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PaperTreasures goesfrompipedreomsto the notionolspotlight A Midwestern stotioner :. l=g ro Mc cro :a=. ) .o o^e' r'rond,
Thechormof OnPoperstortsworkingbefore oneenters thestore,os provenbytheseinvifing windows, dressed forthe'09 holidoyseoson. Photos ce:urtesyof an Paper.
r\ \-/ome
people have hope chesrs. bur
Paper's doors in Columbus, Ohio.
immediately, I caught the retail bug,
Years before this however, Joan had her retail concept developed, down to her list
which launched a 2O-plus-year career
It housed her favorite ephemera: elegant
Joan Schnee had a "paper store trunk."
in visual merchandising and retail
cards, letterpress invitations, French ribbon,
of vendors. Her early experiences certainly
vintage buttons, flower petals and Japanese
set the store's stage. After studying set
Asanoha lace papers. Most importantly,
and costume design at Carnegie-Mellon,
the leap, the financial risk, was the real challenge," she remembered, recalling that
the concept came easy, "taking
it represented her dream to have her own
Sc hne e e a r n e d h e r b a c h e [ o r 's d e g r e e a r
paper store one day, which arrived in
New York University and then worked
she was rejected by many banks before
August 199f ss,henSchnee opened On
in Macy's display department. "Almost
finding one that 'got' her idea.
40 Fal!.2O1O www stotionery4rendsn-crg oorn
Artistryin Poper The 1,i0O-foot store is housed in Columbus's
Quick Q&A: Joon Schnee
>:r-.rt North," a l-ristoric shopping and arts area in -.- ,\rt District. Neighborhood traffic accounts for
Q. Thereore somethingsthot ore timeless o littleblock dressor perfect morfini come to mind,Whotepitomizes "timeless"for you when it comesto stotionery? A. A monogrommednote cord,
.::nrflcant portion ofbusiness, but reputation also -:'.s a pivotal role in attracting customers. -rside from the exposed brick walls, the store is all : ::e. :r nod to a blank sheet of paper. However, On .::.r is no minimalist haven. The shop's mood is -- --s'orn and weathered, imparting r:.
o 5 o O C)
a o
5,, :1;:[:,1i, lo,, ono, #:i::?'i^:",
a shabby chic
personol ond professionolwith o dosh
Every nook and cranny is filled with another
::-,:srre -
it's like being swept away into another
explained Schnee. "I try to focus on what we
:r.st. creating a store that's at an artistic level a :-i-r rrbove the rest."
. ilil::l
tl'ie talented entrepreneurs omong the-h(
A. youcontnerolv olmosr reetrheorr.,..".'if;n':';cruisinsr^. r:rt":::, or even websites, suddenlysomethingwilljump out of you,yourskintingles
T.:p brands for wedding invitations include
"who's "r'd minimum order?" sov, vour vousimprv il",:"rff:Iil;,'J "g,
l::i::ners' Fine Press,Arabella Papers and ...-kerboard; for greering cards, British collections :: ::: \otes & Queries; and for letterpress,Night - .,. . \Ir. Boddington's Studio, B Designs and '.'.': =-.\/alentine. For clever cards, it's Amy Smythlu'--::r'It and O*D.
t #fffii:1ilffiil:fl::H:JaTJil, ,o,'o ond chronic,e Books,Gin Q. Whot hove you leorned obout running o stotionerybusinessin the lost
For bulk paper, top sellers
il'Jf:fi:TJq:Lt$Jndonsered species The rurure orpen ond
- - -:1. Envelopments and Green Paper Company,
- :r:--, is Schnee'swholesalecompany. : : : : . t is . urrcn tly de ve lop ingher in- hous c
? T I:,
:.. -:-.:ion and stationery brand, On Paper Press, -.:-.:::r;rccountsfor approximately one-third of the
stotionery desisners croppins updoiry, howdoyour<
were o stolioneryproduct,whot would you be?
^ ffl?ffH:rlil
orbum - o bitorchoic' hoperessrv romontic vet
ql l 't'.rl ';
Nominate yourself -
or someone you know -
C ; i .'
1;r.,i ;
recognizing retailers who demonstrate a strong commitment to the stationery industry and meet the highest of industry standards.
Fon a NOMINATIo,\ FoR\r \\D
E-MAILawanos@srartoNERYrRE-\DS\L\G.coM oR cALL 616-8B7-9008,
r,xr. I2I,
ro spEAKTo SanA.Mroor-EBRooK.
wwwslcl oneryirerdsmog cor-l FalL2OlO
Scenes frominsidetheslore(leftto right): gushovertheirfindings; Customers chondeliers shedlighton tidydisploys (Phe:to by ScoliCunntnghorn;;Personol coreproduct fromLollio,o topseller, recer:: elegont in on enticing signoge disploy (Phot'oby C Sfr,Ldios); thepoperwoll is o DIYporodise(Photoby A,rtgelynn Phor; ,
.;'+"" store'scustom business."It setsus apaft," . : a t ': : - . . . +: : Schnee said. "\7e cari create and offer desrg:*nobody elsehas."
Like many stationers, On Paper once focLlicstrictly on paper. But since photo album anc journal salesdropped 40 percent, Schnee reinvented the product mix. "I introduced more gift items, in particular scarves, fragrances and jewelry," Schnee revealed. Some strong selling collections include LoL-r NTish; Tokyo Milk's Parfumarie Curiosite (fragrances); Rising Tide (silks and textured scarves);and Silver Seasons(cast bronze collections).
BuzzBuilders An integral part of On Paper's growth
'TnR6' Qf,L'f,.;/,i,,,
derives from its in-house printing and professional graphic design services.Custon
invitationsaccountfor nearly 40 percentoi:.:. overall business. A graphic designer creates logos to name tags, while several calligraphe:s pen everything envelopesro marriage proposals. "\We do well with calligraphy when it's the right price," Schneesaid. "Interest in calligraphy has really blossomed, and I think
Circle 323 42
Fol0 2O1O www slcrtonerytfend sr-..rg oorr
will continue. People want a hand-penned fe:-.
>chnee also organizes demonstrations during l:,liCay and wedding seasons."At one time we =i a fuil-scale workshop program. I found that
of The Columbus Dispatch, and received a
On Paper also offers a loyalty program for frequent card buyers, the "Don't Forget to \Write Club." Paper cards are punched for each
tremendous response. Schnee also utilizes social media, blogging
: re,al].,'is an entirely separate business.\7e
several tirnes a week (onpaperink.blogspot.
e (instead) found that (demoastrations) are a -r ::-rr [ormat to show how easyit is to use
Facebook for more frequent updates, and plans
economy. Schneesaid the economy dramatically
..:: products."
to blog less frequently.
irnpacted her business."I have pared back staff
Good press also drives traffic. One embosser
card purchased.with the ninth b,eingfree.
comt. Schneehoweveris transitioningro
Free is certainly a good incentive in a down
Other traffic-builders include special events
and, after seven years, am back in to the shop
u:s tearured in the premiere issue of Cookie
like the Shorc North NTedding Walk, a
firll time," she revealed. "I have really scaled
::.;azine; On Paper sold over 75 in lessthan
collaboration of several local wedding vendors.
back on high end invitation vendors and am
. =onth. To generate press, Schneesubmits a :-D Lookbook to contacts at20 top magazines. "Press efforts are very tirne consuming,"
"Attendance tripled at the second walk,"
only bringing in new lines that are
value-based." S
admitted. "Aside from sheer llattery, r-:.-;-ree
:r*s brings arr'azing bragging rights. \Tindow in-store display boards, and shelf-;hvs. - l<ers
the list goes on."
Or Paper was featured on MTV's "True -::.." s'hen the store designed an invitation -: i same-sexwedding in Columbus. Other
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;11,-,ra1press includes Town & Country, r[-dr;n Bride and Elegant Bride. Schnee i-<s:r': or-erlook local press either: On Paper i-:i :ecenrly featured in the businesssection
Leffto righi,topto bottom: Colligrophy progroms oretiedup ondreodyto go;Press in Elegont Bride; on OnPoper Press design; o hoppybridewithher Oblotion creotion,
Circle 324 wwwstotionerytrendsmog com FI'IL2O\O 43