토로한다. 그들은 문제가 두피로부터 의 자연적인 성장이 부족함이 문제라고 생각하지만, 실제적인 문제는 모발이 다양한 이유로 끝부분부터 갈라지기 때문이다. 모발 성장이 멈 추고 탈모가 시작될 경우, 자신들의 모발이 일년 내내 자라지는 않는 다고 불평하는 사람들을 보게 된다. 일단 모발이 성장을 멈추면, 마찰 의 방법에 의해 빠지게 된다. 다시 말해, 모든 모발이 그들의 정상 수명 (5-7년)이 지나면 죽게 되며, 다른 것으로 대체되지 않게 되는 것이다. 그러므로, 영구적인 탈모가 나타나게 된다.
사실은 모발이 손톱과 정확히 같은 속도로 성장한다는 것이
다. 손톱은 정상적인 일상 활동 중에 부러지기도 하고, 단지 특정 길이 가 되면 손질해주는 것처럼, 모발도 빗질이나 파마, 색조, 릴렉서, 프레 싱이나 뜨거운 컬링과 같은 이유로 손상되는 것이다. 그리하여, 네추럴 헤어의 성장은 간과되는 것이다. “GRO”라는 단어로 자신들의 제품을 드러내는 제조업체들은 실제로 존재하지 않는 단어를 사용하고, 마치 그것이 모발을 자라게하는 능력을 가진 것처럼 잠재적인 메시지를 전 달하고 있다. 그러나, 공평하게도, 이런 제품들은 모발에 어떤 유해함 을 주지는 않으며, 몇몇 혜택을 제공할 수도 있지만, 모발을 성장시키 는 것은 그 중에 포함되지 않는다.
어떤 제품이 모발의 성장을 촉진하고 도움이 될 수 있는 유일
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
K-t-K as a vitamin. Certain vitamins that can help benefit healthy hair are available and so labeled. The root of the hair (papilla) dips into the blood stream and picks up the nutrients and supplies them through the cortex and medulla to enhance healthy hair. Hair health is promoted from within the hair shaft. Products that are applied to the outer surface of the hair are for the most part to enhance the appearance of the hair and to repair the outer surface (cuticle). Rather than buy products that claim to grow hair, invest your money in products that will reconstruct and maintain the existing hair. Then—and only then—will natural hair growth become noticeable and apparent. However, it is important to remember that any treatment designed to promote longer hair must start with a haircut because you must first eliminate the split, damaged and frizzy ends; otherwise they will continue to split down the entire hair shaft, then break off somewhere along the way. Most people who complain of lack of hair growth will not allow it to be cut because they think it is not growing. The truth of the matter is that it does not appear to grow simply because they will not allow it to be cut. Surprisingly, if you submit to the first initial cut, then continue to clip the ends every 4-6 weeks, you will notice considerably longer hair in a very short period of time.
한 방법이 있다면, 그것은 비타민처럼 경구로 섭취하여 혈류 속으로 유
Does the curly perm, relaxers and hair coloring help hair to grow? No. However, many curly perm customers do claim that the curl did help grow their hair. The reason for this is because the restructuring portion of the procedure relaxed out most of the kink in the hair. A hair cut is usually also a necessary step with a permanent curl to remove split ends; split ends will not curl, so they must be eliminated by cutting. This is the primary reason for noticeably healthy hair growth after a permanent curl. Another reason that people believe that curly perms, relaxers, and hair colors help to grow the hair is that with such services there is a very clear and defined line of demarcation when the new growth appears. They can now actually see the new natural growth as distinguished from the treated hair. However if they measure the length of the hair, they will discover that the hair is the same length or shorter than before—chemical services such as those mentioned above actually weaken hair, not make it stronger, so hair growth is not one of their advantages.
No. 그러나, 많은 컬 파마 고객들은 컬이 모발을 자라게 하는데 도움이
입이 되는 것이다. 건강한 모발을 위해 도움이 될 수 있는 특정 비타 민들이 있으며 제품 레이블에 설명이 된다. 모근(유두)이 혈류에 충분 히 적셔지고 영양분을 섭취하게 되면 모발의 건강을 향상시킬수 있도 록 피질과 수질을 통해 이것이 공급된다. 모발의 외부에 사용하는 제품 들은 모발의 외형적인 모습을 향상시키고 외부 표면(표피)을 보수하는 것이 대부분이다.
재건하는 제품들에 돈을 투자하라. 그러다보면 네추럴 모발의
성장이 점점 눈에 띄게 보여질 것이다. 그러나, 모발을 길게 만들도록 설계된 어떤 제품도 헤어컷을 시작으로 사용해야함을 기억하는 것이 중요하다. 왜냐하면 우선 갈라지고, 손상되고 곱슬하게 지져진 끝부분 을 제거해야하기 때문이다; 그렇지 않은 경우, 머리카락 전체가 지속적 으로 갈라지고, 머리카락 어느 부분에서는 끊어지게 될 것이다. 모발이 잘 자라지않는다고 불평하는 대부분의 사람들은 머리카락이 잘 자라기 않기 때문에 자르는 것을 허용하지 않을 것이다. 이 문제의 진실은, 단 순히 그들이 머리카락을 자르는 것을 허용하지 않기 때문에 자라지 않 는다는 것이다. 놀랍게도, 처음 모발을 자른 후, 4-6주마다 끝부분을 지속적으로 잘라주면, 짧은 기간동안 상당히 모발이 자라있음을 알게 될 것이다.
컬 파마, 릴렉서, 헤어 컬러링은 모발 성장에 도움이 되는가? 된다고 주장한다. 그 이유는 이런 처리 과정의 재구성 부분이 머리의 꼬임을 대부분 완화하기 때문이다. 헤어 컷은 갈라진 모발의 끝부분을 제거하기 위해 컬 퍼머를 할 때 흔히 필요한 과정이다. 갈라진 끝부분 은 컬이 되지 않기 때문에, 반드시 잘라내야 한다. 이것이 바로 컬 파마 후 모발이 건강하게 자라는 것이 눈에 띄는 주된 이유이다.
사람들이 컬 파마나 릴렉서, 헤어 컬러가 모발의 성장을 돕는
다고 믿는 또다른 이유는 이런 서비스들은 모발이 새로 자라나올 때, 아주 깨끗하고 정돈된 경계선을 만들기 때문이다. 그들은 손질된 모발 과 뚜렷이 구분되는 새로운 모발의 성장을 실제적으로 볼 수가 있게 된 다. 그러나 모발의 길이를 측정해보면, 그 길이는 같거나 오히려 이전 보다 좀 더 짧다는 것을 알게 될 것이다. – 위에서 언급한 화학적 모발 손질들은 실제적으로는 모발을 더욱 약하게 만들며, 모발의 성장은 이 런 손질들의 장점에 속하지는 않는다. 갈라진 모발 끝을 관리하고 눈에 띄는 모발의 성장을 볼 수 있는 방법 갈라진 모발의 끝을 관리하는 유일한 방법은 갈라짐이 끝나는 바로 윗
How to control split ends and achieve noticeable hair growth The only way to control split ends is to cut the hair just above where the split stops. This is the only way to start over with a healthy hair shaft by which normal, natural hair growth can continue.
부분까지 자르는 것뿐이다. 이것은 정상적이고 자연적인 모발의 성장 을 지속시키기 위해 건강한 모발로 다시 시작할 수 있는 유일한 방법 이다.
Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D.C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazine drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologist and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-323-7100. 42
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones
Role Model Beyond Beauty Giving Back Our Community
“Role Model-Beyond Beauty” has been a Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide magazine feature for more than 25 years. It highlights women of color who have made significant advances in their careers and who have given back to their communities. Nearing its 100th edition, the column has honored black women in a wide range of fields. The column portrait art by commissioned artist Leo Rucker is also an art exhibition of 180 pastel portraits with the Role Model story about these accomplished women and their distinguished careers are in the personal collection of beauty industry leaders Sandra and Lafayette Jones. Visit and the SMSi-Urban Call YouTube Channel ( In August 2013 the Role Model Beyond art portraits and editorial were featured at the National Black Theater Festival held bi-annually in Winston-Salem, NC where more than
Lafayette Jones
30,000 festival participants had an opportunity to view the exhibition at The Sawtooth School of Visual Art. The column is written by beauty industry and icon, Lafayette Jones and is co-authored by his daughter, Bridgette Miller Jones, who joined as co-columnist five years ago. Bridgette is a 2011 Spelman graduate and now East Carolina School of Dental Medicine candidate (2015). The “Role Model Beyond Beauty” column originally debuted as a touring 180+ piece art collection and exhibition. The expanded exhibition will open for a second year in Winston-Salem, NC, the City of the Arts. Selected pastel portraits of the large collection commissioned by Sandy and Lafayette Jones and illustrated by Artist Extraordinaire Leo Rucker are being shown July 13—August 9, 2015 in the Milton Rhodes Sawtooth. A handful of profiles are included in this OTC Beauty Magazine edition.
Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit
The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and May not be reproduced without written permission from the author. September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Urban Call Briefs Sandra Miller Jones—Entrepreneur, Founder SMSI Marketing
by the Magazine Publishers of America with the Henry Johnson Fisher Award—the
Founded in 1978, Segmented Marketing Services,
of Magazine Editors Hall of Fame. A recipient of the NAACP President’s Award for
Inc. (SMSi) is widely considered to be the lead-
visionary leadership, she has received more than a dozen honorary degrees from col-
ing ethnic promotions company in the U.S. Its
leges and universities.
founder and Chairman, Sandy Miller Jones, was
the first African-American woman to receive a
to providing a network of support and sources of funding for progressive African-
Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from
American women seeking federal and state-level political offices. She is co-chair with
Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of
Danny Glover of Shared Interest, a capital campaign to raise money to build housing
Management. After graduating from Northwest-
in the rural areas of South Africa; she serves on the boards of the Joint Center for
ern in 1971, Mrs. Jones led the way for women at
Political and Economic Studies and the National Underground Railroad Freedom
the Quaker Oats Company by becoming the first
industry’s highest honor. She was the first to be inducted into the American Society
©Urban Call Marketing/Lafayette Jones
Susan is a co-founder of Future PAC (political action committee), devoted
Center. She has worked passionately to help restore the lives of people in New Orleans
African-American woman manager at Quaker.
and the Gulf Coast region that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina and
Hurricane Rita.
During her tenure with Quaker Oats, Mrs. Jones managed several of the
company’s major franchises, including the $100 million+ Quaker Oatmeal business. In addition to her corporate success, Mrs. Jones has used her talents to help start a business initiative for the League of Black Women in Chicago, help found the National Black MBA Association and the Chicago Minority Purchasing Counsel, increase female involvement in the National Association of Market Developers and assist numerous women in their business start-up efforts.
Throughout its history SMSi has worked to provide meaningful services
to both its clients and the consumers that they reach. The company has developed networks of community based businesses, organizations and thought leaders through which it can reach over half of the African-American households in any major city. SMSi’s community partners include over 10,000 churches, and thousands of other places where African-Americans and Latinos live, shop, work and play. The company distributes millions of free product samples and important information through these networks every year. SMSi’s client list consists of numerous Fortune 100 companies.
Mrs. Jones is Vice President of the Winston Salem YWCA Board of Direc-
tors, and is a board member for NC Mutual Insurance Company. She has also served on the boards of Family Services Inc. and Summit School in Winston-Salem. She is a member at Goler Memorial AME Zion Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She is married to Lafayette Jones and they have a daughter, Bridgette Miller Jones.
Susan L. Taylor—Editor-In-Chief, Essence; Founder, National Cares Mentoring Susan L. Taylor is synonymous with Essence magazine—the brand she built as its fashion and beauty editor—as editor-in-chief and editorial director. For 27 years, she authored one of the magazine’s most popular columns, “In the Spirit.” Today Susan’s passion is the National Cares Mentoring Movement, a call to action, which she founded in 2006 as Essence Cares.
“Chilli” Thomas—award winning singing group TLC Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas rose to fame as one third of the iconic rhythm and blues group TLC. It included Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins, and the late Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes. TLC, which won six Grammy’s and three American Music Awards, has been credited with paving the way for girl groups and female solo acts to bring on strong messages. The group sold over 45 million albums ©Urban Call Marketing/Lafayette Jones worldwide. Since the end of TLC, Thomas has performed occasional concerts with Watkins. The two are in contract discussions with VH1 cable TV network to produce a biopic on TLC. Thomas has had a reality series, “What Chili Wants,” which covered love and relationships. She made guest appearances on other TV shows like “The Parkers” and “That 70s Show” and in made-for-television movies including “Love Song” in which she appeared with Monica. She joined Monica and other celebrity Moms on a panel discussing primary education at the General Mills Box Tops for Education Town Hall in Atlanta. A single mother, Chilli told the audience that she is very involved with her son Tron’s education. “I am constantly at his school. I go on field trips with him and I once cancelled taping a video because my son had a parent-teacher conference.” Chilli also reaches out to other young people through her nonprofit organization, Chili’s Crew, an Atlanta based community initiative program which assists teenage girls, ages thirteen to eighteen. The Crew provides young women with resources to develop and maintain a positive self-esteem and self-respect.
one million able adults to mentor children. “Our children are the mothers and fathers
Kristie and Kirstie Bronner—members of the Bronner Brothers family
of our tomorrows, and their future is in our hands,” says Susan. The movement seeks
Kirstie and Kristie Bronner are powerful change
to increase high school graduation rates among African-American students, end the
agents in the lives of youth. Whether through
violence in Black communities and over-incarceration, especially of young black men.
music, public speaking, mentoring, or writing, they
“Creating safe, top-tier schools in every underserved community in this nation is the
love to be God’s hands and feet in the lives of peo-
mandate—and it’s doable,” Taylor says.
ple. The Bronner twins are youth pastors on staff
at Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral. The
The Cares mentoring movement seeks to recruit
©Urban Call Marketing/Lafayette Jones
A fourth-generation entrepreneur, Susan founded her own cosmetics
company which led to the beauty editor’s position at Essence. She is also the author
ladies serve as youth event coordinators, planning
of four books and was the first and only African-American woman to be recognized
youth conferences, monthly worship and social ©Urban Call Marketing/Lafayette Jones
OTC Beauty Magazine
September 2014
events, youth retreats, small group discipleship, and volunteer coordination. In addi-
the success of Mariah Carrey’s album E=MC2
tion, they are directors in the music department, leading the Ignite Youth Praise Team,
(Crystal Nicole wrote six singles on the album),
teaching the 150-voice Ignite Youth Choir, and overseeing the Ignite Youth Band.
she began to be in high demand for other artist
such as Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez and many more.
Their new book, “Double Vals: The Keys to Success in College and Life
Beyond,” was endorsed by several best-selling authors including Dr. John C. Max-
well and Pastor Steven Furtick. The publication is a captivating compilation of their
as a songwriter, Blackground/Interscope offered
wisdom and exciting stories from their extraordinary college journey. In 2013, Kirstie
Crystal Nicole a recording deal of her own. In
and Kristie made history and became nationally acclaimed as the co-valedictorians of
addition to music, Crystal Nicole has acted as a
Spelman College, with matching 4.0 GPA’s. This accomplishment, a testament of their
spokesperson for the Georgia Coalition against
commitment to excellence, hard work, and doing all that they do for the glory of God,
Domestic Violence since 2010.
continues to provide many platforms for them to pour into the lives of a multitude of
students. Kristie and Kirstie do inspirational speaking and ministry to young women,
Girl” marked Crystal Nicole’s fifth award from
youth groups, and adults at traditional schools, alternative schools, mentoring pro-
the performing rights organization. “The night was amazing, God is so good,” Crystal
grams, churches, non-profit organizations, and other events. Kristie and Kirstie Bron-
Nicole said after receiving the award. “From the moment I heard the track, I knew
ner will continue expanding in exciting endeavors that connect with their passion for
‘Only Girl’ was a big song. Having Rihanna record it of course made it even bigger.
God, music and people. They are making plans to record their original Contemporary
The song marked a turning point in my career as a songwriter.”
Christian music and another book is in their plan for next year.
Towanda Braxton—actress on Reality TV Show, The Braxtons
In the midst of tremendous success
The pop award for Rihanna’s “Only
Crystal Wright—beauty industry author and speaker She’s called the “Empowerment Diva.” Her
Towanda Chloe Braxton was the fourth child
specialty, she says, is helping others to meet their
born to Michael and Evelyn. Even though she
life objectives and reach their dreams. Crystal
and her siblings were reared in church singing,
Wright is a motivational speaker and educator
Towanda knew she wanted to spread her wings
who acquired business smarts as an account
and become a trailblazer in her own right as an
executive at Xerox Corporation. Afterwards, she
entertainer. At a young age Towanda had the
launched her own business in the beauty world
natural gift for acting. While playing the role
as a photographer representative. She became an
as Lorelle in the off-Broadway play “Dream
agent for professional makeup, hair and fashion
Girls,” the director immediately took interest in
stylists in Hollywood. She’s an internationally
Towanda’s raw talent and offered her a theater scholarship at Howard University. At that time,
©Urban Call Marketing/Lafayette Jones
©Urban Call Marketing/Lafayette Jones
recognized expert on the subject of career build-
©Urban Call Marketing/Lafayette Jones
ing and marketing for beauty professionals and regularly appears as a guest speaker
Towanda passed to follow her other passion: singing. Towanda resides in Lawrenceville,
and educator at fashion and beauty trade shows like Bronner Brothers, Premier and
GA with two small children, Braxton and Brooke, and her husband, Andre.
the Makeup Show. Lately she’s turned up the heat on her longtime passion of teaching
others how to create success professionally and personally with the book, “30 Days at
Although she sings background for her Grammy award-winning older
sister Toni Braxton, Towanda had entrepreneurial goals along with her songbird roots.
100 Percent.”
Towanda took on the role of Toni’s personal assistant to help her sister years ago. “Since
Toni is meticulous, you have to have hand sanitizer, baby wipes, know her medical
Cosmetics. If you have been in a fashion or beauty school chances are you may have
stuff, and be a friend. You have to know how to organize her closet, her makeup, her
read her textbook, “Crystal Wright’s Hair, Makeup & Styling Career Guide,” now in
travel makeup. As her assistant, you have to be the second brain of Toni Braxton,” she
its 5th edition. Professional makeup and hair schools incorporate it along with her
says. Realizing that finding someone to fill her role working for her sister would be
portfolio-building and marketing workshops as finishing programs.
terribly difficult, Toni decided to train professionals in the art of being a conscientious
personal assistant.
movement as a board member of Beauty Recycled which promotes the collection and
recycling of used beauty containers and aerosol spray cans at beauty salons. She has
A childhood nickname, “Secret Squirrel” became the moniker for Towanda’s
Among her many sponsors have been L’Oreal’s Mizani brand and MAC
She has lent her voice to the beauty community’s “Green” environmental
training company. Today, Towanda has trained several professionals who have been
also taken a stand against domestic violence, participating in the Halle Berry Celebrity
placed with celebs and key influencers. In addition to their individual quests, Towanda
Golf Tournament which supports the Los Angeles Jenesse Center. She is on the plan-
and her famous sisters are a part of the #1 reality TV hit, “Braxton Family Values.”
ning committee for the Save Africa’s Children golf tournament. The organization
Crystal Nicole—song writer and singer
supports vulnerable children in Africa, many of whom have been orphaned because their parents died from AIDS.
The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) presented
Grammy-Award winning singer/songwriter Crystal Nicole with a Pop Award for pen-
she has more than most. Former interns and young men and women who have gone
ning Rihanna’s “Only Girl” during the 29th Annual Pop Music Awards gala at the Re-
through her courses have been known to call her “Mom.” As she travels she often visits
naissance Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles, CA. The invitation-only event recognized
them, attends birthday parties and other celebrations in their families. They return the
outstanding ASCAP songwriters and publishers of 2011.
favor when in Los Angeles, stopping by her home.
Though she doesn’t have any children of her own, she sometimes feels that
Crystal Nicole is known for her chart-topping singles, which include num-
ber one singles with Rhianna, Mariah Carey, Natasha Bedingfield and Monica. After September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips by Jon Gordon
How Can Employees Show Customers They Care? 11 Strategies to Operationalize Caring 직원들이 고객들을 보살피고 있다는 것을 어떻게 보여줄 것인가? (부제) 보살핌을 운용화할 수 있는 11가지 전략 Caring about customers is one of the best ways to differentiate your business and gain long-term consumer loyalty. “Your best strategy is to teach your employees what caring about customers looks like in action,” says Jon Gordon. “Suggest specific tactics they can employ. When they see how good it feels to care—and how good caring is for business—you’ll receive your team’s buy-in and continued participation.” Gordon notes that most of the tips he shares can also apply internally. “Employees can apply these principles to their interactions with each other, too,” he says. “How you treat your coworkers is how you’ll treat customers—you can’t separate the two!” Here, Gordon shares 11 strategies employees can use to show customers (and each other) that they care: Be present. Most modern workers have so many responsibilities and distractions that it’s tempting to listen to clients with only one ear. Giving a client your full attention is so meaningful. Being fully present says, “I really care about you and what you need from this organization. You are my top priority right now.” Say it with a smile. Smile and be polite during all customer interactions. “Can I help you?” said with a smile has a very different effect from the same words said without one. It has been scientifically proven that the act of smiling improves your mood and can reduce stress! (Actually, a fake smile produces more stress relief. Just so you know.) Call customers by name. When interacting with a customer, ask her name— then remember it and use it. Referring to someone by name demonstrates that you see her as an individual with unique needs and preferences, as opposed to “just a number” or a source of income. 52
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
고객을 보살피는 것은 당신의 비즈니스를 차별화할 수 있고 장기적인 고객 충성도를 얻을 수 있는 최상의 방법 중 하나이다. “당신의 최고의 전략은 직원들이 고객을 행동으로 보살필 수 있도록 가르치는 것입니다.” Jon Gordon이 말한다. “그들이 이용할 수 있는 특정한 전술을 제안하세요. 보살핌을 받는다는 느낌이 얼마나 좋은 것인지 – 보살핌이 비즈니스를 위해서 얼마나 좋은 것인지- 그들이 보게 될 때, 당신의 팀은 그것에 동의하며 지속적으로 동참하게 될 것입니다.” Gordon은 공유할 수 있는 대부분의 조언들은 내부적으로 적용할 수 있다고 지적한다. “직원들은 이러한 이론을 서로간의 상호 작용에도 또한 적용할 수 있습니다.” 그가 말하기를, “당신이 동료를 대하는 방법이 바로 당신이 고객을 대하는 방법일 것입니다. – 이 둘을 분리할 수는 없습니다!” 여기에서, Gordon은 직원들이 고객들에게 (또 서로간에) 그들이 보살피고 있음을 보여줄 수 있는 11가지 전략들을 공유하고 있다: 존재하라. 오늘날 대부분의 노동자들은 고객의 소리를 단지 한 쪽 귀로 듣는 유혹에 빠질만큼 너무도 많은 책임과 방해 요소들을 갖고 있다. 고객들에게 당신의 모든 관심과 집중을 제공하는 것은 아주 의미가 있다. 완전하게 존재한다는 것은, “나는 당신과 당신이 이 곳에서 원하는 것에 진정으로 관심을 갖고 있습니다. 당신은 바로 지금 나의 최우선입니다.” 라는 말인 것이다. 웃으면서 얘기해라. 모든 고객과의 상호 관계에서는 웃으면서 예의를 갖추라. 웃으면서 건네는 “도와드릴까요?” 이 한마디는 같은 말이라도 웃음이 없을 때와는 전혀 다른 효과를 만든다. 웃음의 작용이 당신의 기분을 향상시키고 스트레스를 낮춘다는 것은 과학적으로도 증명되었다! (사실상, 거짓 웃음이 더욱 많은 스트레스 완화를 생성한다.) 고객의 이름을 불러라. 고객과의 상호 작용 시, 그들의 이름을 물어봐라 – 그리고 기억하고 사용해라. 누군가를 이름으로 주목한다는 것은 당신이 그들을 고유한 요구나 선호 사항을 가진 한 개인으로 보는 것임을
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
입증하는 것으로, “단지 숫자” 나 소득의 원천과는 상반되는 의미인 것이다.
Extend a genuine offer to help (but don’t hover). It’s true; no one appreciates “that” salesperson who shadows your every step as you browse through a store, asking you every two minutes if you need help. But that doesn’t mean a single, simple, heartfelt, “Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help while you’re here” won’t be appreciated. It will! Even if a customer knows exactly what she wants, where to find it, and how to use it, the fact that you noticed her and offered your assistance will make a positive impression and send a powerful message about your company. Be generous with your time. When someone does have a question or requests help, don’t rush through the task of explaining your company’s policy or toss off a piece of canned advice—take your time and really help the customer. It’s a conversation, not a lecture. Gordon suggests you ask questions and listen to your customers. This lets them know you care about them and their thoughts, and it helps you to better understand their concerns so you can help them. Stay calm and respectful at all times. (Resist the temptation to get defensive.) Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but you should always strive to treat customers with respect. Often when a customer is upset, or perhaps even hostile, using soothing words that show you care can have a powerful calming effect. Respond quickly and touch base often. It’s simple: Return calls and emails promptly. Whenever possible, try not to leave any unanswered emails or voicemails overnight. And be proactive with updates, too. Build it up. There is no such thing as a “perfect” job. Every employee in every industry has the occasional complaint about work, but that doesn’t mean you should dwell on them or air them gratuitously. When you’re talking about your company (especially if you’re on the clock), try to stay positive. “Negative chit-chat damages a brand and may send an undeservedly negative impression about it to others,” Gordon points out. “If you care about your organization, help build it up. If you don’t care, it’s time for an honest selfevaluation or a new job.” See the good. In Gordon’s book, the carpenter tells his protégé, “When you see the good, look for the good, and expect the good, you find the good and the good finds you.” You can apply this principle by making an effort to stop thinking of customers as “annoying,” “needy,” “clueless,” or “a waste of my time.” Instead, choose to see the good in them; for example, thinking “She is genuinely curious about how this product is manufactured.” Customers will notice and appreciate the change in your attitude. Don’t make it all about business. During any prolonged or follow-up interaction with a customer, ask them, “How are you doing?” Make an effort to learn about return clients on a personal level as well as a professional one, and follow up on what you discover. Always go the extra mile. Constantly look for ways to make the service you provide just a little bit better. Gordon points out that even one percent more time, energy, or thought can make a big difference. Even small actions (like walking a customer to the door after checking them out) mean a lot. “Caring as a success strategy works only when all of your employees are on board. Think about it: It takes only one dismissive salesperson or rude customer service rep to drive a client away. And you can bet that client will spread the story of how poorly he or she was treated by your company!”
도움이 되는 진심어린 제안을 확대해라. (그러나 단지 주위를 맴돌지는 말아라.) 사실이다. 당신이 매장을 둘러보는 내내 그림자처럼 따라다니면서, 2분마다 도움이 필요하냐고 묻는 판매직원에게는 누구도 고마워하지 않는다. 그것은 단지 단순한 진심을 의미하지 않는다. “당신이 이곳에 있는 동안 도움이 필요한지 어떤 질문이 있는지 제발 알려주세요.” 라는 식은 전혀 고맙게 느껴지지 않는다. 고객이 자신이 원하는 것을 정확히 알고, 그것이 어디에 위치하는지, 또 어떻게 사용하는지를 다 알고 있다고 해도, 당신이 고객을 인식하고 도움을 제공했다는 사실은 긍정적인 인상을 만들고 당신의 회사에 대한 강한 메세지를 보내게 될 것이다. 당신의 시간에 관대해라. 누군가 질문이 있거나 도움을 요청할 때, 회사 규정을 설명하는 직무나 정형화된 조언을 던지는데 급급해하지 말아라 – 시간을 갖고 진정으로 고객을 도와라. 그것은 강의가 아니라 대화이다. Gordon은 고객에게 질문하고 그들의 말을 들으라고 제안한다. 이것은 당신이 그들과 그들의 생각을 보살피고 있음을 그들에게 알게하는 것이며, 당신이 보다 더 그들의 관심을 이해하고 잘 도울 수 있게 한다. 항상 조용하고 정중이 있어라. (방어적이 되려는 유혹에 저항해라.) 때때로 이렇게 말하기는 쉽지만 행동하기는 어렵다. 그러나 항상 고객을 존중하며 대하도록 노력해야 한다. 종종 고객들이 화가 났을 때나 혹은 적대적이 될 때, 당신이 보살피고 있음을 보여줄 수 있는 부드러운 단어를 사용하는 것이 강력한 진정 효과를 갖는다. 신속하게 대응하고 자주 연락해라. 간단하다. 신속하게 전화나 이메일로 응답해라. 가능하다면, 밤새 대답하지 않은 이메일이나 음성 메일을 남겨두지 말아라. 또한 적극적으로 업데이트해라. 증강시켜라. “완벽한” 작업같은 건 없다. 모든 분야의 모든 직원들은 일에 대해 가끔 불만을 갖지만, 당신이 거기에 연연하거나 불필요할 만큼 언급해야한다는 뜻은 아니다. 당신의 회사에 관해 얘기할 때(특히 업무중이라면), 긍정적인 태도를 유지하도록 애써라. “부정적인 잡담은 브랜드에 손상을 주며 다른 사람들에게 그것에 대해 부당한 부정적 인상을 전달할 수가 있습니다.” Gordon은 지적한다. “당신의 조직에 신경을 쓰고 있다면, 그 조직이 힘을 구축하고 증강할 수 있도록 도우세요. 만일 자신이 몸 담고 있는 조직에 크게 신경을 쓰지 않고 있다면, 정직하게 스스로를 평가하거나 새로운 직장을 찾아야할 때입니다.” 좋은 것을 봐라. Gordon의 책에 따르면, 목수가 자신의 후배에게 이렇게 말한다, “자네가 좋은 것을 보고, 좋은 것을 찾고, 그리고 좋은 것을 기대한다면, 자네는 좋은 것을 찾게 될 것이며 그 좋은 것이 자네를 찾게 될걸세.” 고객들을 “성가시고,” “궁핍하고”, “멍청하고”, 혹은 “당신의 시간 낭비”로 생각하지 않도록 노력하는데 당신은 이 원칙을 적용할 수 있다. 대신, 그 중에 좋은 것을 볼 수 있도록 선택해라. 예를 들어, “그녀는 이 제품의 제조 방법에 대해 정말로 궁금해 할거야.” 라고 생각해 봐라. 고객들은 당신의 변화된 태도를 인지하고 고마워할 것이다. 모든 것을 비즈니스로만 만들지는 말아라. 고객들과의 어떤 장기적 혹은 후속 상호 관계를 유지하는 동안, “어떻게 지내세요?” 라고도 물어봐라. 업무적 단계뿐 아니라 개인적인 차원에서도 고객들에게 관심을 갖도록 노력해라. 그리고 당신이 그들에 관해 알게 된 것에 관심을 가져라. 항상 조금 더 나아가라. 당신이 제공하는 서비스를 조금 더 낫게할 수 있는 방법을 지속적으로 찾아라. Gordon은 단 1% 더 많은 시간과 에너지, 생각이 큰 변화를 만들 수 있다고 지적한다. 심지어 사소한 행동들(계산을 마친 고객들을 문 앞까지 배웅하는 것처럼)도 큰 의미를 부여한다. “성공적인 전략으로서의 보살핌은 모든 당신의 직원들이 함께 실행할 때에만 작용합니다. 생각해 보세요: 고객을 달아나게 하는데는 고객을 무시하는 단 한 명의 판매직원이나 무례한 고객 서비스 직원이면 충분합니다. 그리고 그 고객이 당신의 회사가 자신을 얼마나 형편없이 대했는지를 여기 저기 얘기할 것이라는 것은 너무도 당연한 일이죠!”
Jon Gordon is the author of “The Carpenter: A Story About the Greatest Success Strategies of All.” His best-selling books and talks
have inspired readers and audiences around the world. His principles have been put to the test by numerous NFL, NBA, and college coaches and teams, Fortune 500 companies, school districts, hospitals, and non-profits. Jon is a graduate of Cornell University and holds a master’s in teaching from Emory University. He and his training/consulting company are passionate about developing positive leaders, organizations and teams. To learn more, please visit
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips by Henry S. Miller
Why Happiness Matters 행복이 중요한 이유
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Although some would have you think otherwise, the uniquely human pursuit of happiness is not merely some frivolous idle-time activity for the fortunate few. Instead, it is a serious pursuit—a duty and responsibility for each of us. As the progress—or lack thereof—of human progress has demonstrated, being in a positive, optimistic and happy frame of mind seems to be what allows some humans to be more successful than others in obtaining life’s essentials: food, shelter, social support, and even a mate. So it has always been and so it continues today. If you still doubt the seriousness of pursuing a happier life, consider your loved ones; fulfilling the duty of being happy benefits not just yourself, but also those closest to you.
당신은 그렇게 생각하지 않을 수도 있지만, 인간의 고유한 행복 추구는
The Benefits Most of the benefits of living a happier life are familiar, yet they are powerful and seemingly endless—and they far outweigh the costs and work needed to achieve this state. Nonetheless, many in our societies often try to diminish the idea of simple, lasting happiness, instead extolling the thrill of peak pleasures and magnificent accomplishments. As a rejoinder to them and a reminder to us all, here is a consensus of what researchers around the world have proven to result from simply being happy, especially when compared to unhappy, sad or depressed people:
• Success. Overall, happy people are more successful across multiple major domains of life including work, social relationships, income, and health. In addition, the relationship between happiness and success seems to be reciprocal: not only can individual success—whether in love or at work—contribute to feelings of happiness, but happiness also results in more success. In this way, happiness becomes an even more worthwhile pursuit, both as a desirable end in and of itself and as a means to achieve other significant life goals. • Personally. Happy people more frequently exhibit characteristics such as being strikingly energetic, decisive, and flexible. They are more creative, more helpful to those in need, more self-confident, more forgiving, more charitable, more sociable, and more loving. Compared to unhappy people, happier people are more trusting, more loving, and more responsive. They have greater self-control, can tolerate frustration better, are less likely to be abusive, are more lenient, and demonstrate enhanced coping skills.
단지 몇 가지 행운에 대한 사소한 유휴 시간 활동만은 아니다. 대신, 그것은 진지한 추구 – 우리 각자를 위한 의무와 책임 – 인 것이다.
인간의 진보 – 혹은 그것의 부족함이 입증됨에 따라, 마음의
긍정이나 낙관, 행복의 틀은 인생의 필수 조건을 성취하는데 있어서 어떤 사람이 다른 사람보다 더욱 성공하기 위해 허용되는 것처럼 보인다. 음식, 쉼터, 사회 지원, 심지어 동료. 그것은 언제나 그래왔고 지금도 계속되고 있다. 만일 당신이 여전히 더욱 행복한 삶의 추구를 위한 진지함을 의심한다면, 당신이 사랑하는 것을 생각해봐라. 행복을 위한 의무를 이행하는 것은 당신 자신뿐 아니라, 당신과 가장 가까운 사람에게도 혜택을 준다.
행복한 삶의 장점 중 대부분은 우리가 잘 알고 있는데, 그것들은 강력하고 끝이 없어 보인다 – 그리고 그것은 지금까지 이 상태를 달성하는데 필요한 비용과 작업보다 훨씬 무겁다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 우리 사회의 많은 사람들은 종종 거대한 성과와 즐거움이 절정일 때의 흥분을 극찬하는 대신, 단순하고, 지속적인 행복에 관한 생각을 축소시키려 애쓴다. 그것에 대한 답변과 우리 모두를 상기기키기 위해서, 여기 전 세계의 연구자들이 동의한 내용을 제시한다. 이것은 단순한 행복을 특히 불행이나 슬픔, 혹은 우울한 사람들과 비교했을 때의 결과로 입증된 것이다: • 성공. 전반적으로, 행복한 사람들은 직장, 사회적 관계, 소득, 건강을 포함한 삶의 여러 주요 영역에서 더욱 성공적이다. 또한, 행복과 성공의 관계는 상호적인 것처럼 보인다: 개인적인 성공이 – 일이든 사랑이든 – 행복한 감정에 기여할 뿐 아니라, 행복은 더 큰 성공을 가져온다. 이런 방식으로, 행복은 더욱 바람직한 추구의 대상이 된다, 그 자체로서 바람직한 끝인 동시에 다른 중요한 인생의 목표를 추구한다는 의미로서도. • 개인적으로. 행복한 사람들은 현저히 에너지가 넘치고 결단력 있으며, 유연한 특성을 가지고 있다. 그들은 보다 창의적이며 다른 사람들을 더 많이 돕고, 더 큰 자신감과 관대함을 가지는 것은 물론, 더욱 남을 돕고 사교적이며 더 많은 사랑을 갖고 있다. 불행한 사람들과 비교한다면, 행복한 사람일수록 더 신뢰하고 사랑하며 더 많이 호응한다. 그들은 더 큰 자기 통제 능력을 갖고 있으며, 좌절감을 더욱 잘 견디며, 훨씬 덜 가학적이며, 또한 더욱 관대하며 강화된 대응 방법을 보여준다.
• Socially. Happy people have more friends, richer social interactions, correspondingly stronger social support, and experience longer and more satisfying marriages. • Work. In addition to bringing all their positive personal attributes to work, happy people have been proven to be more likely to perform better, achieve greater productivity and deliver a higher quality work product. They tend to receive a higher income as a result. • Physical health. Happy people experience less pain, are often in better health, are more active with more energy and even, not surprisingly, live longer. They have lower stress levels and stronger immune systems that fight disease more effectively. By comparison, stressed and depressed people are more vulnerable to various illnesses.
• 사회적으로, 행복한 사람들은 많은 친구들과, 풍부한 사회 상호작용, 상대적으로 더욱 강한 사회적 지지, 그리고 보다 길고 만족스러운 결혼 생활을 경험한다.
• 일. 행복한 사람들은 자신의 모든 긍정적인 개인적 자질을 일에 모두 쏟아부을 뿐 아니라, 업무를 더욱 잘 수행하며, 더 큰 생산성을 달성하고 우수한 작업 결과물을 만들어내는 것으로 입증되고 있다. 결과적으로 더 높은 수입을 얻는 경향이 있다. • 육체적 건강. 행복한 사람은 통증을 적게 경험하며, 종종 더 건강하고, 더 많은 에너지로 활동적이며, 놀라울 것 없이 더욱 오래 산다. 그들은 낮은 스트레스 레벨과 보다 효과적으로 질병과 싸울
• Mental health. Happy individuals construe daily situations and major life events in relatively more positive and more adaptive ways
수 있는 강한 면역 체계를 갖고 있다. 비교해보면, 스트레스가 많고 우울한 사람들은 다양한 질병에 더욱 취약하다. September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
that seem to reinforce their happiness. They are also less likely to exaggerate any criticism, however slight, that they may receive, as opposed to unhappy individuals who react to life experiences in negative ways that only reinforce their unhappiness. What’s at Stake Take your pursuit of a happier and more fulfilling life seriously—it is a worthy goal especially in times of uncertainty and strife. Your success in striving to thrive is a precious gift that benefits not only yourself but also all those around you as well as the world at large—benefits that can’t be overestimated. Trust and believe that you are worthy enough to prioritize and focus your time and energy on living a happier life. First and foremost, you owe it to yourself to try to be as happy as you can. You also owe it to those around you: your spouse, your parents, your children, your friends and acquaintances, and coworkers and colleagues. If you question or doubt the seriousness of this pursuit or tend to trivialize the value of being happier, just ask any spouse or significant other what it’s like to live with an unhappy and unfulfilled partner. Ask a parent about the pain suffered by all if a child is unhappy. Or ask a child what it’s like to be raised by an unhappy, unfulfilled, angry, and bitter parent. Ask a supervisor what it’s like to try to work with unhappy, frustrated, and unmotivated employees. Then ask a worker about working for an unhappy manager. Think carefully about the impact of choosing to live a happier life. Realize that because happiness has been demonstrated to be contagious, your individual happiness can affect not only you and those closest to you, but also those living nearby. Individual happiness matters much more—and can have a much more extensive impact—than ever realized before. Finally, recall your childhood: groups of young children playing together, exploring, curious about everything, giggling in wide-eyed wonderment. Compare that picture to a group of typical adults commuting in cars or trains or buses or subways: dull faces gazing unseeingly straight ahead, emotionless. What have they lost? When did they lose it? And can they get it back? Remember that one day you will be sitting on that proverbial rocking chair on some front porch or veranda, maybe overlooking the ocean, and a stranger will sit down beside you and politely ask: “So, what did you do in your life?” What will you say? The stakes are high. The price of unhappiness is steep. And life is short.
• 정신 건강. 행복한 개인은 자신의 행복을 강화할 수 있는 상대적으로 더욱 긍정적이고 적응력이 높은 방법으로 매일의 상황이나 인생의 중요한 이벤트를 해석한다. 그들은 또한 자신들이 받을 수 있는 어떤 비판을 과장할 가능성이 적은데, 이것은 자신의 불행을 단지 강화하는 부정적인 방법으로 인생의 경험에 반응하는 불행한 사람들과는 반대의 모습이다. 성패는 어디에 달려 있는가? 더욱 행복하고 만족스러운 인생을 진지하게 추구해라. – 그것은 불확실한 투쟁의 시간에서 특히 가치있는 목표이다. 번창하기 위해 고군분투하면서 얻은 당신의 성공은 당신 자신 뿐 아니라 당신을 둘러싼 많은 사람들, 넓게는 이 세상에 혜택을 주는 귀중한 선물이 된다. – 그리고 그 혜택은 절대 과대평가될 수 없는 것이다.
당신은 보다 행복한 삶을 살 수 있는 당신의 에너지와
시간을 우선으로 하고 거기에 집중하기에 충분히 가치가 있다는 것을 신뢰하고 믿어야 한다. 무엇보다도, 당신 스스로 할 수있는 한 행복해지기 위해 노력해야한다. 또한 당신의 주위 사람들: 배우자, 부모, 자녀, 친구들과 지인들, 그리고 동료와 동창들을 위해서도 노력해야 한다. 만일 당신이 이러한 추구의 진지함에 의문이나 의심이 생긴다면, 혹은 행복의 가치를 하찮게 여긴다면, 불행하고 성취감없는 파트너와 살고 있는 다른 사람들이나 그들의 배우자에게 물어봐라. 자녀가 행복하지 않음으로 고통 받는 부모에게 물어봐라. 혹은 불행하고, 성취감 없고, 성난 부모와 살아온 아이들에게 물어봐라. 불행하고, 불만스러워하며 동기부여가 되지 않은 직원들과 함께 일하는 직장 상사에게 물어봐라. 그리고 불행한 매니저와 함께 일하느라 애쓰는 직원에게 물어봐라. 행복한 삶을 선택할 수 있는 영향에 대해 신중히 생각해 봐라. 행복은 전염된다는 것이 입증되었으므로, 당신의 개인적 행복은 당신 자신과 주위 사람들 뿐 아니라, 가까운 사람들에게도 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 인식해라. 개인의 행복은 – 이전에 깨달은 것보다 - 훨씬 더 중요하며 , 더 광범위한 영향을 줄 수 있다.
마지막으로, 어린 시절을 회상에 봐라: 여러 명의 아이들이
함께 놀고, 탐구하고, 모든 것에 호기심을 갖고, 큰 눈을 굴리며 즐겁게 웃는 모습을 떠올려 봐라. 자동차나 기차, 혹은 버스나 지하철로 통근하는 전형적인 한 무리의 성인들과 그 그림을 비교해 봐라. 초점없이 앞만 쳐다보고 있는 감정없이 무뎌진 얼굴. 그들이 잃은 것은 무엇인가? 그들은 언제 그것을 잃어버렸을까? 다시 찾을 수는 있을까?
언젠가 당신은 현관이나 베란다에 놓인 속담에도 나오는
흔들 의자에 앉아 있게 될 것임을 기억해라. 어쩌면 바다를 바라보고 있을 수도 있겠다. 그러면 낯선 이가 당신 옆으로 다가와 정중히 물을 것이다. “그래서, 당신은 그동안 무엇을 했습니까?” 당신은 뭐라고 말할것인가?
[Excerpted from the book “The Serious Pursuit of Happiness:
위험성은 높다. 불행의 값은 너무 가혹하다. 그리고 인생은 짧다.
Everything You Need to Know to Flourish and Thrive”]
Henry S. Miller is the author of “The Serious Pursuit of Happiness:
Everything You Need to Know to Flourish and Thrive” and “Inspiration for the Pursuit of Happiness: Wisdom to Guide your Journey to a Better Life.” He is also the creator of the online membership program Get SERIOUS About Your Happiness: 20 Transformational Tools for Turbulent Times. As President of The Henry Miller Group (, he is a speaker, trainer, and consultant helping organizations improve engagement, performance, and productivity specifically by increasing employee well-being.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2014
King of Locs by Cyrus Jackson
The Winds of Change:
The Professional Products Unlimited Inc. Brand Acquisition The winds of change are blowing in for Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. At the time of press, the newness of nature and crisp air of autumn would be well underway. For over 30 year, I have been making an indelible mark on the ethnic hair care business and this summer I have decided to embark on a whole new journey. After much consideration and care I have decided to sell all of my hair care brands. Now I suspect that by this time, the business of health and beauty will be buzzing a bit with the news of the acquisition, so I want to be sure and let all of our supporters and valued customers know the true facts of the sale. As of July 1st 2014, Universal Beauty Products, Inc. completed the full acquisition of several brands from Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. Universal will now manufacture, distribute and market the powerhouse brands Jamaican Mango & Lime, Jamaican Mango & Lime Black Castor Oil, Groganics DHT Blocker System, III Sisters of Nature, Robert’s Diamond Bond, Love My Baby and Salon Finish worldwide. This may come as a surprise to many, but please let me be the first to tell you that we have been truly elated at Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. We were not under any financial strain and our brands have been producing better than ever. So unfortunately, there is no juicy drama behind the sale. It was simpler than that. A wise man once told me, “Don’t play the song until the curtains go down. Give the audience the best that you got and leaving ready for more.” I have been in the business a long time and I want to have a chance to sit back and enjoy the legacy that I have made while continuing to give to the industry that I love so much. Though I have sold my brands, I have entered into a deal that will ensure that all of the brands will continue to grow and our dedication to customer service and quality live on. Universal Beauty Products, Inc. is a dynamic firm with several thriving brands on their roster that include top hair care industry contenders such as My DNA, VIA Naturals and Salon Pro. The acquisition took place at Professional Products Unlimited, Inc.’s offices. I have made certain the brands are going to a truly outstanding company that shares our same beliefs in the business. Please rest assured that though it was a difficult decision, it was one that our entire company was truly pleased with. We all had an
aura of celebration instead of loss and look proudly to the road before us. Both companies came together on that faithful day and there was an air of comradery and celebration as the president of Universal Beauty Products, Inc., Yong Park, and I put pen to paper, shook hands and made a toast to the deal. Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. and Universal Beauty Products, Inc. are two companies that have been founded and forged on similar ideals. As you all know, Professional Products was a pioneer in the ethnic hair care category formulating products for natural ethnic hair types for over 17 years. We pioneered the natural hair care category. In my eyes the basis for the acquisition became a natural fit once we had our first meeting. I believe that the acquisition of the Professional Products Unlimited brands by Universal Beauty Products, Inc. is a truly exciting event for the hair care industry as a whole. Universal Beauty continues to be a leader in bringing new innovative products to the market that not only support the latest trend, they create them, like their Salon Pro brands for weaves and extensions that are in high demand all of the globe. They were also one of the first hair care companies to embrace the development of naturally formulated hair care products like their VIA Naturals hair coloring line. It will be interesting to see the new developments from the brands in the years to come. One aspect that we can all be certain of is the potential for Universal Beauty Products, Inc. to take their newly purchased brands out of this world and beyond. The future of Professional Products as a company has never been more secure as we are now concentrating on another arm of our operations—contract manufacturing. Professional Products has been a full service private label manufacturer for over 10 years. I have more knowledge, forethought and experience in this business than I can began to describe and I intend to be a driving force and example to new companies that have started from the ground up just as I did. We currently make a number of successful health and beauty brands and we are adding more on every day. We hope to be a beacon of light for entrepreneurs that think outside of the box in health and beauty. So as always, Professional Products will strive to bring consumers the quality and products that they demand and deserve.
Cyrus Jackson
has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products, Leisure Curl and Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self-proclaimed King of Locs.
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Feature by Phylencia “PT” Taylor
Philanthropic Public Spirits From an Industry Giant to a New Progressive When one thinks of the beauty industry words like benevolence, humanitarianism and social conscience are not typically top-of-mind words. At the core of the industry are businesses rooted in products that create outer beauty for physical attractiveness. Inner beauty, rooted in the hearts’ spirit is often overlooked in the beauty industry and our culture today. Albeit, there are change agents in the industry working to bridge outer beauty with inner beauty through philanthropic efforts to promote social causes that impact our community and culture. Meet two corporate change agents from polar fiscal positions giving back; an established hair care industry giant and the other a new and progressive feminine hygiene company. Though they are at different points and levels, both lead from the inside out, finding the time, energy and resources to drive social responsibility, cultural benevolence and public-spiritedness.
“Our company develops and distributes (hair care products) for women, and we want to care for them in our community. Often, women put their needs last, and through our events we want to let these women know that they are a priority as well. African Pride believes that no woman is monolithic in nature and celebrates individual beauty from the inside out.” – Charlene Dance, Director of Marketing for Strength of Nature Company: Strength of Nature/African Pride Product(s): Hair Care for Women and Girls Cause Tags: Women, Breast Cancer and Children’s Shelters Website/City:, GA Which charity have you partnered with? African Pride partners with Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Circle of Promise through Ebony Steele’s (Dish Nation TV, former cohost of the Rickey Smiley Morning Show) “Bare Chest for Breast Cancer” fundraiser event. We’ve also created our own initiatives like the “Stories of Strength” Series where breast cancer survivors and their empowering stories are featured on the African Pride social media platforms during breast cancer awareness month. African Pride has also hosted pamper and makeover parties like 66
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
“Transformation 2013: A Brand New You,” serving over 250 women through partnerships with women and children’s shelters like My Sister’s House, a crisis emergency shelter and residential recovery program. Why did you partner with this organization? African Pride partners with organizations that embody the mission and ideals of the brand. Why is this cause important to your business? Believing in the wholeness of the woman, African Pride promotes initiatives like breast cancer awareness and helping those in shelters to encourage women to be proactive when it comes to their health and to embrace their beauty from the inside out, despite the circumstance. What standard of value is created through this charity partnership? African Pride strongly believes in setting a standard of corporate social responsibility. We are excited to have the opportunity to support initiatives that matter to our employees and consumers, and align with the company’s mission.
Why do you think it is important for other beauty corporations to get involved in philanthropic efforts? Corporations across all industries should participate in initiatives that benefit the local communities of their businesses and afar because it creates a unique and invaluable pointoftouch with your consumers. Helping the women that live in the communities where our products are sold is priceless. It’s something you can’t put a price tag on. We see it as added value for our company to get out into our communities and be face-to-face with the consumer so they know that we care. We realize that without their ongoing support Strength of Nature wouldn’t be possible and it’s great that we get to show them through initiatives that are tied to health. How does supporting charitable efforts support your business? It supports our corporate mission to have extensive and responsive community outreach programs that support the growth and awareness of civic outreach centers, churches, salons, and hair schools. What’s the best part of partnering with this organization? Being able to hear and share the stories of the survivors and women in midst of their journey through other challenges is an honor. Their energy towards life is contagious and their will to fight and overcome their circumstance is empowering.
“I’m on a powerful mission to encourage women and girls to love themselves. We leverage our company, The Honey Pot, to encourage love with clean, healthy and happy honey pots, one bottle at a time.” – Beatrice Dixon, Vaginal Health Enthusiast, CEO & Founder of The Happy Root LLC Company: The Happy Root LLC/The Honey Pot Product: 100% Natural Plant-Based Feminine Wash Cause Tags: Women, Vaginal Health, HIV/Aids Prevention, Reproductive Challenges Website/City:, GA Which charity have you partnered with? We’ve partnered with Sister Love Inc. dedicated to eradicating the adverse impact of HIV/AIDS and other reproductive/vaginal health challenges upon women and their families through education, prevention, support and human rights advocacy in the United States and around the world. Our product helps stop yeast infections, deliver pH balance and support vaginal immunity. About 75 percent of women have at least one yeast infection during their lives. And almost half of women have two or more vaginal yeast infections. Why this partnership? We know that women with HIV/AIDS often have recurring yeast infections and with the work Sister Love has been doing for the last 25 years, we knew this was a good fit for our brand. The Honey Pot partners with organizations that are close to our cause and brand mission. Why is this cause important your business? The feminine hygiene industry is a $12 million dollar industry. Women create wealth for beauty corporations as a business in the industry, and we must create social wealth and stability for the women in our community. Our goal is to create a paradigm shift in the minds of women and girls. When a woman takes pride in her body she’s less likely to exhibit risky behavior that lead to sexually transmitted diseases. At the Honey Pot we want to take a stand for women and girls and encourage them to love themselves and their honey pots more.
What standard of value is created through this charity partnership? The Honey Pot seeks to create a value of trust and reciprocity. Trusted products, trusted consumers, and trusted corporate action to support women. We want to create a cultural standard that resonates throughout the industry, and more importantly with our consumers. We want women to know that we understand their plights and we seek to elevate their consciousness surrounding their health. Why do you think it is important for other beauty corporations to get involved in philanthropic efforts? All corporations should get involved in charity initiatives. We view philanthropic relationships as more than a corporate/social responsibility, it’s our human responsibility to serve a purpose and help others. We’re a growing business and we began our company in philanthropic partnership because we see it as a requirement, particularly in the beauty industry. So much of the beauty business is about the physical, instant gratification. We wanted to add purpose and value to our business of helping and healing and be an actionable example to both the industry and our consumers. Our product is made for women so it is remiss for any company to not support the women or audience that they ask to support their brand. What kind of events or partnerships do you participate in with this organization? Women-centric initiatives are our focus. We’ve partnered with Sister Love through Pop-Up event(s) to help raise funds and we develop a digital and social media overlay for awareness that transcends ethnicity and age. In 2015 we’ll broaden our discourse with a series campaign tour and other womenfocused relationships. How does supporting charitable efforts support your business? Women feel invested in our charity and because we are genuinely invested in women, we don’t just talk about it; we show it by our partnerships and efforts to raise awareness and money. The ROI is intangible. What’s the best part of partnering with this organization? In encouraging women to love themselves, we’re helping women and girls choose a better life, a different consciousness about her body and paradigm shift in her thinking and behavior pattern that could save her life. That’s empowering for us, one honey pot at a time!
Phylencia “PT” Taylor is a Marketing Strategist with over 12 years in the beauty industry.
PT is the Founder of Shine Beauty Culture, Building Brands that Shine Through! — a Boutique-Beauty Consultancy and Cultural Collective of beauty Experts and Enthusiasts. She’s worked as Marketing Manager/Director at Carol’s Daughter, Wella Corporation and Johnson Products. Past and present clients include GBL Sales, Hair-Routine, Goody, H2Pro, Baileys Beauty Shop and Crown Royal Barbershop to name a few. @ShineBeautyCulture. . ATL . DC . NYC September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Section the Beauty of
Explore how big players in the beauty industry give back in their own, unique ways
There are some things
자선의 아름다움 (부제) 미용업계의 큰 거물들이 어떻게 자신만의 독특한 방법으로 사회에 환원하는지 알아보자.
you just cannot say enough about. Don’t believe it? Consider the following for a moment: cute baby puppies, the love shown in warm welcoming hugs as a soldier steps off the plane from serving in foreign lands, the pride of parents introducing newborn babies to friends, and the joy of a once disease-battling patient who overcame their battle triumphantly. Once you see these it is hard to not tell others about them so you can all bask in that joy. The same is true about the charity efforts of the people and companies within the beauty industry. Because we cannot seem to get enough of the wonderful efforts put forth by organizations we work with on a daily basis, OTC Beauty Magazine is highlighting some of these actions in this, our 5th Annual Beauty of Charity issue. Join us as we explore how six beauty businesses are working to help in their communities and abroad. Perhaps it will encourage you to see where you fit into this beautiful philanthropic puzzle. 68
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
당신이 단지 충분하다고 말할 수 없는 것들이 몇 가지
있다. 만약 그렇게 생각하지 않는다면, 다음 내용들을 잠깐 생각해 봐라: 귀여운 아기 강아지, 외국에서의 임무를 마치고 비행기에서 내리는 군인들을 환영하는 따뜻한 포옹에서 보여지는 사랑, 친구들에게 새로 태어난 아기를 소개하는 부모의 자부심, 그리고 병마와 싸워서 당당히 이겨낸 환자의 기쁨. 당신이 이런 것을 본다면, 다른 사람들에게 그것에 관해 말하지 않기가 힘들 것이며 그 모든 기쁨들을 누릴 수 있게 된다. 미용업계의 기업과 사람들의 자선 활동 역시 마찬가지다.
단체들에 의해 행해지는 아름다운 노력들을 충분하게
담을 수가 없어서, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이번 5주년 기념 Beauty of Charity호에서 몇 가지 그들의 활동들을 강조하고 있다. 우리는6개의 미용업체가 그들의 지역 사회와 해외를 어떻게 돕고 있는지를 탐구하려고 한다. 아마도 이를 통해 당신의 아름다운 자선의 퍼즐을 어디에 맞춰야 할지 알게 되는데 도움이 될 것이다.
A Beauty Tool Icon Gets Pretty in Pink 핑크색의 상징적인 미용기구
Introducing Tweezerman’s 2014 Breast Cancer Awareness Limited Edition Precision in Pink Slant Tweezer
o commemorate their commitment to the fight against Breast Cancer, Tweezerman proudly introduces the 2014 Limited Edition Breast Cancer Awareness version of their award winning beauty tool–the Precision in Pink Slant Tweezer. This year’s design has a fresh fun look, covered in pretty pink and white grosgrain ribbons on a pristine white enamel finish. Adorned with these iconic Pink Ribbon logos, the Precision in Pink Slant Tweezer keeps your brows tame while helping support the fight against Breast Cancer. Dedicated to supporting charities and their missions through their Second Bottom Line program, Tweezerman’s commitment to Breast Cancer Awareness programs for over 10 years shows the company’s unwavering devotion to help bring hope into the lives of so many people. A portion of proceeds from the sale of each Limited Edition Precision in Pink Slant Tweezer will be donated to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure© and the CEW Cancer and Careers organizations, among other charities throughout the country.
weezerman의 2014 유방암 인식을 위한 한정판 제품인
Precision in Pink Slant Tweezer 소개.
유방암과의 싸움에 대한 의지를 기념하기 위해,
Tweezerman은 2014년 유방암 인식 버전의 한정판 미용 기구로, the Precision in Pink Slant Tweezer 를 자신있게 소개하고 있다. 올해 디자인은 참신하고 재밌는 모습으로 예쁜 핑크색 바탕에 흰색 그로그랭 리본으로 장식하고 깨끗한 흰색 에나멜로 마감되어 있다. 상징적인 핑크색 리본 로고가 장식된, Precision in Pink Slant
Tweezer 는 유방암 극복을 지원하는데 도움이 됨과 동시에 당신의 눈썹을 잘 길들여줄 것이다.
그들의 두 번째 핵심 프로그램을 통해 그들의 미션과 자선
활동을 지원하는데 전념하고 있는Tweezerman은 10년 이상 유방암 인식 프로그램에 전념함으로써 많은 사람들의 삶에 희망을 주는 일에 회사의 변함없는 헌신을 보여주고 있다.
Precision in Pink Slant Tweezer 한정판의 판매 수익금의
일부는Susan G. Komen For The Cure© 와the CEW Cancer and Careers organizations, 또한 전국의 다른 자선 단체들에 기부될 것이다.
Supporting Women’s Heart Health One Tweezer at a Time 여성 심장 건강을 지원하는 트위저 For every Rubis Tweezer with a Heart sold, a donation is made to women’s heart health
he stainless steel Rubis Tweezer with a Heart features the classic slanted tip for all-purpose tweezing and an exclusive heart cutout design. This beautiful feature enhances the world’s finest tweezer and promotes awareness of the importance of women’s heart health. The Rubis Tweezer with a Heart, exclusively from Rubis Switzerland, features a stylish die-cut heart and helps support women’s heart health. • Slanted tip, all-purpose tweezer • Perfect for shaping eyebrows and removing facial and body hair • A donation is made to women’s heart health for every tweezer sold
ubis Tweezer with a Heart 가 판매될 때마다, 수익금의 일부가 여성 심장 건강을 위해 기부된다. 스텐레스 스틸 재질의Rubis Tweezer with a Heart 는 클래식한 슬랜트
팁 형태로 트위저의 모든 용도에 사용할 수 있으며 전용 하트 디자인으로 설계되었다. 이 멋진 기능은 세계 최고 트위저를 강화함과 동시에 여성 심장 건강의 중요성에 대한 인식을 촉진한다.
Rubis Switzerland 에서 독점적으로 공급되는 Rubis Tweezer
with a Heart 는 형판을 눌러서 떼어낸 세련된 하트 문양을 가지고 있으며 여성 심장 건강 지원을 돕는다. •
슬랜트 팁(끝이 비스듬하게 기울어진 모양), 다목적 트위터
눈썹을 다듬고 얼굴과 몸의 털 제거에 완벽함
트위저가 판매될 때마다 여성 심장 건강을 위해 기부됨. September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Special Section Hairdressers at Heart 심장 프로그램의 미용사들
ella는 심장 프로그램에“Supports Your Cause” 라는 슬로건으로 그들의 미용사들을 지원하고 있다. P&G의
Wella “Supports Your Cause” through their Hairdressers at Heart program
미용실 전문 분야인 Wella는 심장 프로그램에 자신들의
미용사들을 자부심을 갖고 참여시키고 있는데, 미용사 직업의 4
ella, the salon professional division of P&G, proudly backs their Hairdressers at Heart program which provides lifetime career support at four critical stages of a hairdresser’s career: student, new talent, working hairdresser and salon owner. We all know how tough it can be to make your mark in this world, and they strive to make that journey a little easier. As a part of this program they held their Wella Supports Your Cause Charity Challenge to help hairdressers and salon owners amplify their contributions to charity within their local communities—whether big or small. The competition garnered hundreds of entries from across North America. Participants submitted videos and essays that revealed their passion and actionable efforts toward causes such as heart disease research, domestic abuse shelter and autism awareness. Finalists were chosen by a combination of online public voting and a judging panel of industry experts. Kelly H. was named the Grand Prize Winner, and as such will receive a $10,000 grant for her compelling dedication to community outreach programs that reach over 17,000 patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments through the “Chemo Buddies” platform. In addition to the grand prize, Wella will award 19 other challenge finalists grants as well. The next Hairdressers at Heart Wella Supports Your Cause Charity Challenge will commence in the spring of 2015.
가지 단계를 통해 평생 직업 교육을 지원하고 있다. 학생, 새로운 재능, 일하는 미용사, 그리고 미용실 주인. 우리는 이 세상에서 우리의 족적을 남기는 것이 얼마나 힘든 일인지 알고 있으며, 그들은 이 여행을 조금은 더 쉽게 만들기 위해 노력하고 있다.
이 프로그램의 일환으로 그들은Wella Supports Your Cause
Charity Challenge를 개최하여 지역 사회에서 미용사들과 미용실 주인들이 그 규모에 상관없이 어떤 자선 활동이든 증폭시키고자 돕는 것을 지원한다. 북미 전역에서 수백개의 참가 신청을 받았다. 참가자들은 심장 질환 연구나 가정 폭력 쉼터, 자폐증에 대한 인식과 같은 문제들에 대한 자신의 열정과 실천 노력이 드러나는 영상과 에세이를 제출했다. 최종 후보는 온라인 공개 투표와 업계 전문가들로 구성된 심사 위원단에 의해 선정되었다.
켈리 H.가 대상 수상자로 선정되었는데, “Chemo Buddies”
플랫폼을 통해 키모세라피 치료를 받고 있는 17,000명의 환자들에 도달하는 지역 사회 활동 프로그램에 관한 그녀의 헌신적인 노력을 인정받아, 1만달러의 보조금을 받게 될 것이다. 대상 수상뿐 아니라, Wella는 최종 수상에 오른 19명의 다른 도전자들도 수상할 것이다.
Wella가 지원하는Your Cause Charity Challenge의 다음
미용사가 되기 위한 도전의 기회는 2015년 봄에 시작된다.
Why Choose Just One? 왜 단지 하나만 선택해야 하는가?
Helen of Troy gives back to multiple organizations hen there is such great need around the world, why choose just one effort to support? Helen of Troy proudly works to support the following philanthropic causes. American Red Cross Cookies for Kids Cancer El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Junior Achievement Make-A-Wish National Breast Cancer Coalition Operation Noel (Winter coats for children) Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation City of Hope Texas Tech University Breast Care Center YWCA 70
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
elen of Troy는 다양한 단체에 수익을 환원하고 있다. 세계 각국에 큰 도움들이 필요할 때, 왜 단지 그것을 지원하기 위해 한 곳만 선택해야 하는가? Helen of Troy
는 다음의 자선 활동들을 자부심을 갖고 지원하고 있다. 미국 적십자사 Cookies for Kids Cancer El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Junior Achievement Make-A-Wish 국립 유방암 연합 Operation Noel (Winter coats for children) Susan G. Komen 유방암 재단 City of Hope Texas 공대 유방암 센터 YWCA
Behold the Power of Pink! 핑크의 힘을 보라!
onair는 믿을 수 없는 핑크의 힘을 세상에 보여주기 위해
Conair Corp. is dedicated to showing the world the unbelievable power of pink
ink is a symbolic hue that immediately brings to mind breast cancer awareness, which is what one company is banking on. Conair® Corporation is proud to partner with The Breast Cancer Research Foundation® in their mission to achieve prevention and a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime. By providing critical funding for innovative clinical and translational research at leading medical centers worldwide and increasing public awareness about good breast health, a cure cannot be far away. Offering products in the familiar shade of pink, Conair is helping spread awareness. They are also donating $110,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation regardless of product purchase.
최선을 다하고 있다. 핑크는 유방암에 대한 인식을 떠올리게 하는 상징적인
색상인데, 한 기업이 이것을 기대하고 있다. 주식회사Conair®는 평생 유방암을 예방하고 치료법을 달성하려는데 사명감을 갖고 있는 유방암 연구 재단과 파트너 관계임에 자부심을 갖고 있다. 세계적으로 선도적인 의료 센터에 혁신적인 임상 및 중개 연구를 위한 중요한 자금을 제공하고, 건강한 유방에 대한 사회적 인식을 증가시킴에 따라, 치료는 그리 멀리 있지 않다.
친숙한 핑크색상의 제품들을 제공하고 있는 Conair는 인식의 확산을 돕고 있다. 그들은 또한 제품 구매와는 관계없이 유방암 연구 재단에 11만 달러를 기부하고 있다.
The Many Charitable Hats of One Hair Product Company 한 헤어 제품 회사의 많은 자선 모자들
ndis는 자신들의 자선 활동을 널리 펼치고 있다. Andis는 진정으로 관대한 정신을 가진 회사이다. 수많은 자선 활동에 참여하면서, 그들은 또한 다른 곳에 도움을
전하느라 분주하다.
Andis spreads their charitable support far and wide
ndis truly is a company with a generous spirit. Participating in numerous philanthropic efforts, they stay busy helping others. Last year, Andis associates surpassed their recently set record for raising money for the United Way of Racine County. They also sponsored the Junior Showmanship Competition during the 21st Anniversary World Beef Expo at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. Youth competed by presenting their animals in 21 categories and the winners of each age group—whose heifers best represented breed standards—received Andis’ AGC Super 2-Speed Clipper for large animals. They also supported the youth competitors from organizations such as 4-H, Future Farmers of America and the ASPCA by reaching out to both home and professional animal groomers (through their Hearts & Paws contest) in the past. Other notable charitable events they help with include St. Baldrick’s, Relay for Life, the Susan Komen Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, Pet Smart Charities, the City of Hope Foundation, and the Racine, Waukesha and Wisconsin State Fair. Having been very active in Racine County, WI for more than 90 years, Andis donates to numerous churches, schools and community organizations.
작년, Andis는United Way of Racine County를 위한
모금에서 최근 그들이 목표로 한 기록을 넘어 섰다. 그들은 또한 Wisconsin State Fair Park 에서 21st Anniversary World Beef Expo가 열리는 동안 the Junior Showmanship Competition을 후원했다. 청소년들은 21개 분야에서 자신들의 동물을 데리고 경쟁을 벌였으며 각 연령 그룹별로 최고의 품종 기준에 해당하는 어린 암소를 데리고 온 청소년이 승자가 되었고, 가장 큰 동물을 위해서 Andis의 AGC Super 2-Speed 클리퍼를 받았다.
또한4-H, Future Farmers of America, ASPCA와 같은
단체로부터 과거에 집에서나 직업적으로 동물 그루머(그들의 Hearts & Paws컨테스트를 통해)였던 사람들에게도 관심을 가지면서, 청소년 참가자들을 지원했다.
주목할 만한 또 다른 자선 이벤트로, 그들은St. Baldrick’s,
Relay for Life, the Susan Komen Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, Pet Smart Charities, the City of Hope Foundation, and the Racine, Waukesha and Wisconsin State Fair를 돕고 있다. 90년이 넘도록 위스콘신의Racine 카운티에서 아주 활발하게 활동하면서, Andis는 수많은 교회와 학교 그리고 지역 단체에 기부하고 있다. September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Profile by Tony Bae
상품으로 손님을 컨트롤 하세요 Lee Beauty Supply • Montgomery, AL 햄버거를 파는 스토어에 김치찌개를 먹으려는 사람이 들어가
72년에 미국으로 와서 대부분의 학창시절을 미국에서 보낸 이
는 일은 없을 것이다. 이는 본인이 방문하는 스토어가 무엇을
사장은, 해군에 입대하여 하와이에 근무한 것을 계기로, 하와
취급하고 있는지를 알기 때문이다. 하지만 백화점은 다르다.
이에서 대학을 나오고, 직장 생활도 하와이에서 하였다고 한
어느 정도 무슨 제품을 팔고 있는지는 알고 있지만, 가서 보면
다. 오랜 직장생활 뒤에, 부모님이 계신 앨라배마 주로 이사를
생각지도 못하는 제품을 팔고 있어 필요한 것이 아니었는데도
와서 신발 소매상을 열었다가 오래지 않아 실패를 하고 다시
구입을 하는 상황이 빈번하다. 이는 꼭 손님이 필요로 하고 찾
직장생활을 하다가, 아무런 지식도 없이 기존에 있는 뷰티서
는 제품만이 판매가 되는 것이 아니라는 것을 단적으로 보여주
플라이 스토어를 덜컥 인수 하였다고 한다. “처음엔 아무것도
는 것이다. 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 보면, 대부분 비슷한 품질
몰라서 손님들과의 대화를 통해서 제품을 알아가기 시작했습
의 헤어 제품들을 구비하고 있다. 다만, 브랜드가 다를 뿐이다.
니다. 물건을 모르고 제품을 판매한다는 것은 말이 안 되는 것
하지만, 고객들이 많이 찾는 제품들을 똑같이 구비해 놓고, 이
이죠” 라는 이사장은 제품의 라벨을 하나하나 읽고, 여러 사람
를 가격으로만 경쟁을 하여 서로의 손님을 빼앗으려 혈안이 되
들과 많은 대화를 하면서 제품을 알아가기 시작하였다고 한다.
어있는 것을 보면 안타까울 뿐이다. 다른 제품을 구입하려 들
그렇게 스스로 공부를 하다 1년이 조금 지나고 나서야 제품들
어온 손님들이 그냥 스토어를 나가려 할 때, 구비하고 있는 유
에 익숙해져서 고객
사 제품으로 대처하여 판매를 만들어 내는 것이 진정한 세일이
들에게 제품을 설명
아닐까 생각해 본다. 이번에 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서 인터뷰한
해주고, 권해줄 수 있
Alabama, Montgomery 의 Lee Beauty Supply 의 이봉현 사장
는 수준이 되었다고
은, 비즈니스를 운영하면서 손님들에게 맞추기 보다는 본인이
합니다. “헤어 제품
손님들을 컨트롤 해 가면서 스토어를 운영하고 있는, 보기 드
들은 수도 없이 이리
문 오너들 중 하나이다. 이사장이 어떻게 손님들을 컨트롤 하
저리 만져가면서 배
고 있는지, 인터뷰를 통해 알아보도록 하자.
우다 보니, 시간이 지
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
나서는 만져만 봐도 좋은 머리인지 나쁜 머리인지, 섞인 머리 인지를 구별할 수 있게 되었습니다”. 많은 뷰티 서플라이 오 너들이 뷰티에 대해 어느 정도 사전 지식을 가지고 뛰어드는 것이 보통이다. 하지만, 이사장처럼 전혀 지식이 없는 사람들 이 처음엔 많은 고생을 하겠지만, 스스로 공부하는 좋은 습관 이 남아, 계속해서 쏟아지는 새로운 제품들도 꾸준히 공부하 는 장점이 되기도 한다. 98년도에 2,400 sq ft 로 시작하여, 2년뒤 현재 이사장의 아내 가 운영하고 있는 스토어를 하나 더 오픈 하였으며, 6년전엔 첫 번째 스토어를 3,600 sq ft 의 규모로 늘리게 되었다고 한 다. “지역의 특성상 2,400 sq ft 로도 이미 판매는 최대를 찍었 다고 생각을 하였는데, 스토어 사이즈를 늘인 이유는 오로지 스토어를 방문한 손님들을 위한 것이었습니다” 라고 이사장은 말한다. 보통 스토어 사이즈를 늘이는 이유는 좀더 많은 제품 들을 구비해 놓기 위해서이다. 하지만 이사장은 선반 사이를 비좁아서 힘들게 지나가는 손님들을 보고 스토어 공간을 늘렸 다고 한다. “물론, 제품을 좀더 가져다 두기는 하였지만, 매상 에는 그리 큰 차이가 없었습니다. 하지만, 고객들에게 좀더 편 한 쇼핑환경을 만들어 준 것이 비즈니스에 많은 긍정적인 영향 을 줬다는 것에는 확신을 하고 있습니다” 스토어를 늘려 랜트 를 더 많이 내게 되면, 그만큼 감세가 되기 마련이다. “정부에 더 많은 세금을 내느니, 그 세금을 저희 손님들에게 좀더 투자 하는 것이 낫다는 생각도 하였습니다” 라고 이사장은 말한다. “스토어 내의 제품을 구비할 때는, 소수의 특정한 고객들을 위 한 특정 상품보다는 보다 많은 사람들이 보편적으로 구입을 하는 제품을 구비하는 것이 기본인 것입니다”. 이사장은 스토 어의 제품들을 구비할 때, 손님들을 쫓아가지 않는다고 한다. “내가 어떤 물건을 가지고 있다고 해서 모든 고객들이 저희 스 토어에 와서만 구입을 하지는 않습니다. 다른 스토어에서 구 입을 할 수도 있는 것이고, 반대로 다른 스토어 단골이라도 저 희 스토어에서 상품들을 구입할 수 있는 것입니다. 따라서, 손 님을 빼앗기 위해 가격만을 낮춘다는 것은 바람직한 방법이 아 September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Retailer Profile
닙니다” 라며, 이사장은 다음과 같이 덧붙였다. “손님이 찾는 제품이 없으면, 그에 대체할 수 있는 제품을 권하면 됩니다. 손님이 원하는 상품을 모두 갖춰 놓을 수는 없지 않습니까?” 라고 반문하며, 다음과 같이 이어갔다. “제품을 처음 취급할 때 잘 팔린다고 해서 다 잘나가는 상품이라고 단정 지을 순 없 습니다”. 이사장은 제품을 처음 취급하기 시작하면, 그 제품 을 구입한 사람이 다시 와서 그 제품을 다시 구매하는지가 관 건이라고 한다. 만약, 그렇지 않다면 처음에 많이 팔았다고 해 도, 바로 제품을 취급하지 않는다고 한다. 물론 스토어 면적 이 넓어서 모든 종류의 제품들을 구비해 놓으면 그만큼 스토 어를 방문하는 사람들이 늘어나는 것은 자명한 사실이다. 하 지만, 비즈니스라는 것은 자본을 좀더 현명하게 운영하여 수 익을 내는 것이 중요하다. 3개월에 한 두 개 판매되는 제품들 은 차라리 치워버리고, 그 공간과 자금으로 좀더 유통이 빠른 제품을 구비하는 것이 현명한 방법일 수도 있다. 물론, 지역 이나 스토어의 특성에 따라 차이가 있기는 하지만 말이다. 또 한, 이사장은, 스토어를 운영하기 위해 가장 중요한 요소 3가 지를 고객, 상품, 직원으로 뽑았다. “이 세가지가 잘 맞아 떨 어져야 엄청난 효과를 볼 수 있습니다. 그렇지 않고서는 좋은 판매를 만들어 낼 수 없습니다” 아무리 좋은 제품을 가지고 있 다 해도 스토어에서 직접 판매를 하는 직원들이 고객을 잘 보 필해야 해야 판매가 이루어 지는 것이고, 스토어에서 아무리 좋은 서비스를 한다고 해도 고객들이 스토어를 방문하지 않 으면 소용이 없는 것이다. 또한, 서비스만 좋고 제품이 고객들 의 구미를 당기지 못하면 이 또한 판매로 연결 되지 않는다고 한다. 이사장은 이 세가지가 잘 조화를 이뤘을 때, 그 스토어 가 경쟁력을 가질 수 있고, 그 스토어 만의 색깔이 생기는 것 이라고 강조한다. 이사장은 “저는 스토어들이 모여 있는 것이 더 시너지 효과를 낸다고 생각합니다” 라며 보통의 스토어 오너들이 생각하고 76
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
있는 논리를 정면으로 반박하였다. “물론, 오늘 저희 스토어에 올 사람이 근처에 있는 다른 스토어로 가서 제품 구입을 하면 그만큼 저의 매상은 떨어지게 됩니다. 하지만, 장기적으로 볼 때, 모두에게 이익이 되는 것입니다”. 이사장의 말은 다음과 같다. 10명이 햄버거를 먹는 인구였는데, 하나였던 햄버거 가 게가 두 개, 세 개가 되면, 햄버거를 먹는 인구도 15명, 20명으 로 늘어난다는 얘기이다. 뷰티 서플라이로 비교를 하면, 현재 흑인들이 주 고객층을 이루고 있지만, 뷰티 서플라이가 더 많 아지면, 다른 인종들도 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 한번 들러보 고, 구매를 하고, 그러다 보면 다른 뷰티 서플라이 스토어도 편 하게 들락날락 거릴 수 있다는 이론이다. 틀린 말은 아니었다. 20년 전만해도 뷰티 서플라이는 오로지 흑인들만을 바라보고 하는 비즈니스였다. 하지만 이제는 백인, 남미인 들의 뷰티 서 플라이 방문 비중도 점점 늘어나고 있는 추세이다. “일요일은 문을 닫습니다” 라고 이사장은 이야기 한다. 하지만 주위의 다른 동 업종 스토어들은 모두 문을 연다고 한다. “처음 에는 조금 매상이 떨어지기는 했습니다. 하지만 지금은 손님들 이 일요일에 구입을 못하니, 토요일에 좀더 많이 구입을 하고 있습니다” 라고 한다. 눈앞의 이익만을 보자면 절대로 행할 수 없는 일이다. 하지만 이사장말로는 이제는 손님들이 익숙해져 서 토요일날 미리 구매를 하는 현상이 만들어 지고 있다고 한 다. 사람은 벌어지지 않은 미래의 일보다는 눈앞에서 일어나는 일들에 더욱 신경을 곤두세우기 마련이다. 눈앞에서 손님이 찾 는 제품이 없어 빈손으로 나가는 손님을 본다면, 당연히 속이 상할 수 있는 것이다. 하지만, 그러한 것에만 너무 연연하다 보 면 조바심만 생기게 될 뿐이다. 본인의 확신으로 스토어의 특 성을 만들어 나가다 보면, 시간이 지남에 따라 고객들도 자연 스럽게 받아드릴 것이다. 남들을 쫓아가려고 노력하는 시간에 본인만의 스토어 특성을 만들어 나가는 것이 장기적인 측면에 선 훨씬 좋은 비즈니스 성과를 가져올 것이다. September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Sponsored by Andis Co.
Clipper Tips for the CollegeBound Student This is the month when students are heading back to college. For most of these young men, that means being away from their favorite barber/stylist for months at a time and a dramatic change to their regular grooming routines. You can help them keep in style by suggesting the right tools to use while they’re away. Andis makes several professional-grade tools that consumers can use to meet their personal grooming needs at school or at home. The Pivot Motor Combo is a budget-friendly, clipper/trimmer set good for general cutting and trimming on all types of hair. Both tools feature pivot motors that deliver enough power to cut through even the thickest hair—dry or damp. This combo includes a full set of easy-to-use attachment combs to help achieve a variety of hair lengths and is packaged with a case for convenient storage. The SuperLiner Trimmer with shaver head attachment is a versatile, rotary motor tool for men wanting a clean close shave, but who do not have the time or skills for a straight razor shave. Because it’s two tools in one, the SuperLiner is perfect for the busy student. They can use the trimmer blade to clean up and shape the hairline or sideburns and then snap-off the blade and attach the shaver head to finish up. It’s quick and simple. The SlimLine Pro Trimmer is the ideal tool for the student on the go. Its cordless design and compact size means it can be easily tucked into a backpack for weekend road trips. At 5 ounces, this lightweight trimmer packs a powerful punch that can be used to dry shave and create clean outlines. Best of all, it has a close-cutting T-blade to achieve a barbershop-clean look. Don’t forget to recommend care and maintenance products to your customers to keep their tools running smoothly. Proper care will extend tool life and improve cutting performance—both contributing to a happy customer! Learn about the Andis tool line and the company’s instructional American Legacy Collection haircutting videos at
Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 80
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit
#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.
Therapy Trends
Beauty Links and Linkages Charity is just a click away. Linkages to personal, customizable campaigns can access the charity, cause or individualized empowerment program of your customers. Some peer to peer campaigns can help you partner with a customer to generate funds for a local cause or a personal mission. Consumers want to be more proactive and involved about charitable issues. They want to do more than donate. They want to contribute to a cause that reflects their issues. Not all cause related campaigns focus on disasters, cures or environmental stewardship. Your actual OTC customer may want to donate to a beauty cause. Beauty product campaigns can be translated into empowerment, independence or an improved self-image. There is a trend among manufacturers to go beyond the persona of outward beauty and to delve into the inner concerns and causes that relate to the consumer. Manufacturers are becoming more sensitive to the person to whom they market products. One manufacturer recently engaged in a beauty campaign to fight against the unrealistic images of weight and image. They shed light on the way the fashion and entertainment industry manufacturers impose superficial standards for women and young girls. The campaign was not designed to cure cancer; it was designed to boost the consumer’s morale and self-esteem. Purchases were made based on the connection with a company that connected to their personal plight—wellness, retirement, antiaging. Consumers may not mail in money but they will engage with a cause by linking websites or taking an action.
Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 82
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Andis American Legacy Collection Series II Debuts with Full Video Tutorials on Each Style Following the success of its first series, Andis is introducing the American Legacy Collection Series II, featuring looks that can be achieved with the company’s clippers and trimmers. The education team of Aileen Nunez, Kenny Duncan and Danny Amorim performed makeovers with a collection of popular styles including: A-line stacked bob, classic fade with side part and design, fem fauxhawk, hi-top fade with beard design, stacked bob, long layers and pompadour. The video tutorials walk the professional through the steps of each cut in great detail. To view the American Legacy Collection Series II and the tutorial videos visit
Follow Your Clippers and your Heart
Creating a community outreach program for your organization is without a doubt the most fulfilling venture you will take on as an organization. Recently, my partner John Dillard and I created Follow Your Clippers and a new category for barbers to participate in during our barber competitions. We call it “The Transformation” and we identify 6-10 men in the given city we plan to hold a barber competition. We groom them from head to toe in an effort to help them find employment or simply build their self-esteem. This is our small way of giving back to the local community. Here are some tips to help you develop a plan of action. •
Define your business’ values: A great place to start is your mission statement. Most companies use their mission statement as the philosophy that guides their daily operations. Clarifying your mission will help you see the natural connection between your organization and a potential charity partner.You will be able to help identify other goals more readily in other areas of your business. Determine where your customers are donating: Survey your customers to identify which causes and nonprofits they support. Demographic profiles may provide you with more insight about the cares and concerns of your customers. Identify what is important to them and any specific causes they may support on their own. Choosing a cause which resonates with your customer shows you are in tune with the matters that are important to them. Don’t forget your employees: As the heart and soul of a business, employees’ concerns should be taken into consideration as well. Identify if there is a need coming from within your company. Choosing a cause that your employees care about will get everyone excited and yield better participation. Charity starts at home: Always remember to speak with your own family and determine if there are programs they care about and pinpoint the needs with your own neighborhood or community such as elderly care, homelessness, and above all child hunger.
Keep up the good work!
Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 84
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
by Haley McNeal
Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) continues to exemplify the energy and creativity that drive the beauty industry. As such, 2014 proved to be a record year for the show both in terms of the largest and most international number of attendees and the largest number of participating exhibitors. CPNA prides itself on uniting attendees and exhibitors from the Americas and beyond, acting as the ultimate platform for networking, product launches, and cultivating new business relationships. Encompassing all sectors of the industry under one venue, CPNA remains the single most important forum for the beauty industry in the United States. The show is organized by North American Beauty Events, a joint venture between BolognaFiere Group, a leading Italian-based organizer of international trade shows such as Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, and the Professional Beauty Association, one of North America’s largest and most influential trade associations representing all sectors of the professional beauty industry. “Cosmoprof North America marks a new success and shows another encouraging sign of the growth of the US market. CPNA asserts itself as the leading beauty event in the North American market thanks to the effective partnership that we have cultivated with PBA, the authority for the professional beauty world in the US,” said Duccio Campagnoli, President of BolognaFiere Group and SoGeCos. The event, which was held at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada from July 13 – 15, featured a sold out show floor with 946 exhibiting companies and close to 27,000 attendees, a 4 percent increase over the previous year. As in past years, CPNA attracted many new and innovative brands in addition to industry leaders such as CONAIR, CND, Essie, Helen of Troy, HCT Packaging, L’Oreal Technique, OPI Nail, Orly, NYX, RUSK, Toly and Zotos International, as well as notable retailers such as Sephora, Nordstrom and Ulta. CPNA continues to further solidify its position in the U.S. marketplace as the premiere international beauty destination and featured an array of importers, distributors, manufacturers and global beauty leaders all under one roof. This year’s event delivered a strong international presence with exhibitors from 39 countries, 10 official Country Pavilions and a contingency of foreign buyers from 25 different countries. International Presence Continues to Grow at CPNA The International Buyer Program served as a liaison between international buyers and exhibiting companies. The delegation of qualified buyers from abroad attended the show and met one-on-one with exhibitors with matching profiles. This year, the total number of international exhibiting companies and countries represented was higher than ever. There were 354 international 86
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exhibitors representing a total of 40 countries (a 7 percent increase). There was a large increase of companies coming from countries such as Japan, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. Aside from individual international exhibitors, there were 10 Country Pavilions from Brazil, China, Italy, South Korea, Pakistan, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan and Turkey. BOUTIQUE and Beauty Box Partnership This year, CPNA also brought back the successful sampling concept, BOUTIQUE. This sampling bar allowed attendees to select deluxe-sized samples, including the latest in up-and-coming cosmetics, skin care, nails, hair and some classic beauty favorites. Once at the sampling bar, attendees could hand-pick seven deluxe samples from 20 featured exhibiting brands in exchange for a small charitable donation that will benefit City of Hope, a leading research, treatment and education center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases. Donations collected exceeded last year’s amounts with slightly over $13,300 raised as a result of this onsite initiative. As part of a unique collaboration, a limited edition Cosmoprof Boutique box was available for sale exclusively on in August after the show to consumers at large. Industry Leaders Share Expertise at CPNA Every year CPNA brings industry leaders to the forefront to share innovative ideas and experiences that will help the beauty industry better understand the dynamics and market trends, current and future. Special education seminars were well received. Business and industry leaders from multiple sectors of the industry participated in round-table discussions and panels to share their knowledge and insights in sold out classes. CPNA was also proud to unveil the first ever INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE AREA located on the show floor. The area consisted of the EXPERIENCE AREA and the INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY AREA which allowed attendees the opportunity to play and experience unique concepts. The EXPERIENCE AREA housed inside a container was hosted by Pearlfisher Futures, a leading design consultancy agency with offices in London and New York City. The presentation highlighted key areas of macro cultural change that are shaping our future view of beauty, health and wellness and aimed to help visitors understand what these changes mean for their brands and consumers. The inaugural Interactive Technology Area program allowed attendees to immerse themselves in the big picture of the digital landscape and explore tools to enhance their business. Cosmoprof North America 2015 will take place July 12 – 14 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. For more information on exhibiting or attending, please visit (Article courtesy of Y Communications & Consulting, Inc.)
Cosmoprof North America 2014
The Mandalay Bay hallways were constantly filled with show-goers, as shown here.
Eager attendees register for the show.
The Fiji Loves booth
(Left to right) Matt Bucholc of VNC Sales and Marketing, Thomas Crumpton of Southeast Rep Services, Jennifer Jhin and Amy Chong of Jinny Corp., Dave Albers of Graham and David Harrison, also from VNC Sales and Marketing
The Nubar booth
The colorful Crème Shop booth
The ladies of United Hair Care
The vibrant and always full-of-energy Amika booth featured hair demonstrations all throughout the show.
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(Left to right) Bob, Dan and Scott Marvy of the William Marvy Company
The Hain Celestial/Queen Helene booth
(Left to right) Walt Winslow and Domenic Costa of KAB Brands
Soo Ahn of Amazing Shine
A model greets passersby of the Cala booth
Lance Wahl (center) stands alongside coworkers at the Wahl Professional booth
Min Kim of Fisk proudly stands beside a display of Hair Chemist products
A view of one of American International Industries’ booths
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Cosmoprof North America 2014
The DermOrganic booth
The creatively colored Orly booth
The Wet Brush booth
Members of the Jinny Corp. team, including Mr. Eddie Jhin, meet with representatives for Fantasia.
Karen Batley stands alongside a fellow booth worker for Denman
Dave Flahive of SMO International Inc.
Clay Campbell of Innovative Beauty Products
The CROC booth
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A mannequin’s hair is styled just outside the Helen of Troy booth.
Patrick Ratcliff and Rocio Urquidi of Belson Products
Bruce Bock and Al Arends at the Andis booth
Maggie Ocasio stands alongside a selection of Bronner Bros. products.
The R&R Corp. booth
A stylist and happy model at the Absolute Hot booth
(Left to right) Dee Dee Cormier, James Watson and Kimberly Hairston of DRM-JPC Brands.
A look down a busy show floor aisle
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Cosmoprof North America 2014
A few guests peruse one side of the Boutique product selection wall, full of great product samples.
Rokhaya Seck of Jinny Corp. tries out American International Industries’ fabulous Lash Bar.
Business meetings taking place at the Cricket booth
Ron Kothari of American Dawn with friends
One of American International Industries’ booths featured an array of China Glaze nail color.
The Toppik booth
The Hair U Wear booth
The colorful and exciting Osmo Hair booth
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Ileana Moya and Ivette Ruiz of Oster
The Xtreme Beauty International (XBI) booth
Reshma Dordi has a henna tattoo applied at the Reshma Femme booth.
(Left to right) Peter, Kristen and James of Inspired Beauty Brands
(Left to right) Judi Redmond, Dwan White and Mitchell McKinney of House of Cheatham
The Royal Brush booth
Show attendees and exhibitors alike travel down a major aisle of the show, looking for their first stop of the day.
Meetings continually took place at the Kirschner Group booth.
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Cosmoprof North America 2014
The Spilo booth
Jeff Berlin stands alongside friends at the JM Products booth
Michael Jeffreys and Larry Babb of J. Strickland
Members of the Ampro team
The fully-stocked Color Club booth even houses a few couches to relax on.
Joe Magnano and Brielle Ansdell for Beauty Perfection/Sparks Hair Color
Tayla Barreto and a fellow Embelleze booth worker
(Left to right) Andrew Yoo, Nicole Cho, Jennifer Jhin and Rokhaya Seck at the Jinny Corp. booth.
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Annual Sales Mixer Industry professionals joined together for an evening of socializing and learning more about Strength of Nature’s latest business updates at Rick Moonen’s Seafood in Las Vegas.
Mario De La Guardia of Strength of Nature and Mr. Eddie Jhin of Jinny Corp.
Tara Coleman of Strength of Nature, Jerry Bell and James Hughes of First Choice Sales and Marketing stand alongside friends, Tyesha Vidal and Janine Casper of Ultra Standard Distributors.
Dick DeWilde, EVP of Sales and Marketing, Charlene Dance, Marketing Director, and Julius Douglas, International Sales, all with Strength of Nature
(left to right) Dean Kim and Steve Ma of Jinny Corp. with Derek Lee of First Choice Sales and Marketing
Jinny Corp. employees pose for a quick photo
Jerry Bell of First Choice Sales and Marketing and Robert “Buzzy” Bright of Ultra Standard Distributors
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Emily from Ben’s distributor and Jack Wardlaw, COO of Strength of Nature
Tara Coleman of Strength of Nature with Tanya Hines and her assistant, Joyce Donaldson, both of TWH Sales & Associates, Inc.
National Professional Salon Industry Celebrates at Spirit of Life® Awards Gala City of Hope honors Harlan Kirschner, president of The Kirschner Group
Jeffrey Kirschner and Bethany Kirschner Crellin present their dad, Harlan Kirschner, with his Spirit of Life Award
Special guest speaker, Chris Crellin, who is Harlan’s son-in-law and cancer survivor
More than 850 salon industry executives and supporters attended City of Hope’s National Professional Salon Industry (NPSI) Spirit of Life® Award Gala on July 12, 2014 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas to honor Harlan Kirschner, president of The Kirschner Group, Inc. City of Hope is a leading research, treatment and education center for cancer, diabetes and life-threatening diseases, and The Spirit of Life Award is the institution’s most prestigious philanthropic honor. The award is presented annually to a beauty industry leader who has demonstrated outstanding business and philanthropic achievement. “Celebrating Cures,” the theme for this year’s event, celebrated the hope of new treatments, even cures, for cancer and other diseases. The celebration featured a joint cocktail reception with the Professional Beauty Association, a silent auction, MINI Cooper giveaway, and a special performance by Grammy winner Michael Bolton. To date, the “Celebrating Cures” campaign has raised more than $850,000 for City of Hope. The special guest speaker, Chris Crellin, who is also Kirschner’s son-in-law, highlighted the importance of “Celebrating Cures.” Crellin lost his father to the disease when he was a small child and, as a 15-year-old, battled for his own life against Hodgkin lymphoma. At the time, as an athletic teen and with his entire high school career ahead of him, Crellin found his diagnosis devastating. Now, he told the audience, he is 15 years cancer-free and recently celebrated the birth of his first-born son (and Kirschner’s first grandchild). Kirschner accepted The Spirit of Life Award from his children, Jeffrey Kirschner and Bethany Kirschner Crellin. Having been in the beauty industry for over 30 years, Kirschner built The Kirschner Group to be the largest and only global sales organization in the professional beauty industry. Kirschner has spent the past decade serving on the National Professional Salon Industry Council being an advocate and supporter of City of Hope. “We’re thrilled to honor Harlan for his tremendous support of City of Hope and the search for a cure for cancer,” said Kathleen P. Talbot, director of philanthropy, City of Hope’s NPSI. “Through his commitment and generosity, City of Hope can develop more efficient, targeted treatments for patients with cancer. His leadership brings greater hope, faith and possibilities to researchers, physicians and patients everywhere.” Also at the event: • The 2014 MINI Cooper, donated by Eddie Jhin and Jinny Corp., was won by Teresa Lane of HairUWear, a twotime cancer survivor herself. Miss USA 2014 Nia Sanchez announced the winner to screams from the audience. • Plans for the remodel of the Positive Image Center at City of Hope were unveiled at the event. The center focuses on the emotional and physical well-being of patients struggling with the appearance-related side effects of surgery and cancer treatment, providing them with professional beauty services from licensed cosmetologists. Belvedere, a leader in the manufacture of salon furniture and equipment, is donating its time and product to redesign the Positive Image Center and create a space that is both functional and a place of tranquility for the patients. • City of Hope’s 2015 Spirit of Life Award honoree was announced as Steve Goddard, president of hair product manufacturer Pravana. • Michael Bolton concluded the night with a medley of his greatest hits.
Article and photos courtesy of City of Hope.
City of Hope’s National Professional Salon Industry Council: (from left) Eric Horn, Sandy Ovington, Cheryl Markham, Harlan Kirschner, Jim Markham, Sara Hones, Paula Malloy, Reuben Carranza, John Heffner, Ann Mincey Jetton, George Schaeffer. Not in photo: Deborah Carver, Eddie Jhin, Pat Parenty and Paul Schraldi.
Thank you to the numerous companies that donated including American International Beauty, ColorProof Evolved Color Care, Revitalash, Redken, The Kirschner Group, Jinny Beauty, Creative Age Publications, Modern Salon, Graham Family Foundation, Helen of Troy, JCPenney Salons, Joico/Zotos, KAO USA, Matrix, Paul Mitchell Systems, Professional Beauty Association, Revlon Professional Brands, SalonCentric and Wella. Learn more about City of Hope at or find them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Flickr.
Jane Caris, The Kirschner Group, and Guest viewing the auction
Michelle Chandler and Dennis Duncan from Pravana
Emcee’s John Heffner and Sara Jones announcing the 2015 Spirit of Life honoree Steve Goddard for Pravana (middle)
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업계소식 제7차 트레이드 쇼 행사를 마치고 금년도 쇼는 처음부터 어려움의 연속이었습니다. 침 체된 우리 업계의 상황과 쇼 회의론 등 어렵고 힘든 과정이었습니다. 그리고 준비위원장의 병환 등 얘기 치 않은 상황도 발생하였습니다. 쇼가 정상적으로 열 리지 않을 것이라는 유언비어도 난무했지만, 결국 지 역협회장 및 이사님들의 성원의 힘으로 트레이쇼가 열렸다고 생각합니다. NFBS TRADE SHOW는 전국에서 오시는 회원분들을 위해 항공료보조, 호텔, 엔터테이먼트 등 많은 경비가 뒤따릅니다. 그렇지만 들이닥친 경기 한파로 참여업 체 축소, 부스비 할인 등 재정적으로 쇼준비 과정이 너무 힘든 상황이었습니다. 하지만, 어려운 과정에서 도 쇼에 참여해 주신 도매업체 여러분께 지면을 통해 감사드리며, 일일이 거론하기 힘들 정도로 일사불란 하게 주어진 일을 감당해주신 행사운영위원 여러분들 께 감사드릴뿐입니다. “이 세상에서 가장 큰 기쁨은 날마다 새롭다는 것입
니다. 해는 어제와 같이 떠오르 지만 햇빛은 어제의 햇빛이 아 니고, 꽃은 한 나무에서 피지만 날마다 다른 모습으로 피어납니 다.” 우리 미주뷰티 서플라이 총연회 (NFBS)도 또 다른 모습으로 피어날 것을 약속 드립니 다. 아직도 끊임없이 애정을 보내주시는 총연합회 전 직 회장 및 원로님들, 명예보다 봉사하는 즐거움에 동 참하신 지역 협회장 및 중앙회 이사님들, 다시 한번 협조 해 주신 회원님들과 행사를 주관한 행사 위원들 의 노고에 감사드립니다. 모두들 수고하셨습니다. 미주 뷰티서플라이 총 연합회 총회장 유중현
클리블랜드 협회 클리블랜드 협회는 지난 2014년 8월 3일 불우이웃 에 따른 여러분들의 참여에 걱정 반 기대 반 이었 돕기 기금 마련 골프대회를 개최하였다. 대회장 피 던 협회 임원진들은 많은 참가자들에게 “진심으로 터김 협회 부회장을 중심으로 박은주 재무, 송영규 고개 숙여 다시 한번 감사드립니다” 라며 고마움의 총무, 거래처 및 협회원들의 협조에 하에 성황리에 마음을 전하였다. 개최를 하였다고 한다. 이날 행사에는 골프 플레이 어를 포함 약 110 명이 참가하였다고 한다. 불경기
조지아 협회 조지아 협회는 오는 9월 21일날 Reunion golf club에 서 장학기금 마련 골프대회를 가질 예정이다. 80여명 이 참가할 예정인 이날 골프대회에서 모금된 성금은 연말 송년회 때 학점 3.5이상, 학교 선생님이나, 목사 님의 추천서를 받은 흑인 커뮤니티, 지역 커뮤니티, 스토어 오너들의 자녀들을 대상으로 신청을 받고, 선 별하여 장학금을 지급할 예정이라고 한다. 총 8~10명 정도의 학생에게 지급예정이며 대상은 12 학년부터 대학생까지이다. 신청서는 11월 말까지 받 을 예정이라고 한다. 96
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
조지아 협회는 미주리주에서 마이클 브라운 사태로 일어난 폭동이 세인트루이스에 있는 한인 뷰티 서플 라이 스토어로 번지는 사례를 보고 긴급이사회를 소 집하였다. 흑백간의 갈등으로 야기된 이번의 폭동이 어디로 번질지 몰라 조지아 지역에서도 미리 대응책 을 세워야 한다는 판단에 이사회를 소집하였다고 한 다. 이날 이사회에서는, 서로 긴급연락망을 통해서 지 역에서 일어나는 시위에 대한 정보를 공유하자는 의 견과, 스토어 주위에 흑인들이 운집하였을 시, 대항하 지 말고, 바로 문을 잠그고 대피해야 한다고 하였다.
업계소식 뉴욕 협회 뉴욕협회는 9월 4일에 정기이사회를 갖고 새로운 임 원을 선출할 예정이다. 협회 사무실에서, 이사들이 참 가하여 진행될 이번 회장 선출은, 자유토론을 거쳐 후 보자를 추천하여 참석 인원의 3분의 2이상이 찬성을
하면 회장으로 선출된다고 한다. 많은 후보자가 나올 시에는 최다 득점자로 선출이 된다고 한다. 정기이사 회에서 선출된 회장은, 9월 18일에 정기총회를 갖고 인준을 할 것이라고 한다
가주협회 가주 뷰티서플라이 협회 Scott 홍 회장과 배영수 고문 은 7월31일(목) LA 한인타운내 용수산 식당에서 LA 한인상공회의소(회장 전석호) 가 주최한 “남가주 한 인경제단체협의회” 모임에 가주 뷰티서플라이 협회 대표로 참석하였다. 이날 모임에는 남가주지역 각 경
제단체장들과 김현명 LA 총영사, 최재현 LA평통회장 등 한인 커뮤니티 리더 및 경제계 인사 70여명이 한 인사회 경제 현안을 논의하고 한인 경제 활성화를 위 한 단체간 공조를 강화하기로 하였다.
멤피스 협회 멤피스 협회는 지난 8월 21일, 지역의 아시아나 가든 에서 20여명의 회원들이 참석한 가운데 총회를 열고 새로운 회장 선출을 하였다고 한다. 스토어를 닫고, 8 시 30분에 모인 회원들은 저녁 식사 후 많은 토론을 하며 새로운 후보자들을 추천하였는데, 현 회장인 이
동윤 회장이 연임하기로 과반수 이상이 찬성을 하고, 이회장도 이를 수락하여 가결되었다. 이동윤 회장의 임기는 앞으로 1년이라고 한다.
NFBS 최점균 부회장 돕기 사랑의 손길 나누기 최점균 부회장은(Angel Beauty Supply (Oakland, CA)) 제7차 NFBS TRADE SHOW 준비위원장을 맡 아 SHOW준비를 위해 4월부터 동부 서부로 먼 길 마 다 하지 않고 회원들을 위해 열심히 일하던 중 5월 중 순경 서부 도매 업체 방문 출장을 마치고 잇몸에 이 상을 느껴 치과 치료 중 구강암 4기 진단을 받고 7월 11일 12시간에 걸친 수술을 받았다. 본인의 비즈니스 도 안 돌보고 총연합회 봉사하는 과정에서 갑자기 암 이 발병하여 개인적으로 엄청난 의료비등 경제적, 정 신적으로 무척 힘든 상황에 처하게 됐다는 소식을 접 한 NFBS는 이사들 카톡방에서 자발적인 사랑의 손 길 나누기가 시작 되었다. 과거 총연합회에서는 LA폭 동, 카트리나, 샌디태풍피해등 성금모금 운동을 전개 하였으나, 개인 차원의 모금을 하는 것이 맞는 것인 가 하는 의구심을 표한 회원들도 있었지만 최부회장 이 협회원들을 위해 봉사하다가 뜻하지 않게 중병을 얻은 관계로 많은 회원들이 흔쾌히 모금에 성원해 주 고 있다고 한다. 특히 개인적으로 최점균 회장과 친분
이 없던 사람들과 거래가 없던 도매상까지 모금에 동참해 훈 훈한 광경을 만들어가고 있다. 이에 유중현 총회장은 “총연합 회가 협회원 권익을 위하여 모 인 단체 이지만 이익을 고려하 지 않으시고 이런 자기 희생적인 자발적 모금에 협조 해 주시는 여러분들을 볼 때 협회를 위하여 일하고 있 음에 자부심과 긍지를 갖게 됩니다” 라며 성금과 관 심을 보내준 모든 분들에게 무한한 감사의 마음을 표 하였다. 모금에 동참을 원하시는 분들은 아래의 연락 처로 연락을 하면 된다. Payable to: NFBS 보내실곳 : 1801 N. OLDEN AVE. EWING, NJ 08638 여러분의 적극적인 동참을 기다리겠습니다.
September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
On Sunday, August 3rd Jinny Miami had a VIP Special International Tradeshow for their domestic and international top customers. This was a successful and special event to which Jinny Miami invited only a certain amount of vendors and customers. It was a very different concept for a Jinny Tradeshow. Ms. Lan Kim Wilkerson, International Sales Manager, stated, “We needed to support our international customers by hosting an event like this, and it all came together perfectly. We have accomplished our goal in servicing the needs of our international customers.” Andy Son, Domestic Sales Manager, added, “We treat our domestic customers pretty much the same all year around, but I feel strongly that our company needs to support those customers who are very loyal to the company. This type of an event was the answer to those loyal customers. My ultimate goal is for my sales people to add more domestic customers whenever we do this special event again.” Lastly, Eddie Jhin, Top Manager of Jinny United, closed with a speech after this event. He stated, “Jinny has not had a tradeshow for almost two years now and I do not see us doing a Jinny Tradeshow in 2015 either. When Miami members wanted to have their own tradeshow, I initially turned them down, but when they mentioned that this event would be different than what we have done in the past I was convinced 100% and wanted to support them fully.” He added, “Our company has a big impact on our industry and I am fully aware that most of our customers want Jinny to come back with our original tradeshow in 2015, but we need to redefine the true concept and the meaning of what my father originally created and invented. Once we invent the new way to come up with the true meaning of a tradeshow, Jinny will announce it to all of our customers and vendors, and will once again have our tradeshows.”
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
New! NAAT Garlic Force
Garlic has long been heralded for its health benefits to our bodies, but
which offers the perfect solution for hair that is especially weak or slow
has never really been championed for the magical effects it also has on
to grow. NAAT Garlic Force products work by cleansing the scalp of
our hair. That is until now, of course, with the release of a new product
impurities and strengthening the hair follicles. The range is also effective
range by nuNAAT called NAAT Garlic Force. The garlic based hair
at fighting dandruff, excessive oiliness and hair loss.
collection consists of four products formulated with garlic extracts NAAT Garlic Extra Force Shampoo NAAT Garlic Extra Force Shampoo is formulated with garlic extracts to help restore the hair’s natural balance for stronger, faster-growing hair. It also helps to fight dandruff, excessive oiliness and hair thinning. Designed for regular use. NAAT Garlic Extra Force Conditioner NAAT Garlic Extra Force Conditioner is a moisturizing cream conditioner that promotes the strengthening of hair—healing from the inside out—leaving hair soft, healthy and shiny. For best results, use with NAAT Garlic Extra Force Shampoo. NAAT Garlic Extra Force Styling Cream This lightweight styling cream keeps hair moisturized and helps to control and minimize frizz. Due to its light composition, the product is ideal to use as a daily moisturizer and over time will restore the hair to its natural shine and softness. NAAT Garlic Magic Hair Mask NAAT Garlic Magic Hair Mask is formulated with garlic extract and leaves the hair with a fresh, clean scent and intense shine. It can be applied as a deep conditioner as it moisturizes and strengthens hair from the roots, and controls frizz. For more information, visit
Andis Introduces New RAZR™ Pro Lather Machine Professional barbers can now treat their clients to the ultimate shaving experience with soothing, hot lather dispensed from the new Andis RAZR™ Pro Lather machine. “We’re seeing a renaissance of the fine art of barbering with requests for smooth, straight- razor shaves increasing,” says Harry Szczukowski, national sales manager for Andis. “The new Andis RAZR™ Pro Lather machine provides barbers with hot, thick lather at the touch of a button. Heating the lather softens and raises hair for a smoother, closer shave. We recommend using our specially formulated Andis RAZR™ Shave Cream concentrate, however the RAZR™ will work with other popular shave cream brands.” Designed with an enclosed, maintenance-free motor to prevent rust and corrosion, the Andis RAZR™ Pro Lather machine has a convenient on/off power switch and heats in 15 minutes. It delivers lather through an outlet that is specially designed to reduce countertop mess. The RAZR™ Pro Lather machine has an easy-to-fill, extra-large soap cup and a large, push button for dispensing and non-slip rubber feet keep the unit in place. Its sturdy construction is highlighted by a zinc metal lid for durability and corrosion resistance. Visit September 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Ready. Set. Sparkle! With the New Mehaz Solitaire Collection Featuring Swarovski Crystals
Mehaz®, an award-winning brand composed of professional nail, skin and haircare implements, is proud to introduce the NEW Solitaire Collection launching September 2014. Hand-crafted in Italy, the entire collection is ready to shine with three high-quality Swarovski crystals added to each of the implements. Collection Includes - Slanted Tip Tweezer – Ideal for shaping brows and hair removal - Precision Brow Scissor – Ideal for shaping brows - Ultimate Brow Kit – Contains both the Slanted Tip Tweezer and Precision Brow Scissor and is perfect for hair removal and shaping brows
Key Features - Swarovski crystals - Precision crafted - Stainless steel - Satin finish - Made in Italy Each implement of the Mehaz brand is covered by the Mehaz Lifetime Guarantee. Mehaz Professional is owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years. Learn more at
(Left) The Spilo and Denman teams (Below) John Rainey and Marc Spilo
Denman Awards Spilo Outstanding Sales Growth 2013 At this years’ Cosmoprof North America show in Las Vegas, Denman took the opportunity to celebrate Spilo’s award from Denman Inc. Rep Group for “Outstanding Growth in Sales in 2013.” On receipt of the award Marc Spilo said, “I am thrilled to thank Denman Inc. on behalf of the entire Spilo Sales Team 100
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
for this prestigious Denman award recognizing outstanding sales performance.” Denman would like to thank all the staff at Spilo for their continued hard work and commitment to making Denman “The Hairdressers’ Hairbrush.”
New Texture Manageability® System Extends to Strength of Nature’s Soft & Beautiful Botanicals Line after Incredible Success Strength of Nature, the new owners of Soft & Beautiful, TCB and Proline, and the makers of African Pride, Dream Kids, Beautiful Textures, Elasta QP and Profectiv MegaGrowth, have revolutionized the hair industry with their Reversible® Straightening Texture Manageability® hair care category. The new system, coined Texture Manageability® System, is currently available in Beautiful Textures, African Pride and Dream Kids, but due to popular demand, will now be offered under the Soft & Beautiful Botanicals brand. In four quick steps, the system helps users maintain silky straight hair for up to six weeks without damaging their hair and without intense heat-straightening methods and harsh chemicals. The Soft & Beautiful system is formulated with a distinct blend of plant extracts and herbal conditioners to deliver incredible softness and shine. Popular natural hair vloggers Ms. Vaughn (86k subscribers on YouTube) and Chime Edwards (189k subscribers on YouTube) have both tried the Texture Manageability® System numerous times and raved over the benefits. “I have to give this product a 9.9 out of 10,” says Ms. Vaughn in a video review. With over 10k followers on Instagram and thousands of shares and likes on Facebook, consumers consistently comment that the system meets their needs. “Can I get a lifetime supply? I’m on my third kit and I don’t plan on ever going back!” say Facebook fan, Christa Marie McDuell. Celebrities Sevyn, Atlantic Records recording artist and songwriter, and Angela Simmons, fashion icon and Strength of Nature global beauty ambassador, have also praised the system. “My hair is very important to me—to keep it managed and tamed,” says Simmons. “I love the system! It’s great! My hair was super shiny. We didn’t use any products after using the Inner-Active Leave-in Conditioner. It was soft and it was easy to comb afterwards!” The secret is the Inner-Active Leave-In Conditioner, which is infused with nourishing butters and amino acids, and has no harsh chemicals. This leave-in conditioner penetrates the hair for 15-20 minutes, which causes the hair to soften, making it easier to detangle. Once the detangling process is complete, the hair is blowdried and flat-ironed, creating silky straight hair with unmatched body and shine in a fraction of the time of most traditional straightening methods.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Here’s How it Works:
Step 1: Shampoo your hair. Step 2: Apply the Inner-Active Conditioner and detangle hair. Step 3: Blow-dry hair. Step 4: Flat-iron the hair to seal in the conditioning agents of the Texture Manageability® System and get up to six weeks of straightness.
The result is sleek, healthy hair that’s easy to manage. The Texture Manageability® System allows users to maintain smooth, straight hair in between relaxer touch-ups or switch straightening methods for a period of time. Natural-haired women can instantly flip back to wearing their natural hair at any time by simply washing it with a clarifying shampoo. This new technology is not a partial relaxer, keratin treatment or texturizer.
Softer, Healthier Hair:
For those looking to hydrate and restore frizzy hair, the system infuses key botanical ingredients into the hair to revitalize damaged tresses. Simply apply the Inner-Active Leave-in Conditioner and style as usual to reveal softer, smoother strands with enviable body.
About the Texture Manageability® System
Whatever your hair style—curly, kinky-coily, wavy or straight—the new Texture Manageability® System allows you to transform both your natural curls and your sleek styles without the damage of harsh chemicals and without compromising the health of your hair or its texture The Soft & Beautiful Botanical Texture Manageability® System provides the ultimate in styling versatility and manageability, with the movement and look you want. For more information about the Naturally Straight Texture Manageability® System, visit
Taliah Waajid Essential Oils
Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products is pleased to announce its line of Taliah Waajid Essential Oils. Taliah uniquely formulated the line of Jamaican Black Castor Oil to include three variants: original, pure lemongrass and pure coconut. Cold pressed with ashes, they are natural remedies for healthy hair and skin. Check with your local distributor for availability. Also visit to learn more about Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products and their beauty goods.
Andis American Legacy Collection Series II Debuts with Full Video Tutorials on Each Style
cuts with two beard designs. Our colleagues were thrilled with
Following the success of its first series, Andis is introducing the
their new looks and it was very heartwarming to see how they
American Legacy Collection Series II, featuring looks that can
reacted to seeing themselves in the mirror for the first time.”
be achieved with the company’s clippers and trimmers. The
education team of Aileen Nunez, Kenny Duncan and Danny
of each cut in great detail and can be accessed through the
Amorim transformed seven Andis associates with the following
Andis website. “Any hair professional can watch the videos and
styles: pompadour, stacked bob, hi-top fade with beard design,
download instructions to learn how to recreate the styles and
fem fauxhawk, classic side part with beard design, A-line stacked
personalize the designs for their clients,” says Nunez, Andis
bob and long layers.
international manager of education and style. “Clippers, or
mechanical shears, can achieve every style from fades to long
“The positive feedback we received with the first American
Legacy Collection confirmed that stylists and hairdressers are
layers and everything in between.”
eager for effective clipper education,” says Karen Formico, Andis
vice president of marketing. “This second collection of styles
tutorial videos visit
includes more variety with four women’s cuts and three men’s 104
The video tutorials walk the professional through the steps
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
To view the American Legacy Collection Series II and the
ShowCalendar September: 6-9 10th Annual Beauty Fair Sao Paulo, Brazil
7-8 World Fair Hair Show Austin, TX
14 Myrtle Beach Natural Hair Extravaganza
Ad Index Advanced Beauty Systems ������� 8 American International �����������59 Ampro Industries ....... Insert, 116 Andis Co. �������������������������� 7, 41, 82
JF Labs/AFAM ......................65, 83 Reshma Femme ��������������������������35 Smooth Care ������������������������������IBC KAB Brands ................................45 SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc. ����������������������46 L’Oreal Technique ���������������������61 Lemisol Corp. ���������������51, Poster Sparks Hair Color �������������������������11
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ecoco, Inc. �����������������������������33, 85
Liquid Gold Starlet International �������������������78 Bonding/Lloneau Products �����43 The Stephan Company ��������������27 Majic Beauty ������������������������������23 Strength of Nature �������� IFC, 1, 113 Maxi Professional ������������������������ 2 Taliah Waajid Namaste Labs ..........................109 Natural Hair Products ����������������72 Nature’s Protein �����������������������55 Unilever ��������������������� Cover, 73, BC One Bottle ���������������������������������53
20 Naturally ReDefined Expo
Fantasia Ind. ..............................103
Oster Prof. Products ����������������37 Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G �������������������� Poster
Fisk Industries ..............................5
Professional Products Xtreme Beauty Unlimited ..............................39, 62 International �������������������25, 60, 101
Myrtle Beach, SC
14-15 Indianapolis Fashion Focus
Belson ������������������������������������������� 9 Conair �����������������������������������20, 21
Indianapolis, IN
Dream World, Inc. .......................... ������������������ 3, 14, 15, 50, 82, 84, 110
14-15 Allied Beauty Show: Vancouver
E.T. Browne Drug Co., Inc. .......13
Newark, DE
24-26 Cosmobeauté Asia Bangkok, Thailand
28 South Florida Simply Natural Beauty and Wellness Expo West Palm Beach, FL
October: 12-13 Premiere Beauty Classic Columbus, OH
19-20 Premiere Birmingham Birmingham, AL
25-26 Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Fall Show College Park, GA
30-Nov. 2 K-Beauty Expo Seoul, South Korea 112
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
Helen of Troy ..............................31 Hoyu America ..........................111 Inspired Beauty Brands ............79 JBS Beauty Club �����������������30, 80 JBS Hair �������������������� 26, 44, 64, 81
Queen Helene ......................34, 38 RA Cosmetics �������������������80, 115
Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants
to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
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1. Do you participate in charity aid, either personally or professionally? If so, how do you find it most rewarding? 1. 개인적으로나 업무적으로 어떤 자선 활동에 참여하고 있습니까? 그렇다면, 어떤 면에서 가장 큰 보람이나 혜택을 찾습니까?
2. If a customer were to ask you what the most important step of a hair care routine was, what would be your answer and why?
2.일상적인 헤어 케어에서 가장 중요한 단계가 무엇인지 고객이 묻는다면, 어떻게 대답할 것이며
그 이유는 무엇입니까?
3. Is there a certain product or beauty trend you would like to know more about? Tell us and we’ll investigate for you! 3.좀
더 자세히 알고 싶은 특정 제품이나 미용 트랜드가 있습니까? 우리가 여러분을 위해 알아보도록
When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.
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State (주) _________________________________ 114
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014
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OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:
September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine
Pro Styl Curl Enhancer Gel Activator
and waves with Ampro Pro Styl Curl Enhancer Gel Activator. The unique formula is enhanced with Coconut Oil and Vitamin E oil to help hydrate the hair shaft. Developed to stimulate and define loose or fine waves and curls, the Curl Enhancer controls frizz leaving hair looking healthy and shiny.
It is free of alcohol, parabens,
protein and dyes and is great for natural hair. The smell will have your customers longing for the lazy days of summer spent on the beach with its tropical, coconut scent. 116
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2014