Gold 09

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(in million Baht)


Separate financial statements Furniture, Buildings fixtures and and other office Construction constructions Equipment equipment in progress


Cost At 1 January 2008 Additions At 31 December 2008 and 1 January 2009 Additions Transfers in (out) At 31 December 2009

707.51 707.51 707.51

147.78 147.78 0.21 147.99

1.44 1.44 1.54 2.98

3.81 3.81 0.05 3.86

1.75 1.75 (1.75) -

862.29 862.29 0.05 862.34

Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2008 Depreciation charge for the year At 31 December 2008 and 1 January 2009 Depreciation charge for the year At 31 December 2009


91.79 7.39 99.18 7.39 106.57

0.82 0.08 0.90 0.15 1.05

3.78 0.01 3.79 0.02 3.81


96.39 7.48 103.87 7.56 111.43

707.51 707.51 707.51 707.51

48.60 48.60 41.42 41.42

0.54 0.54 1.93 1.93

0.02 0.02 0.05 0.05

1.75 1.75 -

758.42 758.42 750.91 750.91

Net book value Owned assets Assets under finance leases At 31 December 2008 Owned assets Assets under finance leases At 31 December 2009

√“¬ß“πª√–®”ªï 2552

As at 31 December 2009, property development projects for rent at cost of Baht 16.89 million (2008: Baht 16.80 million) in the consolidated financial statements and Baht 4.60 million (2008: Baht 4.57 million) in the separate financial statements were fully depreciated but still in use. Two subsidiaries had leasehold rights agreements with the Privy Purse Bureau and a foundation (now taken over by a company) for 30 years, from 1 September 1992 to 31 August 2022, and for 50 years, from 5 October 2003 to 4 October 2053. The Company and its subsidiaries have mortgaged most of their leasehold rights, land and buildings for rent thereon with financial institutions as collateral for the loans from financial institutions to the Company and its subsidiaries (see note 18). In addition, in 2008, the Company had placed some collateral land developed for rent to secure the litigation.

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