Chinelo bally freehand fashion

Page 306


Following Steps 3–12 of the Dress Block mark your vertical and horizontal

measurements on this back piece up to hip level (or your desired top Shoulder to Hem length) with the following changes: omit the front armhole and mark the neck hole 9 cm (3½ in.) along the shoulder seam and 4 cm (1½ in.) down the zip allowance fold. Draw the curved hem, following Step 8 of the Bodice Block (see here). Cut out and set aside.


Fold the rest of the bodice fabric in half across the width. Lay the cut-out back piece on top, lining up the zip allowance fold with the fold. Fold the back piece back along the Waist line. Draw a straight line parallel to the Waist line, 1.2 cm (½ in.) above the folded Waist line. Cut along this line.

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