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Oscar Oiwa, artist
OSCAR OIWA was born in Brazil, graduated from the School of Architecture and Urbanism, São Paulo University. He currently lives and works in New York City, though his artwork has been exhibited worldwide. He has had nearly 50 solo exhibitions since 1990 . OSCAR OIWA , artista visual, nasceu e foi criado em São Paulo. Após formar em Arquitetura pela FAU USP foi se aventurar mundo afora. Atualmente tem como base a cidade de Nova York, São Paulo e Tóquio. Realizou cerca de 50 mostras individuais desde 1990. 大岩オスカール(アーティスト)。ブラジル生まれ。1989年サンパウロ大学建築学部卒業。現在ニューヨークに在住、制作をしながら世界各地で作品を展示。1990年以降、アリゾナ州立大学美術館、東京都現代美術館、福島県立美術館、高松市美術館、リオデジャネイロ国立美術館を含め50回近い個展を行う。