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T h e n a m e ( s ) o f a u t h o r i z e d d i r e c t o r s t o s i g n o n be h a l f o f t h e C o m p a n y Mrr. Somchai Kulimakin, Mr. M Siri Thirrawattanawoong, Mr. Bhhiya Jriyasetaapong, Mr. Samruay Tichachol and a Mr. Aikaachai Sirijunttanan, two of fifth of these t directoors have thee power of Attorney signed withh Company stamp S c o p e , A u t h o r i t i e s a n d D u t i e s o f t h e B o a r d o f D i r ec t o r s Thhe Board of Directors hass authority inn managemeent and operation of thee Company's business in accordannce with thee laws, objecctives, the Articles A of Association, annd the resoluution of sharreholders’ meetings, has h authorityy to formulaate the policcies and direections, the financial m management,, the risk managemennt, to superrvise and coontrol the Management M t to compliaance with tthe assignedd policies efficiency and a effectivvely, to be responsible to the sharreholders, haas to preserve the sharreholders' interest, annd disclose the inform mation accuurately and completelyy with the standard and the transparenccy. In addition, the Boaard of Directtors is authoorized to apppoint the ddirectors, annd/or the executives to act undeer the scope of authorityy and duties of the Boarrd of Directoors, unless the acts of the followinng matters which w shall bee approved in advance by the shareeholders’ meeeting: (aa) Any issuees stipulated by law that resolutions of o shareholdeers must be ssought. (bb) Any transsaction in whhich the direectors have the t interest and a there is a law or proovision of the Stockk Exchangee of Thailannd prescribess that theree must be tthe approvaal of the shareholdders' meetingg for such traansaction. In this connection, the director d who has the intterest or hass the conflicct of interesst in any matter is noot entitled to cast the vote for such matter. m T he E x e cu ti ve C o m m i tte e Meembers of thhe Executivee Committee as of Decem mber 31, 20122 1. Mr. Somchaai Kulimakinn

Chairman of o Executive Committee

2. Mr. Sumruaay Tichachool

Executive Committee C

3. Mr. Bhiya JJriyasetapong

Executive Committee C

4. Mr. Siri Thiirawattanaw wong

Executive Committee C

5. Mr. Aikachaai Sirijuntannan

Executive Committee C


Global Connections Public Company Limited

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