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22 cabbage is the metaphor for something that unites us and yet make us different. All present countries in the youth exchange had some cultural relationship with the cabbage. It was thought it will be interesting to tackle the layers of our identities (individual, national and intercultural) by putting on the scene the cabbage in all its forms and colours and all potential ways of prepparing it in meals. For the beginning, young people had an opportunity to reflect upon their weekly consumption and what is the persentage of meat, vegetables, water and other ingredients they have intendence to consume. This enabled each individual to be more aware of their own eating habbits and to see how the eating varies among group members. Later on, the participants had a chance to explore identity on national level, by stating all the national dishes and ingredients that are among their favorites, not forgetting the ones with the cabbage. Each national group presented and discuss their outcomes in the following pages.

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