2002/2003 Yearbook of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

Page 84

a w orkshop or stores.4 Under the tent roof, in the project’s forum , there w ere group discussions about the young peoples’ futures, and new spaper w orkshops, film evenings, podium discussions, band perform ances or disco evenings w ere also held. Everything served one purpose: to talk and w ork w ith the young people on the subject of their future. In discussion groups, film s, radio broadcasts, interview s, on photos, in plays, new spapers, and literary pieces, young people not only presented the m any facets of a vision of their ow n future but also expressed the apparently insurm ountable obstacles.5 They described the generally authoritarian school and teaching system , that their parents w ere still stuck in a past of w ar and violence, that sexuality w as a taboo subject, being constantly and divisively identified through religious and ethnic affiliation, the seem ingly hopeless situation in the education and training system and on the job m arket, the basic evil of corruption or the deeply-rooted w ish to leave their ow n country. For m ost young people overcoming obstacles on the w ay to a chosen future and devising a clear life vision appeared alm ost im possible. For m any, mobile.culture.container w as a project w here they could start this process, w hich offered help of a kind they could not get elsew here, either at school or in their parental hom e. As the first step, for m any the discussion about their future w as im portant, because they had not been able to talk about this subject together anyw here before. The fact that these discussions tackled a com m on subject for all, transcending religious or ethnic divisions, w as itself an im portant goal, for exam ple in a city like Brcko w here the tw o final years at gram m ar school are still taught in classes that are divided ethnically. Yet also the freedom of the discussions, w ithout being regim ented by teachers, anim ated m any to say things they had never expressed in front of other young people of the sam e age before. O pen and released from pressures, m any of 84


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