The Impact of Media Concentration on Professional Journalism

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New spaper reach (%) All Adults


Source: World Association of New spapers (2003) World Press Trends 2003.

There are over 20 daily new spapers published in Bucharest, most of them calling themselves national new spapers. How ever, only three or four can claim print runs and circulation over the 100,000 threshold. In the last several years local new spapers have increased their quality and readership. Their daily local or regional circulation varies betw een 2-3,000 and 30-40,000 copies. Romania has 40 counties w ith approximately 200 local titles of w hich 150 are daily and 50 w eekly new spapers. The m arket of national daily new spapers in Rom ania is now dom inated by four com panies, tw o Rom anian and tw o foreign: The num ber one national daily new spaper Libertatae (167,000) is ow ned by the Sw iss m edia com pany Ringier. Ringier also publishes the financial w eekly Capital and a num ber of w om en’s and consum er m agazines and TV guides. The second best selling national daily Evenimentul Z ilei (110,000) w as held by the Germ an publishing house Gruner + Jahr, but it w as sold to Ringier in O ctober 2003.105 , decreasing the num ber of ow ners of national dailies from five to four. The Germ an WAZ holds only a 51 per cent interest in the daily Trustul des Presa N ational and a 50 per cent stake in Romania Libera through a joint venture w ith Trustul Mehrh.106 Media Pro, a com pany ow ned by Adrian Sarbu, publishes the largest financial daily and ow ns besides the TV and radio station Pro, tw o printing houses, a distribution netw ork and about 200 other m edia and non-m edia com panies. Jurnalul N ational (80,000) is the second national new spaper that is ow ned by a Rom anian m edia house belonging to 174






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