Old Boys Notes 2010 - 11

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Foreword by Jon Corrall, OHA President


ou may not be familiar with Goethe’s poem ‘Dauer im Wechsel’ – Permanence in Change – but you will appreciate the sentiment. Whilst change we must, and that is both a good thing and a serious challenge, we must also hold fast to those things which are dear to us. And so it is with the OHA. At the beginning of the year we set ourselves certain aims which are important for the future development of the OHA. First and foremost we want to improve our communication with Old Haberdashers, and this, of course, means an effective and interesting website and the electronic newsletter. Our Secretary, Martin Baker has been very active in bringing this about, and we have made dramatic progress. These days we require improved email communication. If you have not been receiving emails from the OHA, please make sure we have your current email address, or that of someone who can pass on messages to you by completing and returning the form enclosed in these Notes. Alternatively, you can email Martin Baker at martin.s.baker768@btinternet.com. If you wish to continue receiving information by post, please state that on the form too. Martin’s postal address is on the back cover of the Notes. We hope you have enjoyed the first two electronic Newsletters, but equally amongst the examples of ‘Permanence’ I commend to you this year’s magazine. Our view is that for many people there will always be a place for a printed magazine, and there is no substitute to leafing through an attractive publication without the hassle or expense of printing off a copy from the computer. As well as the Editor, Alan Newman, I wish to thank the designer, Jonny Burch, Peter Vacher, Keith Cheyney and Simon Gelber for their help in producing the magazine as well as the many contributors. If you have any suggestions for future publications, please send them to Martin Baker. The magazine reflects the range of activities organised by the OHA this year. Sport thrives, with OH rugby stronger than it has been for many years. But we have also sought to develop our social programme. The annual dinner, held once again at Haberdashers’ Hall, was a great success, and we have also tried to extend the range and variety of events so that we can appeal to all ages and tastes. While the Clubhouse in Borehamwood remains our base we also organise events at venues elsewhere in London and outside it as well. If there is a particular activity you would like us to organise, then please get in touch, and we will do our best. Our principal aim must be providing

opportunities for members to remain in contact and meet in an enjoyable environment, whether it be for a reunion or to enjoy a shared interest. I am grateful to the OHA Executive and to members of its subcommittees for their work, notably to Martin Baker, our Secretary and to Dr John Wigley who has been very active in his role as our new Treasurer as well as his more traditional one of Historian. Harold Couch and the Relocation Committee have continued to work hard to progress this complex project and David Heasman and Alan Phipps continue to make sure that the Clubhouse and Ground are in as good a shape as possible. I would also like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of all the officers and committee members of the OH sports clubs. Last and definitely not least, I thank Mel, Pauline, Kelly and Natalie for their dedicated service and fine catering for all at the Clubhouse. Enjoy the Notes and let us know what you think. We are always pleased to hear from you. And remember that up-to-date information about the Association is always available on the website, www.oldhabs.com

old boys notes


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