2000/2001 Yearbook of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

Page 129

school of journalism. However, the role of such training should not be exaggerated. It is deeper education (a reporter should know how to interpret law, to read balance sheets etc.) and practice which can make an investigative journalist successful. Neither Woodward in the past nor Leyendecker or Kislinskaja today undertook special courses for investigative reporting. The strategies to promote investigative journalism and enhance the capacity of journalists to combat corruption should be tailored to a particular situation in a particular OSCE country fighting corruption. In some, the country priority needs may include legal reform initiatives to promote the passage and effective implementation of a freedom-ofinformation law and to provide training and technical assistance to government officials in law enforcement, on press relations. In others it is crucial to build up coalition among judges, prosecutors, regulators and journalists. These strategies, however, are far beyond the capacity of one institution and require the determination of the whole international organization in co-operation and co-ordination with governments, NGOs and other international organizations.

Halka Kaiserovรก


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