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Update on Saint James Campus During Pandemic

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For students and teachers everywhere, the 2020-2021 school year has presented many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. So far, Saint James School has successfully navigated this everchanging situation by being adaptable while also sticking to our basic safety guidelines laid out in the beginning of the year, such as wearing face masks and physical distancing.


For the first time since the start of the year, students were able to return home for Christmas break. Prior to that, boarding students had to remain on campus in order to keep our safe "bubble." We regathered in mid-January with boarding students returning in phases. They had to arrive with a negative COVID test, were then tested again on-campus, and quarantined in their dorm cohorts.

Our faculty and staff were given the opportunity to receive the Moderna vaccine in January at Meritus Health, with the second dose in the middle of February. Once they were fully vaccinated at the beginning of March, we were able to bring day students back to campus. Day students had been learning virtually, and we were glad to welcome them to campus. A virtual learning option remains for both distance boarders who may not be able to travel and students whose families prefer that option.

We started out the year with chapel being streamed online with students watching in their advisory groups. Now, students are broken into two groups, one that attends chapel inperson and the other that watches it online in Kellam Auditorium. We've kept up the tradition of sixth form chapel talks as well, with sixth formers either giving their talk in-person or sending in a recorded video that is streamed.

Spring break was cancelled to eliminate another regathering and quarantining period. To make up for the lost time off, students and faculty have been given one week per month with half-day classes, giving them afternoons to relax.

Perhaps most challenging for our boarding students is that they have not been able to see their families much, but that is changing for the better as well. Families are allowed to visit their students on campus at designated times on the weekends and while following our safety protocols. Starting in March, boarding students may also request to visit home on the weekends.

We are looking forward to an in-person Commencement for the Class of 2021, with only sixth form families allowed to attend. It will also be streamed for all to watch online.

This has been a long year for our students and staff, but there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Ms. Sherman teaches to a group of virtual students via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Flowers gives day students a tour on their first day back on campus in March.

More students have been able to attend chapel in person. Face masks are required at all times when outside of dorms.

Faculty and staff were able to get their COVID vaccines in January and February at Mertius Health. Seating for meals takes place in two shifts with food served to students by the Sage Dining staff.

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