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Class Notes 1959
Buzz Goodall has gotten his first vaccine and began downsizing his holdings while enjoying his winters in Florida and summers in Nantucket. Ned Noyes has retired from his real-estate company and he and his wife Rosa are contemplating taking advantage of the current real-estate boom and put their summer house on the Potomac on the market as they consolidate.
Pete Clements has fully recovered from a heart attack nearly a year ago and has returned to his post at Home Depot. He attributes his speedy recovery to his rigorous work-out regime. Bob Kay has been successful in dealing with his cancer over the last several years. He is looking forward to some warm weather and golf in Providence Forge, VA. Mons King retired from his pump manufacturing company and stays busy volunteering at PGA golf tournaments as a ‘walking scorer’ who is assigned to follow each foursome around the course. This enables the TV networks to show the speed, arc, distance, etc. of each shot. He recently returned
Review • Winter 2021
from the Sony Open in Hawaii and is looking forward to his annual trip to Atlanta for the Tour of Champions. Archie Michael has moved into a retirement community in Litiz, PA., although he still has his house in Ocean City, MD where he can be found entertaining his children and grandchildren. Don ‘Sparky’ Nichols reports he had all the COVID symptoms in early 2020 but came out unscathed and now has gotten his first shot. Not surprisingly, in retirement, he has gotten his HAM operator’s license and is talking to all his ‘Tec’ friends around the world at all hours of the day and night. Clinton Pitts spends his summers in Virginia maintaining his farm and continuing to do his small bit to improve the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay by aquafarming a million oysters a year. After the heat of a Virginia summer, he enjoys his ‘cool’ winters in Maine with Galen and blowing snow. George Reinhart and his wife Doris are both fully retired and enjoying traveling and some golf on the course which abuts their Seabrook, SC residence.
Luddy Sells has settled in on his ‘new’ farm (downsizing isn’t in his vocabulary) outside of Middleburg, VA. He and Brianne are still involved with their horses and enjoy having their daughter, sonin-law and two-year-old twins living on the farm. Sandy Shaw has turned over his equipment business to his son in Frederick, MD. Last year he watched his grandson play in a lacrosse tournament held on the SJS campus and reportedly was in awe of ‘the place’ he left 60+ years ago. As one would expect, he stays in contact with his Bel Air side kick Archie. Toby Young continues to pursue his love for bridge during these trying times by playing online. Unfortunately, age has forced him to step away from his competitive tennis. He made a generous gift to SJS in memory of his older brother Chip '59 and reported that he had continued his rigorous work ethic the last few years by cutting, splitting and then selling firewood to his neighbors.
Rick Hoff and his family have relocated to Mount Pleasant, SC. He would love to connect with any alumni in the Charleston area.
Caroline (Combs) Adams and her husband Jason welcomed a son, Gregory Lawrence, on June 2, 2020.
Myers Rhoad is a psychotherapist (Licensed Social Worker) based out of Denver, CO. She started her own private practice called Empowerment Therapy, LLC, in February 2021. She offers therapy to older adolescents and adults, as well as families.
Carrie Spicher recently launched an event planning business, Carrie Anne Events, in North Carolina. Grace McFillen '15 designed her website, carrieanneevents.com.
Sophie Abeles is a 2021 Fulbright Scholarship Semi-Finalist. Sophie graduated from Boston University in May of 2020 with a BA in International Relations and Spanish with Magna Cum Laude distinction. She works as an admissions counselor for an education technology company called 2U.
Former faculty members Evan and Leanne (Pasqual) Gilbertson welcomed a daughter, Attilia Jane, on July 2, 2020.